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Existence and Nonexistence of Positive Periodic Solutions in Shifts Delta(+/-) for a Nicholson's Blowflies Model on Time Scales


Academic year: 2017

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Existence and Nonexistence of Positive Periodic

Solutions in Shifts Delta(+/-) for a Nicholson’s

Blowflies Model on Time Scales

Meng Hu, Lili Wang

Abstract—This paper is concerned with a Nicholson’s blow-flies model with time delays on time scales. Based on the theory of calculus on time scales, sufficient conditions for the existence and nonexistence of positive periodic solutions in shiftsδ±are

obtained by using Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem and some mathematical methods. This is the first study to investigate the existence and nonexistence of positive periodic solutions for a Nicholson’s blowflies model on time scales, especially for the nonexistence result. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the results.

Index Terms—positive periodic solution; Nicholson’s blowflies model; shift operator; time scale.



N 1980, Gurney et al. [1] proposed a mathematical model

x′(t) =δx(t) +px(tτ)e−ax(t−τ)

to describe the dynamics of Nicholson’s blowflies, where

x(t)is the size of the population at timet,pis the maximum per capita daily egg production, 1/a is the size at which the population reproduces at its maximum rate,δ is the per capita daily adult death rate, and τ is the generation time. During the past decades, Nicholson’s blowflies model and its analogous equations have received special attention by many researchers; see [2-7].

Notice that, in the nature world, blowflies whose growth processes are both continuous and discrete. Hence, using the only differential equation or difference equation can’t accurately describe the law of their developments. Therefore, there is a need to establish correspondent dynamic models on new time scales.

A time scale is a nonempty arbitrary closed subset ofR.

The theory of dynamic equations on time scales was firstly introduced by Hilger in his Ph.D. thesis in 1988 [8]. The study of dynamic equations on time scales can combine the continuous and discrete situations; by choosing the time scale to beR, the general results yields a result for ordinary

differential equations; and by choosing the time scale to be

Z, the same general results yields a result for difference

equations. Since there many other time scales than just the set of real numbers or the set of integers, one has more general results. Nicholson’s blowflies model on time scales, one may see [9,10].

Manuscript received March 15, 2016; revised May 12, 2016. This work was supported in part by the Key Project of Scientific Research in Colleges and Universities in Henan Province (Nos. 15A110004 and 16A110008) and the Basic and Frontier Technology Research Project of Henan Province (No.142300410113).

M. Hu and L. Wang are with the School of Mathematics and Statis-tics, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, Henan, 455000 China e-mail: humeng2001@126.com.

Up to now, there have been many results concerned with periodic solutions of dynamic equations on time scales; see, for example, [11,12]. In these papers, authors considered the existence of periodic solutions for dynamic equations on time scales satisfying the condition ”there exists aω >0such that

t±ω ∈ T,t T.” Under this condition all periodic time

scales are unbounded above and below. However, there are many time scales such as qZ

and √N which do not satisfy

the condition. Adıvar introduced a new periodicity concept on time scales which does not oblige the time scale to be closed under the operationt±ωfor a fixedω >0. He defined a new periodicity concept with the aid of shift operatorsδ± which are first defined in [13] and then generalized in [14]. Recently, based on some fixed-point theorems in cones, the existence of positive periodic solutions in shifts δ± for some nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales have been studied; see [15-17]. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are few papers published on the existence and nonexistence of positive periodic solutions in shifts δ± for a Nicholson’s blowflies model with time delays on time scales, especially for the nonexistence results.

Motivated by the above, in the present paper, we consider the following system:

x∆(t) = −a(t)x(t)




bi(t)x(δ−(τi, t))e−ci(t)x(δ−(τi,t)), (1)

where t ∈ T,T R is a periodic time scale in shifts δ±

with period P ∈ [t0,∞)T and t0 ∈ T is nonnegative and

fixed;a, bi∈C(T,(0,∞))(i= 1,2,· · · , m) are∆-periodic

in shiftsδ± with periodωand−a∈ R+;ci ∈C(T,(0,∞))

are periodic in shiftsδ± with period ω fori= 1,2,· · ·, m;

τi(i= 1,2,· · · , m)are fixed ifT=R andτi ∈[P,∞)T if Tis periodic in shiftsδ± with periodP.

For convenience, we introduce the notation

f∗= sup


f(t), f∗= inf

t∈[t0,δω+(t0)]T f(t),

wheref is a positive and bounded periodic function. Take the initial condition

x(s) =φ(s), φ∈C([δ−(τ∗,0),0]T,(0,∞)), φ̸≡0, (2)

whereτ∗= max


It is easy to prove that the initial value problem (1) and (2) has a unique non-negative solutionx(t)on[0,∞)T.



LetTbe a nonempty closed subset (time scale) ofR. The

forward and backward jump operatorsσ, ρ:TTand the

graininessµ: TR+ are defined, respectively, by

σ(t) = inf{s∈T:s > t},

ρ(t) = sup{s∈T:s < t},

µ(t) =σ(t)−t.

A pointt∈Tis called left-dense ift >infTandρ(t) =t,

left-scattered ifρ(t)< t, right-dense ift <supTandσ(t) =

t, and right-scattered if σ(t) > t. If T has a left-scattered

maximum m, then Tk = T\{m}; otherwise Tk = T. If

T has a right-scattered minimum m, then Tk = T\{m};

otherwise Tk =T.

A functionf :TRis right-dense continuous provided

it is continuous at right-dense point in T and its left-side

limits exist at left-dense points in T. If f is continuous at each right-dense point and each left-dense point, then f is said to be a continuous function onT. The set of continuous

functionsf :TRwill be denoted byC(T) =C(T,R).

For the basic theory of calculus on time scales, see [18]. A function p:T R is called regressive provided 1 +

µ(t)p(t) ̸= 0 for all t ∈ Tk. The set of all regressive and

rd-continuous functionsp:TRwill be denoted byR=

R(T,R). Define the set R+ =R+(T,R) ={p∈ R : 1 +


If r is a regressive function, then the generalized expo-nential functioner is defined by

er(t, s) = exp

{ ∫ t


ξµ(τ)(r(τ))∆τ }

for alls, t∈T, with the cylinder transformation

ξh(z) =

{ Log(1+hz)

h if h̸= 0,

z if h= 0.

Letp, q:TRbe two regressive functions, define

p⊕q=p+q+µpq,⊖p=−1 +pµp, p⊖q=p⊕(⊖q).

Lemma 1. [18] Suppose that p : T R is a regressive function, then

(i) e0(t, s)≡1 and ep(t, t)≡1;

(ii) ep(σ(t), s) = (1 +µ(t)p(t))ep(t, s);

(iii) ep(t, s) =ep(1s,t)=e⊖p(s, t);

(iv) ep(t, s)ep(s, r) =ep(t, r);

(v) (ep(t, s))∆=p(t)ep(t, s).

The following definitions, lemmas about the shift operators and the new periodicity concept on time scales which can be found in [16,19].

Let T∗ be a non-empty subset of the time scale T and

t0∈T∗ be a fixed number, define operators δ

± : [t0,∞)×

T∗T∗. The operatorsδ+andδ associated witht0T∗

(called the initial point) are said to be forward and backward shift operators on the set T∗, respectively. The variables

[t0,∞)Tinδ±(s, t)is called the shift size. The valueδ+(s, t)

and δ−(s, t) in T∗ indicate s units translation of the term

t∈T∗ to the right and left, respectively. The sets

D±:={(s, t)[t0,)T×T∗:δ(s, t)∈T∗}

are the domains of the shift operatorδ±, respectively. Here-after,T∗ is the largest subset of the time scale T such that the shift operatorsδ±: [t0,∞)×T∗→T∗ exist.

Definition 1. [19](Periodicity in shiftsδ±) LetTbe a time scale with the shift operators δ± associated with the initial point t0 ∈ T∗. The time scale T is said to be periodic in shiftsδ± if there existsp∈(t0,∞)T∗ such that(p, t)∈D± for allt∈T∗. Furthermore, if

P:= inf{p∈(t0,∞)T∗ : (p, t)∈δ±,∀t∈T∗} ̸=t0,

thenP is called the period of the time scaleT.

Definition 2. [19](Periodic function in shiftsδ±) LetTbe a time scale that is periodic in shiftsδ± with the periodP. We say that a real-valued functionf defined onT∗is periodic in shiftsδ± if there existsω∈[P,∞)T∗ such that(ω, t)∈D± and f(δω

±(t)) =f(t) for allt∈T∗, whereδ±ω :=δ±(ω, t). The smallest number ω ∈[P,∞)T∗ is called the period of


Definition 3. [19] (-periodic function in shifts δ±) LetT be a time scale that is periodic in shiftsδ± with the period

P. We say that a real-valued functionf defined onT∗is -periodic in shifts δ± if there existsω ∈[P,∞)T∗ such that (ω, t)∈D± for allt∈T∗, the shiftsδω

± are-differentiable with rd-continuous derivatives and f(δω

±(t))δ±∆ω(t) = f(t) for allt ∈T∗, where δω

± :=δ±(ω, t). The smallest number

ω∈[P,∞)T∗ is called the period off.

Lemma 2. [19] δω

+(σ(t)) = σ(δω+(t)) and δω−(σ(t)) =


−(t))for all t∈T∗.

Lemma 3. [16] Let T be a time scale that is periodic in shiftsδ± with the period P. Suppose that the shifts δ±ω are-differentiable on t∈T∗ where ω[P,)

T∗ and p∈ R is-periodic in shifts δ± with the period ω. Then

(i) ep(δ±ω(t), δ±ω(t0)) =ep(t, t0)for t, t0∈T∗;

(ii) ep(δ±ω(t), σ(δ±ω(s))) = ep(t, σ(s)) = 1+eµp((tt,s)p)(t) for

t, s∈T∗.

Lemma 4. [19]LetTbe a time scale that is periodic in shifts

δ± with the period P, and let f be a-periodic function in shifts δ± with the period ω ∈ [P,∞)T∗. Suppose that

f ∈Crd(T), then

∫ t



∫ δω±(t)




Lemma 5. [18]Suppose thatris regressive andf :TR

is rd-continuous. Lett0∈T,y0∈R, then the unique solution of the initial value problem

y∆=r(t)y+f(t), y(t0) =y0

is given by

y(t) =er(t, t0)y0+

∫ t


er(t, σ(τ))f(τ)∆τ.



x:x∈C1(T,R), x(δω+(t)) =x(t)}

with the normx∥= sup



By Lemma 1 and Lemma 5, we can obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 6. The function x ∈ X is an ω-periodic solution in shifts δ± of system (1) if and only ifx is anω-periodic solution in shiftsδ± of

x(t) =

∫ δω+(t)


G(t, s)



bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))

×e−ci(s)x(δ−(τi,s))s, (3)


G(t, s) = e−a(t, σ(s))

e−a(t0, δω+(t0))−1 .

Proof: If x is an ω-periodic solution in shifts δ± of system (1). By Lemma 5, for any s∈[t, δω

+(t)]T, we have

x(s) = e−a(s, t)x(t) +

∫ s


e−a(s, σ(θ))




bi(θ)x(δ−(τi, θ))e−ci(θ)x(δ−(τi,θ))∆θ.


+(t)in the above equality, then


+(t)) = e−a(δ+ω(t), t)x(t)


∫ δω+(t)


e−a(δ+ω(t), σ(θ))




bi(θ)x(δ−(τi, θ))e−ci(θ)x(δ−(τi,θ))∆θ.

Noticing that e−a(t, δω+(t)) = e−a(t0, δω+(t0)), x(δ+ω(t)) = x(t), by Lemma 1, thenxsatisfies (3).

Letxbe anω-periodic solution in shiftsδ± of (3). By (3) and Lemma 2, we have

x∆(t) = −a(t)x(t)

+G(σ(t), δω+(t))



bi(δω+(t))δ+∆ω(t) ×x(δ−(τi, δ+ω(t)))e−ci(δ


+(t))x(δ−(τi,δω+(t))) −G(σ(t), t)



bi(t)x(δ−(τi, t))


= −a(t)x(t) +



bi(t)x(δ−(τi, t))


So, x is an ω-periodic solution in shifts δ± of system (1). This completes the proof.

It is easy to verify that the Green’s function G(t, s) satisfies the property

0< 1

ξ−1 ≤G(t, s)≤


ξ−1, ∀s∈[t, δ


+(t)]T, (4)

whereξ=e−a(t0, δω+(t0)). By Lemma 3, we have

G(δω+(t), δω+(s)) =G(t, s), ∀t∈T∗, s∈[t, δω+(t)]T. (5)

DefineK, a cone inX, by


x∈X :x(t)≥ 1ξ∥x∥,∀t∈[t0, δω+(t0)]T



and an operatorH :K→X by

(Hx)(t) =

∫ δω+(t)


G(t, s)



bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))

×e−ci(s)x(δ−(τi,s))s. (7)

In the following, we shall give some lemmas concerning

K andH defined by (6) and (7), respectively.

Lemma 7. H :K→K is well defined.

Proof:For anyx∈K,t∈[t0, δω

+(t0)]T. In view of (7),

by Lemma 4 and (5), we have



∫ δ+ω(δω+(t))




+(t), s)



bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))



∫ δ+ω(t)



+(t), δ+ω(s))



bi(δ+ω(s))δ+∆ω(s) ×x(δ−(τi, δ+ω(s)))e−ci(δ




∫ δ+ω(t)


G(t, s)



bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))


= (Hx)(t),

that is,Hx∈X.

Furthermore, for anyx∈K,t∈[t0, δω

+(t0)]T, we have

(Hx)(t) ≥ ξ 1 −1

∫ δω+(t)

t m


bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))


= 1

ξ · ξ ξ−1

∫ δω+(t0)




bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))


≥ 1ξ∥Hx∥,

that is,Hx∈K. This completes the proof.

Lemma 8. H :K→K is completely continuous.

Proof: Clearly, H is continuous on [t0, δω

+(t0)]T. For

anyx∈K,t∈[t0, δω


∥Hx∥ = sup



≤ ξ


∫ δω+(t0)




bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))


< ξ ξ−1·

B c∗

:=M1, (8)


c∗= min

1≤i≤mci∗, B:=

∫ δω+(t0)





Furthermore, fort∈T, we have

(Hx)∆(t) = −a(t)(Hx)(t) +



bi(t)x(δ−(τi, t))



∥(Hx)∆(t)∥ = sup


| −a(t)(Hx)(t)




bi(t)x(δ−(τi, t))e−ci(t)x(δ−(τi,t))|

≤ a∗M1+ 1



i=1 b∗


To sum up, {

Hx : x ∈ K}

is a family of uniformly bounded and equicontinuous functionals on[t0, δω

+(t0)]T. By

a theorem of Arzela-Ascoli, the functional H is completely continuous. This completes the proof.


In this section, we shall state and prove our main result about the existence of at least one positive periodic solution in shifts δ± of system (1).

Lemma 9. (Guo-Krasnoselskii [20]) Let X be a Banach space and K ⊂ X be a cone in X. Suppose that Ω1,Ω2

are bounded open subsets of X with 0 ∈ Ω1 ⊂ Ω1 ⊂Ω2

and H : K∩(Ω2\Ω1) → K is a completely continuous

operator such that, either

(1) ∥Hx∥ ≤ ∥x∥, x ∈ K∩∂Ω1, and Hx∥ ≥ ∥x∥, x ∈ K∩∂Ω2; or

(2) ∥Hx∥ ≥ ∥x∥, x ∈ K∩∂Ω1, and Hx∥ ≤ ∥x∥, x ∈ K∩∂Ω2.

ThenH has at least one fixed point in K∩(Ω2\Ω1).

Lemma 10. Let



bi(t)> a(t), t∈[t0, δω+(t0)]T. (9)

Then there are positive constants M1 and M2 such that for


M2≤ ∥Hx∥ ≤M1. (10)

Proof: From (8), for anyx∈K, t∈[t0, δω


∥Hx∥ ≤M1. (11)

From (9), there is q >1such that



bi(t)> qa(t), t∈[t0, δ+ω(t0)]T. (12)

For any x∈K, t∈[t0, δω


(Hx)(t) =

∫ δ+ω(t)


G(t, s)



bi(s)x(δ−(τi, s))


> q

∫ δω+(t0)


a(s)e−a(t0, σ(s))

e−a(t0, δω+(t0))−1 × min


{x(δ−(τi, s))


= q

∫ δω+(t0)



e−a(t0, δω+(t0))−1 × min


{x(δ−(τi, s))


−a(t0, s)]

≥ qmin{x∗e−c ∗


, x∗e−c∗x∗}, (13)

wherec∗= max



Comparing (3) with (7), we also have for x ∈ K, t ∈

[t0, δω


x(t)> qmin{x∗e−c ∗

x∗, xe−c∗x∗


which implies that

x∗> qmin{x∗e−c ∗


, x∗e−c∗x∗}. (14) In the same way as (8),x(t)≤M1, which implies that

x∗M1. (15)

Ifmin{x∗e−c ∗

x∗, xe−c∗x∗}=xe−c∗x∗, then

(Hx)(t)> qM1e−c∗M1 :=M21>0. (16)

If min{x∗e−c ∗

x∗, xe−c∗x∗} =x ∗e−c

x∗, from (14), x ∗ >

qx∗e−c ∗

x∗, which implies that

x∗> lnq

c∗ .

From (13), we obtain

(Hx)(t)> qlnq c∗ e

−c∗·lnc∗q = lnq

c∗ :=M22>0. (17)

LetM2= min{M21, M22}, then forx∈K,

∥Hx∥ ≥M2. (18)

This completes the proof.

Theorem 1. Suppose that



bi(t)> a(t), t∈[t0, δ+ω(t0)]T.

Then system (1) has at least one positiveω-periodic solution in shiftsδ±.


Ω1={x∈X :∥x∥ ≤M2},


Ω2={x∈X :∥x∥ ≤M1}.

Clearly,Ω1 and Ω2 are open bounded subsets in X, and θ∈Ω1,Ω1⊂Ω2. From Lemma 8,H:K∩(Ω2\Ω1)→K

is completely continuous.

If x ∈ K∩∂Ω2, which implies that ∥x∥ = M1, from

Lemma 10, ∥Hx∥ ≤ M1. Hence ∥Hx∥ ≤ ∥x∥ for x ∈ K∩∂Ω2.

If x ∈ K∩∂Ω1, which implies that ∥x∥ = M2, from

Lemma 10, ∥Hx∥ ≤ M2. Hence ∥Hx∥ ≥ ∥x∥ for x ∈ K∩∂Ω1.

From the cone fixed point theorem (Lemma 9), the oper-atorH has at least one fixed point lying inK∩(Ω2\Ω1),



In this section, we shall state and prove our main result about the nonexistence of positive periodic solution in shifts

δ± of system (1).

Lemma 11. Suppose that


i=1 bi(t)≤


2a(t), t∈[t0, δ


+(t0)]T. (19)

Then every positive solution of system (1) tends to zero as

t→ ∞.

Proof: Letx(t)be any positive solution of system (1). By Lemma 5, integrating system (1) from t0 tot(> t0), we have

x(t) = e−a(t, t0)x(t0) +

∫ t


e−a(t, σ(s)) m

i=1 bi(s)

×x(δ−(τi, s))e−ci(s)x(δ−(τi,s))∆s. (20)

From (19),

x(t) ≤ e−a(t, t0)x(t0) +

1 2c∗

∫ t


a(s)e−a(t, σ(s))∆s

= e−a(t, t0)x(t0) +

1 2c∗

∫ t


∆[e−a(t, s)]

= e−a(t, t0)x(t0) +

1 2c∗

[1−e−a(t, t0)].

Letβ = lim sup


x(t), then0≤β <∞.

Next, we shall proveβ = 0. We have some possible cases to consider.

Case 1. x∆(t)> 0 eventually. Choose t0 >0 such that x∆(t)>0fortt0. Letη >0be a sufficient large number

with δ−(τi, t) > t0, i = 1,2,· · · , m for t > t0+η. Then

0< x(δ−(τi, t))< x(t)for t≥t0+η andi= 1,2,· · ·, m.

From (1), for t≥t0+η,

0 < −a(t)x(t) +



bi(t)x(δ−(τi, t))e−ci(t)x(δ−(τi,t))

< [ m





This contradiction shows that Case 1 is impossible.

Case 2. x∆(t)< 0 eventually. Choose t0 >0 such that x∆(t)<0fortt0. Thenβ < x(δ

−(τi, t))< x(δ−(τi, t0))

for t≥t0+η andi= 1,2,· · · , m. From (19) and (20), we have

x(t) ≤ e−a(t, t0)x(t0) +


21max≤i≤mx(δ−(τi, t0))e


×[1−e−a(t, t0)]. (21)

Lett→ ∞in (21), we obtain

β ≤12 max

1≤i≤mx(δ−(τi, t0))e



Again let t0 → ∞ in (22), we have that β ≤ β(1 2e−c

∗β), which implies that β= 0.

Case 3.x∆(t)is oscillatory. By the definition of

oscilla-tory, then

(i) there is {tn}withtn → ∞as n→ ∞such that

x∆(tn) = 0 forn= 1,2,· · · , and


n→∞x(tn) =β; or

(ii) there is{tn} withtn→ ∞ asn→ ∞ such that

x∆(tn)x∆(ρ(tn))<0 forn= 1,2,· · ·, and


n→∞x(tn) = limn→∞x(ρ(tn)) =β. In case(i), from (1),

a(tn)x(tn) = m


bi(tn)x(δ−(τi, tn))e−ci(tn)x(δ−(τi,tn))

≤ x(δ−(τl, tn))e−c∗x(δ−(τl,tn))




bi(tn), (23)

wherel=l(n)∈ {1,2,· · · , m}such that

x(δ−(τl, tn))e−c∗x(δ−(τl,tn))

= max

1≤i≤mx(δ−(τi, tn))e


From (19) and (23), we have

2x(tn)ec∗x(δ−(τl,tn)) ≤x(δ−(τl, tn)). (24)

Set α = lim sup


x(δ−(τl, tn)), then α≤ β. Finding the

superior limit of both sides of (24), we obtain






which implies thatβ =α= 0. In case(ii), from (1),





bi(tn)x(δ−(τi, tn))e−ci(tn)x(δ−(τi,tn))




bi(ρ(tn))x(δ−(τi, ρ(tn)))


< a(tn)x(tn) m


bi(ρ(tn))x(δ−(τi, ρ(tn)))


+a(ρ(tn))x(ρ(tn)) m


bi(tn)x(δ−(τi, tn))


≤ [a(tn)x(tn) m


bi(ρ(tn)) +a(ρ(tn))x(ρ(tn))






tn)), (25)

wherel=l(n)∈ {1,2,· · ·, m},ˆtn={tn, ρ(tn)},such that




= max



x(δ−(τi, tn))e−ci(tn)x(δ−(τi,tn)),

x(δ−(τi, ρ(tn)))e−ci(ρ(tn))x(δ−(τi,ρ(tn)))


From (19) and (25), we have




≤ [x(tn) +x(ρ(tn))]x(δ−(τl,ˆtn)). (26)

Set α= lim sup


x(δ−(τl, tn)), then α ≤ β. Finding the

superior limit of both sides of (26), we obtain






which implies that β=α= 0. This completes the proof. From Lemma 11, we can get the following Theorem.

Theorem 2. Suppose that the condition (19) holds. Then system (1) has no positive ω-periodic solution in shiftsδ±.


Example 1. Consider system (1) with

a(t) =a0+ 0.05|sin 2t+ cos 3t|, b1(t) =e−1(0.7 + 0.02

|sint|), b2(t) =e−1(0.4 + 0.03|cost|),

c1(t) =c2(t) = 0.25 + 0.025|sin 3t+ cos 2t|.

Let T=R,t0 = 0, thenω =π andδω+(t) =t+π. It is

easy to verify a(t),bi(t),ci(t) (i= 1,2) satisfy


+(t))δ∆+ω(t) =a(t), bi(δ+ω(t))δ∆+ω(t) =bi(t),

ci(δ+ω(t)) =ci(t), ∀t∈T∗, i= 1,2,

and−a∈ R+.

Case I.Ifa0= 0.2, by a direct calculation, we can get

2 ∑


bi(t)≥1.1e−1= 0.4047> a(t), t∈R.

According to Theorem 1, whenT=R, system (1) exists

at least one positive π-periodic solution in shiftsδ±. Case II.Ifa0= 0.85, by a direct calculation, we can get

2 ∑


bi(t)≤1.15e−1= 0.4231<


2a(t), t∈R.

According to Theorem 2, whenT=R, system (1) has no

positive periodic solution in shiftsδ±.

Example 2. Consider system (1) with

a(t) = 1

a0t, b1(t) =


2t, b2(t) =

1 3t, c1(t) =c2(t) = 0.25.

Let T = 2N0,t0 = 1, then ω = 4 andδω

+(t) = 4t. It is

easy to verify a(t),bi(t),ci(t) (i= 1,2) satisfy

a(δω+(t))δ+∆ω(t) =a(t), bi(δω+(t))δ+∆ω(t) =bi(t),

ci(δ+ω(t)) =ci(t), ∀t∈T∗, i= 1,2,

and−a∈ R+.

Case I.Ifa0= 6, by a direct calculation, we can get

2 ∑

i=1 bi(t) =


6t > a(t), t∈2



According to Theorem 1, whenT= 2N0

, system (1) exists at least one positive4-periodic solution in shiftsδ±.

Case II.Ifa0=1

2, by a direct calculation, we can get

2 ∑

i=1 bi(t) =

5 6t <


2a(t), t∈2



According to Theorem 2, whenT= 2N0, system (1) has

no positive periodic solution in shiftsδ±.


Two problems for a Nicholson’s blowflies model with time delays on time scales have been studied, namely, existence and nonexistence of positive periodic solutions in shifts δ± on time scales. It is important to notice that the methods used in this paper can be extended to other types of biological models [21-23]. Future work will include biological dynamic systems modeling and analysis on time scales.


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