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Exercícios: Inglês para Concursos Públicos


Academic year: 2021

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False Cognates

• Actually (adv) - na verdade , de fato

Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discussões Amass (v) - acumular, juntar

Antecipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa Application (n) - inscrição, registro, uso

Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional Appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento

Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca Assist (v) - ajudar, dar assistência

Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro Attend (v) - assistir, participar de

Audience (n) - platéia, público

Balcony (n) - sacada, varanda suspensa Beef (n) - carne de boi/vaca

• Brand (n) - marca

Cafeteria (n) - refeitório, bandejão Camera (n) - máquina fotográfica

Carton (n) - caixa de papelão, embalagem "longa vida"

Casualty (n) - baixas (mortes ocorridas em acidente ou guerra) • China (n) – louça de porcelana


False Cognates

Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo,


Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer


Conceal (v)- esconder

Confident (adj ) - confiante

Contest (n) - competição, concurso

Convenient (adj) - prático

Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa)


False Cognates

Editor (n) - redator

Educated (adj) - instruído

Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.) Engaged ( adj ) - noivo

Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, registrar-se

Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqüentemente Exit (n, v) - saída, sair

Expert (n) - especialista, perito Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado Fabric (n) - tecido

Genial (adj) - afável, aprazível

Graduate program (n) - Curso de pós-graduação Gratuity (n) - gratificação, gorjeta

Grip (v) - agarrar firme

Hazard (n,v) - risco, perigo, arriscar Idiom (n) - expressão idiomática


False Cognates

Injury (n) - ferimento

Inscription (n) - gravação em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.) Intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção

Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas

Journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada, diário pessoal Lamp (n) - lustre, abajur

Large (adj) - grande, espaçoso Lecture (n) - palestra

Legend (n) - lenda Library (n) - biblioteca

Limp ( adj /v ) – manco ,mancar Lunch (n) - almoço

Magazine (n) - revista Mayor (n) - prefeito


False Cognates

• Novel (n) - romance

Office (n) - escritório

Parents (n) - pais

Particular (adj) - específico, exato

Pasta (n) - massa (alimento)

Policy (n) - política (diretrizes)

Port (n) - porto

Prejudice (n) - preconceito

Prescribe (v) - receitar

Preservative (n) - conservante

Pretend (v) - fingir

Private (adj) - particular

Propaganda (n) - divulgação / propaganda de idéias

Pull (v) - puxar


False Cognates

• Novel (n) - romance

Office (n) - escritório

Parents (n) - pais

Particular (adj) - específico, exato

Pasta (n) - massa (alimento)

Policy (n) - política (diretrizes)

Port (n) - porto

Prejudice (n) - preconceito

Prescribe (v) - receitar

Preservative (n) - conservante

Pretend (v) - fingir

Private (adj) - particular

Propaganda (n) - divulgação / propaganda de idéias

Pull (v) - puxar


False Cognates

Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação, registro Relapse (n) - recaída

Requirement (n) - requisito Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar

Résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo Retired (adj) - aposentado

Senior (n) - idoso

Sensible (adj ) – sensato Sensitive (adj ) - sensível Service (n) - atendimento Stranger (n) - desconhecido Stupid (adj) - burro

Support (v) - apoiar Tax (n) - imposto

Trainer (n) - preparador físico

Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar Vegetables (n) - verduras


“You just gave an important talk about a new

initiative. Maybe 40 employees were there, all

“key players,” you called us. I was the guy in the

back of the room with the curly hair.

You’ve seen

me a bunch of times, mostly in the stairwell and

the cafeteria. Bob is what you call me.


actually Rob, but

I’ll try not to hold that against

you.) If my opinion really mattered,

I’d tell you

what Iiked about your presentation to your face. I


wouldn’t mention what I didn’t like. But

here, why not lay it all out for you? You can take

it or leave it.”


# 1

According to paragraph 1, we may infer that the writer of he article (A) wonders whether the presenter would care to hear the writer’s own

opinion on the talk.

(B) seems to be a very close friend of the speaker, given their frequent meetings in the cafeteria.

(C) would have considered the business talk a relevant one if more employees had been invited to attend it.

(D) believes that his comments on the presentation will not help the speaker improve his performance in public.

(E) deeply regrets the fact that the speaker was incapable of recalling who he was and where they had met before



# 2

The pairs below contain a fragment from Text III and a possible translation into Portuguese. Which CANNOT be considered a correct match?

(A) “Some of its key findings…” (line 12) / Alguns de seus principais


(B) “…at an average annual rate…” (line 21) / ...a uma taxa média


(C) “…coupled with the slowing growth of the rural population…” (line 32) / …aliado ao crescimento mais lento da população rural...

(D) “...has led to...” (line 33) / ...teria levado a...

(E) “both with around 39 per cent...” (lines 44-45) / ...ambas com


• “ - Seniors Fire Safety: This month and throughout

Senior Week 2010, the NSW Fire Brigade ( NSWFB) will

focus on Seniors Fire Safety to highlight the potencial

dangers of house fires for older Australians.

• - Kitchen Fire Safety: Almost half of all houses fires

start in the kitchen and the majority of all kitchen fires

begin from cooking that is left unattended on the stove.

• - Basic Home Fire Safety: Training Materials Basic

home fire safety information is now included in the

qualifications for a range of community service workers.

In addition to their use in a formal training the material is

also recommended for use by community agencies in

staff induction for new workers and skill maintenance for

existing workers

. “



According to the text, most fires in

Australian kitchens

a) are due to old-fashioned stoves.

b) depend on a

cook’s expertise.

c) happen because kitchens are not




“Weights and Measures laws in the US represent

approximately 50 percent…” APPROXIMATELY

is closest in meaning to

A) hardly.

B) clearly.

C) almost.

D) seldom.

E) accurately.



All of the items fit into the same category EXCEPT

A) Laws.

B) Sales.

C) Enables.

D) Chemicals.

E) Businesses.




“They had passed Philadelphia a

long time ago” the verb tense is a:

A) Past perfect.

B) Simple past.

C) Present perfect.

D) Past Progressive




“ …the train was approaching New

York” a gerund is used as a/an

A) verb. = verbo

B) noun. = substantivo

C) article. = artigo

D) adjective. = adjetivo


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