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Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic period of Egypt and northern Sudan: 2012 addition


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Mai 2012 numéro

Les manifestations artistiques de l’Égypte prédynastique


Revue de la société pour l’étude des cultures prépharaoniques de la vallée du Nil


Béatrix Midant-Reynes Vice-présidente : Evelyne Faivre-Martin Secrétaire :

Marie-Noël Bellessort Secrétaire adjointe : Cécile Lantrain Trésorière : Chantal Alary


Directeur de publication : Béatrix Midant-Reynes Rédacteur en chef : Yann Tristant COMITÉDELECTURE

John Baines Charles Bonnet Nathalie Buchez Isabella Caneva Éric Crubézy Marc Etienne Renée Friedman Brigitte Gratien Nicolas Grimal Ulrich Hartung Stan Hendrickx Christiana Köhler Bernard Mathieu Dimitri Meeks Catherine Perlès Dominique Valbelle Pierre Vermeersch Pascal Vernus Fred Wendorf Dietrich Wildung



Abs. Cabinet d’égyptologie Collège de France Place Marcelin-Berthelot 75005 Paris (France) ADRESSEPOSTALE


abs / Marie-Noël Bellessort 7 rue Claude Matrat 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France)


secretariat@archeonil.fr COTISATIONS

Membres titulaires : 35 € Membres étudiants : 25 Membres bienfaiteurs : 40 € et plus MAQUETTE


Michel Gurfinkel

Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz Institute of Archaeology Jagiellonian University Ul. Goł´bia 11

31-007 Kraków (Pologne) cialowicz@farkha.org Wouter Claes

Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire

Parc du Cinquantenaire, 10 1000 Bruxelles (Belgique) w.claes@kmkg-mrah.be Merel Eyckerman Media, Arts and Design Faculty

Elfde Liniestraat 25 B-3500 Hasselt (Belgique) m@merel-benjamin.be Stan Hendrickx Sint-Jansstraat 44

B-3118 Werchter (Belgique) s.hendrickx@pandora.be


Jean-Claude L’Herbette Isabelle L’Herbette-Jaillard Chemin des Noyers Morgnieu

01350 Ceyzerieu (France) isaki01@free.fr

Béatrix Midant-Reynes

Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale 37 El Cheikh Aly Yussef Street

Munira, Qasr el Aïny BP 11562 Le Caire (Égypte) bmidantreynes@ifao.egnet.net Yann Tristant

Macquarie University

Department of Ancient History NSW2109 (Australie)



5 Introduction

par Béatrix Midant-Reynes

Dossier : Les manifestations artistiques de l’Égypte prédynastique

9 Prédynastique et Arts Premiers. Multiples aspects d’une comparaison

par Jean-Claude L’Herbette et Isabelle L’Herbette-Jaillard

23 Visual representation and state development in Egypt

par Stan Hendrickx et Merel Eyckerman

73 Votive figurines from Tell el-Farkha and their counterparts

par Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz

95 Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan. 2012 Addition

par Stan Hendrickx et Wouter Claes


115 À propos de Barbara E. Barich, Antica Africa. Alle origini delle società, L’Erma di Bretschneider. Rome, 2010 .

par Yann Tristant

116 À propos de Deirdre Emmons, Merel Eyckerman, Jean-Claude Goyon, Luc Gabolde, Stan Hendrickx, Karine Madrigal, Béatrix Midant-Reynes, L’Égypte au Musée des Confluences : de la palette à fard au sarcophage, Silvana Editoriale, Musée des Confluences. Milan, 2010.

par Yann Tristant

118 Appel à contribution


13665 • Adams, M.J., An interim report on the Naqada III - First Intermediate Period stratifi cation at Mendes [in:] Redford, D.B. (ed.), Delta Reports. Research in Lower Egypt. Vol. 1: 121-206. Oxford. 2009.

13666 • Alexandre, M., Gilf Kebir: La préhistoire sur un plateau. Pharaon, 3 (2011): 62-65. [not seen]

13667 • Amat Barrio, P.V., Las paletas predinásticas: apuntes sobre su uso y clasifi cación. Revista de arqueología, 32,360 (2011): 42-47. [not seen]

13668 • Andelkovic, B., Political organi- zation of Egypt in the Predynastic period [in:] Teeter, E. (ed.), Before the pyra- mids. Th e origins of Egyptian civilization.

OIMP 33: 25-32. Chicago. 2011.

Th e present bibliographical list is a continuation of Hendrickx, S., Analytical Bibliography of the Prehistory and the Early Dynastic Period of Egypt and North- ern Sudan. Egyptian Prehistory Monographs 1, Leuven, 1995. Previous additions have been published yearly in Archéo-Nil since 1996. Th e numbering is continued from the original volume and the previous additions. Encyclopaedic works and small notes relating to recent archaeological activities have been treated as sepa- rate entries, which of course enlarges the corpus considerably, but proved to be useful with regard to the site register.

Off -prints, lists of publications or other bibliographical information were kindly put at our disposal by: Branislav Anđelkovič, Alain Anselin, Tine Bagh, Eliot Braun, Nathalie Buchez, Krzysztof Ciałowicz, John Darnell, Pierre de Miro- schedji, Xavier Droux, Frank Förster, Renée Friedman, Maria Gatto, Achilles Gautier, Brigitte Goede, Gwenola Graff , Rita Hartmann, Ulrich Hartung, Dirk Huyge, Friederike Jesse, Mariusz Jucha, Karin Kindermann, Michał Kobusiewicz, Christiana Köhler, Robert Kuhn, Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, Veerle Linseele, Elena Marinova, Béatrix Midant-Reynes, Vera Müller, Ilona Regulski, Heiko Riemer, Noriyuki Shirai, Per Storemyr, Geoff ry Tassie, Emily Teeter, François Tonic, Yann Tristant, Wim Van Neer and Pierre Vermeersch.

Additions to this bibliography will continue to be published yearly in Archéo-Nil.

Th erefore, it would be most useful if scholars would send their publication lists, off -prints and additions or corrections to the author:

Stan Hendrickx Wouter Claes

Sint-Jansstraat 44 Royal Museums of Art and History B-3118 Werchter (Belgium) Parc du Cinquantenaire 10 E-mail: s.hendrickx@pandora.be B-1000 Brussels (Belgium)

E-mail: w.claes@kmkg-mrah.be

Dynastic Period of Egypt and Northern Sudan.

2012 Addition

Stan Hendrickx, MAD-Faculty, Hasselt, Belgium

Wouter Claes, Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Belgium

13669 • Andelkovic, B., Th e mold- ing power of ideology: Political trans- formations of Predynastic Egypt [in:]

Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Pro- gram and abstracts: 17. New York. 2011.

13670 • Andelkovic, B., Factors of state formation in Protodynastic Egypt [in:] Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N.

(eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference

“Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 1219- 1228. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13671 • Anderson, D.A., Evidence for early ritual activity in the Predynastic settlement at el-Mahâsna [in:] Fried- man, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 3-29. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13672 • Anderson, D.A.; Peasley, D.

& Kaercher, K., Pots of the living: An examination of the ceramic industry in the Predynastic settlement at el-Mahâsna [in:]

Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Con- ference on Predynastic and Early Dynas- tic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts: 18. New York. 2011.

13673 • Anselin, A., Some notes about an early pool of cultures from which emerged the Egyptian civilisation [in:]

Exell, K. (ed.), Egypt in its African Context. Proceedings of the conference held at the Manchester Museum, Uni- versity of Manchester, 2-4 October 2009.

BAR Int. Ser. 2204: 43-53. Oxford. 2011.

13674 • Anselin, A., Aegyptio-gra- phica XXIII. La houe, la poterie et la préposition. CCdE, 15 (2011): 69-76.

13675 • Anselin, A., Aegypto-graphica XXIV. La connaissance et son tissu.

CCdE, 15 (2011): 93-97.

13676 • Anselin, A., Sociological aspects of the development of pho- netic writing in Predynastic inscrip- tions and potmarks [in:] Patch, D.C. &

Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins.

Th e Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt.

July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts:

18-20. New York. 2011.

13677 • Anselin, A., Th e phonetic intention: Ideograms and phonograms in potmarks of Dynasties 0-2 [in:]


Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Ori- gin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 1097-1123.

Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13678 • Ashton, S.-A., Ancient Egyp- tian hair-combs in the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge [in:] Aston, B.;

Bader, B.; Gallorini, C.; Nicholson, P. & Buckingham, S. (eds.), Under the potter’s tree: Studies on ancient Egypt presented to Janine Bourriau on the occasion of her 70th birthday. OLA 204:

19-44. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13679 • Baba, M., Recent excavations at HK11C, Hierakonpolis [in:] Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Con- ference on Predynastic and Early Dynas- tic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts: 20. New York. 2011.

13680 • Baba, M., Pottery production at Hierakonpolis in the Naqada II period:

Towards a reconstruction of the fi ring technique [in:] Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Pro- ceedings of the Th ird International Con- ference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July  - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 647- 670. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13681 • Baba, M., Up against the walls at HK11C. Nekhen News, 23 (2011): 22-23.

13682 • Bagh, T., Finds from W.M.F. Petrie’s excavations in Egypt in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Meddelelser fra Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 13. Copenhagen. 2011.

13683 • Baka, C., “Rectangle de Mac- ramallah”, un cimetière archaïque à Saqqarah. GM, 230 (2011): 19-28.

13684 • Bestock, L., Th e fi rst kings of Egypt: Th e Abydos evidence [in:] Tee- ter, E. (ed.), Before the pyramids. Th e origins of Egyptian civilization. OIMP 33: 137-144. Chicago. 2011.

13685 • Bestock, L., Th e origins of royal cult [in:] Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth Interna- tional Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts: 21. New York. 2011.

13686 • Blaschta, D., Aufgestöbert.

Ein Leipziger Ausgrabung auf dem frühdynastischen Gräberfeld von Abu-

sir aus dem Jahre 1910 [in:] Morenz, L.D. & Kuhn, R. (eds.), Vorspann oder formative Phase ? Ägypten und der Vor- dere Orient 3500-2700 v. Chr. Philip- pika 48: 83-108. Wiesbaden. 2011.

13687 • Bobrowski, P., Bone imple- ments [in:] Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusie- wicz, M. & Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero.

Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan. Studies in African Archaeology 10: 347-353. Poznan. 2011.

13688 • Bobrowski, P.; Jordeczka, M.; Kryzaniak, A. & Mrozek-Wys- ocka, M., Personal adornments [in:]

Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. &

Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan.

Studies in African Archaeology 10:

335-345. Poznan. 2011.

13689 • Bonhams, An Egyptian Pre- dynastic terracotta vase. A group of Egyptian pottery vessels including four Egyptian Predynastic jars with pointed bases [in:] Bonhams, Antiqui- ties, including property from the collec- tion of Sir Daniel Donohue. Wednesday 13 April 2011. Sale 18817: n° 513, 525.

London. 2011.

13690 • Bonhams, An Egyptian Predy- nastic black-topped pottery jar. A small Egyptian Predynastic black-topped pot- tery jar. An Egyptian Predynastic pottery jar. An Egyptian Predynastic knife. An Egyptian Predynastic marble mace head.

Th ree Egyptian Predynastic prehistoric mace heads. An Egyptian Predynastic pottery bowl. An Egyptian green stone bowl. Two Egyptian stone jars. An Egyp- tian Predynastic green schist palette. Two Egyptian Predynastic jars [in:] Bonhams, Antiquities. Wednesday 5 October 2011.

Sale 18974: n° 1-2, 4-5, 311-312, 314-315, 318, 326-327. London. 2011.

13691 • Brandl, B., Th e sealings and the pr-wr labels from tomb U-j at Umm el- Qaab, Abydos reconsidered [in:] Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Confer- ence on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts: 21-22. New York. 2011.

13692 • Braun, E., Early interaction between peoples of the Nile valley and the Southern Levant [in:] Teeter, E.

(ed.), Before the pyramids. Th e origins of Egyptian civilization. OIMP 33: 104- 122. Chicago. 2011.

13693 • Braun, E., South Levantine Early Bronze Age chronological cor- relations with Egypt in light of the Narmer serekhs from Tel Erani and Arad: New interpretations [in:] Fried- man, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 975-1001. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13694 • Braun, E., Of pots and towns:

Old and new perspectives on EBI of the southern Levant [in:] Chesson, M.

(ed.); Aufrecht, W. & Kuijt, A. (ass.

eds.), Daily life, materiality, and com- plexity in early urban communities of the southern Levant. Papers in honor of Walter E. Rast and R. Th omas Schaub:

265-280. Winona Lake. 2011.

13695 • Bréand, G., Th e corpus of pre- fi ring potmarks from Adaïma (Upper Egypt) [in:] Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Pro- ceedings of the Th ird International Con- ference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 1015- 1041. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13696 • Bréand, G. & Guyot, F., Tell el-Iswid South, eastern Nile Delta: Th e corpus of Lower Egyptian cultures and Naqada III pottery [in:] Patch, D.C. &

Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins.

Th e Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt.

July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts:

22. New York. 2011.

13697 • Buchez, N., Tell el-Iswid South, eastern Nile Delta: Predynas- tic mudbrick settlement architecture [in:] Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth Interna- tional Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011.

Program and abstracts: 22-23. New York. 2011.

13698 • Buchez, N., Adaïma (Upper Egypt): Th e stages of state development from the point of view of a ‘village com- munity’ [in:] Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Pro- ceedings of the Th ird International Con- ference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205:

31-40. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.


13699 • Buchez, N., A reconsideration of Predynastic chronology: Th e contri- bution of Adaïma [in:] Friedman, R.F.

& Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynas- tic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205:

939-951. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13700 • Buchez, N., Chalcolithique fi nal (ou moyen ?), Nagada IIC-D/IIIA.

Archéo-Nil, 21 (2011): 51-64.

13701 • Buchez, N. & Midant-Rey- nes, B., A tale of two funerary tradi- tions: Th e Predynastic cemetery at Kom el-Khilgan (eastern Delta) [in:] Fried- man, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 831-858. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13702 • Bussmann, R., Local traditions in early Egyptian temples [in:] Fried- man, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 747-762. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13703 • Bussmann, R., Die ägyptischen Tempel der Staatseinigungszeit [in:]

Morenz, L.D. & Kuhn, R. (eds.), Vor- spann oder formative Phase ? Ägypten und der Vordere Orient 3500-2700 v.

Chr. Philippika 48: 109-127. Wies- baden. 2011.

13704 • Cahn, J.-D., Grosse schmink- palette. Tiefe Schale. Tiefe Schale [in:]

Cahn, J.-D., Auktion 6. Kunstwerke der Antike. Basel, 5. November 2011: n° 1-3.

London. 2011.

13705 • Campagno, M., Kinship, sacred leadership, and conditions for the emergence of the Egyptian state [in:] Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth Interna- tional Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011.

Program and abstracts: 23-24. New York. 2011.

13706 • Campagno, M., Kinship, con- centration of population and the emer- gence of the state in the Nile Valley [in:]

Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.),

Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Ori- gin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 1229-1242.

Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13707 • Castillos, J.J., Th e develop- ment and nature of inequality in early Egypt [in:] Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Pro- ceedings of the Th ird International Con- ference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 1243- 1253. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13708 • Cervello-Autuori, J., Th e sun-religion in the Th inite age: Evi- dence and political signifi cance [in:]

Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Ori- gin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 1125-1149.

Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13709 • Chaix, L., Contribution à l’étude de l’économie de la période Pré- Kerma. Premiers résultats sur la faune du site 8B-10A sur l’île de Saï [in:] Alpi, F.; Rondot, V. & Villeneuve, F. (eds.), La pioche et la plume. Autour du Sou- dan, du Liban et de la Jordanie. Hom- mages archéologiues à Patrice Lenoble:.

Paris. 2011.

13710 • Chlodnicki, M., Beginnings of mudbrick architecture in Egypt: A case study from Tell el-Farkha [in:]

Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Pro- gram and abstracts: 24. New York. 2011.

13711 • Chlodnicki, M., Introduction [in:] Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. & Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan. Studies in African Archaeology 10: 9-16. Poznan. 2011.

13712 • Chlodnicki, M., Prehistoric settlement [in:] Chlodnicki, M.;

Kobusiewicz, M. & Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excava- tions in the Sudan. Studies in African Archaeology 10: 53-55. Poznan. 2011.

13713 • Chlodnicki, M., Pottery [in:]

Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. &

Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech

Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan.

Studies in African Archaeology 10:

215-266. Poznan. 2011.

13714 • Chlodnicki, M., List of the participants in the excavations [in:]

Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. &

Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan.

Studies in African Archaeology 10:

423-425. Poznan. 2011.

13715 • Chlodnicki, M., Bibliogra- phy of the Kadero [in:] Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. & Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyza- niak excavations in the Sudan. Studies in African Archaeology 10: 427-430.

Poznan. 2011.

13716 • Chlodnicki, M., Th e Central Kom of Tell el-Farkha: 1000 years of history (c. 3600-2600 BC) [in:] Fried- man, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 41-57. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13717 • Chlodnicki, M., Tell el-Farkha, trade center on the route between Pal- estine and Egypt [in:] Morenz, L.D. &

Kuhn, R. (eds.), Vorspann oder forma- tive Phase ? Ägypten und der Vordere Orient 3500-2700 v. Chr. Philippika 48:

65-81. Wiesbaden. 2011.

13718 • Chlodnicki, M. & Cialo- wicz, K.M., contr. Ablamowicz, R.;

Debowska-Ludwin, J.; Jucha, M.A.;

Maczynska, A.; Pryc, G.; Rozwad- owski, M. & Sobas, M., Polish excava- tions at Tell el-Farkha (Ghazala) in the Nile delta. Preliminary report 2006- 2007. Archeologia, 59 (2008): 81-151.

13719 • Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusie- wicz, M. & Kroeper, K., Preface [in:]

Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. &

Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan.

Studies in African Archaeology 10: 7.

Poznan. 2011.

13720 • Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusie- wicz, M. & Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero.

Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan. Studies in African Archaeology 10. Poznan. 2011.

13721 • Christie’s London, South Kensington, An Egyptian diorite jar [in:] Christie’s London, South Ken-


sington, Antiquities. Tuesday 6 October 2011. Sale 2390: n° 36. London. 2011.

13722 • Christie’s London, South Kensington, An Egyptian black- topped red ware jar. An Egyptian black-topped red ware jar. An Egyp- tian black-topped red ware jar. An Egyptian fl aked fl int curved knife. An Egyptian andesite porphyry jar. An Egyptian metasedimentary stone dish.

An Egyptian alabaster bowl. An Egyp- tian variegated grey limestone jar. An Egyptian alabaster vase. An Egyptian green schist palette. An Egyptian bre- ccia jar. An Egyptian stone mace head [in:] Christie’s London, South Ken- sington, Antiquities. Th ursday 14 April 2011. Sale 6060: n° 1-4, 7-9, 116-119, 122. London. 2011.

13723 • Christie’s New York, An Egyptian hippopotamus ivory lion [in:]

Christie’s New York, Antiquities.

Wednesday 7 December 2011. Sale 2490:

n° 26. New York. 2011.

13724 • Christie’s Paris, Vase en granit. Vase en granit. Vase à anses en basalte noir [in:] Christie’s Paris, Collection Jean-Philippe Mariaud de Serres. Mercredi 16 février 2011. Vente 1054: n° 223-225. Paris. 2011.

13725 • Christie’s Paris, Bol en dio- rite [in:] Christie’s Paris, Archéolo- gie. Collection Pierre et Claude Vérité.

Mardi 20 décembre 2011. Vente 1063: n°

145. Paris. 2011.

13726 • Cialowicz, K.M., Th e Predy- nastic / Early Dynastic period at Tell el- Farkha [in:] Teeter, E. (ed.), Before the pyramids. Th e origins of Egyptian civili- zation. OIMP 33: 55-64. Chicago. 2011.

13727 • Cialowicz, K.M., Beginnings of the Naqadan occupation of the Nile Delta: A view from Tell el-Farkha [in:]

Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Pro- gram and abstracts: 25. New York. 2011.

13728 • Cialowicz, K.M., Mace-heads [in:] Chlodnicki, M.; Kobusiewicz, M. & Kroeper, K. (eds.), Kadero. Th e Lech Krzyzaniak excavations in the Sudan. Studies in African Archaeology 10: 325-333. Poznan. 2011.

13729 • Cialowicz, K.M., Th e Early Dynastic administrative-cultic centre at Tell el-Farkha [in:] Friedman, R.F. &

Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins  3.

Proceedings of the Th ird International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynas- tic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205:

763-800. Leuven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13730 • Cialowicz, K.M., Protodynas- tic and Early Dynastic fi gurines from Tell el-Farkha. New approach to the begin- nings of Egyptian art [in:] Morenz, L.D.

& Kuhn, R. (eds.), Vorspann oder forma- tive Phase ? Ägypten und der Vordere Orient 3500-2700 v. Chr. Philippika 48:

49-64. Wiesbaden. 2011.

13731 • Courboin, E., Raw materials supply and lithic technology: A new look at de Morgan’s collection from Hierakon- polis (Musée d’Archéologie nationale, France) [in:] Friedman, R.F. & Fiske, P.N. (eds.), Egypt at its origins 3. Proceed- ings of the Th ird International Conference

“Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, London, 27th July - 1st August 2008. OLA 205: 671-686. Leu- ven - Paris - Walpole. 2011.

13732 • Curci, A. & Urcia, A., Digital documentation and three-dimensional reconstruction of Predynastic - Early Dynastic rock art in Aswan [in:] Patch, D.C. & Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins. Th e Fourth International Con- ference on Predynastic and Early Dynas- tic Egypt. July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts: 25-26. New York. 2011.

13733 • Czarnowicz, M., A new look at the copper trade during the Early Dynastic period [in:] Patch, D.C. &

Adams, M. (eds.), Egypt at its origins.

Th e Fourth International Conference on Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt.

July 26-30, 2011. Program and abstracts:

26-27. New York. 2011.

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