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Neutrosophic Crisp α-Topological Spaces


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A.A.Salama, I.M.Hanafy,Hewayda Elghawalby and M.S.Dabash,Neutrosophic Crisp -Topological Spaces

Neutrosophic Crisp


-Topological Spaces

A.A.Salama1, I.M.Hanafy2,Hewayda Elghawalby3 and M.S.Dabash4

1,2,4Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences, Port Said University, Egypt.

E-mail: Drsalama44@gmail.com, ihanafy@hotmil.com, majdedabash@yahoo.com 3Faculty of Engineering, port-said University, Egypt. E-mail: hewayda2011@eng.psu.edu.eg


In this paper, a generalization of the neutrosophic topological space is presented. The basic definitions of the neutrosophic crisp α-topological space and the neutrosophic crisp α-compact space with some of their

characterizations are deduced. Furthermore, we aim to construct a netrosophic crisp α-continuous function, with a study of a number its properties.

Keywords:Neutrosophic Crisp Set, Neutrosophic Crisp Topological space, Neutrosophic Crisp Open Set.

1 Introduction

In 1965, Zadeh introduced the degree of membership5 and defined the concept of fuzzy set [15]. A degree of non-membership was added by Atanassov [2], to give another dimension for Zadah's fuzzy set. Afterwards in late 1990's, Smarandache introduced a new degree of indeterminacy or neutrality as an independent third component to define the neutrosophic set as a triple structure [14]. Since then, laid the foundation for a whole family of new mathematical theories to generalize both the crisp and the fuzzy counterparts [4-10]. In this paper, we generalize the neutrosophic topological space to the concept of neutrosophic crisp α-topological space. Moreover, we present the netrosophic crisp α-continuous function as well as a study of several properties and some characterization of the neutrosophic crisp α-compact space.

2 Terminologies

We recollect some relevant basic preliminaries, and in particular, the work of Smarandache in [12,13,14], and Salama et al. [4, 5,6,7,8,9,10,11]. Smarandache introduced the neutrosophic components T, I, F which respectively represent the membership, indeterminacy, and non-membership characteristic mappings of the space X into the non-standard unit interval

 

-0 1,.

Hanafy and Salama et al. [3,10] considered some possible definitions for basic concepts of the neutrosophic crisp set and its operations. We now improve some results by the following.

2.1Neutrosophic Crisp Sets


For any non-empty fixed set X, a neutrosophic crisp set A (NCS for short), is an object having the form

3 2 1,A ,A A

A where A1,A2and A3are subsets of X sat-isfying A1A2 , A1A3andA2A3 .

2.1.2 Remark

Every crisp set A formed by three disjoint subsets of a non-empty set X is obviously a NCS having the formAA1,A2,A3 .

Several relations and operations between NCSs were

de-fined in [11].

For the purpose of constructing the tools for developing neutrosophic crisp sets, different types of NCSs c

N N,X ,A

in X were introduced in [9] to be as follows:

2.1.3 Definition


 may be defined in many ways as a NCS, as follows: i) N  ,,X ,or

ii) N  ,X,X ,or iii) N  ,X, ,or iv) N  ,,.

2.1.4 Definition


X may also be defined in many ways as a NCS: i) XNX,, ,or

ii) XNX,X, ,or iii) XNX,,X ,or iv) XNX,X,X .


Let AA1,A2,A3 a NCS onX,then the complement of the set A , (Acfor short

may be defined in three dif-ferent ways:

 

C1 AcA1c,A2c,A3c ,

 

C2 AcA3,A2,A1

 

C3 AcA3,A2c,A1

Several relations and operations between NCSs were in-troduced in [9] as follows:

2.1.6 Definition

Let X be a non-empty set, and the NCSs A and B in the formAA1,A2,A3 ,BB1,B2,B3 , then we may

consid-er two possible definitions for subsets



may be defined in two ways:

1) ABA1B1,A2B2 and A3B3or 2) ABA1B1,A2B2 and A3B3

2.1.7 Proposition

For any neutrosophic crisp setA , and the suitable choice of N,XN, the following are hold:

i)NA, N N. ii) AXN, XNXN.

2.1.8 Definition

Let X is a non-empty set, and the NCSs A and B in the formAA1,A2,A3 ,BB1,B2,B3 . Then:

1) A B may be defined in two ways: i)ABA1B1,A2B2,A3B3 or

ii) ABA1B1,A2B2,A3B3

2) A B may also be defined in two ways: i)ABA1B1,A2B2,A3B3 or ii) ABA1B1,A2B2,A3B3

2.1.9 Proposition

For any two neutrosophic crisp sets A and B on X, then the followings are true:


c c c.


A  

2) ABc AcBc.

The generalization of the operations of intersection and union given in definition 2.1.8, to arbitrary family of neu-trosophic crisp subsets are as follows:

2.1.10 Proposition


Aj : jJ

be arbitrary family of neutrosophic crisp subsets in X, then

1) j

j A

 may be defined as the following types :


3 2,


1 j j

j j

j A  AAA

 ,or


3 2,


1 j j

j j

j A  AAA

 .


3 2,


1 j j

j j

j A  AAA

 or


3 2,


1 j j

j j

j A  AAA

 .

2.1.11 Definition

The Cartesian product of two neutrosophic crisp sets A and B is a neutrosophic crisp set ABgiven by

3 3 2 2 1

1 B ,A B ,A B


A     .

2.1.12 Definition

Let ( ,�) be � and �=�1,�2,�3 be a � in . Then the neutrosophic crisp closure of � ( ���(�) for short) and neutro-sophic crisp interior ( ����(�) for short) of � are defined by

���(�)=∩{�:� is a �� in and �⊆�}

���� (�)=∪{G:G is a � in and G ⊆�) ,

Where � is a neutrosophic crisp set and � is a neutro-sophic crisp open set. It can be also shown that ���(�) is a

�� (neutrosophic crisp closed set) and ����(�) is a �

(neutrosophic crisp open set) in .

3 Neutrosophic Crisp -Topological Spaces We introduce and study the concepts of neutrosophic crisp �-topological space

3.1 Definition

Let ( ,�) be a neutrosophic crisp topological space

(NCTS) and � =�1,�2,�3 be a � in , then � is said to be neutrosophic crisp �-open set of X if and only if the fol-lowing is true: �⊆ ����( ���( ����(�)).

3.2 Definition

A neutrosophic crisp �-topology (NC�T for short) on a non-empty set X is a family  of neutrosophic crisp subsets of X satisfying the following axioms



N,X .



1 A

A for any A1andA2.


j j A

J j

Aj: .

In this case the pair


X is called a neutrosophic crisp �-topological space (NCTSfor short) inX . The ele-ments in

 are called neutrosophic crisp �-open sets (NC�OSs for short) in X . A neutrosophic crisp set F is � -closed if and only if its complement FCis an -open

neu-trosophic crisp set. 3.3 Remark

Neutrosophic crisp �-topological spaces are very natural

generalizations of neutrosophic crisp topological spaces, as one can prof that every open set in a NCTS is an �-open set in a NC�TS

3.4 Example


     

a b c

B , , ,


then the family


 is a neutrosophic crisp �-topology

on X.

3.5 Definition


 


1 , ,

, X

X be two neutrosophic crisp � -topological spaces onX . Then 1 is said be contained in 


 (in symbols   2 1 

 ) if 


 

G for each G1. In this case, we also say that 


 is coarser than 


 .

3.6 Proposition Let

j : jJ

 be a family of NCTS on X . Then 


 is a neutrosophic crisp �-topology onX . Further-more, 


 is the coarsest NC�T on X containing all �-topologies.

Proof Obvious.

Now, we can define the neutrosophic crisp �-closure and neutrosophic crisp �-interior operations on neutrosophic crisp �-topological spaces:

3.7 Definition Let


X be NC�TS and AA1,A2,A3 be a NCS in

X, then the neutrosophic crisp �- closure of A (NC�Cl(A)

for short) and neutrosophic crisp �-interior crisp (NC�Int (A) for short) of A are defined by

: is an NCS in XandA K


(A  K K


: is an NCOS in XandG A


(A G G

Int NC

where NCS is a neutrosophic crisp set, and NCOS is a neu-trosophic crisp open set.

It can be also shown that NCCl (A) is a NC�CS (neu-trosophic crisp �-closed set) and NCInt( A) is a NC�OS (neutrosophic crisp �-open set) in X .



is a NC-closed in X if and only if )

(A Cl NC





is a NC-open in X if and only if

) (A Int NC



3.8 Proposition

For any neutrosophic crisp �-open set A in


X we have

(a) NCCl(Ac)(NCInt(A))c, (b) NCInt(Ac)(NCCl(A))c.


a) Let AA1,A2,A3 and suppose that the family of all

neutrosophic crisp subsets contained in A are in-dexed by the family

A A A j J

Aj}jJ   j, j , j : 

{ 1 2 3 . Then we see that we have two types defined as follows:

Type1:    

3 2 1, , )

(A Aj Aj Aj



   c

j c j c j

c A A A

A Int

NC ( )) , , 3

(  1 2

Hence c c

A Int NC A


NC ( )(  ( ))

Type 2: NCInt(A)Aj1,Aj2,Aj3

   c

j c j c j c



NC ( )) , , 3

(  1 2 .

Hence c c

A Int NC A


NC ( )(  ( )) b) Similar to the proof of part (a).

3.9 Proposition



be a NC�TS and A B, are two

neutrosoph-ic crisp �-open sets in X . Then the following properties hold:

(a) NCInt(A)A, (b) ANCCl(A),

(c) ABNCInt(A)NCInt(B), (d) ABNCCl(A)NCCl(B), (e) NCInt(AB)NCInt(A)NCInt(B), (f) NCCl(AB)NCCl(A)NCCl(B), (g) NCInt(XN)XN,

(h) NCCl(N)N. Proof. Obvious

4 Neutrosophic Crisp -Continuity

In this section, we consider �: ⟶ to be a map between any two fixed sets X and Y.

4.1 Definition

(a) If AA1,A2,A3 is a NCS in X, then the neutrosophic crisp image of A under f,denoted by f(A), is the a NCS in Y defined by

. ) ( ), ( ), ( )

(A f A1 f A2 f A3 f

(b) If � is a bijective map then �-1: ⟶ is a map defined such that:

for any NCS BB1,B2,B3 in Y, the neutrosophic

crisp preimage of B, denoted by f1(B),is a NCS in X defined by f1(B) f1(B1),f1(B2),f1(B3).

Here we introduce the properties of neutrosophic images and neutrosophic crisp preimages, some of which we shall frequently use in the following sections.

4.2 Corollary

Let A =


, be NC�OSs in X, and

B =

Bj :jK

be NC�OSs in Y, and f :XYa function. Then


(c) f1(f(B))B and if fis surjective, then f1(f(B))B. (d) 1( )) 1( ),


i f B


f    f1(Bi))f1(Bi), (e) f(Ai)f(Ai), f(Ai)f(Ai)

(f) f1(YN) XN, f1(N) N.

(g) f(N) N, f(XN) YN, if f is subjective. Proof

Obvious. 4.3 Definition


1 ,

X and


be two NC

TSs, and let


f :  bea function. Then f is said to be

-continuous iff the neutrosophic crisp preimage of each NCS in 


 is a NCS in 


 .

4.4 Definition Let

1 ,

X and


be two NC

TSs and let Y


f :  bea function. Then f is said to be open iff the neutrosophic crisp image of each NCS in 


 is a NCS in 


 .

4.5 Proposition Let


X, and



be two NC�TSs. If f :XY is �-continuous in the usual sense, then in

this case, f is �-continuous in the sense of Definition 4.3 too.


Here we consider the NC�Ts on X and Y, respectively, as follows : 

o c


G 

1 , , : and

o c


H 

2 , , : ,

In this case we have, for each  2


, c  H

H ,


H ,

) ( ), ( ), ( ,

, 1 1 1

1 H Hc f H f f Hc

f      

 1 1

1 , ,( ( ))

   c

H f H

f .

4.6 Proposition

Let f :(X,1)(Y,2).

f is continuousiffthe neutrosophic crisp preimage of each CN�CS (crisp neutrosophic �-closed set) in 


 is a

CN�CS in  2



Similar to the proof of Proposition 4.5. 4.7 Proposition

The following are equivalent to each other: (a) f :(X,1)(Y,2) is continuous . (b) f1(CNInt(B)CNInt(f1(B)) for each CNS B in Y.

(c) CNCl(f1(B)) f 1(CNCl(B))

Consider (X,1)and


to be two NC�TSs, and let f :XY be a function.

if 

2 1

1  ( ): 

 


f . Then 1 will be the coarsest NC�T on X which makes the function f :XY

�-continuous. One may call it the initial neutrosophic crisp �-topology with respect to f.

5 Neutrosophic Crisp -Compact Space First we present the basic concepts:

5.1 Definition



be an NCTS.

(a) If a family

Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ

of NC�OSs in X satisfies the condition

Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ


 then it is called

an neutrosophic �-open cover of X.

(b) A finite subfamily of an �-open cover

Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ

on X, which is also a neutrosophic �

-open cover of X , is called a neutrosophic crisp finite � -open subcover.

5.2 Definition

A neutrosophic crisp set AA1,A2,A3 in a NC



is called neutrosophic crisp -compact iff every

neutrosophic crisp open cover of A has a finite neutrosophic crisp open subcover.

5.3 Definition

A family

Ki1,Ki2,Ki3 :iJ

of neutrosophic crisp �

-compact sets in X satisfies the finite intersectionproperty (FIP for short) iff every finite subfamily

Ki1,Ki2,Ki3 :i1,2,...,n

of the family satisfies the condition 

Ki1,Ki2,Ki3 :i1,2,...,n


5.4 Definition A NC�TS


X is called neutrosophic crisp � -compact iff each neutrosophic crisp �-open cover ofXhas a finite�-open subcover.

5.5 Corollary A NC�TS


X is a neutrosophic crisp �-compact iff every family

Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ

of neutrosophic crisp �-compact sets in X having the the finite intersection properties has nonempty intersection.

5.6 Corollary Let



X ,


be NC�TSsand f :XY be a continuous surjection. If



X is a neutrosophic crisp �-compact, then so is

2 ,


5.7 Definition

(a) If a family

Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ

of neutrosophic crisp �-compact sets in X satisfies the


Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ

, then it is called a neutrosophic crisp open cover of A.

(b) Let’s consider a finite subfamily of a neutrosophic crisp open subcover of

Gi1,Gi2,Gi3 :iJ


5.8 Corollary Let

1 ,

X ,


be NC�TSsand f :XY be a

continuous surjection. If A is a neutrosophic crisp � -compact in

1 ,

X , then so is f(A) in



6. Conclusion

In this paper, we presented a generalization of the neutrosophic topological space. The basic definitions of the neutrosophic crisp α-topological space and the neutrosophic crisp α-compact space with some of their characterizations were deduced. Furthermore, we constructed a netrosophic crisp α-continuous function, with a study of a number its properties.


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[4] A.A. Salama and S.A. Alblowi, "Generalized Neutro-sophic Set and Generalized NeutroNeutro-sophic Topological Spaces ", Journal computer Sci. Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 7, (2012), pp. 29-32

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