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Programação JAVA. Sobre o curso. Estágio. Programação e Bases de Dados - Percursos. Nível: Avançado Duração: 186h


Academic year: 2021

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Programação JAVA

Programação e Bases de Dados - Percursos

Nível: Avançado

Duração: 186h

Sobre o curso

O objetivo deste programa é criar profissionais de TI com as competências e experiência necessárias para desempenhar funções de programador na linguagem JAVA, através de formação certificada, aliada à possibilidade de realização de um estágio curricular.

Baseado em diversas tecnologias emergentes este percursos de formação fornece aos participantes um conjunto alargado de conhecimentos técnicos e a experiência prática ajustados à realidade atual.


Oferecer uma formação teórico-prática avançada, sólida, especializada e atualizada, que prepare os

formandos para uma carreira de sucesso na área de Desenvolvimento de Aplicações com Java, dotando-os de versatilidade, criatividade, espírito crítico e rigor técnico para enfrentar com autonomia os desafios de um meio tecnológico exigente e em permanente mudança;

Dotar os Formandos com o know-how e a qualificação necessários para exercer com sucesso uma

atividade profissional de programador;

Potenciar a produtividade, o reconhecimento profissional e a empregabilidade dos Formandos, através

das mais elevadas Certificações Oracle, reconhecidas internacionalmente;

Desenvolver as competências pessoais essenciais à atividade de programador de aplicações Java.

Certificações Obtidas:

Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer

Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 7 Programmer

Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Component Developer



Subsídio de Transporte e Refeição), após a conclusão da formação, mediante a realização dos exames de Certificação com aproveitamento.

Contacte-nos para conhecer as condições de estágio, disponíveis depois da conclusão dos nossos percursos.

Saiba mais aqui >


Todos os interessados em iniciar uma atividade profissional no mercado das Tecnologias de

Informação, nomeadamente na área de programação de aplicações Java. Profissionais que pretendam investir ou mudar de carreira.

O perfil curricular deste percurso adequa-se à preparação de Profissionais para o desempenho das

seguintes funções: Java Developer

Java Software Programmer

Senior Java Developer

Java Programmer

Java Web Software Developer

Conheça as turmas das edições anteriores >>


Conhecimentos de Inglês.

Alguns conhecimentos sobre programação e tecnologias web, podem facilitar a assimilação dos


Não apresenta quaisquer pré-requisitos a nível de habilitações académicas ou experiência



Constituído por 6 módulos de formação integrados numa ótica de sessões mistas de teoria e prática. Cada módulo é constituído por um período de formação presencial, com a duração total de 165 horas, e acompanhamento permanente e personalizado por parte de um formador.

Serão elaborados exercícios e simulações de situações práticas com resolução individualizada garantindo uma aprendizagem mais eficaz.

Os conteúdos ministrados durante o percurso são devidamente acompanhados por manuais, distribuídos aos Participantes.


182 horas;

6 Sessões mistas de teoria e prática;

Exposição dos conteúdos por um formador certificado;

Experimentação em sala dos conteúdos ministrados.

EXAME DE CERTIFICAÇÃO 3 exames de certificação:

Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer

Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 7 Programmer

Oracle Certified Expert, Java EE 6 Web Component Developer

Os exames de certificação deverão ser realizados no final dos respetivos módulos de formação;

As datas são sugeridas pela GALILEU, no entanto, a marcação é feita pelo Formando no momento em

que se sentir preparado para tal, tendo em consideração que os exames incluídos neste percurso, têm de ser efectuados, o máximo, até 6 meses a contar da data de término do último curso do percurso. A marcação deve ser efetuada com 4 dias úteis de antecedência à data pretendida;

O resultado do exame é conhecido aquando da finalização do mesmo.


Os formandos que não obtenham aprovação no seu primeiro exame de certificação, poderão ter uma segunda oportunidade de forma gratuita. Têm direito a este “second shot” gratuito:

Os formandos que, após terem realizado o exame, tenham reprovado com nota inferior a 10% em

relação à nota mínima exigida;

Façam os exames nas datas propostas no calendário do percurso.



Introdução à Programação Web (30h)

Java SE7 Fundamentals (30h)

Auto estudo acompanhado (6h)

Ação de Preparação para Exame 1Z0-803: Java SE7 Programmer I (3h)

Java SE7 Programming (30h)

Auto estudo acompanhado (6h)

Preparação para o exame 1Z0-804: Java SE7 Programmer II (3h)

Developing Applications With Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server (30h)

Marketing Pessoal e Comunicação (6h)

Seminário (3h)

Java EE 6: Develop Web Components With Servlets & JSPs New (30h)

Auto estudo acompanhado (6h)

Preparação para o exame Java EE 6 Web Component Developer (3h)

Introdução à Programação Web (30h) Java SE7 Fundamentals (30h)

Introducing the Java Technology

Relating Java with other languages

Showing how to download, install, and configure the Java environment on a Windows system.

Describing the various Java technologies such as Java EE, JavaME, Embedded Java SE

Describing key features of the technology and the advantages of using Java

Using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Thinking in Objects

Defining the problem domain

Identifying objects and recognizing the criteria for defining objects

Introducing the Java Language

Defining classes

Identifying the components of a class

Creating and using a test class

Compiling and executing a test program

Working with Primitive Variables

Declaring and initializing field variables

Describing primitive data types such as integral, floating point, textual, and logical

Declaring variables and assigning values

Using constants

Using arithmetic operators to modify values


Working with Objects

Declaring and initializing objects

Storing objects in memory

Using object references to manipulate data

Using JSE javadocs to look up the methods of a class

Working with String and StringBuilder objects

Using operators and decision constructs

Using relational and conditional operators

Testing equality between strings

Evaluating different conditions in a program and determining the algorithm

Creating if and if/else constructs

Nesting and chaining conditional statements

Using a switch statement

Creating and Using Arrays

Declaring, instantiating, and initializing a one-dimensional Array

Declaring, instantiating, and initializing a two-dimensional Array

Using a for loop to process an Array

Creating and initializing an ArrayList

Using the import statement to work with existing Java APIs

Accessing a value in an Array or and ArrayList

Using the args Array

Using Loop Constructs

Creating while loops and nested while loops

Developing a for loop

Using ArrayLists with for loops

Developing a do while loop

Understanding variable scope

Working with Methods and Method Overloading

Creating and Invoking a Method

Passing arguments and returning values

Creating static methods and variables

Using modifiers

Overloading a method

Using Encapsulation and Constructors

Creating constructors

Implementing encapsulation

Introducing Advanced Object Oriented Concepts

Using inheritance

Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding

Working with superclasses and subclasses


Adding abstraction to your analysis and design

Understanding the purpose of Java interfaces

Creating and implementing a Java interface

Handling Errors

Understanding the different kinds of errors that can occur and how they are handled in Java

Understanding the different kinds of Exceptions in Java

Using Javadocs to research the Exceptions thrown by the methods of foundation classes

Writing code to handle Exceptions

The Big Picture

Creating packages and JAR files for deployment using java

Two and three tier architectures

Looking at some Java applications examples

Auto estudo acompanhado (6h)

Ação de Preparação para Exame 1Z0-803: Java SE7 Programmer I (3h) Java SE7 Programming (30h)

Java Platform Overview

● Introductions ❍ Course Schedule ❍ Java Overview ❍ Java Platforms ❍ OpenJDK ❍ Licensing ❍

Java in Server Environments

The Java Community Process

Java Syntax and Class Review

Simple Java classes

Java fields, constructors and methods

Model objects using Java classes

Package and import statements

Encapsulation and Polymorphism

Encapsulation in Java class design

Model business problems with Java classes

❍ Immutability ❍ Subclassing ❍ Overloading methods ❍

Variable argument methods

Java Class Design


Access modifiers: private, protected and public ❍ Method overriding ❍ Constructor overloading ❍

The instanceof operator

Virtual method invocation


Casting object references

Overriding Object methods

Advanced Class Design

Abstract classes and type generalization

The static and final modifiers

Field modifier best practices

The Singleton design pattern

Designing abstract classes

Nested classes

Enumerated types

Inheritance with Java Interfaces

Java Interfaces

Types of Inheritance

Object composition and method delegation

Implementing multiple interfaces

The DAO design pattern

Generics and Collections

Generic classes and type parameters

Type inference (diamond)

Collections and generics

List, set and Map

Stack and Deque

String processing

String manipulation with StringBuilder and StringBuffer

Essential String methods

Text parsing in Java

Input processing with Scanner

Text output and formatting

Regular expressions with the Pattern and Matcher classes

Exceptions and Assertions

Exceptions categories

Standard Java Exception classes

Creating your own Exception classes

Using try-catch and the finally clause


Using try-with-resources and the AutoCloseable interface

The multi-catch feature

Best practices using exceptions


I/O Fundamentals

I/O using Java

Reading the console input stream

Writing to the console

Using I/O Streams

Chaining I/O Streams

Channel I/O

Reading and writing objects using Serialization

File I/O with NIO 2

The Path interface

The Files class

Directory and File operations

Managing file system attributes

Reading, writing, and creating files

Watching for file system changes


Operating system task scheduling

Recognizing multithreaded environments

Creating multi-threaded solutions

Sharing data across threads

Synchronization and Deadlock

Immutable objects


Creating Atomic variables

Using Read-Write Locks

Thread-safe collections

Concurrenct synchronizers (Semaphore, Phaser, and others)

Executors and ThreadPools to concurrently schedule tasks

Parallelism and the Fork-Join framework

Database Application with JDBC

Layout of the JDBC API

JDBC divers

Queries and results

PreparedStatement and CallableStatement


RowSet 1.1 RowSetProvider and RowSetFactory


The DAO Pattern and JDBC ❍ Localization ● Advantages of localization ❍ Defining locale ❍

Read and set locale using the Locale object

Resource bundles

Format messages, dates and numbers

Developing Applications With Java EE 6 on WebLogic Server (30h)

Java Platform, Enterprise Edition

Describe the purpose of the Java EE Platform

Describe the needs of enterprise applications

List the various Java EE specifications

Compare services and libraries

Describe the Java EE Web Profile

Describe the EE application tiers and layers.

Enterprise Development Tools and Application Servers

Describe the purpose of an application server

Identify the potential selection criteria used when choosing an application server

Install the Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Zip Distribution

Describe the properties of Java EE components

Describe the process of developing a Java EE application

Describe how to configure and package Java EE applications

List EE supporting features provided by integrated development environments (IDEs)

JavaBeans, Annotations, and Logging

Describe the Java SE features that are used extensively in enterprise applications

Create POJO JavaBeans components

Log application activity and errors

Write to server logs

Describe common Java SE annotations and features

Develop Java annotations

Describe the role of annotations in Java EE

Web Component Model

Describe the HTTP request-response model

Define the difference between Java Servlets, JSP, and JSF components

Implement application layering and the MVC Pattern


Avoid thread safety issues in web components

Use the Expression Language

Developing with JavaServer Faces Technology

Evaluate the role of JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology as a presentation mechanism

Describe the flow of the JSF life cycle

Author JSF pages using Facelets

Process form submissions and use JSF managed beans

Describe the use of JSF tag libraries

Use the appropriate annotation to control the scope of a bean instance

Use a component to iterate over values in a collection

Using AJAX and Composite Components with JSF

Define Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)

Describe how JSF Components can be enhanced with AJAX

Use the tag

Describe how AJAX request integrates with the JSF life cycle

Define a composite component

Create a JSF composite component

Apache Trinidad JSF Component Library and Mobile Development

Create JavaServer Faces (JSF) pages that use Apache Trinidad components

Create a JSF-based mobile application

Dynamically apply Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with Trinidad Skinning

Use the HTML5 video tag

Dependency Injection With CDI

Create managed bean compatible classes

Inject managed beans

Qualify the bean being requested at an injection point

Use CDI alternatives

Using JSF and Bean Validation

Define the approach JSF uses to convert and validate input data

Use built-in validation constraints provided with JSF

Use built-in validation constraint annotations provided by Bean Validation

Create a custom Bean Validation constraint

Developing Servlets

Describe the servlet API

Use the request and response APIs

Set response headers

Create text and binary response bodies


Process file uploads using servlets

Forward to JSPs using RequestDispatcher

Use the session management API

Developing with JavaServer Pages Technology

Evaluate the role of JSP technology as a presentation mechanism

Author JSP pages

Process data received from servlets in a JSP page

Describe the use of tag libraries

EJB Component Model

Describe the role of EJB components in a Java EE application

Describe the benefits of EJB components

Describe the operational characteristics of a stateless, stateful, and singleton session beans

Create session beans

Create session bean clients

The Java Persistence API

Describe the role of the Java Persistence API (JPA) in a Java EE application

Explain the basics of object-relational mapping

Describe the elements and environment of an entity component

Describe the life cycle and operational characteristics of entity components

Implementing a Transaction Policy

Describe transaction semantics

Compare programmatic and declarative transaction scoping

Use JTA to scope transactions programmatically

Implement a container-managed transaction policy

Support optimistic locking with the versioning of entity components

Support pessimistic locking using EntityManager APIs

Describe the effect of exceptions on transaction state

Web Service and Integration Technology Survey

Describe the purpose of integration technologies

Define the integration layer in a multilayered application architecture

List various Java EE integration technologies

Describe the benefit of Web Services over other integration technologies

Implementing a Security Policy

Leverage container-managed security

Define user roles and responsibilities

Create a role-based security policy

Using Declarative Security


Configure authentication in the web tier

Marketing Pessoal e Comunicação (6h)

Marketing Pessoal

Marketing Pessoal: definição e exploração do conceito

Identificação da importância do Marketing Pessoal no crescimento pessoal e profissional

A análise Swot aplicada aos objetivos pessoais e profissionais

Abordagem ativa ao mercado de trabalho


A comunicação e as suas funções – a importância de comunicar bem

O processo de comunicação

Comunicação verbal e comunicação não-verbal

A comunicação empática

Escuta atenta e ativa

Os diferentes estilos de comunicação. Atitudes de comunicação

Comportamento gera comportamento

Técnicas de comunicação eficaz

Seminário (3h)

Java EE 6: Develop Web Components With Servlets & JSPs New (30h)

Introducing the Course

Reviewing the Java SE and Java EE Curriculum

Getting Acquainted with Other Students

Reviewing Course Objectives

Discussing 5 Day Course Schedule

Describing the Format that the Class will Use

Introducing Web Application Technologies

Describing the Java EE 6 Web Profile

Web Application Essentials

Describing Java Servlet Technology

Describing JavaServer Pages Technology

Understanting the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture

Explaining Java EE Containers and Java Application Servers

Describing the Web Application Development Process

Identifying the Essential Structure of a WAR File

Developing a Servlet

Describing the HTTP Headers and Their Function


Explaining the Request and Response Processes

Understanding the Life Cycle of a Servlet

Listing Injection and Lifecycle Method Annotations

Understanding the Threading Model of a Servlet

Developing a Servlet to Respond to Requests from the Client Browser

Handling Form Requests in Servlets

Using HTML Forms To Collect Data From Users and Send it To a Servlet

Understanding How Form Data Is Sent in an HTTP Request

Developing a Servlet that Retrieves Form Parameters

Understanding and Using HttpSession Objects

Using Cookies for Session Management

Using URL Rewriting for Session Management

Configuring Your Web Application

Describing the Purpose of Deployment Descriptors

Creating Servlet Mappings to Allow Invocation of a Servlet

Creating and Access Context and Init Parameters

Using the @WebServlet and @WebInitParam Annotations

Using the ServletContextListener Interface

Describing the Different Scopes in a Web Application

Handling Errors Using a Deployment Descriptor

Implementing an MVC Design

Implementing the Controller Design Element Using a Servlet

Implementing the Model Design Element Using a POJO

Implementing the View Design Element Using a JSP and Expression Language (EL)

Connecting the model, View, and Controller Elements to Implement a Working MVC Solution

Injecting a Service in a Controller

Developing Components with JavaServer Pages Technology

Describing JSP Page Technology

Writing JSP Code Using Scripting Elements

Writing JSP Code Using the Page Directive

Writing JSP Code Using Standard Tags

Writing JSP code using Expression Language

Configuring the JSP Page Environment in the web.xml File

Writing an Error Page by Using JSP

Developing JSP Pages by Using Custom Tags

Designing JSP Pages with Custom Tag Libraries

Using a Custom Tag Library in JSP Pages


Describing JSTL Tags

Using Filters in Web Applications

Describing the Web Container Request Cycle

Describing the Filter API

Developing a Filter Class

Configuring a Filter in the web.xml File

More Servlet Features

Using the Asynchronous Servlet Mechanism

Using JavaScript to Send an HTTP Request from a Client

Processing an HTTP Response Entirely in JavaScript

Combining These Techniques to Create the Effect of Server-push

Handling Multipart Form Data

Implementing Security

Describing a Common Failure Mode in Security

Requiring that a User Log in Before Accessing Specific Pages in Your Web Application

Describing the Java EE Security Model

Requiring SSL Encrypted Communication for Certain URLs or Servlets

Integrating Web Applications with Databases

Understanding the Nature of the Model as a Macro-pattern

Implementing Persistent Storage for Your Web Applications Using JDBC or Java Persistence API

Auto estudo acompanhado (6h)


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