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Student s name(a): Teacher s name (a): Alessandra Rezende


Academic year: 2021

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OBS: a lista tem que ser entregue em folha de papel almaço perguntas e respostas, com capa e contracapa.

1) Read the following text carefully. Dear Pietro,

It’s a hot Monday. The sun is lighting outside and My mom and her neighbors are spending the afternoon at home. They are talking and having some cold grape juice in the living room. My dad Chris and my sister Karoline are watering the plants in the garden and I am playing kite with my friend Jorge. My mom and her friends are talking about the Easter party that they want to do next Sunday. Thanks for calling,


a) Descreva como está o dia em que a mãe e a amiga estão conversando? e o que elas estão planejando fazer?

b) O que a irmã e o pai de Richard estão fazendo?

c) Para que dia da semana estão planejando a festas de páscoa? d) No texto há verbos no presente contínuos, quais são?

e) O que Pietro está fazendo?

2) Using the vocabulary make sentences.

3) Complete the sentences.

a) What is the first and the last day of week? _____________________________________________ b) What day comes after Wednesday? ___________________________________________________ c) I have English classes on: __________________________________________________________ d) We don´t have school on: ___________________________ and ___________________________ e) My vacation is on: _________________________________________________________________ f) The Christmas time is on: ___________________________________________________________ g) My birthday is in: _________________________________________________________________ 4) Circle the possessive pronouns.

a) Joanna, is that my book under your bed? b) Mom, is this our new house?

c) Look! their friends are coming.

d) Dad, look at her, she is playing on his computer.

Verbs Nouns

Play Kite

Have Vídeo-game

Talk Friends

Drink juice

See / watch Living room

Goiânia, _______ de_____________________________ de 2018


Student´s name(a): _______________________________________ Teacher´s name (a): Alessandra Rezende 6º ano : A


5) Answer.

a) What are you doing right now? _______________________________________________________ b) What is he doing? ___________________________________________________________(dance) c) Where are they going? ________________________________________________ (to the cinema). d) When are you going home? _____________________________________________ (after 12 p.m.) e) What is your mom watching on TV? ______________________________________________(film) 6) Write these are, this is, those are, that is.

(DANIEL) ________________________________________________________________ (JESSICA) ________________________________________________________________

(HIS) ___________________________________________________________________

(MY) ___________________________________________________________________

7) Explique as regras do plural e dê exemplos para cada uma. 8) Quais são os questions words, monte frases para cada um. 9) Escreva os números de 1 a 13 e depois de 10 em 10 até 100. 10) Escreva um parágrafo com sua rotina.

11) Monte frases contendo os dias da semana e os meses do ano.


OBS: a lista tem que ser entregue em folha de papel almaço perguntas e respostas, com capa e contracapa.

1) Read and answer. Just taking!

Fred: wow! What a fantastic car! Nicole: Is it Italian?

Fred: No, it is not. It is German. That car is from Germany.

Nicole: Look those are my neighbors. What are they doing here?

They are Juan and Amparo. They are from Spain. They are Spanish.

Fred: But the flag in the car is green and red!!...

Nicole: I am French.

Fred: So, you are you from, France? Nicole: where are you from, Fred? Fred: Guess!

You are from the United States of America. Fred: No, I am not. I am from South Africa. Nicole: Well, well… another tourist!

a) Is the car from Italy? b) Where is Nicole from?

c) Fred is from South Africa, so he is d) Who is Nicole´s neighbors? e) Are they American?

f) Retire do texto todos os países e coloque as nacionalidades.

g) No texto há uma referencia a uma bandeira, copie a frases que mostra esta passagem. 2) Answer using the genitive case.

a) Whose dog is this? __________________________________________________ (Christopher). b) Who’s that green dirty pants under my bed? ___________________________________(Carla). c) Whose books are those on my desk? _________________________________________(Pietro). 3) Change the pronouns to ´s

a) This car belongs to her. (Giovanna).

b) Those are their classmates. (Carlos, Richard and Victor). c) That is his toy under the table. (Cristian).

4) Explique o uso e as regras dos conteúdos abaixo, dê exemplos.

 How much e how many

 Like e dont like

 adverbio de frequência

countries and nationalities (colocar as bandeiras)

school objects (colocar Imagens)

genitive case.

Adjectives (hungry, thirsty, hot, tired, bored) (colocar Imagens)

verb to be e suas formas

descrever como uma pessoa é usando adjetivos (what´s your dad like?)

horas, month e preposicoes: on e in

Goiânia, _______ de_____________________________ de 2018


Student´s name (a): _______________________________________ Teacher´s name (a): Alessandra Rezende 7º ano : A


OBS: a lista tem que ser entregue em folha de papel almaço perguntas e respostas, com capa e contracapa.

1) Complete the postcard with the simple past of the verbs below. BUY – EAT – HAVE – PLAY – SHOP – WALK. Dear Ben,

I can believe I am really in Japan! Yesterday_____________ a great time. I _______________ video games at the Sony Building. Then I ______________ for souvenirs for a while. I _________________ some Japanese comic books., I can’t read them, but the pictures are cool! I ___________ sushi for dinner. Um! Then we ____________ around. I love Tokyo! – Lisa.

2) Circle was or were to complete the sentences. Hi, Pedro!

Last week, my classmates and I (was / were) on Spring break. I went on a white-water rafting trip. It (was/were) on a raft for the first time. I fell out of the raft twice. I (was / were) embarrassed, but later I learned how to stay in the raft. A lot of my friends went on awesome vacations. Kyle and his dad went camping in the mountains. Kyle likes to camp and hike. He (was / were) very excited about the trip. Angela took a city tour for three days, she walked and walked. She (was / were) exhausted at the end. Libby and Gil had fun at a great beach. They (was / were) outside in the sun all day. On Monday, we (was / were) all sad our break was over. How (was / were) your break? Keep in touch!


3)Explique o uso e as regras dos conteúdos abaixo, dê exemplos.

When- what- how- who (perguntas com verb to be)

Can (habilidades)

Simple presente (do e does),

What time

Her, him, it, them (pronome objeto)

Presente continuous e suas regras. Where are you going?

Want to e dont want to,

Countables and uncoutables nouns.

 Passado simples e suas regras

 Passado do verbo to be

 Comparação com adjetivos curtos e longos

 Your health

 Passado contínuos, passado simples x passado contínuos,

 In the city, could for suggestion.

Goiânia, _______ de _____________________________ de 2018. Student´s name(a): _______________________________________ Teacher´s name (a): Alessandra Rezende 8º ano : A


OBS: a lista tem que ser entregue em folha de papel almaço perguntas e respostas,

com capa e contracapa.

1) Explique o uso e as regras dos conteúdos abaixo, dê exemplos se necessário for cole


Presente simples e suas regras

question words,

have to e don´t have to,

would like to,

passado simples e suas regras,

passado do verbo to be,


parts of the body,

should, wh- going to.

Futuro simples,

Would you like to,

If clauses,

Gerúndio como sujeito e como objeto da frase,

Tag question tag,

Presente perfeito,

Goiânia, _______ de _____________________________ de 2018. Student´s name(a): _______________________________________ Teacher´s name (a): Alessandra Rezende 9º ano : A


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