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Effects of drought stress and various levels of potassium fertilizer on yield and yield component of sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) cultivar Armaviresky in Ardabil


Academic year: 2017

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ISSN 0976-2612, Online ISSN 2278–599X, Vol-7, Special Issue3-April, 2016, pp1761-1767 http://www.bipublication.com

Research Article

Effects of drought stress and various levels of potassium fertilizer on yield and

yield component of sunflower (

Helianthus Annuus

L.) cultivar

Armaviresky in Ardabil


Hossein Salati Momeni and 2Ahmad Afkari


MSc. Graduated of Agronomy, Ardabil Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.

1MSc. Graduated of Agronomy, Ardabil Branch,

Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran. 2

Department of Agricultural engineering, Ardabil Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.

2Department of Agricultural engineering, Ardabil Branch,

Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.


To study the effect of drought stress and various levels of potassium fertilizer on yield and yield component of sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) cultivarArmaviresky in Ardabil a randomized complete block design experiment factorial the four replications in 1394. The amount of potassium factor of 3 K1= 0kg/h, K2= 50kg/h and K3= 100kg/h, respectively. And the second factor consisted of drought stress levels D1=70mm evaporation, D2=140mm evaporation and the D3 =210 mm evaporation. Was used in this experiment was Armawireski. Overall, it was concluded that water stress, yield in oil yield significantly reduced. In this experiment, the highest grain yield D1= 70mm treatments, respectively (5021kg/h) (5631/4 kg/h) and the lowest yield of treatments and treatments D3=210 mm K1=0 kg/h, respectively (2481/3 kg/h) and (2996/9 kg/h). The results suggest that treatment D1=70 mm increased number of seeds per heah was.The higher leaf area during this stage of growth. Environmental stress by limiting the supply of assimilates for grain filling, the number of seeds per head is affected. So the highest seed weight, number of seeds per head and oil yield, respectively (74/51gr), (938/26 number) and (2457 kg/h) from D1=70mm treatment and lowest seed weight, number of seeds per head and oil yield, respectively (50/29 gr), (number 628/60) and (1631 kg/h) of treatment K1=0 kg/h, respectively. If the highest oil percent (%59/74) of treatment K3=100 kg/h, respectively.

Keywords: Sunflower, oil percent, drought stress, grain yield, potassium


An excessive Loss of the water leads to violation of metabolism and structure of the cell, as a result of reaction can be stopped by catalyzing ferments. As a rule in plants which are sensible to drought a definite quantity of water is remained in veins and vegetative tissues, therefore they can continue their development during total loss of water by 30% (Pier, and Berkowitz 1987). During deficiency of water deficiency the probability

of provision of the plants with nutritious elements is very little or absent. On the basis of it the necessity of creation of immunity of the resistance of drought on plants arises (Lahlou and et al., 2003). Under water deficiency the reduction of intensity of photosynthesis is observed 10-30%, thus inner changes happen in plants. Under this

influence in photosynthesizing cells a


substances promote (Lafitt, 2002). The drought also influences on plant respiration and it is connected with the ecological condition of the plants at first (Premachandraand et al.,1991). The numerous investigations confirmed an intensification of the plant respiration during

the water deficiency (Neiastani, 2003).

Insignificant decrease of water quantity causes an increase of intensity, of respiration, under a sharp reduction intensity of water quantity reduces in atmosphere (Afkari Bajehbaj, 2009). As a result of the inherence of

drought in C3-plants respiration decreases,

ever glyeolatoxindaz doesn't expose to in fluency, this effect can be observed under

decarboxiliziving. Some plants regulate

osmotic potential and Turgor pressure with the purpose of reeducation of damaging influence of the drought. Under it the plants attract some organic and inorganic matters to it self or increase their quantity by means of synthesis. And it allows the plant to increase a resistance for the drought, the plants preserve-membrane and albumen of their cells by it (Lafitt, 2002). It is necessary to note a significant role of praline, as an effecting factor (Cakmak, 2005). Some authors consider that praline plays a significant role in regulation of the osmotic potential of the inside cell (HopkinsP, 2004). The main food-stuffs of the man are grain cultures which are mainly grown in arid regions. In the conditions the decrease of the plant productivity in comparison with normal conditions raises an important question before genetics and selection, using from different methods to raiser a high-crop sort over physiological and economical peculiarities it is necessary to note that such sorts hop some grains plants have leen taken out (Toumeux and andet al., 2003). Other group of the investigators supposes that accumulation of praline in plants is a parameter of the s tress (Zlatev and Stotanov, 2005). Besides, it is shown that under an influence of the drought

in leaves a quantity of praline rises (Mojayad, and planchon. 1998). Reduction of the quantity of water inside cell leads to increase of praline quantity in leaves and besides, this

parameter changes depending on sort

(AfkariBajehbaj, 2010). Economical crop

capacity also depends on water stress. Under influence of the water stress occurs close stomas as a result of supply of C3, intensity of photosynthesis and productivity of the grain decrease. The harvest index, correlation of the economical crop capacity means biological prom cal crop capacity means biological productivity. Thigh index also depends on water stress and its general quantity decrease in the condition of drought, in these conditions the main part of the reserve water is used in plant development, thus, necessary quantity of water isn’t preserved till the stage of ripening of grain and consequently the harvest index decreases (Khalilvand, and

M.Yarnia. 2007, tartar, 2008). Under

insufficient provision of the plants with water a quantity of the deficiency of water sharply decreases. As a result of decrease of turgor pressure in leaves, their painting turns pale, occurs close stomas. Sharp decrease of intensity of photosynthesis and productivity

(Egilla and et al., 2001).


To study the effect of drought stress and various levels of potassium fertilizer on yield and yield

component of sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.)

cultivarArmaviresky in Ardabil a randomized complete block design experiment factorial the four replications in 1394. The amount of potassium factor of 3 K1= 0kg/h, K2= 50kg/h and

K3= 100kg/h, respectively. And the second factor

consisted of drought stress levels D1=70mm

evaporation, D2=140mm evaporation and the D3

=210 mm evaporation. On the main beddings the stress conditions are created in there


D2=140 mm of evaporation, D3=210 mm of evaporation). The experiments were carried out in three replications of 108 beddings or control units. The length of every bedding of 6mm, width=4.2 m, consists of 7 lines, 1 and 7 lines when examines, 2 and 6 lines-for a selection of the samples with the purpose of the alleys increase, 3 and 5 line-unexamined, 4 lines-for final harvest. A distance between beddings was equal to 2 and sowing lines, a distance between replication-2 m, in the soil of the sowing part of the experimental area a quantity of total humus-2.63%, nitrogen 0.042%, mobile phosphorus 19 mg% and; potassium 23 mg%. during the experiments

the average temperature 13-260C, mean

quantity of regiments 378 mm. during the whole vegetative period the dynamics of

increase and development is studied by means of phonological observations, an area of the leaves and other assimilating organs is measured with the help of AAS-400 (Span), dynamics of accumulation of the dry biological mass is defined by means of taking samples from the fields and during in the

thermostat under 800C during 48 hours. The

specific area of the leaves is calculated over correlation of density and dry and raw weight. The relative error of the experiments didn’t increase 5%. For definition of the biological productivity, economical crop capacity and economical indices from every area they are chosen at 10 bushes and investigated.

proportion as follows, the leaf surface indicator

was calculated

: mounted are which disks the of weight The area disk leaves seedling the of weigh The surface leaf

The  

leaves were determined using the following formula:

100 Wd -Ws Wd -Wf

RWC  

In which WF refers to the wet weight of the leaf, Wd refers to the dry weight of the leaf, and Ws refers to the Saturated weight of the leaves. Using promoter machine the resistance of openings was measured. This was done early in the morning using the following equation the percent of the hollowness and the indicator of yielding were calculated (Taiz. andZeiger, 2002). Measured attributes were as follows: leaf relative water content, leaf chlorophyll content, leaf area index, stomatal resistance, stomata number present in adaxial an abaxial leaf sides, hollow seeds percent, full seeds weight, seed number per head and grain yield. Leaf area was measured through leaf area meter (AM100 model). MSTATC and Excel were used to analyze data and draw graphs, respectively.


As is obvious from the consequences, each of

the three water regimes (D1=700mm of

evaporation, D2=140 mm of evaporation,

D3=210 mm of evaporation). Also showed the

relation between the drought and quantity of praline in sunflower. In the conditions of the drought a quantity of proline increases, this increase promotes a regulation of osmotic pressure. Proceeding from it, proline is a factor which is used for choice selection of the sorts, stable for the drought, Economical crop capacity also depends on this stress, for example, at biting out and fruiting at water

deficiency the economical productivity


stomas slightly increases by entering of Co2,

as a result photosynthesis and grain crop decrease. The biological productivity also depends on water stress. Sunflower yield has a close correlation with the number of flowers in the species, it means that in the high number of

flowers the spaces will be thicker and

accumulation will be more successful.

Consequently grain yield will be higher parallel with that. The factors like non-fertilization of flowers, temperature, relative water content, environment, soil humidity, lack of nutrition and insects for pollination result in grain hollowness. Cultivars and water application rates had significant interaction(Goksoy and et al., 2004). On the base of results, it can be concluded that water deficit exertion caused to spices seed number decrease and some time increased and decreased

their full seeds and hollowness percent,

respectively. In 140 mm evaporation, the current photosynthesis rate was higher than a decrease in the number of grain, consequently percent of grain hollowness increased.

Maximum harvest index was (31.5 and 25.68) percent in Armawiresky of treatment (D1=70 mm

K3=100 kg/h) (Fig 5 and 6).Plant adjustment

against water deficit condition or its environment to reduce its growth period is the reason of maximum harvest index in this level of water deficit. In other words, the effect of water deficit on the economical yield was lower than its effect on the biological yield. (Khalilvand and et al.,2007 ;Khosravifarand et al., 2008 and ) also found the same results.

The interactions of cultivars with potassium application amounts also led to a significant difference in the grain yield. Maximum grain yield was (5021.8 and 5612.32 kg/h) in Armawirski cultivar of treatment (D1=70 mm K3=100 kg/h),

respectively (Figure 1 and 2) (Afkari and et al., 2009; AfkariBajehbaj, 2010) also found the same results.

Thousand seed weights were not significantly different between density and varieties but the year effect was significant.

Thousand seed weight was not affected

significantly by either row spacing or varieties. Some researchers also reported that thousand seed weights of phacelia genotypes were not affected by experimental treatments.

The grain number per head is an important and efficient component in performance. The factor of making changes in the number of seeds in each species is the potential number of flowers which is determined during the growth period of the plant particularly by the leaf distribution(Moorby, and et al., 1975).

The analysis of data obtained from the measurement of seed number in head in different levels of water deficit stress showed significant differences at the probability level of 1%. The interaction of the fertilizer amounts and stress levels also resulted in a significant difference at the 5% probability level. Comparison of averages obtained from the effects of water stress levels on seed number per head showed significant difference.

The maximum number of seeds in the species in 210 mm treatment evaporation from class A basin was938.2 and the least of that was 600.9 in 210 and number in 70 mm treatment evaporation from class A pan, respectively.

In this experiment, the highest grain yield D1=

70mm treatments, respectively (5021kg/h) (5631/4 kg/h) and the lowest yield of treatments and treatments D3=210 mm K1=0 kg/h, respectively

(2481/3 kg/h) and (2996/9 kg/h). The results

suggest that treatment D1=70 mm increased

number of seeds per heah was.The higher leaf area during this stage of growth. Environmental stress by limiting the supply of assimilates for grain filling, the number of seeds per head is affected. So the highest seed weight, number of seeds per head and oil yield, respectively (74/51gr), (938/26

number) and (2457 kg/h) from D1=70mm


(%59/74 and 51/57) of treatment (D1=70 mm K3=100 kg/h), respectively(Figure3, 4 and7).

Figure 1. Effect of potassium level on grain yield Figure 2. Effect of water deficit level on grain yield


Figure 3. Effects of potassium and water deficit onoilpercent. Figure 4. Effects of potassium and water deficit onoilyield.


Figure 7. Effects of potassium and water deficit ongrain number per head.


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Figure 3. Effects of potassium and water deficit onoilpercent. Figure 4. Effects of potassium and water deficit
Figure 7. Effects of potassium and water deficit ongrain number per head.


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