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CURRICULUM VITAE. Bruno Meyerhof Salama


Academic year: 2021

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Bruno Meyerhof Salama

Office Address: Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola de Direito de São Paulo Rua Rocha, 233, 8º andar, 01330-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil

E-mail: bruno.salama@fgv.br Office phone number: (55)(11) 3799 2173

Selected Works: http://works.bepress.com/bruno_meyerhof_salama Research on SSRN: http://ssrn.com/author=943825

1. Academic Employment

Professor of Law, Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Law in São Paulo Head of the Center for Law & Economics and Governance

2. Education

UC Berkeley School of Law J.S.D. (Juris Science Doctor), 2008

UC Berkeley School of Law L.L.M. (Master of Laws), 2004

University of São Paulo School of Law LL.B. (Laws Bachelor), 1999 Fundação Getulio Vargas School of Economics M.A. (Master in Economics), expected 2016 3. Public Office

2013 – 2015: Member of the Appeal Body of the Brazilian Financial System (Conselho de

Recursos do Sistema Financeiro Nacional - CRSFN)

4. Other Professional Experience

2004 – 2005: Sullivan & Cromwell LLP in New York 1999 –2003: Pinheiro Neto Advogados in São Paulo 5. Bar Admissions

New York State Bar Association (since 2005, enrolled under No. 695224) Brazilian Bar Association (since 2000, enrolled under No. 172689) 6. Authored Books

O Fim da Responsabilidade Limitada no Brasil: História, Direito e Economia (“The End of Limited Liability in Brazil: History, Law and Economics”). São Paulo, Ed. Malheiros, 2014

Líderes improváveis: A batalha dos países em desenvolvimento pelo acesso a medicamentos patenteados (“Improbable leaders: The battle of developing countries for access to patented medicines”). Rio de Janeiro, FGV Ed., 2016 (forthcoming, co-authored with Daniel Benoliel)

7. Edited Volumes

Para que serve o Direito Contratual? Direito, Sociedade e Economia (“What is contract law good for? Law, society and economics”; José Rodrigo Rodriguez, co-organizer). São Paulo: Direito GV (2014)


Direito e Economia, Textos Escolhidos (“Law & Economics, Selected Articles,” org.). São Paulo, Saraiva (2010)

Sucesso ou Fracasso da Análise Econômica do Direito Contratual (“Success or Failure of Economic Analysis of Contract Law,” org.). São Paulo, Saraiva (2010)

8. Academic Publications

a. Law Review Articles in the United States

Law and Economics in the Civil Law World: The Case of Brazilian Courts (with Mariana Pargendler), 90 Tulane Law Review 439, (2015). Republication in Switzerland: Law and Economics in der Welt des Zivilrechts: Die Situation brasilianischer Gerichte. In Liber Amicorum für Peter Nobel (2015). Republication in Argentina: Derecho y Economía en el Mundo del Derecho Continental: el Papel de las Cortes Brasileñas. In: Owen Fiss et al.. (Org.). SELA: 20 años pensando en los derechos y la democracia. 1ed. Buenos Aires: Libraria, 2015, v. 1.

The Art of Law & Macroeconomics, 74 University of Pittsburgh Law Review 131 (2012)

Legal Protection of Minority Shareholders of Listed Corporations in Brazil: Brief History, Legal Structure and Empirical Evidence (with Viviane Muller Prado), 4 Journal of Civil Law Studies 147 (2011). Republished: KOZOLCHYK, Boris and REYES, Francisco (orgs.), Latin American Company Law: A Comparative and Economic Development Perspective, Vol. 1, pp. 131-158 (2013) Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era (with Daniel Benoliel), 32 University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law 265 (2010)

Pharmaceutical Patent Bargains: The Brazilian Experience (with Daniel Benoliel), 18 Cardozo Journal of International & Comparative Law 633 (2010)

b. Law Review Articles in Brazil

Controles de Capital: 70 Anos de Vai e Vem (“Capital Controls: 70 years of stop and go”), Revista de Direito, Direito GV, Vol. 20, São Paulo, Brasil (2015)

Empréstimos vedados de corretoras a clientes: critérios para aferição de culpabilidade (“Forbidden loans from brokers to clients: criteria for ascertaining culpability”) (with Vicente Braga). Revista de Direito Bancário e Mercado de Capitais, n. 65, year 17, jul-sep/2014, pp. 139-143.

Vigência, Punibilidade e Licitude: Três Questões sobre as Operações Blue Chip Swaps e o Decreto 23.258/33 (“Validity, Enforceability and Legality: Three Questions concerning Blue Chip Swap Transactions and the Decree 23.258/33”). Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, n. 64, 2014.

Direito e Consequência no Brasil: Em Busca de um Discurso sobre o Método (“Law and Consequence in Brazil: Towards a Discourse on Method”) (with Mariana Pargendler). Revista de Direito Administrativo (RDA), Rio de Janeiro, v. 262, p. 95-144, Jan./Apr. 2013

A Flexibilização da Responsabilidade Societária nos Direitos Privado, Trabalhista e Tributário: Uma Panorâmica Histórica (“Changes in Corporate Liability in Private, Labor and Tax Law: A Historical Overview”) (with Viviane Muller Prado). Revista da Procuradoria-Geral do Banco Central do Brasil, Jan/Feb, 2013


Recuperação Judicial e Trava Bancária (“Corporate Reorganization and Fiduciary Bank Guarantees”). Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, No. 59, Jan-March/2013

Vetores da Jurisprudência na Interpretação dos Contratos Bancários no Brasil (“Vectors of Case Law in the Interpretation of Bank Contracts in Brazil”). Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais, No. 57, Jul-Sept/2012

Menos do Que o Dono, Mais do que o Parceiro de Truco: Contra a Desconsideração da PJ para Responsabilização de Procurador de Sócio (“Less than the Owner, More than the Poker Buddy: Against Piercing the Corporate Veil to Hold Liable the Partner’s Attorney-in-Fact”). Revista de Direito, Direito GV, Vol. 8, n. 1, São Paulo, Brasil (2012)

Rumo a uma Teorização Jurídica da Inovação Financeira: Os Negócios Bancários Indiretos (“Towards a Legal Theory of Financial Innovation: Indirect Banking Transactions”). Revista da Procuradoria-Geral do Banco Central do Brasil, June, 2011

Regulação Cambial entre a Ilegalidade e a Arbitrariedade: O Caso da Compensação Privada de Créditos Internacionais. (“Foreign Exchange Regulation between Illegality and Arbitrariness: The Case of Private Setoff of International Credits”), Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais No. 50, Dec/2010

De onde Viemos? Inovação e Resposta Regulatória na Indústria Bancária no Pré-Crise. (“Where Do We Come From? Innovation and Regulatory Response in the Banking Industry in the Pre-Crisis Era”). Revista DIREITO GV Especial. São Paulo: DIREITO GV (2010)

De que forma a economia auxilia o profissional e o estudioso do direito? (“How do economics help lawyers?”), Economic Analysis of Law Review, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 4-6 (2010)

Como Interpretar as Normas Emitidas pelo BACEN e CMN? Uma Resposta a Partir da Evolução do Modelo de Estado Brasileiro (“How Should One Interpret the Regulations Issued by the Brazilian Central Bank and the Brazilian National Monetary Council? A Response Based on the Model of the Brazilian State”). Revista de Direito Bancário e do Mercado de Capitais No. 46, Dec/2009

A Economia da Arbitragem: Escolha Racional e Geração de Valor (“The Economics of Arbitration: Rational Choice and Value Creation”) (with Antonio Celso Pugliese). Revista de Direito, Direito GV, n. 7, São Paulo, Brazil (2008). Republished: Arbitragem no Brasil: aspectos jurídicos relevantes (Eduardo Jobim and Rafael Bicca Machado, orgs.). São Paulo: Quartier Latin, 2008, p. 73-87

c. Book chapters in Brazil

A Racionalidade Econômica do Direito Falimentar: Reflexões sobre o Caso Brasileiro (“The Economics of Bankruptcy Law: Reflections based on the case of Brazil”) (with Fabio Crocco). In: ABRÃO, Carlos Henrique (org.). Dez Anos de Vigência da Lei de Recuperação e Falência. São Paulo: Saraiva (2015)

Desconsideração da personalidade jurídica em favor de credores comerciais (“Piercing the corporate veil in favor of commercial creditors”) (with Alberto Barbosa Jr.). In: Coellho, Fabio Ulhoa et al (org.). Novas Reflexões sobre o Projeto de Código Comercial. São Paulo: Saraiva (2015)

Controles de Câmbio no Brasil: Teoria e Prática (“Capital Controls in Brazil: theory and practice”) (2015, forthcoming)


Para além do “Empreendedorismo Intelectual”: Fatores de Demanda na Cientificização da Produção Jurídica (“Beyond ‘Intellectual Entrepreneurship’: Demand Factors in the Scientification of Legal Scholarship”) (with Mariana Pargendler). In: PORTO, Antônio José M. and SAMPAIO, Patrícia Regina P.: Editora FGV (2014)

A História do Declínio e Queda do Eficientismo na Obra de Richard Posner (“The History of the Decline and Fall of Wealth Maximization in the Works of Richard Posner”). In: LIMA, Maria Lúcia L. M. Pádua (org.). Trinta Anos de Brasil: Diálogos entre Direito e Economia. São Paulo: Saraiva (2012). Republished: Revista do Instituto do Direito Brasileiro da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa - RIDB, n. 1 (2012)

A Economia da Arbitragem (“The Economics of Arbitration”). In: Manual de Direito e Economia no Brasil, Luciano B. Timm (org.) Ed. Atlas. (2012)

Operações de Crédito dentro de Grupos Financeiros: Governança Corporativa como Complemento à Regulação Bancária (“Credit Transactions within Financial Groups: Corporate Governance as a Complement to Banking Regulation”). In: Grupos de Sociedades: Organização e Exercício da Empresa, Danilo Borges dos Santos Gomes de Araujo & Walfrido Jorge Warde Jr. (orgs). São Paulo, Brazil (2012)

Sete Enigmas do Desenvolvimento em Douglass North (“Seven Enigmas of Development in Douglass North”). In: VIEIRA, Oscar Vilhena and Dimitri Dimoulis (orgs.). Desenvolvimento e Estado de Direito. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2011, p. 21-58. Republished: Economic Analysis of Law Review, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2011)

O que é Direito e Economia? (“What is Law & Economics?”). In: Direito e Economia, 2nd ed. (Luciano Benetti Timm, Org.). Porto Alegre: Livraria do Advogado (2008). Republished: Fragmentos para um Dicionário Crítico de Direito e Desenvolvimento (José Rodrigo Rodriguez, org.). São Paulo: Saraiva, 2011

d. Other publications

Análise Econômica do Direito nas Decisões Judiciais (“Economic Analysis of Law in Judicial Decisions”). Série Cadernos do CJF – Conselho de Justiça Federal, 2015.

A quantificação do Dano Moral no Brasil: Justiça, Segurança e Eficiência (“Quantifying Pain, Suffering, and Emotional Distress: Justice, Certainty, and Efficiency”), report prepared for the Secretary of Legislative Matters, Ministry of Justice (with Flavia P. Püschel, Alessandro Hirata, André Rodrigues Corrêa, and José Rodrigo Rodriguez) (2012)

Proteção ao Acionista Minoritário no Brasil: Breve Histórico, Estrutura Legal e Evidências Empíricas (“Legal Protection of Minority Shareholders of Listed Corporations in Brazil: Brief History, Legal Structure and Empirical Evidence”). In: Otero, Paulo, Fernando Araújo & João Taborda da Gama (orgs.) (2011), Estudos em Memória do Prof. Doutor J.L. Saldanha Sanches, 5 vols., Lisboa, Coimbra Editora, Vol. II- Direito Privado, Processual e Criminal, pp. 117-153 (with Viviane Muller Prado)

Translation of Robert Cooter’s Three Effects of Social Norms on Law: Expression, Deterrence, and Internalization, 79 Oregon Law Review 1, 19 (2000), published in Direito e Economia, Textos Escolhidos (Bruno M. Salama, org.). São Paulo, Saraiva (2010)


In search of a Broad Research Agenda in Law & Economics for Latin America. The Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 3, n. 1, Article 5 (2008)

9. Working Papers

Citizens vs. Banks: Institutional Drivers of Financial Market Litigiousness in Brazil (with Thiago Jabor Pinheiro), Direito GV Research Paper Series No. 72 (2013)

10. Articles Published in Newspapers, Trade Journals and Blogs a. International

Elasticity, Incompleteness, and Constitutive Rules (with Osny da Silva Filho), The Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog (2013)

Brazil’s Supreme Court Invalidates Attempt to Privatize Reinsurance Monopoly, Concord, MA, USA, Latin American Law and Business Report (2003) (with Bruno Balduccini)

Overview of the Insurance Market in Brazil, The Euromoney International Global Insurance Handbook (2003) (with Bruno Balduccini)

New Rules for Corporate Interests Held by Financial Institutions, Concord, MA, USA, Latin American Law and Business Report, Volume 8, Number 7 (2000) (with Bruno Balduccini)

b. In Brazil

Empresas Estatais no Brasil: uma proposta de reforma institucional (“State-Owned Companies in Brazil: A proposal for institutional reform) (with Sérgio Lazzarini, Marcos Lisboa, Carlos Melo, Aldo Musacchio e Mariana Pargendler). Website UOL, June 6, 2015

Chegou a hora de mudar a velha lei de introdução? (“Is It Time to Change the Old Law of Introduction to the Civil Code?”) (with Carlos Ari Sundfeld). Website Jota, June 18th, 2015

Regulação prudencial e os financiamentos de corretoras a clientes (“Prudential Regulation and Broker’s Financing towards Clients”) (with Vicente Braga) The Huffington Post, August 14th, 2014 Pena de Advertência e Incorporação (“Warning Sactions and Incorporation”) (with Francisco Satiro), Jornal Valor Econômico, August 11th, 2014

Dois equívocos sobre o FGC (“Two mistakes regarding the Brazilian Deposit Insurance Fund”), with Vicente Braga, Jornal Valor Econômico, August 8th, 2014

Conselhinho usa Lei Anticorrupção e isenta Citi (“Appeal Body of the Brazilian Financial System acquits Citi through Anticorruption Act”), Jornal Valor Econômico, July 29th, 2014

Consequências da Alteração do CDC (“Consequences of Change in the Brazilian Consumer Code”), with Vicente Braga, Jornal Valor Econômico, May 28th, 2014

As consequências indesejáveis do PL nº 36 de 2014 (“The Undesirable Consequences of Bill of Law No. 36 of 2014”) (with Vicente Braga), Jornal Valor Econômico, May 23rd, 2014


O Fundo Garantidor de Créditos, esse Ex-Desconhecido (“The Brazilian Deposit Insurance Fund, this Former Unknown”) (with Vicente Braga), Huffington Post, January 30, 2014

Oportunidades para Bacharel em Direito são Muitas (“Opportunities for Lawyers are Many”), website Consultor Jurídico, February 17th, 2012

Duas visões a Respeito do Regulador Bancário Brasileiro (“Two Views of the Brazilian Banking Regulator), Jornal Valor Econômico, April 12th, 2011

Published comments on Friedrich Hayek’s “Law, Legislation & Liberty”: O Juiz como Instituição da Ordem Espontânea (“The judge as an institution of the spontaneous order”); Direito como Liberdade (“Law as Freedom”); O Imutável Conceito de Direito (“The Unchangeable Concept of Law”); Oportunismo: O Algoz da Liberdade (“Opportunism: Liberty’s Foe”) (OrdemLivre.org, 2009); Hayek e a Ideia de Ordem Espontânea (“Hayek and the Idea of Spontaneous Order”); Razão e Evolução: A Epistemologia da Ordem Liberal (“Reason and Evolution: The Epistemology of a Liberal Order); Direito, Legislação e Liberdade: A Obra-Prima de Hayek (“Law, legislation and liberty: Hayek’s Masterpiece”) (all co-authored with Lucas Mendes and published during the years of 2009 and 2010 in the website OrdemLivre.org)

O que a Justiça tem a Ver com a Eficiência? (“What does Justice Have to do with Efficiency?”), Diário do Comércio, Digesto Econômico, vol. 14, n. 13 (2009)

O Mercado de Resseguros e a Privatização do IRB, (“The Reinsurance Market and the Privatization of the Brazilian Reinsurance Institute”), São Paulo, Revista Consultor Jurídico (2003) (with Bruno Balduccini)

Questões do Novo Sistema de Pagamentos (“Issues within the New Payment System”), São Paulo, Revista do Mercado de Capitais, Associação Brasileira de Mercado de Capitais – ABAMEC, n. 87 (2002) (with Bruno Balduccini)

11. Prizes, Research Grants & Scholarships:

2012: Research grant by the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (Fundação de Amparo à

Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP), Process No. 2012/15190-7

2011: The Article “The Art of Law & Macroeconomics” was chosen to be presented and commented at the IV Harvard-Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum. The forum took place at Harvard Law School in November 2011

2010: Research grant by the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) through the Secretary of Legislative Matters of the Ministry of Justice (Secretaria de Assuntos Legislativos do

Ministério da Justiça - SAL), Project BRA/07/004 on the topic of pain and suffering legal


2009: Microsoft Research Award for Scholarship in Law & Economics for the article “Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era” (presented at the XIII Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Iberian Law and Economics). The congress took place at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona in June 2009

2009: The article “Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era”, (co-authored with Daniel Benoliel) was chosen to be presented and commented at the II Harvard-Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum. The forum took place at Harvard Law School in November 2009

2008: Microsoft Research Award for Scholarship in Law & Economics for the article “Patent Bargains in Newly Industrialized Countries” (presented at the XII Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Iberian Law and Economics). The congress took place at the Instituto


2008: Microsoft Foundation Research Grant

2006: DAAD Residential Fellowship (& Summer school) for Law and Economics,

Graduiertenkolleg fur Recht und Ökonomik, Hamburg University, Faculty of Economics,


2005: Teaching fellowship for Graduate Student Instructor (UC Berkeley School of Law, Jurisprudence and Social Policy Program)

2003: Tuition waiver for the LL.M. (UC Berkeley School of Law) 12. Academic Distinction

Honorary professor, Universidad de San Martin de Porres, Lima, Peru 13. Participation in Faculty Committees

2015 – Present: Committee of International Affairs

2013 – Present: Advisory Council, FGV Law School in São Paulo 2013 – 2014: Recruiting Committee, FGV Law School in São Paulo 2009 – 2010: Recruiting Committee, FGV Law School in São Paulo 14. Technical Review of Translated Book

Direito e Economia, Porto Alegre, Artmed Ed., 2010 (a translation of Robert Cooter and Tomas Ulen’s book titled Law & Economics)

15. Lectures and Presentations (selected) a. International

The article “Law and Economics in the Civil Law World: The Case of Brazilian Courts ” was presented at the Columbia Law School & FGV Law School Global Alliance Workshop. Columbia University, School of Law, 2015.

The working paper “Citizens vs. Banks: Institutional Drivers of Financial Market Litigiousness in Brazil” was presented in Washington at the World Bank’s Law, Justice and Development Week (2013)

The article “The Art of Law & Macroeconomics” was presented at the following conferences and workshops: IV Harvard-Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA (2011); XXIX Annual Meeting of the European Association of Law & Economics (EALE), University of Stockholm, Economics Faculty, Stockholm, (2012); XVI Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Iberian Law and Economics Association (ALACDE), 2012, Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Facultad de Derecho, Lima, Perú (keynote speech); Columbia Law School & FGV Law School Global Alliance Workshop. Columbia University, School of Law, 2012; and Vanderbilt University, School of Law. Faculty Workshop. Nashville, January 23 (2012)

The End of Limited Liability in Brazil. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, January, 2012. Guest speaker at meeting organized by the Harvard Law School Brazilian Studies Association

Foreign Exchange Controls and the Governance of State Capitalism. Conference on States, Development, and Global Governance organized by The Research Collaborative on Remaking the Developmental State, UW Madison. Madison, University of Wisconsin, Law School. Wisconsin, USA (2011)


Direito e Economia para além do Law & Economics: Especulações sobre Direito e Macroeconomia (“Law and Economics beyond Law & Economics: Speculations on Law and Macroeconomics”), I Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Análise Económica do Direito. University of Lisbon, Portugal (2011) Of Currency Wars and other Demons, Columbia Law School. Faculty Lunch Workshop (2010), guest speaker

The Brazilian State Model, First Annual Workshop on Private Transnational Regulation, University College Dublin, Faculty of Law, Dublin, Ireland (2010)

The article “Towards an Intellectual Property Bargaining Theory: The Post-WTO Era” was presented at the following conferences and workshops: II Harvard-Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum. Harvard Law School, Cambridge, USA (2009); XXVI Annual Meeting of the European Association of Law & Economics, LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy (2009); XIII Annual Meeting of the Latin American and Iberian Law & Economics Association – ALACDE, Universitad Pompeu Fabra, Facultad de Derecho, Barcelona, Spain (2009)

Building the Financial System for the 21st Century: An Agenda for Latin America and the United States. Harvard Law School (2008)

Patent Bargains in Newly Industrialized Countries: The Case of Brazil. Law Meets Industry: Biosciences Patents, Haifa University School of Law, Israel (2008)

El modelo Político y Económico Brasileño (“The Brazilian Political and Economic models”). Perspectivas Económicas y Políticas en América Latina, Lima, Peru (2007)

b. In Brazil

Análise Econômica do Direito nas Decisões Judiciais (“Economic Analysis of Law in Court Decisions”), Conselho de Justiça Federal (Federal Council of Justice), Brasília (2014)

The Art of Law & Macroeconomics. CGLAD – The Conference on Global Law & Development. Law and New Development Strategies: Brazil and Beyond. Faculdade de Direito da USP (2013). The working paper Citizens vs. Banks: Citizens versus Banks: Financial Market Litigiousness in Brazil was presented at the following conferences and workshops: Capital and Financial Markets – Post-Crisis Developments: Law Schools from USA, Europe and Brazil present their latest researches, Direito GV, São Paulo (2013); and CLEF - Comparative Law and Economics Forum 20th Annual Meeting, Direito GV, Rio de Janeiro (2013)

The Legal Profession in Brazil: Competition and Opportunities. Speech held at the workshop "Brazilian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization", 3rd March 2012, Direito GV Faculty, São Paulo, Brazil, as part of the program Globalization, Lawyers, and Emerging Economies (GLEE) from Harvard’s Law School

Justiça e Eficiência (“Justice and Efficiency). Seminar: Law, Economics and Development, Brazilian Supreme Court (STF), Brasília (2011)

16. Editorial Functions

2012-Present: Editorial Board, Revista de Derecho Privado, Cuarta Época (“Review of Private Law”), edited by the Instituto de Investigaciones Juridicas, Universidad Nacional


2011-Present: Editorial Board, Revista da Procuradoria Geral do Banco Central (“Review of the Attorney General of the Central Bank of Brazil”), edited by the Central Bank of Brazil (appointment pursuant to Ordinance No. 62.921, published in the Official Gazette on January 21, 2011)

2009-Present: Editorial Board, Economic Analysis of Law Review, edited by the Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB)

2008-2009: Editor in chief, The Latin American and Caribbean Journal of Legal Studies 17. Other activities and memberships

2014-Present: Counselor, Center of Applied Legal Research at FGV Law School in São Paulo 2013-Present: Member, Committee of Financial Institutions of the São Paulo State Bar

2010-Present: Member, International Advisory Council (IAC) at UC Berkeley School of Law

2010-Present: Reviewer (“parecerista”), State of São Paulo Research Foundation (Fundação de

Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPESP)

2008-2009: Vice-President, Brazilian Association of Law & Economics (ABDE)

2009-Present: Member, Research Center of Law & Economics at the Fundação Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro

18. Languages

Portuguese and English (fluent); French (proficient); Spanish and German (conversant) 19. Personal Details

Born in São Paulo, Brazil, on January 1st, 1977; married; two children Dual Brazilian-German citizen


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