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Academic year: 2021









TRUNG TÂM BIÊN SOẠN DỊCH THUẬT SÁCH SÀI GÒN (SAIGONBOOK) g iữ q u y ề n sỏr h ữ u tá c p h ẩm







KIỂM TRA, PHÂN BIỆT ĐE t r á n h mua nhầm



n g ữ p h á p








C hoose the w ord w h ich has the u nd erlin ed part p ron o un ced differen tly from the rest.

1. a. routine b. line c. combine d. dine

2. a. h eat b. rep eat c. h e a rt ■ d. eating

3. a. plough b. house c. compound . d. touch

4. a. little? b. lighten c. liable ị d. cỉịmb

5. a. worked b. pumped c. watched d. con ten tod

C hoose a, b, c, or d th a t b est c o m p letes ea c h u n fin ish e d s e n tc n c c ; or th at b e st s u b s titu te s th e u n d erlin ed part.

6. The fire alarm w ent off when smoke rose. ■

a. expỉodod b. shouted c. rang • d. burned

7. After a sh o rt break for tea, they w ent on working.

a. bo^an b. continued c. delayed d. harrow ed

8. lie often leaves ... .. home for ______ work! a t 7 o'clock and arrived at

office a t exactly 7.30. I

a. a / the / an b. the / tljic / no article c. no article / no article Ỉ th e d. the / np article / an

9. During his break, Mr. Pike is used to drink tea with his fellow peasants, a. w orkers b. associates c. m echanics •: d. farm ers

10. On his _____ a t the airport, John felt a little disappointed when no one came and picked him up.

a. arrival b. arrive c. arriv er d. arrived

11. W henever I retu rn ed my village, I enjoy walking along the path s where flowers arc grow ing on the ...of each side'.

a. blank b. banks c. bankinỊg d. blank et

12. Water a t ono hundred degrees Celsius and freezes at zero degrees Celsius.

a. cooks b. steam s c. boils

13. Now they are visiting London. They wij] leave

a. to b. on c. at

d. grills

Paris the day after tomorrow., d. for

14. Could you please tell mo the ___ tim e wher| the m eeting begins?

a. exact b. exactly c. exactness d. exacting

15. Throughout ___ world, th ere have been experiijnents in grow ing food crops.

a. a b. an c. th e I d. no articlo

16; Tom is ___ _ in astronom y. He finds astronom y very ___ . a. in lores ting / in terested b. in tere st / in terested c. interested / in tere stin g d. in te re sts / in tere st 17. L ightning rarely ____ twice in the samo placfc.

a. strik es b. is strik in g c. will strik e d. was strik in g 18 . ____ about early Chinese libraries.

a. To know littlo. b. Thai little knows c. L ittle knows d. L ittle is known



19. Two tons of rice ______to jthe victim s of the flood yesterday. .

a. sent D. were seỊit c. was se n t d. has been sent

20. W hat đo you call a person whjo works in a library? _ lie / S h e ___ a librarian.

a. calls b. is called c. callod d. calling

21. P e t e r _____ for th is company; for m ore th an tw enty five years and h e ____ to stay here until he iẠ throe years.

a. is working / intends / will Ị-etire b. has been working / inten ds / retires

c. had work / in tend ed / re tire d d. works / will in ten d / has retired 22. -Peter does n ot feel satisfied w ith his now job. ;____ _ about it.

a. He has always com plained b. He always has com plained c. Always he h as complained! d. He has com plained always 23. ____ to get th e railroad station? - 45 m inutes.

a. How far do you take I b. How long does it ta k e you c. How often do you do Ị d. How fa st does it tak e you 24. Bill put his money in a bank] ?

a. isn’t he b. doesn't He c. d idn’t he d. does he 25. H e ____ very busy a t the present. He ... free tim e to go out.

a. is often / rarely has ; . I b. ofton was / had rarely c. has often been / has rarely d. ofum is / ra rely has 26. ... farm ing is a h ard work I enjoy country Jife.

a. Because " b. Since c. However d. Although

27. There are several people who never w ant to assume responsibility .... a. for w hat they have done I b. for having done w hat

c. thoy have done w hat for d. for what to do

28. P eter was ra th e r confused sinjee he really did not know _____ next. a. w hat to do b, to do whjat c. w hat doing d. w hat do 29. Now h e _____ m ore m oney tỊian he _ .. ... last year.

a. is earning / does b. earns / did c. can earn / was d. is earn in g / did >0. lie _____ his leg when h o _Ịìast year, u p to now, he any more.

a. breaks / was skiing / is riot skiing b. broken / skied / h as not skied c. broke / was skiing / has not sỊied d. had broken / skied / docs not ski

ỉr r o r I d e n tific a tio n

Ỉ1. I rrig a tio n in ag ric u ltu re is th e re p la c e m e n t or su p p le m e n tatio n of .rajnfaU with w ater from an b ther source in o rd er to growing crops,

b ' Ị c " d

12. M odem agriculture depends hèayỵ on engineering and technology and

;a I b

on the biological and physical: scionces-

c d I

3. Agriculture th a t relics onliy onỉ d irect rainfall aro som etim es referred

a b : ; c

to as dryland farm in g. \ ' d

lĩẢ t TẬJ» T R Ắ C N G H IỆ M T IK N G A N H !0 • P H A N b à i t ậ p


34. According to my professor, A fricans need to do in te n siv e farm in g a

to produce food enough to food th e people,

b c d

35. A griculture m ay often cause environm ental problem s because of it

a b

changes n atu ra l environm ents and produces harm ful by-products.

c d

R ead th e p a s s a g e c a r e fu lly an d c h o o se th e c o r r e c t a n sw e r .

A griculture is th e process of producing food, feed, fiber and m any other products by th e Cultivation of certain plan ts and th e raising of dom esticated anim als. T he practice of agriculture is also known as “fa rm in g ’'. S cien tists, inventors and o thers have devoted to im proving farm ing m ethods and im ple-m ents. M ore people in the worid are involved in agriculture as th e ir priple-m ary economic activity th a n in any other, yet it only accounts for four p ercen t of the world’s GDP (G ross D om estic Product): A griculture som etim es refers to subsis-tence agriculture, th e production of enough food to m eet ju s t th e needs of a f arm e r . and. his fam ily. It may also refer to in du strial agriculture, (oftnn re icrred to as factory farm ing) long prev alent in developed natio ns, which con-sists of obtaining financial incom e from th e cultivation of land to yield prod-ucts,- th e com m ercial raising of anim als, or both. A griculture is also sh o rt for the study of th e practice of agriculture— more form ally known as agricultural science. Increasingly, in addition to food for hum ans and anim al feeds, agricul-ture produces goods such as flowers, nursery plants, tim b er or lum ber,

fortiliz-o.rs, anim al hides, le a th e r, ind u strial chcm icais (such as starc h , sugar, ethanol,

a lc o h o ls , a n d p l a s t ic s ) , fib e r s , fuel, a n d b o th leg al a n d ille g a l d ru g s (biopharm aceuticals, tobacco, m arijuana, opium, cocaine). G enetically ongineerod plants and anim als produce specialty drugs.

subsistence: sin h kê feed: thức ãn cho gia sue

prevalent: p h ổ biến, thường thấy im plem ent: dụng cụ, phươỉìg li én 36. A griculture ... _

a. does not involve th e ra isin g of dom esticated anim als b. does not produce feed

c. in te re sts no scientists

d. consists of cultivating and raisin g 37. ... is th e practice of agriculture.

a. F ish in g b. R aising c. F arm ing (Ỉ. Im proving 38. W hich is not referred in the text?

a. Subsistonco agriculture b. Industrial agriculture

c. A gricultural science d. Chomieal agriculture

39. According to th e w riter, ___ .

a. th ere arc few er people who are involved in agriculture th a n in any other b. agriculture sh ares th e m ost proportion of the w orld’s GDP

c. no one studies th e practice of agriculture

{i. indu strial agriculture is prevalent in developed countries



40. Agriculture does not prod u ce__

■-a. fossil fuels b. tim ber c. drugs d. chemicals

Fill in cach n u m b ered b lank w ith o n e su ita b le w ord or p h r a se .

W hat do you do if you are a woman with two .young children? You have to spend a lot of tim e and energy taking (4Ĩ) ... of them . W hat do you do if you are also divorcod and have (42) _ _ _ money? You have to Jook afte r the children and earn (43) _*__to feed and clothe them. W hat happens if you arc also only twenty-four years old and have hopes and dream s for a (44) life in the future? You look after the children, go to work, and go to university, a!i a t (45)

same time. T h at has been Nancy W esley’s life for two y ears now.

Nancy gots up at 6.00 every m orning, dresses four-year old M atthew and two-yenr-old Anna, and ( 4 6 ) ___ th eir breakfast. At 8.00, she takas them to the kindergarten. Then she goes to university (47) she takes classes from 8.30 to 2.30 pm. At 3.00 she picks (48) ____the children and spends tim e with them at home. Two hours later, a t 5.00, it is tim e to go tó W all-m art store* where she works in the sports departm ent, (49) .... ... hunting equipm ent. Sho in (50) ___ about 10.00, and then she studies until m idnight. She works all day at the weekend. She is always tired.

41. a. charge

42. a. no

13. a. money enough 4A. a. more good •15. a. a 46. a. prepares 47. a. which 48. a. on -19. a. to sell 50. a. home b. position b. not b. enough money b. best b. an b. carries out b. th a t b. up b. sell b. to homo c. carc; c. any c. too money c. moro best c. the e. docs c. in th a t c. at c. selling c. house d. look d. no any d. manv monoy d. better d. no article CỈ. puts up d. where d. over (i. sold d. a t house


C h oose th e w ord w h ich is str e sse d d iffe r e n tly from th e rest.

]. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. an o th er a. water a. tim etable a. travel a. serious ■ b. tobacco b. peasant b. conclusion b. begin b. frightening c. buffalo c. farm ing c. passeriqer c. forgot . c. iniorosting d. occasion d. alarm d. bicycle d. announce d. contented

C hoose a, b, c, or d th a t b e st c o m p letes ea ch u n fin ish e d sen te n c e; or th a t b e st su b stitu te s th e u n d er lin ed p ari.

6. Many vegetables and flowers arc grown in grcenhousos in late w inter and early spring, then ... outside as the w eather warms.

a. transplan ted b. harrowed c. ploughed d. prepared

7. The bomb went OÍT in the crowded street, but fortunately no one was seri-ously hurt.

a. rang b. exploded c. burned d. iandftd

8 BÀI T Ặ P T R A C N G H IỆ M T IẾ N G A N H 10 • P H A N BÀ I TẬ»J


8. The m eeting i s ____ 9 o’c lo ck _____ Monday.

a. in / a t b. on / in c. for / on d. a t / on 9. The Pikes live _ farming. They work hard ____ the field everyday.

a. on / in b. a t / with c. in / on d. with / for 10. Which ____ does your company manufacture?

a. produco b. product c. production d. productive

11. Most B ritish d r i n k ... .. tea during their break time.

a. a b. an c. the d. no articlo

J 2. Peter often h a s ___ breakfast at 8 o'clock. He usually oats _____ csnorxoous breakfast. a. a / the b. the / no article c. no article / an d. the / the

13. Tt is raining. I hate rain. The w eather is ...It m akes m e ____ . a. depress / depressing c. depressing / depressed

c. depressed / depress d. depresses / depressed

14. Although 1 am very busy, I try to find tim e to como t o see my grandparents in the countryside every weekend.

a. take a break b. take care of c. pay a visit to d. look after

1.5. T h e ____ authority appoaled to the contribution of the community to help the victim of th e fire with food, clothes, and money.

a. local b. location c. locaJJy d. locality

16. ile finished his work a t five and got homo at quarter past five.

a. fivo b. fifteen c. half d. forty-five

17. Jt takes me about th ree h o u rs _____ the report.

a. complete b. to complete c. completing d. complotod

18. Mr. Jones often ... to work by car everyday but today he ...by bus. a. goes / goes b. is going/ will "0 c. wont/ has gono d goes / is going

19. lie ... tw enty calves last week, now h e ... them up to sell.

a. had bought / fed b. buys / feeds

c. bought / is feeding d. was buying / fed

20. Before the plane takes off, the passengers ... to fasten th eir seat belt.

a. tel] b. are tolling c. told d. are told

21. I think the car accident ______ I. got last month has been the most frighten-ing experience in my life.

a. when b. where c. th at d. for th a t

22. F arm ers collect th e ir crops and prepare them ___ .

a. for m arket or for eating b. to m arket and to cat

c. with m arket and eating d. so as to m ark et and eating

23. ... his au n t and uncle who live on a farm.

a. Seldom as Jac k comes to see b. Jack comes to see seldom

c. Seldom docs Jack comcs to sec d. Seldom docs Jack come to sec

24. I som etim es w ant to k n o w _____ .

a. how fa rm in g ,starts b. how farm ing started

c. farm ing sta rts d. farm ing started

25. The farmers in my village have got a crop failure ... pests and inserts.

a. because b. duo to c. as d. in spite of



26. At the m oment, w e ___with, the council for the sale of developm ent land. a . have negotiated b. negotiate c. were negotiating d. are negotiating 27. Although we have some difficulties, we manage to finish our work on time as

a. are requiring b. requiring c. required d. being required 28. Although the kinds of soil are different- farm ers can m anage to cultivate

suitable crops to make it the most productive.

a. Different as the. kinds of soil, are b. In spite of different of the kinds of soil c. Are the kinds of soil different d. Even the difference of the kinds of soil 29. -You used to live ọn th e farm during your childhood, ?

a. w eren't you b. didn’t you c. don’t you d. aren ’t you 30. I do not know _____

a. what does th is word mean b. what this word m eans

c. this word m eans w hat d. does this word m ean what

C h oose th e b e st s e n t e n c e th a t can b e m ad e from th e c u e s g iv en .

31. last month / my family / spend / summer holiday / villa / sea / hurricane / come a. L ast m onth when my fam ily was spending our sum m er holiday in a

villa by the sea, and á hurricane comes.

b. When last m onth, my family was spending our sum m er holiday in a villa by the sea, a hurricane came.

c. Last month when my family was spending our sum m er holiday in a viJIa by the sea, a hurricane came.

d. Last m onth when my family was spending our sum m er holiday in a villa by the sea, so a hurricane came

32. sky / suddenly / big black clouds / it / rain / heavily

a. The sky was suddenly covcred with Big black clouds and it began to rain heavily. b. The sky is suddenly covered with big black clouds and it began to rain heavily. c. Because th e sky was suddenly covered with big black clouds so it began

to rain heavily.

d. Although th e sky was suddenly covered with big black clouds but it began to rain heavily.

33. wind / blow I the sea /‘waves / high / swallow / sand

a. The wind was blowing' from the sea and the waves were so high th at they seemed to swallow the sand,

b. The wind was blowing from the sea and the waves were such high th at they seemed to swallow the sand.

c. W ith the wind was blowing from the sea and th e waves wore so high th at they seemed to swallow Iho sand.

d. i31owing from th e soa the wind and the waves wore so high th a t thoy seemed to swallow the sand.

34. weather forecast / announce / hurricane / media / no people and ships / in the

sea / th a t tim e

-a. Because the w eather forecast had announced the hurricane through the media, therefore there were no people and vShips in the sea a t th at time.

10 B À I T Ậ P T R Ắ C N G H IỆ M T IÊ N G A N H 10 • P H A N B À I T Ậ P


b. Because of th e w eather forecast had announced th e hurricane through the m edia, th e re were no people and ships in the sea a t th a t time. c. Because the w eather forecast had announced the hurricane through the

media, th e re were no people and ships in the sea a t th a t time.

d. As th e w eather forecast had announced the hurricane through th e me-dia, th ere were no any people and ships in the sea a t th a t time.

35. first tim e / we / see / hurricane / nervous / frightened

a. It was the first tim e th a t we saw a hurricane so th a t we were very nervous and frightened.

b. The first tim e when we saw a hurricane and we were very nervous and frightened.

c. The first tim e when we saw a hurricane, th a t made wo were very n er-vous and frightened.

d. It was the first tim e when we saw a hurricane so wc were very nervous and frightened.

R ead th e p a ss a g e ca r efu lly and ch o o se th e co r rec t an sw er.

Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops ,in tho samo fiefd in sequential seasons to avoid a decrease in soil fertility, as growing the same crop repeatedly in the same place eventually depletes the soil of various nutrients. Crop rotation helps to balance the fertility dem ands of various crops. By crop rotation farm ers can keep th eir fields under continuous production, without the need ÍO let them lie fallow, and reducing the need for artificial fertilizers, both of which can be expensive. In subsistence farm ing, it also makes good n utrition al sense to grow beans and grain a t the sam e tim e in different fields. Crop rotation is also used to control pests and diseases that can become established in the soil over time. Plants within the sam e family tend to have sim ilar pests and pathogens. By regularly changing the planting location, the pest cycles can be broken or limited. This principle is of particular use in organic farm ing, where pest control may be achieved without synthetic pesticides. The choice and sequence of rotation crops depends on the nature of the soil, the clim ate, and precipitation which together determ ine the type of plants th a t may be cultivated. O ther im portant aspects of farm ing such as crop m arketing and economic variables must also be considered when choosing a crop rotation. Crop rotation was already m entioned in the Roman literature, and referred to by great civilizations in Africa and Asia. From Ihc end of the Middle Ages until the 20th century, the three-year rotation was practised by farm ers in Europe.

crop rotation: luân canh precitation: lượng mưa

pathogen: m ầ m bệnh fallow: bỏ hoang

36. F arm ers who practice crop ro ta tio n _____ .

a. grow the sam e crop on th eir land all the tim e

b. grow different crops on th eir land in sequential seasons c. m ake the soiJ decrease in fertility

d. use a lot of chemical fertilizers

U N IT 1: A DAY IN TH K LIK E O F 1 1 /


37. Crop rotation ...

a. cannot be used in subsistence farm ing b. let land lie fallow c. can bo used to control pests and diseases d. is very expensive 38. Plants within the same taxonomic family

a. tend to have alm ost alike pests and pathogens b. cannot grow on the same land .

c. do not have pest and pathogens d. have different pests and pathogens 39. When practicing crop rotation, ...

a. farm ers needn’t choose the type of plants

b. farmers have to consider the nature of the soil, the climate, and precipitation c. farm ers cannot grow bean

d. farm ers can grow only grain 40. Crop rotation _____ .

a. was practiced in Kurope since the end of Iho Middle Ages b. was not practiced in Rome

c. was not practiced by Asian farm ers (Ỉ. was only practiced in Africa

Fill in each n u m bered blan k w ith on e su ita b le w ord or p h rase.

It is lunchlimo on the farm. Marjorie Sand rings the bell outside tho door to call her husband, Ivan, and her sp-andson Harwood in from the cattle (4 1 )____ . Ivan (42) his muddy boots and comes into the kitchen. ]Ie was born on this farm sixty-eight yoars (43) ... .. His father worked on a two-hundred-acrc; (arm with the help of six hi rod men and a team of horses. Ivan now works on a nine-hundred-acro farm with the help of His grandson and $138,000 worth of (44)

____ . The woather is hard in Kansas. ( 4 5 )____ summer, it is very hot and by November, it is snowy. Behind the farm house there is a cavti f-16) tho family can take shelter if there is a heavy storm. The land is good for farming. It can producc throe or four crops ( 4 7 )... . year. And this yoar has been especially ẹoođ. Ivan usually gets only two or three soya beans in each pod. This year many pods have four soya beans inside them. Ivan says, “Farm ers have to sell their products for (48) _ _ low prices and the cost of fuel and equipment is so high. Our profits are right down. But the Helds arc lying out there. We have to koep (-19)

something, and the more wo grow, (50) _ the price we get for it.

A 1. a. nest •12. a. takes off 43. a. then 44. a. mechanic 45. a. Oil •16. a. in which 47. a. a 48. a. so 49. a. SJTOW 50. a. the low b. net b. goes off b before b. mcchanieal b. In b. in where b. an b. so much b. to grow b. tho lower c. room c. puts out c. ago c. mechanize c. At c. of th a t place c. the c. so many c. growing c. the lowest d. shod d. goes down d. since then d. m achinery d: For d. in which placo d. no articlo d. such d. grown d. th e more low

1 2 BẢI T Ậ P TK Ấ C N G H IỄ M T JK N G ANH )0 • P H A N B ÀI T Ặ P



C h oose th e w ord w h ich is stressed d ifferen tly from th e rest.

1. a. biology b. m athem atics c. development d. ^coẹraphy

2. a. panic b. busy c. quiet d. exact

3. a. favorite b. contented c. interesting d. usually

4. a. children b. breakfast c. routine ‘ d. w ater

5. a. purchase b. practicc c. begin d. question

C h oose a, b, c, or d th a t b est co m p letes ea ch u n fin ish ed scn te n c c; or th at b e st su b stitu te s th e u n d erlin ed part.

6. W hat were you doing in th e garage? The tyres were flat, so I had to them up.

a. blow b. pump c. push d. repair

7. _ _ children under 6 years old got a froo provision of modical sorviccs.

a. a b. an c. the d. no articlo

8. Did you hoar .any noise ____ tbo night? The neighbors had a party and they arc very n o is y _____ ] was working.

a. during/ while b. in / as soon as c. at / when d. as / during 9. Many species of wild anim als a r o _____ danger ______ extinction.

a. of / in b. on / for c. in / of d. w ithin / at

10. Tho piano i_s__due_to leave at 10 o'clock, so WG should hurry up or we will be lato for it.

a. must b. needn’t. c. had bottor d- shouJdnX

11. Ho is one of the m o s t... people I’ve met. I!c never says anything a. boring / in terestin g b. bored / interested

c. bored / interestin g d. boring / interested

1.2. People g ath ered a t the station and ... th e ir eyes on th e brand-new train which was ready for its first journey.

a. put b. fastened c. screamed d. looked

13. When th e passengers realized th at the ship was flooded with water, they wore very upset a n d _____ in panic.

a. choored b. laughed c. scroamod d. hurt

14. After going over the combine harvester, the mechanic advised th e farm er

to buy it.

a. exam ining b. running ^ c. using d. sta rtin g

15. The forest fire la st week was the most te rrib le experience I have over spent. I stared death in th e ... ... .

a. forehead b. leg c. hand d. face

16. At last th e explorers had to stop th eir journey bccause of .. ... rain..

a. continue b. continuous c. continuing d. continuousJy

17. The machine used to b e ___ most useful on the farm, but it is out of order now.

a. a b. an c. the d. no article

18. The classm ates do not agree with the m o n ito r_____ . a. on w hat should be done b. on w hat being done

c. on being done d. on boing done whal

UN IT 1: A DAY IN TUB iJK K OJ*’ 1 3



19. I h a d ______h ard in th e field all the day. Now I am exhausted. I do not foe! l i k e _____ o r ______ anything a t all. ■

a. work / w orking / to do b. worked / to work / doing c. to work / w orking / doing d. working / to w ork / to do

20. We have not g o t ___ petroL I th in k it is not enough for us to continue.

a. a lot b. little c. too d. much

21. _____ on Sundays.

a. Always he gets up late b. lie always gets up c. Does he get up always late d He gets always up 22 . _____, th e p atien t passed away.

a. As though the doctors acted promptly b. Despite the doctors acted prom ptly c. In spite of the doctors’ prompt act d. Because the doctors’ prom pt act 23. The accident w a s _____ the slippery streets after the rain.

a. although b. in spite of c. due to d. provided th at

24. Our farm is next t o ________ .

a. Mr. Pike's b. Mr. Pike c. Mr. Pike is d. Mr. Pike has 25. My car i s ___________ hers.

a. cheaper and more convenient than b. more cheap and convenient than c. more cheaper and convenient as d. as choap and more .convenient than 26. W h o ____ the boss tell him that? - P eter did.

a. did hear b. does h ear c. hears d. heard

27. He on the bank fishing when h o ________ a man’s h at floating down the river. a. had sat / had seen b. was sitting / saw

c. sat / was seeing -d. was sittin g / has seen

28. ___ , that poor old man had to spend more than five years in hospital. a. As his m ental illness b. Although ho is m ental illness c. Because of his m ental illness d. In spite of he is m entally ill 29. He did not get on well w ith his workm ates. T h at’s th e reason ______ .

a. why he gave up his work b. ho gave up his work why c. for why he had given up his work d. why did he give up his work 30. ____ I adm ire his courage, I th in k ho should change his mind.

a. As though b. Even though c. As soon as d. Duo to

C hoose th e b e st s e n te n c e th a t can b e rrfcade from th e c u e s g iv en .

3 ]. 1 / never / forgot / happen / l a s t Friday

a. I will never forgot w hat happened to mo last Friday.

b. I wilJ never forgot the th in g th a t happened w ith me last Friday. c. I will never forget w hat happened to me w hen la st Friday.

d. When I will never forgot w hat happened to me la st Friday. 32. lunch / school canteen / we ail / go and tak e a nap / lounge

a. As soon as lunch a t the school canteen, wo all wont and took a nap in the lounge.

b. W hile we had lunch a t the school canteen, wo all w ent and took a nap ill the lounge.

14 B À I T Ậ P T R A C N G H IỆ M T IÊ N G A N H 10 • P H Ẩ N B À I T Ậ P


c. After having lunch a t the school cantecn, wc all w ent and look a nap in the lounge.

d. A fter having lunch a t th e school canteen and th en wo all wont and took a nap in th e lounge.

33. one of my friends / said / she / feel sick / begin to vom it / sh ort tim e / my friends I I I headache / dizzy

a. In spite of one of my friends said that she felt sick and began to vomiL in a short time, a}] my friends with I had a headache and fell dizzy.

b. At first one of ray friends said that she feels sick and begins to vomit. Hut later, in a short time, all my friends and I had a headache and felt dizzy. c. As soon as one of my friends said that she feJt sick and began to vomit. In a

short time, all my friends and mo had a hcadache and felt dizzy.

d. Then one of my friends said th at she felt sick and began to VO mil. In a short tim e, all my friends and 1 had a hoadacho and folt dizzy.

34 . I / serious stomachache / unconscious / wake up / find / myself / hospital

a. Ỉ had such a serious stom achache th a t 1 became unconscious. When Ỉ woke up, I found m yself in hospital.

b. 1 had so serious stom achache th a t 1 became unconscious. When I woke up, I found m yself in hospital.

c. I had such a serious stom achache th a t I becamo unconscious. Woke up, I found m yself in hospital

d. I had a stom achache so serious th at Ĩ becamc unconscious. To wake up, Í found m yself in hospital

35. We / food poisoning / overdose / pesticide / vcgetabJes

a. We had to suffer from a food poisoning duo to an overdose of pesticide on

the vegetables.

b. Because we had to suffer from a food poisoning, an overdose of pcsticidc on the vegetables.

c. We had to suffer from a food poisoning becauso an overdose of pesticide on th e vegetables.

d. We had to suffer from a food poisoning in spite of an overdose of pesti-cide on the vegetables.

H ead th e p a ssa g e c a re fu lly and ch o o se th e co r r e c t an sw er.

In 1970, N orm an Borlaug won a NobeJ Prize* for his work in th e Green Revolution in agriculture. The Greon Revolution is an agricultural plan which has been developed as p a rt of the effort to transfer agricultural technology t.0

loss agriculturally advancod areas. In his research, N orm an developed high- yielding v arieties of w heat which have m ade th e am ount of w heat incroasc significantly. In addition to his research on wheat, he and his colleagues also developed high-yielding varieties of other grains, such as rice and corn.

Everybody agrees th at there is always a need to produce more food for the growing hum an population. It seems th at the Green Revolution could end hunger and ensure an adequate supply of food far into the future. }iowev(?r, not all farm ers can get benefits from the Green Revolution. Two im portant parts of S.ÍH' U N IT 1: A DAY IN T H E f.IKK O F ... Í 5


pJan arc irrigation and the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides at certain Limes during the growth cyclc. Because the plan requires irrigation of crops, th at means digging a well. The poor farm ers are not rich enough to afford a well, fertilizers, and pesticides as the plan requires. Moreover, if th eir wealthy neighbors apply the plan, they produce more grain to sell, get more money to buy machinery. And the m achinery, in turn, helps them to get more grains and money. Tho poorer farm ers cannot compcte with their neighbors and thoir eco-nomic situation will become worse. Some of thorn oven give up th eir land.

‘Ỉ6. W hat is the m ain.idea of the text?

a. Poor farm ers do not appreciate the Green Revolution.

b. The advantages and disadvantages of the Grcẹn Revolution.

c. The Groen Revolution cannot holp to increase the am ount of ạrain. (Ỉ. Only poor farm ers need to apply the Green Revolution.

'M . The Green Revolution ... ...

a. introduces now agricultural technology and hiẹh-yielding varieties b. is an agricultural plan which does not involve irrigation

c. seems not Lo be able to solve the problem of food shortage

d. is ail agricultural plan which does not use any fertilizers and pesticides 38. Human b e in g s __ ___..

a. arc increasing in population b. need no more food

c. havo a plenty of food now

(i. wil! surojy lack food in the future because of the Groan Revolution 39. When applying the Green Revolution plan, far mors do not _____

a. need lo irrigate 'b. uso chemical fertilizers

c. spray pesticides d. foe] worried about productivity

•40. Tho (ĩrocn Revolution is ____ .

a. competitive b. undoablo for poor farm ers

c. not developed d. still unknown

Fill in each n um b ered blan k w ith on e su ita b le w ord or p h ra se.

Farm anim als supply (41) _____ estim ated thirty percent of all food and agricultural needs. They provide ( 4 2 ) _____ like milk, m eat, and eggs. They provide fertilizer to help crops (43) _____ . They also help farm ers with the farming. They supply us with not only food and labor (44) _____ clothes and tools. There has been concern ( 4 5 ) __ __ tho loss of many varieties of farm anim als as a result of efforts to crcate new ones. People began to breed anim als thousands of years (46) ___Breeders have looked for anim ais with hiqh qualities as they expect. (4 7 )__ __anim als are used to reproduce, so they pass along these qualities to the future (48) _ _ ___ . Big farm s and modern agricul-ture often depend on only a few kinds of anim ais (49) _____ have been bred to (5 0 )__ _ the needs of new technology and production methods.

41. a. a b. an c. the d. no article

42. a. producc b. production c. products d. productivity

43. H. ẹrow b. growing c. grew . d. growth

1 6 IỈÀ1 TẬI» T R A C N G H IỆ M T IE N O A N H 10 • P H A N B Ả I T Ậ P


44. a. not 45. a. about 46. a. then 47. a. So 48. a. kinds 49. a. who 50. a. m eet b.- also b. in b. before b. Such b. sorts b. which d. see c. but also c. at C- since as c. So th a t c. grades c. whose c. notice d. nor d. for d. ago d. So much d. generations d. whom d. look




C hoose th e w ord w h ich h a s th e u n d erlin ed p a rt p ro n o u n ced d iffer en t from the oth ers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a. passage a. wonderful a. cooked . a, name a. pause b. message b. month b. accomplished b. father b. laugh c. page c. tone c. hissed c. party c. clause d. luggage d. none d. gained d. arm y d. cause

C hoose a, b, c, or d th a t b e s t co m p letes each u n fin ish ed sen te n c e; or th at b est su b stitu te s th e u n d erlin ed part.

6. M athem atics is my favourite

a. objective b. requirem ent c. subject d. purpose

7. Peter cannot ■ English. N either can Mary,

a. toil b. talk c. speak

8. The d ea f and dumb use sign language to _____ . a. communicate b. calculate c. compute 9. The leader of a school is t h e _____ .

b. director

d. say d. control

d. headm aster in South Vietnam. a. captain b. director c. vicc-headm aster

10. Mo Chi Minh City is the biggest cultural and economic

a. center b. pole c. middle d. spot

11. It is very kind • you to help me solve the problem.

a. on b. of c. in d. about

12. Her good _ for the test resulted in the fact th a t she got th e bets grade,

a. prepare b. preparer c. preparation d. preparedly

13. During the rush hour, streets are often crowded __ people and vehicles.

a. for b. of c. in

14. When I am tired, I like to watch television, it is ___ :

a. relaxing b. thrilling c. nervous

15. W hat is your surnam e?

a. first nam e b. second nam e c. nickname 16. I would ra th e r g o _____ home and have ____ _ lunch.

a. the / a b. a / the c. no article / the d no article /no articlc 17. Eye ... . in communication is different in every culture.

a. contact b. consideration c look d. glance

d. with d. lovely

d. family nam e

U N IT .2 : S C H O O L TA L K S 1 7


18- He is fond of novels but he often does not have enough money .... ... the books he likes '

a. read / buy b. reading / for. buying c. to read / bought d. reading / to buy 19. I have things to do th at I do not have time to visit my grandmother,

a. so much b. so many c. so a lot of d. such many

20. I am sorry to keep y o u ____

a. w ait b. to wait c. waiting d. waited

21. People increasing object in public places.

s . to smoke 'b . smoking c. to smoking d. smoke

22. _____ P eter leave for London? - Two weeks ago.

a. Why has b. When did c. W here will d. W hat did 23. The local authority will get all the bridge in th e neighborhood _____ .

a. to repair b. repair c. repairing d. repaired

24. P eter is learning English at the moment. He often ______ English three periods a week.

a. is learning b. learns c. has learned d. will learn

25. _____ a t the spot, we realized th a t it was quite different from w hat had been advertised.

a. Arrive b. On arriving c. With arriving d. Arrived 26. We are looking forward t o _____ you soon.

a. hear b. heard c. h earing d. hearing from

27. They p la n n e d _____ in th e evening.

a. to go dancing b. going to dance c. going dancing d. go to dance 28. The factory has no waste drainage system. ___ , the area is seriously polluted.

a. Because of b. Although c. As a result d. M eanwhile 29. He rarely pays attention t o _____ .

a. what other people are talking about b. other people are talking about what c. other people are talking about d. about what other people are talking. 30. He said he _ _ _ _ to th e party.

a. had ra th e r not go b. would ra th e r did not go c. would ra th e r not go d. had b etter not going

E rror id en tifica tio n

31. Education, w hether it happens a t school or ạnyw here else, is a importan t

a b c d

p art in our life.

32. A college education is not only preparation for a carcer but it should also

a b c

is preparation for life d .

33. Today, it is quite common for adults of all ages to come back to college

a b

neither for career advancem ent or knowledge.

c d

Parents are used to beirre worried w henever t

34. Parents are used to being worried w henever th eir children have to

a b ■ c

travel somewhere because of there is often so mưch traffic, d

18 B ÀI T Ậ P T R A C N G H IỆ M T IÊ N G A N H 10 • P H A N BÀI T Ậ P


35. John decides to become a teacher because he enjoys to teaching a lot.

a b c d

R ead th e p a ssa g e ca r efu lly an d ch o o se th e co r r ec t a n sw er.

There are about 227 million Americans, and nearly sixty million of them go to school. Am ericans have always believed in education, but in an American way. The school’s first job is to turn millions of foreign children into Americans. Since they camc from many different countries, this is not easy. Schools have to teach th e foreign children to speak English, to love th eir now country, and to learn how to live in it. More and more parents from other countries have sent their children to the USA to get schooling because they think it may the ladder up which th e ir children may climb to a better life. Most American parents still pay less attention to book-learning than to a practical education th at will help their children to find a good job. Therefore getting started on a successful career is the main aim of the American education. The ƯSA tries to make children equal. However, th e re is also some difference between public schools in rich areas and poor areas. For example, Mississippi spends 1,300 USD a year on each student and M assachusetts - a much richer state - spends ‘2,400 ƠSÍ).

Many Americans are worried about the serious problem of violence and failure in some schools. However, we cannot deny the great success of American education. Its best universities are among the best anywhere. American philosophers and economists are world-famous and more and more American scientists win Nobo) prizes. But perhaps the most important is th at American education never stops. 36. According to th e w r ite r ,_____ .

a. American education is not good compared with other countries b. th ere are many foreign students in the USA

c. paren ts do not w ant to send their children to school d. schools in the USA do not accept foreign students 37. To turn millions of foreign children into Americans _____ .

a. is the least important b. is ignored c. is uneasy d. is impossible 38. Most Am erican parents prefer _____ .

a. book-learning

b. both book-learning and practical education c. n eith er book-learning nor practical education d. practical education

39. The money invested in education is in every area of the USA. a. different b. the same c. not much d. only a little 40. To sum up, __ ___ .

a. parents should not sent th eir children to the USA for schooling b. American education is good

c. American education is full of violence and failure d. American schools will not accept foreign students

Fill in th e e a c h n u m b ered b lan k w ith oixe su ita b le w ord or p h rase.

(4 1 ) ___ Saturday m orning, Charlie gets up later th an he (42) _ on work days. He goes dow nstairs to the kitchen and (4 3 ) ___a pot of tea. He takes a

U N IT 2: S C H O O L TALKS 1 9


ciipl"Upitot ,his_iỵữfe; who: is' st/ill in bed. It is a quiet, leisurely way to start the

-£\^eeicend^However tim e ofT does not mean (44) ... nothing all the weekend.

0 k ârỉi6 Giỹoys {'4Ố)' ___ h is house. He spen ds H lot. of h is free t-ỉXĩỉc on dO"ii-_

painting and w allpapering the rooms, or doing repair ..yourself’ work (46)

w o rk . Now he is fitting the cupboard in th e kitchen. Me often spends the

morning working on the kitchen. Then he has some gardening (47) ___ . He

has flowers and vegetables in his garden and a lawn. C harlie hag to (48) the lawn twice a month. On Sunday, C harlie spends (49} long time over breakfast, reading the Sunday newspaper. After th a t he takes his car out of Lhn garage to wash and (50) _ _ it. In the afternoon he often takes his wife to her sister's and they stay there for tea and supper.

41. a. On b. In c. For d. At

42. a. is b. docs c. has d: used

43. a. gains b. creatcs c. does d. makes

44. a. do b. to do c. doing d. did

45. a. improve b. to improve c. improving d. improved

46. a. so as b. so many as c. such many d. such as

47. a. do b. to do c. done d. did

48. a. cut b. pick c. dig d. swing

49. a. a b. an c. the d. no article

50. a. establish b. accomplish c. demolish d. polish


C hoose th e word w h ich is str e ssed d iffe ren tly from th e re st.

b. entertainment "C, appropriate cl. inform ation b. importance c. profession d. tomorrow

b. complain c. listen d. travel

b. geography c. experience d. preparation

b. suffer c. study d. differ

a. conversation a. holiday a. answer a. apology a. enjoy C h oose a, b, CT o r d th a t b e st c o m p le te s ea c h u n fin is h e d se n te n c e ; b est su b stitu te s th e u n d er lin e d part; or h as the sa m e m e a n in g to th e se n te n c e a b o v e.

6. Keep calm! There is nothing to worry _____ .

a. on b. in c. for d. about

7. The Now Year is coming so most of the clothing stores are ___ with people.

a. .crowded b. full c. accustomed d. fed up

8. M athem atics is an im portant , which is required in most of exami' nations for high school students.

a. object b. subjcct c. fact d. syllabus

9. Peter is one of __ __ best students th a t most of us admire.

a. a b. an c. the d. no article

10. Wc were ....___ in heavy traffic so we were tw enty m inutes late.

a. crowded b. got c. captured d. stuck

2 0 IÌÀI T Ậ P T R A C N G H IỆ M T IK N G A N H 10 • P H A N BẢ.I TẶl>


11. Young people are usually full of._____ , but lack of experience.

a. enthuse b. enthusiasm c. enthusiastic d. enth u siast 12. W hat is your job?

a. occupation b. career c. profession d. all arc corrcct 13. John has ju st received a letter ... . his parents, who livo abroad.

a. from b. of : c. off d. up

14. Advertising is a / an which helps m anufacturers to sell moro goods.,

a. entertainment b. business c. science d. designing

15. The b o s s _____ to sack him because he had been late twice.

a. hoped b. improved c. threatened d. advised

16. Sometimes he does not p a y ___ to his teachers so he does not get high marks.

a. love b. attentio n c. expectation d. time

17. The rainy season is coming. The roof of our house needs ____

a. repair b. to repair c. repairing d. repaired

18. I often go to work early to a v o id _____ in the rush hour.

a. drive b. to drive c. driving d. drove

19. W henever I ' her, she ______about her job.

a. m eet / is complaining b. will m eet / complains c. am meeting / lias been complaining d- met / has complained 20. I do not m in d _____ , but it is b e tt e r _____ Loo early than too late.

a. wail / be b. to wait / being c. waited / to be d. w aiting / to be 21. Of the three cars, the red one i s _____ ..

a. more economical b. most economical

c. the most economical d. the more economical

22. Ị was just a b o u t___the office when the phone rang.

a. leave b. to leave c. leaving d- left

23. ...as ho had promised? Because of some unexpected trouble. a. W hat didn't John comc b. Why John didn’t come c. Why didn’t Jo h n come d. When did John come '24. __ do you have an English lesson? - Three tim es a week.

a. IIow often b. How long c. How far d. How m any

25. Everybody knows th a t it is not good ,_____ _ a lot, but not many, of us can

avoid ■ this habit. ■

a. smoking/to get b. smoke / got c. to smoke / get d. to smoke / getting 26. It is no use : im patient when you are a t a doctor’s.

a. get b. to get c. getting cL got

27. P eter regrets not attending M ary’s birthday party.

a. P eter had attended M ary’s birthday party and ho had a lot of fun. b. P eter wishes he had attended Mary’s birthday party.

c. P eter is happy because he did not attend M ary’s birthday party. d. P eter wished he had not attended Mary's birthday party.

28. He fa ile d _____ his boss to accept his project.

a. persuade b. to persuade c. persuading d. persuaded

U N IT 2: S C H O O I- T A L K S 21


29. I am sure th a t you cannot have done th e work by yourself. ;_____________ ?

a. Who helped you b. Who did helped you

c. Who did you help d. Whom helped you

30. The sale m anager has ju st received a letter of com plaint from a customer _____ bought a digital watch.

a. which b. whom c. who d-. from th a t

Error Id en tifica tio n

31. Being able to read and speaking a language does not guarantee that.

a . b c

-misunderstan-ding w ill not take place.


32. Americans are becoming increasing interested in nonverbal communication.

a b e d

33. Despite there is a lot of stress and pressure in my job, I have never thought

a b e

of Quitting it. d

34. Sometimes it is difficult to avoid to drink when we enjoy an informal party.

a b c d

35. In order not to seem rude, we would strongly advise to learn - both

a b c

the language and culture before you leave for any foreign country. d

Read th e p a ssa g e ca r efu lly and ch o o se th e co r re c t answer*

If you try to phone Sarah Smith, you will be lucky to catch h e r a t Home. Take this week for example. On Monday, she played cards with a group of friends. On Tuesday, she went to a meeting of her book club. On Wednesday night, there was a big concert downtown. On Thursday, she went to spend th e night with her niece, and on Friday, she went to a wedding. On Sunday, of course, she went to church as she has done all h er life. Sarah Smith is seventy-seven, and since her husband died, she lived alone. However, th a t does not stop her đoinẹ more than most forty years old. She drives around h erself and she does everything for herself. “I keep the house and I do all my cooking," she said, looking around her beautiful house where you would hardly find any dust, “I make all the clothes Í wear, I read many books and newspapers, I talk on the telephone a lot, I watch various TV programs, I sometimes even attend some evening classes, and there is never a dull moment.” The state of Georgia, where Sarah lives, probably has changed more than most and she still remembers the time when she first came to the town. She said, “Georgia has growrr so rapidly. It is a beautiful state with large highways and marvelous large cities. I was raised in a little country town with about a thousand people and almost everybody was friendly.”

36. According to the w r ite r ,_____ a. Sarah Sm ith leads a dull life b. Sarah Sm ith leads an active life

c. Sarah Sm ith is always tired because she is old d. old people cannot do anything to enjoy th eir life



37. Sarah Sm ith is a. pessim istic 38. Sarah S m ith __

b. religious c. lonely d. absence-minded

a. is too old to do anything b. lives in a dusty house

c. cannot cook d. can drive a car

39. Which sentence has the different idea from the text? . a. Sarah cannot sew.

c. Sarah is often busy. 40. Georgia ___ ;__ .

a. is a little country town c. is a well-developed state

b. Sarah likes w atching TV. d. Sarah has a good memory.

b. has the population of a thousand people

d. has no highways

F ill in e a c h n u m b ered blan k w ith o n e su ita b le w ord or p h rase.

In American high schools, students move from one class to (41) . ... and study each subject w ith a different teacher and a different group of classmatcs. Many high schools have a tracking system, (4 2 )___ groups students according (43) . academic ability and motivation. (44) ___ _ more capable and h ard-working "students take more difficult courses. (*45) ___ on the subject, classes may be offered a t two, three, or even four different ability levels. High school stuđẹiits have ( 4 6 ) ___ very busy day. They have to take five or six academic subjects ( 4 7 ) ___ physical education. They also have to do homework, (48)

research in the school library, and take p art in activities such as the school band, school new spaper, athletics, drama or clubs. However, these school ac-tivities are w orth (49) ___ because they help students find friends with sim i-lar interests, develop th e ir talen ts, gain (50) ___ self-confidence, and even discover th eir career goals.

41. a. another b. one another c. others d. each other

42. a. th a t b. which c. whom d. why

43. a. on b. for c. in d. to

44. a. Because b. If c. Although d. So

45. a. T alking b. Agreeing c. Depending d. Objecting

46. a. a b. an c. the d. no article

47. a. as b. as well c. as well as d. so as to

48. a. do b. make c. discover d. care

49. a. do b. to do c. doing d. done

50. a. more greater b. the more greater c. much the greater d. greater


C hoose th e w ord w h ich is str e sse d d iffe ren tly from th e rest.

1. a. h eadm aster b. en tertain c. chemistry d. following

2. a. profession b. commonly c. everything d. difficult

3. a. experience b. communicate c. conversation d. appropriate

4. a. polite b. party c. dancing d. center

5. a. narrow b. language c. traffic d. correct

U N IT 2: S C H O O L T A L K S 23


C hoose a, b, c, or d th at b e st com p letes each u n fin ish ed sen ten ce; or that, b est su b stitu tes th e u n d erlin ed part

6. When I arrive home from work I often___ myself with an exciting film.

a. relax b. amuse c. correct d. prepare

7. Doctors often advise having a medical check twice a year to find out our problem as soon as possible.

a. project b. profession c. health d. understanding

8. It is im portant ___ student to attend all the lectures before the exam.

a. of b. for . c. with d. onto

9. t i e sometimes fails t o __ . his attention to what other people are saying.

a. get b. take . c..come d. pay

10. Could you please stop so much noise?

a. making b. doing c. talking d. spending

11. I had applied for the position, and t h e ___ promised to offer it to me.

a. employ b. employer c. employee d, employment

12. We would like t o _____ for the late departure of the flight.

a. compliment b. improye c. entertain d. apologize

13. English is regarded as ____ means of international communication,

a. a b. an c. the d. no article

14. ỈỈC missed the last sem ester because of his serious ilỉness. Now he has to work harder t o _____ his classmate.

a. put up with b. be bored up with c. catch up with d. lose sight of 15. She is in te re ste d _____ working as a tour guide because she enjoys working

__ people.

a. at / for b. in / with c. at / on d. of / at

16. _____ is the scientific study of the structure of substances.

a. M athematics b. Foreign language c. Literature d. Chem istry 17. ____ is the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals.

a. Physics b. History c. Geography d. Biology

18. _____ did you organize the party?

a. For who b. For whom c. W hat for d. Which for

19. The examiners do not p e r m it___ during the exam so the students have t.0

_____ until the allotted time is over.

a. go / waiting b. to go / waited c. going / wait 20. Little could they guess w hat was about

a. to happen b. happen c. happening

21. I h a t e _____ k e p t______ .

a. to be / wait b. be / to wait c. being / waited 22. W e _____ any problem up to now.

a. do not have b. hadn't c. will not have 23. The crowd w a s _____ large and enthusiastic.

a. either b. neither c. not as well

24. My English friend f in d s ___

a. using chopsticks is difficult b-. using chopsticks difficult c. to use chopsticks difficultly d. it using chopsticks is difficult

24 RÂ I T Ậ P T R Ắ C N G H IỆ M T IÊ N G AN H 10 * P H A N B À I T Ậ P

d. gone / be waiting d. happened

d. being / waiting d_ have not had d. both


25. When you finish ___ the report, would you mind . . . . me your Computer? a. to write / to lend b. writing / lending c. write / lent ' d. written / lend 26. They would rath e r M a ry _____ them when they arc talking.

a. not interrupt b. does not interrupt c. did not interrupt d. not interrupted 27. It is high time w e _____ and ■

a. stopped chatting / went on working b. stop to chat / go on working c. stop chatting / going on to w ork. d. to stop to chat / to go on work 28 . ___ can you jog? - About 5 kilometers.

a. How far b. How long c. For how many d. How often 29. _____ , he failed the university entrance examination again.

a. Because he will have prepared for two years b. Although he had prepared for two years c. Despite he had prepared for two years d. So that he has prepared for two years 30. F a n c y ... to you. I ex p e c t____ you again.

a. talking / to meet b. to talk / meeting c..talked / meet d. talk / met

Error Id en tification

31. To succced in a job interview, arrive on time, bo weil-drcsscd, and keeping

a b c d

calm when answering the questions.

32. Most of Vietnamese children attend kindergarten before to en ter

k b c d

primary school.

33. When leave a party guests often find the host to say thank you and

a b

goodbve otherwise they are considered being rude or inconsiderate,

c d

34. Those who leave each other permanently or for a long time need saying

a b c

goodbye or farewell, d

35. Bv the age of .five. about eightv-scvcn. percent of American children go

a b

to school. Most of them attend pre-academic classes calling kindergarten,

c - đ

Read th e p assage carefu lly and choose the c o r r c c t an sw er.

Americans are usually tolerant Off non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English. But they become annoyed when a person protends to under-stand but does not really and then creates problems because of misunderunder-standing what was said. No one wants soap when he asks for soup. So, if you do not under-stand what is said to you, admit it and politely ask the person to repeat or explain. It is quite rude to converse with a companion in your native language and leave your American friends standing there feeling stupid because they cannot understand the conversation. They may also feel th at you are talking about them or saying something th at you do not want them to hear. ĩf you must use your native language to explain something to a non-English-speaking companion, at least translate for your American friends so that they do not feel left out.



You should learn a few more polite English expressions, and you will be ready to face the world of Americans with confidence. The poiite response to a compliment about your looks or your work is “Thank you” - a smile and a nođ is not enough. The response to .“Thank you” is, of course, “You are welcome.” If someone asks, “How are you?”, do not give your medical history. But ju st say, “Fine, thanks. And you?” W hat should you say when someone sneezes? It mấy not seem logical, but th e correct response is “God bless you.”

36. Americans ______.

a. do not like those who cannot speak English

b. jvould rath er someone pretended to understand w hat they say

c. sympathize with those who have some trouble, understanding English d. often talk impolitely

37. When communicating with Americans, you ______. a. should pretend to understand thoroughly

b. needn’t use English

c. should speak in your native language

d. should not use your native language in front of them 38. A m erican s______ .

a. feel comfortable when they cannot understand w hat you said to other person in your native language

b. feel uncomfortable when they cannot understand what you said to other person in your native language

c. want you to 'tran slate w hat is said into your native language d. feel left out when communicating with a foreigner

39. The w riter has advised us ' a. not to use English to communicate with Americans

b. to let Americans out when we want to say som ething secret c. never to keep our friends standing alone

d. to ỉearn some polite English expressions 40. A polite response to “Thank you” i s __

a. “You are welcome” b. a smiỉe and nod

c. “God bless you” d. “Fine, thanks. And you?” -Fill in e a c h n u m b e re d b la n k w ith o n e s u ita b le w o rd o r p h ra s e

In (4 1 )___ _ USA, the education of adults goes on in many different places for many different reasons. At (4 2 )____ twenty-five million adults - about 13 percent (4 3 )____ the adult population - are enrolled in classes, nearly all as part-time students. (4 4 )____ ; these classes are not for college credit (4 5 )____ for knowledge th at they can use on the job, for job (46) ____, to pursue a hobby, or for personal growth. Programs commonly (47).____ Adult Education or Continuing Education are operated by many coUeẻes. In recent year, private learn -ing centers (4 8 )____ , offer-ing inexpensive classes for adults in a wide variety of skills and activities. Ạ typical catalog m ight offer classes in (49) ___ to cook a dinner, arrange flowers, do needlework, make friends, or write letters. Many adults enjoy {50) _____classes where they can learn som ething new and also meet people who share the same interest.

26 BÀ I T Ậ P TR A C N G H IỆ M T IẾ N G AN H 10 • P H A N BẢ I T Ậ P


41. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 42. a. last b. the last c. least d. the least

43. a. of b. on c. for d. about

44. a. Most b. Mostly c. Almost d. Most of 45. a. and b. but c. so d. with

46. a. promotion b. playing truant c. dismissal d. unemployment 47. a. call b. to call c. calling d. called

48. a. built b. were buiỉt c. have built d. have been built 49. a. why b.- what c. how d. which

50. a. take b. to take c. taking d. taken




Choose the word w hich has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

] 2. 3. 4. 5. a. advent a' women a. charge a. death a. mature b. advertise b. men b. large b. clothes b. picture c. aboard c. weekend c. share c. thing c. pasture d. anniversary d. recommend d. bar d. birthday d. adventure

C hoose a, b, c, or d th at b est com pletes each u nfin ished sen ten ce; or that b est su b stitu tes th e u nd erlin ed part.

6. He is interested i n _____ . He is a ______.

a. scientist / science b. science / scientist c. scientific / science d. scientist / scientific

"■ speaking, everything is going on as well as we have predicted, a. Unsuccessfully b. Impossibly c. Generally d. Unfortunately 8. Because of financial problem, she could not go on her study at university,

a. continue b. examine c. expect d. finish 9. His m other’s death is the g re a te s t___ event th a t she will never get rid of.

a. successful b. comic c. brilliant d. tragic 10. We used to go to school ____ when we lived on the farm during our boyhood.

a. one another b. altogether c. together d. cach other 11. She harboured the thought of being a member in the Parliam ent to struggle

for women’s rights.

a. keep in mind b. determined 0. passed d. took charge of

12. Mr. Pike devoted more than half of his lifetim e _____ teaching profession and now he is liv in g _____ retirement.

a. for / on b. to / in c. on / of d. in / at 13. Isaac Newton used to study, and then worked a t __ Cambridge, England.

a. a b. an c. the d. no article 14. Without the pull of the Earth, we could n o t _____ anything.

a. weigh b. weight c. weightless d. weightlessness



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