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Academic year: 2017







Ion Lucian MEHEDIN




Otilia MAN


“Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania

Monica Gabriela GHERMAN


University of Economic Studies, Faculty of Economics, Bucharest, Romania

)n this article the authors aim to gather an in-depth understanding of the evolution of manking throughout the history and its political regimes, and in the same time are analizing and determining the components of the social function that exercised a great influence on the stability and dynamics of the production and consumption, pointing out that any social organization that wants to remain rational should have as a primary objective the happiness of the people, that so called, general happiness , that could only be achieved through education, culture, raising people's moral and intellectual knowledge. Since any political system does not seek the general good, but the one of some persons or a specific group of people, there is only very little communion between them and the people or is entirely missing and for these reasons their reign won t be long, because the people are always wanting a political change. This "social problem" occurred because of some significant social movements, socialist doctrines whose effects still persist in present times. The efforts of the profound thinkers and mankind throughout the history, with all the positive developments did not materialize in achieving a society in which wealth is equitably distributed, where the contributions of the people in getting them is equally shared that could satisfy the requirements and the needs of the majority members of the society. )n all the transformations and society changes or the political regime of the state, the human being represented the base, with its unlimited evolution and thinking, and all of these were achieved in time and were given by a certain social environment. The human being can not be separated from its social environment. (e is born to live in the society, but the freedom can not be unlimited of course. The history has shown that all the hasty attempts suffered the same fate and the only sustainable progress made by the people were those who came out slowly, through long series of small changes.

The human society as a whole is modeled by change and conflicts that are amplifying the action processes and open the human s destiny to an increasingly rationalized world. All people, wherever they are and whatever the group they belong to, are distinguished by a certain social position, certain ideals, rights and duties, privileges and obligations. Only three general characteristics - work, culture and organization represent the raw materials of life that in the course of history changes substantially. (uman

life as a whole is socially or individually perceived as an uncertain time, inspired by changes whose scope is often too late realized. Most people live their lives in constant labour and training directed toward to a material and spiritual supplement up against their predecessors. For o human being, everything is work and desire to achieve a future that never seemed known.

Every man and society as a whole reach a certain degree of satisfaction in their own way. The struggle for existence and wealth is permanent, severe intrusive and this really makes a man not to be able to approach the story that brought him into the world nor to the infinite toward which he aims at. Unsatisfied desires, unrealized hopes, life s mistakes are human tragedies that still do not reach the dignity of the tragic characters.


sacrifice of the silent millions who died anonymous on the field everyday life, labouring and suffering with the thought of a better future for the posterity. The efforts, harassment, tiredness of every day, stage, historical epoch, each man bore easily when he saw and felt that their work results led to a gain in living his life and to the progress and social order superior to another from the past.

The way people think and behave in a generation depends on the ideas about the world they live in and on the feelings they have towards her, because there are the complex of their conditions of existence. Living in the same environment under the same conditions of life, people as different as they would be in their biological structure are forced to react psychologically, in the same way, or at least in similar ways.

When people in a community, nation and generation through intelligence, work order, skills or other means, come to have sufficiency and success in life, they start to imitate them, and quickly adopt their mode of living and procedure, organization and their way of working, of course, within the limits, of the posibilities they have.

Many scientists have revealed the importance of imitation and its influence in every human life and of a generation. People, however, often fall easy prey to the excesses of hysteria and that are inclined to bouts of psychosis and can be easily pushed by certain groups in any direction that may hold the secret an analogous influential on their judgment. Something which is better, for some people seems as natural, something which opposes their personal interest becomes absurd, inconceivable and unfair. (ence, there are many preserved prejudices in nations, religions, political doctrines, social desires.

Through these, the human actions and the ones of the entire people of his generation and of the whole nation, become meaningless images. But through the harsh facts, they are looking for another way that they think to be better. The environmental hostility that periodically increases it sharpen the will and desire and the quietness of the many people, and the contempt and defiance of the few. )f misery and poverty are the scourge of many generations of people, the richness and luxury, the contempt were of the profiteers of always changing. Ludwig Bauer in "L' agony d'un monde "states the following: ... the changes are only a momentary state of humanity, a condition that can not last. The age of tomorrow will be richer in internal contradictions and that’s why it will be impossible to survive and will remain as a memorable state of transition in the figure in the history". Some people are wrong more than they are aware of and ignore or

are reluctant to revisit the past entirely from the conscious fear to recognize the achievements or errors of their predecessors. (owever great masses embrace them warmly because of the ignorance, desire for change, credibility, facts that remain unexplained. People always want something else on a certain

moment, whatever happens. This explains the loud and the combative enthusiasm of the rebellions, strikes, social upheaval etc. )n such events, there are inserted new words and ideas, almost all the time, which are sometimes surprising in their strangeness, to designate the directions of the change. After a short time, most of the people thrown in the directions of the unknown change, the same as a river raging floods, in one part or another and unable to reach the shore, they feel the need to look again the silence, something that is more than a new social or a better better economy form, but only a new reason to exist.

Wealth and consumption were and remain the codes that the man stands on in the social hierarchy. With these components, the social function exercised a great influence on the stability and dynamics of the production and consumption. But between the exacerbated desire of the consumer needs and rationality, the threshold is labile. Everyone is sensitive to what he thinks is missing than what he already has, he doesn t compare his situation to that of the paternal downside, but by the time he lives in with a group of people from other geographical areas, other social layers that are usually wealthier.

Nothing perennial is found between the earthly things and nothing mundane is not in a way to stop the desire of the human being, but all earthly things are inferior to the human mind. Only through human mind, education and culture, the universal good can be reached and through the will, it can be approached. )t represents a happiness for anybody that is capable to govern himself and the people around him. )t is a virtue for him if he can govern a family and to lead it to happiness, but it is a great virtue for a generation of people who give themselves a state leader, to deliver a political and social system that brings progress, welfare, peace, good of the entire population and the path to reach happiness. The general happiness should be the ideal of any social organization that wants to remain rational. Such human progress can only be achieved by improving the human nature through education, culture, raising people's moral and intellectual knowledge.

)mproving the human nature is achieved through changes in the idea, feelings, attitudes and actions of the people that can only be in nonconformity with the political and organizational system when they occur. This kind of changes, which are important for progress, are obstructed or hampered by the rigorous conformism of the economic and political regimes that are unrolled in the historical time.


conditions that produce economic and social events. The science has produced the technical progress, but as Spengler says "... it killed the culture transforming it into civilization". The social tensions that have

always existed remain permanent and they are similar to yhe contradictory nature of the relationship between people and consistent with the horizons of the the social becoming. They can be diminished or dissipated, and the dominations can be other than Marxist or Keynesian, namely capital and labour, where science, degree of civilization, knowledge and the generalized work, that will know large dimension within the crowd of people. Almost all the forms of social political, economic, religious organization,, sought to form a "new human being" through education and knowledge embedded in him, without, however,

considering and take into account the reality of the past and especially of the present.

(erman (esse in his novel "The game of marbles" wrote in the early years of - "... firmness among intellectuals, artists and humanists living a life of isolation, are committed to traditions, wisdom and to her beauty. But our hero of the book: "... the master of the fraternity, decided to return to the vulgar reality in the turbulence torn by strife, greed of money - because the values are not relevant to the world and to those that have money." What (. (esse show years ago, unfortunately, is still living within

the people of the - generation. The best researchers, scientists and those with a good education

left their environment because of the vulgar reality or out of common sense and inability to adapt or fight and they were marginalized. people who have lost the sense of "universal" and "eternal" and the

ascending route and the dynamic path of progress also, remained in the "arena". Our parents' generation

and our generation understood that the society has not been able to provide the ability to understand the

reality, much less to master it. Jean Jacques Rousseau said that society must control the human being and

seek the ways and means of creating a "New Adam" - an universal human perfection, but subordinated to

the "general will", which later was called by the Marxism as the "objective laws of history". The idea of

human salvation through society evolved gradually untill it embraced the entire world. Although it has been and still is an anti-religious idea, its purpose was religious, as the perfect man is a man of God. Peter F. Drucker in "Post Capitalist Society " shows that " the strongest and the most persuasive secular creed promising the salvation (of the human being) through society was the Marxism", which promised a paradise

on earth as profane religion. But the socialism, communism as early organization did not give the desired results, it did not create too much plentyness nor economic and social equality, because it could not create the "new man". The dissipation of the Marxism meant the end of the religious faith in the human

salvation through faith and society.

People of our generation are wrong more than they are aware of and are reluctant to revisit the past entirely for fear of the unconsciousness against the previous errors. Does the future society will be able to save anything left from the "man of the hour". We believe that this something else will bring a

rebirth of a man with the desire to survive in the world and in these places, that aligns to the needs and the challenges.

Throughout the history, the countries of the world experienced all the common elements of social, economic, political, moral, human organization and the interests of those groups of people who are in charge of the states: Monarchy - state leadership by one man; aristocracy - the state leadership of a group

bound by common interests of the elite; tyranny - that satisfied the desires of the driver and not the

common good of the many; oligarchy – the reign of the few in power; popular democracy that answered


than the regimes of many oligarchs, that can bring into the world the corruption and oposition to the good and social peace, and that is the good of the many people.

The history of the nations and the history of the Romanian people also showed that a change in the regime can lead to the coming of another one worst or harder to bear for many. )f the oppresses of the new regime become harsher than the more people come to regret the one removed. The ancient history

shows that "... once, when all the crowd wanted the death of Dionysus of Syracuse, an old woman begging

incessantly for the fact that he should remain alive and to exist; When the tyrant found out this, he asked why she wants this and she spoke: Since I had a harsh tyrant I wanted another; When he was killed, a little cruel followed this one; I thought it was a great thing as this rule should be broken too; then, for the third time, we started to think you're a right leader and more severe; therefore, if you would be destroyed, your place will be taken by a worse one". Since any system does not seek the common good, but the one of a person or a

group, there is only very little communion between them and the people or none, and for these reasons their reign may not be long, because the people always wants the change.

The doctrinal ideas highlighted a certain number of dominant forms of economic systems,

political and social organization: from the ancient fortress economy to the closed areas economy,

corresponding to the carolingian and medieval era, to the capitalist economy which appeared successively

as a commercial, finance and industry capitalism, and finally, the socialist economy, which saw the light of the day until the nineteenth century. Every economic and social system that governed the countries of the world, especially in the last two centuries capitalism, socialism had ups and downs and was dominated by groups called parties of various kinds, which represented, in different versions, a form of government and have developed uneven development of economic activities producing goods in good condition. Changing the way of life and work, brutally imposed, and most often to the socially modest categories, often aggravated the tragic living conditions of the population. For these reasons and especially of the industry and credit movements that have overthrown the activities and problems of production of goods, the "social problem" ocurred since the nineteenth century because of the significant social movements,

socialist doctrines, whose effects persist even today.

The idea of opportunities equality is so characteristic of the capitalist liberal thinking and of the liberal socialist thinking, but with the consequence of limiting the ownership. Auguste Walras approached the equality of opportunity through the "equality of conditions", that guarantees an equal treatment of all

citizens by the state. The latter should provide services to every citizen and ask in the same time compensatory services to citizens. As Jean-Charles Simond Sismondi also highlighted in his paper

"Nouveaux principes d'economy politique: "A whole political economy based on the principle of a limitless competition amounts to authorize the individual efforts against society and sacrificing the humanity interest in favour of the governments of powerful states action simultaneously of all individual greed". The

conclusion of Karl Marx's theory of value of goods is the one that the capitalist s profits are nothing more than "unpaid work", a part of the total product created by vivid labour, but confiscated by the owner of the

capital goods. J. M. Keynes in his paper „Lres Conse'quences e'conomiques from paix” indicates that the state

should be responsible for dealing with the "the political problem of mankind" which is to reconcile three

primary objectives "economic effectiveness, social justice and individual freedom", and J.M. Keynes therefore

characterizes his position in politics as "liberal socialism" which today coincide with social-democracy.

The socialist thought maintains that people can reach a better fate than that offered by the capitalist, to a safer, or more happy –with the condition that its evolution should move on to a different path than the one developed by the capitalist society, which can ensure only the freedom and leaves defenseless the great masses and thus aggravate their misery. )n capitalist society, the rich people are becoming less and less, take more than they should, and for the poor ones, who are becoming more and more, there remains not too much to be divided and nor the possibility to accumulate. These inequalities given by the social polarization lead to data antisocial acts, even to the touch of human life.

The efforts of the thinkers and of the whole mankind throughout the history scale, with all the positive developments, did not materialize in achieving a society in which wealth is equitably distributed, where contributions of getting them to be shared and which it satisfies the requirements and the needs of the majority members.

)n fact, every historical epoch wore itself the causes of its own rise and fall, and its final disappearance also, because always when a system appeared to be well defined it apperead in time, within its groups who "discovered" something that either abolished or expanded the system untill it become

unrecognizable and thus gave way to the need for change.


ones of free thinking in action, which was seen as pleasing to people. )ndeed, the freedom in action and thinking guaranteed to the masses of people a minimum safety and that s why the authorities could not easily dispose of a man and his wealth. The democratic meant freedom of labour, which is a natural consequence of the right of every man to develop himself without a social restriction or where and how he wants. Economic freedom leaves the individual initiative opened, but this freedom in the two authoritarian regimes of the twentieth century was not recognized in the individual interest, she was accepted in the interest of the national society and the extent to which served the collectivity.

)t was confirmed that as Marcel Prelot stated in his paper "L'empirefasciste" that " ... the day that freedom would threaten to compete with the national interest, interpreted by the state, it will be immediately and mercilessly slaughtered." As rational as this opinion may be, it contains a threat that can not be

underestimated. )n the two totalitarian regimes - fascist, socialist - the state was represented by the party that claimed to be confused with it, that dominated and understood to retain its dominance and even perpetuate it. Therefore, for the safety of the state, when the freedom came into competition with the national interest, it had to be slaughtered without mercy. Of course, the inevitable contradictions that appear must be "interpreted by the state", the theorists of the regimes say, that is the single parties,

according to their interests, not according to those of the majority population and the rule of law. Free expression of the idea can be useful to progress and sustainable development of nations than the rigorous conformity that is required today by the totalitarian or oligarchic regimes.

)n all the transformations and changes in the society and political regimes of the state, it stood the man and its evolution in time given by the social environment. Man can not be separated from its social environment. (e is born to live in the society, but freedom can not be unlimited.

)n the nineteenth century, the liberty was pushed beyond its reason. To the end of the same century, some time before the rise of capitalism and socialism it was understood that without the state protection of the individual liberty can not exist. The freedom can be socialized, but not the human spirit. The economy can be socialized from the political freedom and may require to the people the social rules of collective life, but the moral personality should be left to rule her thoughts. Socializing freedom can make those actions that the state wants to take, but with their unsatisfactory results for certain groups of people, to be replaced or to be given another direction and other proportions. )mportant is that the on the time of great changes of the political and economic regime, the wealth and the spiritual and material accumulation should not be destroyed.

Free expression of opinions and ideas of the people may be more useful for progress and for sustainable development of nations than the rigorous conformity that is imposed by the authoritarian regimes. Of course, free interpretation also and free expression of the problems permanently of life becomes increasingly more complex and the unrestricted criticize of the solutions that can be given are not without drawbacks, is true. They hinder and delay the action. Neither the promtitude of the action does not lead to efficiency. Rushing and spontaneity of the actions impede the examination of arising economic and social problems, and the actions can lead to results, sometimes harmful to the state and most people. )t was seen that hasty starts of the impulsive nature of man or of organized groups or not, without bridle and control, as were some other time autocrats or groups of people set in motion at the end of the twentieth century, in many European countries and elsewhere, were far from being an ideal method of action.

Therefore, in all the historical stages progress was made in science, management and organization of human society. All thinkers have expressed, in varying degrees, in the favor of a State which is not limited to the role of "market police" and of the provision of public goods and ensuring a

fairer distributions of wealth. The essence of their message is constant: the need for a "science of government", economy knowledge-based, but aiming beyond the increase of wealth and the establishment

of a more balanced society.

Both the totalitarian regimes that dominated the twentieth century, lived by the Romanian generation where we stop now, have embraced the democratic system, but periodically, separately. The capitalist regime during the maturity of our parents generation applied democracy for the few, but powerful, rich and cruel exploiters of the labour of many creators of goods, added value and profit only for those who had large capital. The socialist regime, lived by the youth and maturity of our generation, has applied the democracy of the many, the proletariat, the peasantry, small artisans entrepreneurs. )n a democracy, the results of work were more equitably shared, proportional to the effort and participation in the economic and social work. The two types of democracies could not never accept one another, by the favoured social classes more or less than others. But both the democracies have rooted a certain conformism that has become rigorous in time.


have led to stagnation in some areas and even decadence. As the totalitarian regimes, as well as the liberal ones, are only provisional and temporary result of the rhythmic oscillations of human thought and feeling, they could not endure. The cyclic changes of one regime with another and back again with little changes was made by revolution or transition, which meant passing from an economic and social system, from an organization to another.

The younger generation from the era we refer to has known the transition from a capitalist regime to a socialist one through revolution, in the sense that they were witnessing sharp and visible changes, that have occurred on the border of the existing structures: the polarization of wealth and poverty; tolerance for ethnic differences, countering social exclusion; rural-urban migration of population; adaptation to urban-industrial life, all centered on the need for a model of social organization that

replaces the existing one. The special meaning given to the term of revolution in the - was of a

transition from capitalism to socialism, but which had roots in the historical past of Europe, Romania and elsewhere.

The social organization model adopted by the forerunners of our generation, of course, as a result of the conclusion of the Second World War, after the great Western powers divided the zones of influence and some countries in Eastern Europe, including Romania, came detached under the influence of the Soviet Union. The new model of social organization has been supported by narrow segments of the population who saw threatened their power and accumulated wealth by plunder and exploitation. They have always acted for recovery from the inside, but especially from the outside. All countries with a socialist regime, led by communist parties, during years, have been in an active process of ideology reform, enthusiastically accepted in the second part of the system of socialist construction, because they included opening certainties of the internal and external liberalization, a large space of reforms, a wide space of extending the social democracy.

After some success in the social field, building a middle class which included the majority of the population, the facility of free participation in all forms of education, health and treatment, freedom and the possibility of moving to the country and the world, the ensured existence and even mandatory of employment and hence a real increase in wealth of most inhabitants of the towns and villages, after the

events of , in the former European socialist states there was a risk of a possible evolution towards

alternative forms which would possibly have removed the polarization of the world that followed and even a quick return to a socialist regime with a more Christian human face.

But the forces that have always sought to destroy the socialist system and especially the communist parties, who had comprised over a third of the territory and population of the world, have acted even stronger.

The West has been engaged since the end of the Second World War in a battle of attrition and always had strategic interests in the destruction of the socialist system. Although there was a principle of peaceful coexistence, while the profile in relations was changed between the two systems from the mutual threat of an war almost inevitable to more complex and peer pressure. The principle of avoiding open forms of interference in internal affairs, which became a fundamental principle of the world and provide some security, but without eliminating the risks, is recognized by both systems.

The international polarization, with high costs for both systems, in economic, political and social terms, and the chance of creating a greater Europe, could be built only through the destruction and

absorption of the socialist system based on a democracy of the people, on equal opportunities for everyone's life. To this global interest were added in addition some psychological perception from some countries and especially in the USA, and a fear towards the communist idea and especially to Russia.

Their actions culminated in the end of with the removal of them through the physical,

political and economic force and reorientation of the communist parties in a different direction and doctrine model.

The change was done in a fast rythm so as to eliminate the risk of adopting a different way of restoration in one form or another of the socialist system. Fear of old confrontation, of expansion into the world of a more just and equitable division of labour and wealth for most people, seems to have been a decisive factor in the promotion of the brutal change, supported by the enhanced intervention through directives and not of a gradually one, based on searches and characteristics of each state.

The fall of the socialist system changed very much the profile of the international relations, and some groups of people in former socialist countries, to which was added many defectors and traitors who were installed to the power by force and intimidation of the people, have adopted those states to be integrated into the West.


the West to be taken seriously and therefore had applied an aggressive policy of Western integration by changing the socialist model of social administration, rapidly, in a chaotic capitalism.

Disaggregating the socialist system, sustained by the West and the development of the socialist countries in a confused direction, but more procapitalist led to the abolition of the socialist international system, with the upheavals of balance and peace in the world. The Central and Eastern Europe became a free space for the entry of hungry groups for revenge and fast and workless re-enrichment, snugged throughout the socialist period in the West. There has been a complete change with a rapidity that it could

not beimagined even a few months ago of . The phenomena conducted then showed that there was

not only a revolution, but a long transition from oneexperienced system to a previously one with more changes in concept and practice.

The fundamental objective was the final destruction of the socialist ideology. )t was dictaded a

"mentorial" style in the relations of the West with the socialist countries entered in transition, that from

inside were supported by treacherous groups and others in the West that have developed and continually stressed in the ninth decade a broad set of interventions targeting the change processes and structural modification in the relations between states. Western states have multiplied the relations with the new politicians and administrators of the country, and provided political and moral support to them and less

economic support. The )nternational Monetary Fund and the World Bank, under de facto authority of the

United States have used funds for social- economic development of the former socialist countries to the West with strong political conditionality, the cooperation with these institutions constituted a guarantee in the economic and political relations with them.

The central idea of the political reform was to promote attitudes of fear against the "new social man" supposedly to survive the socialist regime: former members of the communist parties, which as seen

before only in Romania had over . million people, was less placed at the level of the fundamental analysis of the socialist project and more to the punishment of persons alleged to be responsible for the old regime. )t wasn t taken into account that the . million members of the communist party were supported by their family members, who together numbered maybe - % of the total population, and the idea of their decimation was propagated by the media. New political forces have made to believe, especially for easily manipulated young people, that the socialist regime was a force which after the events

of become completely overdue and should rather be forgotten, and attention should be directed to

rebuilding the capitalist regime. The more involved Western political representatives, to which a minority internally segment has lined up tended to create a real hysteria against the socialist regime, that unreal, unscientific, they called it, by any means and facts, as the communist regime, although the doctrinal and factually, such a system did not exist in the world until today and even less in Romania. )t has unleashed the hunt of former communist and security party members, named as political dangers, and have sharp the hatred and contempt for groups that have hit the state. Understanding, but essentially unrecognizing the superiority of the former socialist system, was not intended in any moment to be realized a true democracy and freedom of speech and the idea of a socialist regime by including in the created group parties of a communist one type also. Conversely, out of fear, it was strongly acted for its removal outside the law and was promoted as an absolute priority the fight against those who were involved, in one way or another, in the functioning of the socialist system publicly asking, through the media, the extermination of all members of the former communist party and even of their members, who in many former socialist countries and in Romania also numbered tens of millions.

The mass of people of the socialist communities was tempted rather to pay attention to a certain

moral and political amnesty towards some mistakes of the socialist regime, considering that guilt, with

certain exceptions, should be placed not on people but on the history and the forces outside the state who earlier imposed a certain order system, resembling to that of the West.

A policy of a net removal was applied to the former socialist countries of Russia, despite the fact that from there have left some ideas to reconsider the principles of the socialist system, and elements of the accident where infiltrated even where subsisted some elements of deaf fear of the risk recovery of a pole power around them. Not for a moment it wasn t desired that Russia, in its economic and military dimenssions, may again become an alternative pole of attraction of the West, which has begun to appear

after .

Science could not demonstrate that the brutal change held in was an inevitable choice and

there was no alternative. The chaotic and primitive unroll was dominated by the belief that the strategy imposed from overseas and by the interested domestic groups was the only correct one. Alternatives, little supported by the small groups of people who had managed to approach those who took power by force and murder, were cataloged, in principle, as inadequate and were ideologically charged, by all means, by harsh epithets as being from the "residuals of the communist mentality" category. And all of them were


of possible alternatives was strongly considered to be an indicator of the ideology and limited thinking, but in reality was carrying out specific interests: the removal of the socialist ideology, achieving a strong, achieving an undivided and strong Europe, with an unique economic and social organization, located on an integrated European economy. The West has taken in a large extent the responsability for the strategic options promoted through active intervention and consistent.

The sudden changes that were made with too much boldness and with little caution showed once again that those who think they suddenly or quickly may substantially alter the general framework of life by movements or convulsive unrest, and that means violent fluster, with spiritually and material destructive nature always fail and return back humiliated, sadly rejoin to a past over which can not pass, because people always had something built, innovated and added something to their spirituality and materiality.

The history has shown that all the hasty attempts suffered the same fate and that the only sustainable progress people made were those who came out slowly, through long series of small and slow changes, insensitive for their members. A sudden and complete overthrow of a system requires the following to replace it: improvised political, economic and social mechanisms, which not only that doesn t last, but can cause profound disruptions full of great peril, so the desire for a better future turns into a greater evil. Some take advantage of this, others withdraw themselves disappointed with the results, while others think only of the past and are happy with what is offered by "earned present".

Facing the large earthquakes, like Seneca, the people of a nation must hope for something better, become more wise and give away just only theevil, not to destroy the material and spiritual goods, not to hate and favour someone, because there isn t a secret or a recipe of total completion and fulfillment, full of happiness in life.

The changes that must correct what is found to be faulty and therefore unsatisfactory functioning of the organization and administration of communities of people remain entirely a matter of educated people rather than a problem of the institutions. Only by changing the way people think, the education, the increase of the power of understanding the reality of life, a strong increase in the level of culture rather than amending the state institutions, we can find the way forward to progress and happiness. Everything is the result of our work, thinking and countless experiments.

Most of the people of today's generation, after not a long time from the return to power of the capitalist system through the events at the beginning of the ninth decade were convinced that the defeated socialist system was social superior for the majority community, but became history. But many people have seen that even the most outraged and hurried individuals who think that they managed to kill a certain political and administrative system, later, as an unavoidable fate of the organic heredity, they felt in their blood that the past is still alive.

The misleading idea of some groups of people formed after the fall of the socialist society, led by

the communist parties in Eastern Europe , the Marxism and K. Marx are outdated and irreversible

topics, seems to be wrong. As long as the capitalism will survive, the marxism remains relevant as a starting point for a critical analysis on the economy and society.

Neither a political, economic or social system could not attain a certain degree of perfection and can not be responsible for the mistakes and abuse of those who have not applied or respected the laws as it should. All the previous regimes have sought and the ones to come will seek to correct the condition that became perishable and that can not be accepted by the general population, but interested groups to gather around their material values, names, place in history, all in the name and for the many people, will be born every time. Anyway the changes that will be brought to the governance systems, will surely hang on to the intellectual and moral value of the people who will manage the political and economic life forms.


1. Alfred Loisy, La crise morale du temps present al l’education humaine;

2. Andre Gidre, Retour de l’URSS;

3. ErnestPoisson, La re’publique coope’rative, Paris, 1920;

4. Gustave le Bon, L’evolution actuelle du monde, Paris, 1939;

5. Jean-Charles Simonde de Sismonde, Nauveaux principes d’economie politique;

6. Keynes J.M.Keynes, Lres Cause’quencos e’conomiques de la paix.

7. Ludwing Bauer, L’agonie d’un monde, Ed. Fr, 1932;

8. Marcel Prelot, L’empirefasciste, Paris, 1939;

9. Oswald Spengler, Politische Pflichten der deutschen Jugen, Paris, 1935;

10. P. P. Negulescu, The human destiny, vol. II, Foundation for Literature and Art "King Charles II", Bucharest, 1939; Vol.

V, The Academy of Social and Political Sciences of the RSR, Bucharest, 1971;


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Peça de mão de alta rotação pneumática com sistema Push Button (botão para remoção de broca), podendo apresentar passagem dupla de ar e acoplamento para engate rápido

Despercebido: não visto, não notado, não observado, ignorado.. Não me passou despercebido

Ao Dr Oliver Duenisch pelos contatos feitos e orientação de língua estrangeira Ao Dr Agenor Maccari pela ajuda na viabilização da área do experimento de campo Ao Dr Rudi Arno

Uma das explicações para a não utilização dos recursos do Fundo foi devido ao processo de reconstrução dos países europeus, e devido ao grande fluxo de capitais no

Neste trabalho o objetivo central foi a ampliação e adequação do procedimento e programa computacional baseado no programa comercial MSC.PATRAN, para a geração automática de modelos

Ousasse apontar algumas hipóteses para a solução desse problema público a partir do exposto dos autores usados como base para fundamentação teórica, da análise dos dados

Além disso, o Facebook também disponibiliza várias ferramentas exclusivas como a criação de eventos, de publici- dade, fornece aos seus utilizadores milhares de jogos que podem