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6292/ Instalação e Configuração do cliente Windows 7 Carga Horária: 3 dias / 5 noites


Academic year: 2021

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6292/10228 - Instalação e Configuração do cliente Windows 7

Carga Horária: 3 dias / 5 noites


Este curso de três dias conduzido por instrutor destina-se a profissionais de TI que estejam interessados em expandir sua base de dados e suas habilidades técnicas relacionadas ao cliente Windows 7. Neste curso, os alunos aprendem a instalar, atualizar e migrar para o cliente Windows 7. Em seguida, os alunos configuram o cliente Windows 7 para conectividade de rede, segurança, manutenção e computação móvel. Este curso ajuda os alunos a se prepararem para o Exame 70-680, TS: Windows 7, Configuring.


Este curso destina-se á profissionais de TI que estejam interessados em:

 Expandir sua base dados e suas habilidades técnicas relacionadas ao cliente Windows 7.  Adquirir profundo conhecimento técnico do Windows 7.

 Conhecer os detalhes de tecnologias do Windows 7.

 Concentrar-se nos aspectos práticos associados a tecnologias do Windows 7.

A maioria desses profissionais usa alguma versão de cliente Windows no local de trabalho e está analisando novas e melhores formas de executar algumas das funções atuais.

Depois de concluir este curso, os alunos serão capazes de:

 Executar uma instalação limpa do Windows 7, atualizar para o Windows 7 e migrar dados relacionados ao usuário e configurações de uma versão anterior do Windows.

 Configurar discos, partições, volumes e drivers de dispositivo para habilitar um computador cliente Windows 7.  Configurar o acesso a arquivo e impressoras em um computador cliente Windows 7.

 Configurar a conectividade de rede em um computador cliente Windows 7.  Configurar a conectividade de rede sem fio em um computador cliente Windows 7.  Proteger computadores desktop cliente Windows 7.

 Otimizar e manter o desempenho e a confiabilidade de um computador cliente Windows 7.  Configurar a computador móvel e dispositivos para um computador cliente Windows 7. Pré-requisitos:

Antes de participar deste curso, os alunos devem ter:  Experiência em instalar hardware e dispositivos de PC.  Noções básicas sobre conceitos de rede e TCP/IP.  Conhecimentos básicos de Windows e Active Directory.

 Habilidades para mapear compartilhamentos de arquivos de rede.  Experiência em trabalhar de um prompt de comando.

 Conhecimento de conceitos básicos de aplicativos. Por exemplo, como os aplicativos do computador cliente se comunicam com o servidor.

 Conhecimento básico de conceitos de segurança, como a autenticação e a autorização.  Conhecimento dos princípios básicos do uso de impressoras.

Conteúdo Programático

1 - Instalação, atualização e migração para o Windows 7

Este módulo explica como instalar, atualizar e migrar para o Windows 7. Ele também descreve os principais recursos, edições e requisitos de hardware do Windows 7.

• Preparação para instalar o Windows 7;


• Atualização e migração para o Windows 7;

• Execução de uma instalação baseada em imagem do Windows 7; • Configuração da compatibilidade de aplicativos.

Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de:

• Descrever os principais recursos, edições e requisitos de hardware do Windows 7; • Executar uma instalação limpa do Windows 7;

• Atualizar e migrar para o Windows 7 de uma versão anterior do Windows; • Executar uma instalação baseada em imagem do Windows 7;

• Resolver problemas comuns de compatibilidade de aplicativos.

2 - Configuração de discos e drivers de dispositivo

Este módulo examina como configurar discos, partições, volumes e drivers de dispositivo para permitir que o Windows 7 funcione conforme desejado.

• Particionamento de discos no Windows 7; • Gerenciamento de volumes de disco; • Manutenção de discos no Windows 7;

• Instalação e configuração de drivers de dispositivo. Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de:

• Configurar partições de disco em um computador cliente Windows 7; • Criar e gerenciar volumes de disco;

• Gerenciar a fragmentação do sistema de arquivos e cotas de disco; • Instalar e configurar drivers de dispositivo.

3 - Configuração de acesso a arquivos e impressoras em computadores cliente Windows 7

Este módulo explica como gerenciar o acesso a pastas compartilhadas e impressoras em um computador executando o Windows 7. Especificamente, ele descreve como compartilhar e proteger pastas, configurar a compactação de pastas e como instalar, configurar e administrar a impressão.

• Visão geral de autenticação e autorização;

• Gerenciamento do acesso a arquivos no Windows 7; • Gerenciamento de pastas compartilhadas;

• Configuração da compactação de arquivos; • Gerenciamento da impressão.

Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de: • Descrever a autenticação e a autorização;

• Gerenciar o acesso a arquivo em um computador cliente Windows 7; • Criar e gerenciar pastas compartilhadas;

• Configurar a compactação de arquivos; • Instalar, configurar e administrar impressoras.

4 - Configuração da conectividade de rede

Este módulo explica a conectividade de rede IPv4 e IPv6. Ele também descreve como implementar a alocação automática de endereço IP e solucionar problemas de conectividade de rede.

• Configuração da conectividade de rede IPv4; • Configuração da conectividade de rede IPv6;


• Visão geral da resolução de nomes; • Solução de problemas de rede.

Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de: • Configurar a conectividade de rede IPv4;

• Configurar a conectividade de rede IPv6;

• Implementar a alocação automática de endereço IP;

• Solucionar problemas comuns de rede usando as ferramentas disponíveis no Windows 7.

5 - Configuração de conexões de rede sem fio

Este módulo descreve as principais tecnologias de rede sem fio e como configurar componentes de rede sem fio e os elementos do Windows 7 necessários para acessar redes sem fio.

• Visão geral de redes sem fio; • Configuração de uma rede sem fio.

Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de:

• Descrever os padrões e as tecnologias relacionadas a conexões de rede sem fio; • Configurar uma conexão de rede sem fio.

6 - Proteção de áreas de trabalho do Windows 7

Este módulo descreve como tornar um computador Windows 7 mais seguro sem sacrificar a usabilidade no processo. Especificamente, ele descreve o Firewall do Windows, o Controle de Conta de Usuário, o Windows Defender e a segurança no Internet Explorer 8. • Visão geral do gerenciamento de segurança no Windows 7;

• Proteção de um computador cliente Windows 7 usando configurações de diretiva de segurança locais; • Proteção de dados usando EFS e BitLocker;

• Configuração de restrições de aplicativo; • Configuração do Controle de Conta de Usuário; • Configuração do Firewall do Windows;

• Configurações de segurança no Internet Explorer 8; • Configuração do Windows Defender.

Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de:

• Explicar os recursos de gerenciamento de segurança do Windows 7;

• Definir configurações de diretiva de segurança locais em um computador cliente Windows 7; • Proteger dados usando EFS e BitLocker;

• Configurar restrições de aplicativo usando o AppLocker; • Definir configurações do Controle de Conta de Usuário;

• Configurar o Firewall do Windows em um computador cliente Windows 7;

• Definir configurações de segurança no Internet Explorer para ajudar a proteger um computador cliente Windows 7 que esteja conectado à Internet;

• Configurar o Windows Defender para ajudar a proteger um computador cliente Windows 7 contra software mal-intencionado. 7 - Otimização e manutenção de computadores cliente Windows 7

Este módulo descreve como usar as ferramentas de monitoramento e configuração para obter informações sobre o desempenho do Windows 7 e como solucionar problemas de desempenho e confiabilidade.

• Manutenção do desempenho usando as ferramentas de desempenho do Windows 7; • Manutenção da confiabilidade usando as ferramentas de diagnóstico do Windows 7; • Backup e restauração de dados usando o Backup do Windows;


• Restauração de um sistema Windows 7 usando pontos de restauração do sistema; • Configuração do Windows Update.

Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de:

• Manter o desempenho de um computador cliente Windows 7 usando ferramentas de gerenciamento de desempenho; • Manter a confiabilidade de um computador cliente Windows 7 usando as ferramentas de diagnóstico;

• Fazer backup de dados e restaurá-los em um computador cliente Windows 7 usando o Backup do Windows; • Restaurar um sistema Windows 7 usando pontos de restauração do sistema;

• Configurar o Windows Update em um computador cliente Windows 7.

8 - Configuração de computação móvel e acesso remoto no Windows 7

Este módulo explica como configurar dispositivos móveis e o acesso remoto. Ele também aborda o DirectAccess e o BranchCache, que são novidades no Windows 7.

• Configuração de computadores e dispositivos móveis;

• Configuração de Área de Trabalho Remota e Assistência Remota para acesso remoto; • Configuração do DirectAccess para acesso remoto;

• Configuração do BranchCache para acesso remoto. Depois de concluir este módulo, os alunos serão capazes de:

• Configurar a computação móvel e dispositivos em um computador cliente Windows 7;

• Configurar Área de Trabalho Remota e Assistência Remota em um computador cliente Windows 7; • Configurar o DirectAccess em um computador cliente Windows 7 para acesso remoto;

• Configurar o BranchCache em um computador cliente Windows 7 de filial. Exame

TS: 70-680: Windows 7, Configuring (disponível em português) Horário dos cursos: Integral - 08:30 às 17:30h Sábado - 08:30 às 17:30h Noturno - 18:30 às 22:30h

6294 - Planning and Managing Windows 7 Desktop Deployments and Environments

Carga Horária: 5 dias / 10 noites

Objectives: This five-day instructor-led course is intended for desktop administrators who want to specialize in desktop

deployment, configuration, and management. In this course, students will learn how to plan and deploy Windows 7 desktops in large organizations. They will also learn how to design, configure, and manage the Windows 7 client environment.

This course helps students prepare for the Exam 70-686, Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator.

Audience: This course is intended for IT Professionals who are interested in specializing in Windows 7 desktop and

application deployments and managing the desktop environments for large organizations. People attending this training could be support technicians or currently in deployment roles and are looking at taking the next step in their career or enhancing their skills in the areas of planning and deploying Windows 7 desktops.


After completing this course, students will be able to: • Prepare to deploy Windows 7 business desktops.

• Assess and resolve application compatibility issues with Windows 7.

• Determine the most appropriate method to deploy Windows 7 based upon specific business requirements. • Design a standard Windows 7 image by assessing and evaluating the business requirements.

• Deploy Windows 7 by using WAIK. • Deploy Windows 7 by using WDS.

• Deploy Windows 7 by using Lite Touch Installation. • Deploy Windows 7 by using Zero Touch Installation.

• Migrate user state by using Windows Easy Transfer and User State Migration Tool 4.0. • Design, configure, and manage the Windows 7 client environment.

• Plan and deploy applications and updates to Windows 7 client computers. • Plan and deploy Windows 7 by using LTI. (Lab-Only Module)


Before attending this course, students must have:

• A solid understanding of TCP/IP and networking concepts.

• A solid Windows and Active Directory background. For example, domain user accounts, domain vs. local user accounts, user profiles, and group membership.

• A good understanding of scripts and batch files.

• A solid understanding of security concepts such as authentication and authorization.

• Performed a clean installation of Windows 7, Upgrade to Windows 7, and migrate user-related data and settings from Windows XP.

• Configured disks, partitions, volumes, and device drivers to enable Windows 7 to function as desired.

• Experience configuring and troubleshooting permissions and other settings to allow access to resources and applications on Windows 7 Systems.

• Experience configuring settings to enable network connectivity.

• Experience configuring and troubleshooting a wireless network connection. • Experience configuring and troubleshooting Windows 7 security.

• Configure mobile computers and devices.

• Familiarity with the client administration capabilities of Windows Server and familiar with management tools such as the System Center suite of products.

• Familiarity with deployment, packaging, and imaging tools. • The ability to work in a team/virtual team

• Trained and mentored others

Course Outline:

1 - Preparing to Deploy Windows 7 Business Desktops

This module helps you plan and perform effective preparation tasks for deploying Windows 7 clients. It begins by discussing client, hardware, and deployment lifecycles. It also discusses how to assess existing computing environments and licensing. • Overview of the Desktop Lifecycle;

• Desktop Deployment: Challenges and Considerations;

• Tools and Technologies Used in the Desktop Deployment Lifecycle; • Assessing the Current Computing Environment for Deploying Windows 7; • Designing Windows Activation.


• Assessing the Computing Environment by Using Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit. - Lab : Recommending an Activation Strategy

• Review the Activation Scenario.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the client, hardware, and desktop deployment lifecycles;

• Explain the challenges involved and considerations for deploying desktops;

• Describe the tools and technologies that are used in the desktop deployment lifecycle;

• Assess the current computing environment to determine the feasibility of deploying Windows 7; • Design the licensing and activation strategy for a given business scenario.

2 - Assessing Application Compatibility in Windows 7

This module describes the process for addressing common application compatibility issues experienced during a typical operating system deployment. It also explains how to use the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) to help inventory, analyze, and mitigate application compatibility issues.

• Overview of Application Compatibility;

• Assessing and Resolving Application Compatibility Issues by Using ACT 5.5.

- Lab : Evaluating Application Compatibility Using the Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit • Installing and Configuring ACT;

• Collecting Application Inventory; • Organizing the Application Inventory; • Analyzing Application Inventory Results. - Lab : Creating Application Compatibility Fixes • Identifying Application Compatibility Issues; • Mitigating Application Issues.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe the process and guidelines for resolving common application compatibility issues during an operating system deployment;

• Inventory, analyze, and mitigate application compatibility issues by using ACT 5.5.

3 - Evaluating Windows 7 Deployment Methods

This module discusses different deployment scenarios and methods that are available when deploying Windows 7. It also discusses various tools and technologies to use in the different scenarios, and considerations for selecting a deployment scenario and method.

• Evaluating In-Place Deployment; • Evaluating Side-by-Side Deployment; • Evaluating Lite-Touch Deployment Method; • Evaluating Zero-Touch Deployment Method.


- Lab : Determining the Windows 7 Deployment Method • Determining Windows 7 Deployment Methods. After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Determine the feasibility of installing Windows 7 by using in-place deployment; • Determine the feasibility of installing Windows 7 by using side-by-side deployment;

• Determine the feasibility of using the Lite Touch deployment method for deploying Windows 7 in a given business scenario;

• Determine the feasibility of using the Zero Touch deployment method for deploying Windows 7 in a given business scenario.

4 - Designing Standard Windows 7 Images

This module, explains the underlying architecture of the computer imaging system that can be used to create and deploy a custom image of a Windows 7 desktop. It also discusses the different phases of the imaging process, and how to determine imaging strategy and image servicing opportunities in Windows 7.

• Overview of Windows 7 Installation Architecture; • Overview of the Imaging Process;

• Determining the Image Strategy; • Selecting the Image Servicing Methods.

- Lab : Determining the Windows 7 Imaging Strategy • Determining the Windows 7 Image Strategy. After completing this module, students will be able to: • Explain the Windows 7 installation architecture; • Explain the different phases of the imaging process;

• Determine the appropriate Windows 7 imaging strategy based on specific business requirements;

• Select appropriate image servicing methods to service Windows 7 images based on specific business requirements.

5 - Deploying Windows 7 by Using WAIK

This module explains the underlying computer imaging architecture of Windows AIK 2.0, which can be used to create and deploy a custom Windows 7 desktop image.

• Overview of WAIK 2.0;

• Building a Reference Windows 7 Image by Using Windows SIM and Sysprep; • Managing the Windows Preinstallation Environment;

• Capturing, Applying, and Servicing a Windows 7 Image. - Lab : Installing WAIK

• Install the Windows Automated Installation Kit;

• Identify Resources and Tools included with the Windows Automated Installation Kit. - Lab : Building a Reference Image Using Windows SIM and Sysprep


• Building a Custom Answer File by Using Windows SIM; • Installing a Reference Computer using a Custom Answer File; • Generalizing a Reference Computer by Using Sysprep. - Lab : Creating Windows PE Boot Media

• Adding Packages and Drivers to Windows PE; • Creating a Bootable Windows PE ISO Image;

• Starting the Windows PE Operating System Environment. - Lab : Capturing and Applying a Windows 7 Image Using ImageX • Capturing an Image Using ImageX;

• Apply an Image Using ImageX. - Lab : Servicing Images by Using DISM • Servicing a Reference image using DISM.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Explain the key features and functionality provided by WAIK 2.0; • Build a reference Windows 7 image by using Windows SIM and Sysprep; • Create a custom Windows PE bootable image;

• Capture, apply, and service a Windows 7 image.

6 - Deploying Windows 7 by Using Windows Deployment Services

This module describes how WDS can be used to deploy custom system images to client computers located within the network infrastructure.

• Overview of WDS;

• Designing and Configuring WDS for Windows 7 Deployment. - Lab : Deploying Windows 7 by Using Windows Deployment Services • Designing the WDS Environment;

• Installing and Configuring the WDS Server Role; • Adding Boot and Install Images to WDS; • Provisioning Drivers by Using WDS;

• Deploying a Desktop Operating System Using WDS. After completing this module, students will be able to: • Explain how WDS can be used to deploy Windows 7; • Design and configure WDS for Windows 7 deployment.

7 - Deploying Windows 7 by Using Lite Touch Installation

This module describes how to design the Lite Touch Installation (LTI) environment, and provides you with an overview of the techniques that you can use to build and deploy Windows 7 using the MDT and the LTI scenario.


• Designing the Lite Touch Installation Environment; • Implementing MDT 2010 for Deploying Windows 7. - Lab : Planning and Configuring MDT 2010

• Planning the MDT Lite Touch Environment;

• Installing MDT 2010 and Additional Component Files; • Configuring the Deployment Share;

• Creating a Task Sequence.

- Lab : Deploying Windows 7 by Using Lite Touch Installation • Updating the Deployment Share to Generate Windows PE Media; • Installing Windows 7 Using Lite Touch Installation.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Design the Lite Touch installation environment for deploying Windows 7; • Perform Lite Touch installation of Windows 7 by using MDT 2010.

8 - Deploying Windows 7 by Using Zero Touch Installation

This module describes the necessary prerequisites and procedures for deploying the Windows 7 operating system using Zero Touch Installation methodology.

• Designing the Zero Touch Installation Environment;

• Performing Zero-touch Installation of Windows 7 by using MDT 2010 and Configuration Manager 2007. - Lab : Deploying Windows 7 by Using Zero Touch Installation

• Planning the Zero Touch Installation Environment; • Preparing the Zero Touch Installation Environment; • Configuring Deployment Packages and System Images; • Configuring and Advertising a Client Task Sequence. After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Design the Zero Touch installation environment for deploying Windows 7;

• Perform the Zero Touch installation of Windows 7 by using MDT 2010 and Configuration Manager 2007.

9 - Migrating User State by Using WET and USMT 4.0

This module explains user state migration, and how to use tools, such as Windows Easy Transfer and the Microsoft Windows User State Migration Tool (USMT), in various migration scenarios.

• Overview of User State Migration; • Overview of USMT 4.0;

• Planning User State Migration (USMT 4.0); • Migrating User State by Using USMT 4.0.


• Preparing the Window Easy Transfer Source Files;

• Capturing User State Information from a Source Computer; • Loading User State Information to a Target Computer.

- Lab : Migrating User State by Using the User State Migration Tool 4.0 • Planning for the User State Migration;

• Creating USMT Migration Scripts;

• Capturing and Restoring User State by Using USMT; • Performing a Hard-Link Migration.

- Lab : Migrating User State by Using State using Hard Link Migration • Performing a Hard-Link Migration.

After completing this module, students will be able to: • Migrate user state by using WET;

• Explain how USMT 4.0 can be used to migrate user state; • Plan for user state migration;

• Migrate user state by using USMT 4.0.

10 - Designing, Configuring, and Managing the Client Environment

This module examines how to design, configure, and manage Windows 7 client configurations. Specifically, it discusses Group Policy, Internet Explorer, and system security settings.

• Overview of Planning Client Configuration;

• Designing and Configuring Standard System Settings; • Designing and Configuring Internet Explorer Settings; • Designing and Configuring Security Settings;

• Designing and Implementing Group Policy; • Troubleshooting Group Policy.

- Lab : Designing and Configuring the Client Environment • Designing a Client Environment;

• Implementing a Client Configuration. - Lab : Troubleshooting GPO Issues • Resolving a GPO Application Problem.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Determine the method for implementing the client configuration;

• Design and configure standard system settings on Windows 7 client computers; • Design and configure Internet Explorer settings on Windows 7 client computers; • Design and configure security settings on Windows 7 client computers;

• Design and implement group policy for configuring Windows 7 client computers; • Troubleshoot group policy issues.


11 - Planning and Deploying Applications and Updates to Windows 7 Clients

This module discusses the implications of deploying applications to Windows 7 clients including Microsoft Office 2007. It also discusses the use of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).

• Determining the Application Deployment Method; • Deploying the 2007 Microsoft Office System;

• Planning and Configuring Desktop Updates by Using WSUS. - Lab : Determining the Application Deployment Method • Determining the Application Deployment Method.

- Lab : Customizing the Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 Installation • Configuring the Setup Category;

• Configuring the Features Category;

• Installing Microsoft Office Professional Plus By Using the Setup Customization File. - Lab : Planning and Managing Updates by Using WSUS

• Planning Automatic Updates Settings;

• Configuring Automatic Updates Settings by Using Group Policy; • Approving and Deploying an Update by Using WSUS.

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Determine an appropriate application deployment method based upon business requirements; • Customize and deploy Office 2007 based on business requirements;

• Plan and configure desktop updates by using WSUS.

12 - Planning and Deploying Windows 7 by Using LTI

This module is a comprehensive lab that gives the students an opportunity to perform an end-to-end deployment of Windows 7 by using the LTI.

• Deploying Windows 7 – Challenge Scenario.

- Lab : Planning an End-to-End Windows 7 LTI Deployment • Planning the MDT Lite Touch Environment.

- Lab : Deploying Windows 7 using the LTI Deployment Plan • Performing a Network Assessment;

• Configuring MDT 2010 for an LTI Deployment; • Configuring WDS for a PXE and Multicast Deployment; • Configuring an MDT 2010 Deployment Share;

• Creating the Reference Computer;

• Preparing the Deployment Task Sequences; • Performing an Upgrade on Target Computers.


After completing this module, students will be able to: • Plan an end-to-end Windows 7 LTI deployment; • Deploy Windows 7 by using the LTI deployment plan.


70-686, Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Administrator Horário dos cursos:

Integral - 08:30 às 17:30h Sábado - 08:30 às 17:30h Noturno - 18:30 às 22:30h

6421 - Configuring and Troubleshooting a Windows Server 2008 Network


Carga Horária: 5 dias / 10 noites About this Course:

This five-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to configure and troubleshoot Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1 Network Infrastructures. It will cover networking technologies most commonly used with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1 such as DNS, DHCP, IPv4 and IPv6 network addressing, Network Policy server and Network Access Protection and configuring secure network access. It also covers fault tolerant storage technologies, Network Storage and routing and remote access, monitoring and compliance updates as well as other relevant technologies.

Audience Profile: This course will be of interest and benefit to attendees with different back grounds and career aspirations. It will be of interest to Network Administrators who currently are, or will be, working with Windows Server 2008 servers. It will also be of interest and benefit to Active Directory technology specialists who aspire to be Enterprise Administrators (Tier 4 day-to-day network operations) or experienced Server Administrators who aspire to be Enterprise Administrators.

Storage Area Network Administrators who need to understand this information to deploy or extend their current storage infrastructure and Operations Managers who need this information to support troubleshooting efforts and business decisions would also benefit from this course.

This course also maps directly to the 70-642:TS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure, Configuring exam objective domain and is part of the MCTS prerequisites for the MCITP: Server Administrator credential. As such people looking to take the 70-642 exam or obtain the MCITP: Server Administrator credential would also benefit from attending this course.

At Course Completion:

After completing this course, students will be able to: • Plan and configure an IPv4 network infrastructure. • Implement DHCP within their organization. • Configure and troubleshoot DNS.

• Configure, transition to, and troubleshoot IPv6.

• Configure and troubleshoot Routing and Remote Access.

• Install, configure, and troubleshoot the Network Policy Server Role service. • Implement Network Access Protection.

• Implement security features within Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

• Implement security features within Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 that help to secure network communications. • Configure and troubleshot file and print services.


• Control and monitor network storage.

• Recover data on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 servers.

• Monitor Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server R2 network infrastructure services Prerequisites:

Before attending this course, students must have:

• You must have an intermediate understanding of Windows Server operating systems such as Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1 and Windows client operating systems such as Windows Vista or Windows 7. Client operating system knowledge equivalent to the below certifications would be of benefit.

Exam 70-680: TS: Windows 7, Configuration or Exam 70-620: TS: Windows Vista, Configuring

• You should understand how TCP/IP functions and have a basic understanding of addressing, name resolution (Domain Name System [DNS]/Windows Internet Name Service [WINS]), connection methods (wired, wireless, virtual private network [VPN]).

• You should have an awareness of security best practices such as understanding file system permissions, authentication methods, workstation, and server hardening methods, and so forth.

The minimum level of knowledge required in the above three bullet points, excluding the client experience, can be covered by having knowledge equivalent to the MOC course 6420B: Fundamentals of Windows Server 2008

• Basic knowledge of Active Directory would also be of benefit.

Course Outline:

1- Planning and Configuring IPv4

This module explains how to deploy and configure networking services in your organization. This module explains how to implement an IPv4 addressing scheme, determine which name services to deploy, and troubleshoot network-related problems.

• Implementing an IPv4 Network Infrastructure

• Overview of Name Resolution Services in an IPv4 Network Infrastructure • Configuring and Troubleshooting IPv4.

2- Configuring and Troubleshooting DHCP

This module introduces you to Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), which plays an important role in the Windows Server 2008 R2 infrastructure. It is the primary means of distributing important network configuration information to network clients, and it provides configuration information to other network-enabled services, including Windows Deployment Services (WDS) and Network Access Protection (NAP). To support and troubleshoot a Windows Server-based network infrastructure, it is important that you understand how to deploy, configure, and troubleshoot the DHCP Server Role.

• Overview of the DHCP Server Role • Configuring DHCP Scopes • Configuring DHCP Options • Managing a DHCP Database

• Monitoring and Troubleshooting DHCP • Configuring DHCP Security

3- Configuring and Troubleshooting DNS

This module introduces you to Domain Name System (DNS), which is the foundation name service in Windows Server 2008 R2. It is vital that you understand how to deploy, configure, manage, and troubleshoot this critical service.

• Installing the DNS Server Role • Configuring the DNS Server Role • Configuring DNS Zones


• Configuring DNS Zone Transfers • Managing and Troubleshooting DNS

4- Configuring and Troubleshooting IPv6 TCP/IP

This module introduces you to IPv6, a technology that will help ensure that the Internet can support a growing user base and the increasingly large number of IP-enabled devices. The current Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) has served as the underlying Internet protocol for almost thirty years. Its robustness, scalability, and limited feature set is now challenged by the growing need for new IP addresses, due in large part to the rapid growth of new network-aware devices.

• Overview of IPv6 • IPv6 Addressing • Coexistence with IPv6 • IPv6 Transition Technologies • Transitioning from IPv4 to IPv6

5- Configuring and Troubleshooting Routing and Remote Access

To support your organization’s distributed workforce, you must become familiar with technologies that enable remote users to connect to your organization’s network infrastructure. These technologies include virtual private networks (VPNs) and DirectAccess. It is important that you understand how to configure and secure your remote access clients by using network policies. This module explores these remote access technologies.

• Configuring Network Access • Configuring VPN Access • Overview of Network Policies

• Overview of the Connection Manager Administration Kit • Troubleshooting Routing and Remote Access

• Configuring Direct Access

6- Installing, Configuring, and Troubleshooting the Network Policy Server Role Service

NPS provides support for the Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) protocol, and can be configured as a RADIUS server or proxy. Additionally, NPS provides functionality that is essential for the implementation of Network Access Protection (NAP). This module explains how to install, configure, and troubleshoot NPS

• Installing and Configuring a Network Policy Server • Configuring RADIUS Clients and Servers

• NPS Authentication Methods

• Monitoring and Troubleshooting a Network Policy Server

7- Implementing Network Access Protection

In this module, you will learn about Network Access Protection (NAP). NAP enables you to create customized health-requirement policies to validate computer health before allowing access or communication. NAP also automatically updates compliant computers to ensure on-going compliance and can limit the access of noncompliant computers to a restricted network until they become compliant. • Overview of Network Access Protection

• How NAP Works • Configuring NAP

• Monitoring and Troubleshooting NAP

8- Increasing Security for Windows Servers

Security is an essential consideration for networking with Windows Server 2008. In this module, you will learn how to implement various methods to increase security. Windows Firewall with Advanced Security is one of the features in Windows Server 2008 that is used to increase security. You can also use Windows Server Update Services to ensure that approved security updates are applied to servers in a timely way.


• Configuring Windows Firewall with Advanced Security; • Deploying Updates with Windows Server Update Services • Monitoramento e solução de problemas da NAP.

9- Increasing Security for Network Communication

Internet Protocol security (IPsec) is a framework of open standards for protecting communications over IP networks through cryptographic security services. IPsec supports network-level peer authentication, data-origin authentication, data integrity, data confidentiality (encryption), and replay protection. The Microsoft IPsec implementation is based on standards that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) IPsec working group developed. In this module, you will learn how to implement, configure, and troubleshoot IPsec

• Overview of IPsec

• Configuring Connection Security Rules • Configuring NAP with IPsec Enforcement • Monitoring and Troubleshooting IPsec

10- Configuring and Troubleshooting Network File and Print Services

File and print services are some of the most commonly implemented network services for end users. Unlike infrastructure services like DNS, file and print services are highly visible to the end users. In this module, you will learn how to configure and troubleshoot file and print services to provide high quality service to end users. In addition, you will see how both EFS and BitLocker can be used to increase the security of files that are located in file shares.

• Configuring and Troubleshooting File Shares • Encrypting Network Files with EFS

• Encrypting Partitions with BitLocker

• Configuring and Troubleshooting Network Printing

11- Optimizing Data Access for Branch Offices

Many organizations maintain a large number of file resources that need to be organized and made highly available to users. These file resources are often stored on servers and provided to users who are distributed geographically in widespread locations. In this module, you will learn how to provide efficient access to network resources with minimal traffic over a WAN link

• Branch Office Data Access • DFS Overview

• Overview of DFS Namespaces • Configuring DFS Replication • Configuring BranchCache

12- Controlling and Monitoring Network Storage

Network storage for users is a finite resource that must be managed appropriately to ensure that it remains available for all users. If network storage is not monitored and managed, it can become filled with irrelevant data, such as personal music or movies. Irrelevant data increases network storage costs and in some cases can prevent useful data from placement on the network storage. In this module, you will learn how to monitor and manage network storage.

• Monitoring Network Storage

• Controlling Network Storage Utilization • Managing File Types on Network Storage 13- Recovering Network Data and Servers

This module explains how to recover network data and servers. There are a variety of scenarios where a network data or a server that provides networks services can be lost. Volume shadow copies can be used to restore previous versions of files when a file is accidentally deleted or modified on a computer that is running Windows Server 2008. Windows Server Backup can be used to back up and restore data files or an entire server.

• Recovering Network Data with Volume Shadow Copies


14- Monitoring Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Servers

When a system failure or an event that affects system performance occurs, you need to be able to repair the problem or resolve the issue quickly and efficiently. With so many variables and possibilities in the modern network environment, the ability to determine the root cause quickly often depends on having an effective performance monitoring methodology and toolset. In this module, you will learn to use performance-monitoring tools to identify components that require additional tuning and troubleshooting. By identifying

components that require additional tuning, you can improve the efficiency of your servers. • Monitoring Tools

• Using Performance Monitor • Monitoring Event Logs Horário dos cursos: Integral - 08:30 às 17:30h Sábado - 08:30 às 17:30h Noturno - 18:30 às 22:30h

6425 - Configuring and Troubleshooting Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

Domain Services

Carga Horária: 5 dias / 10 noites About this Course:

This five-day instructor-led course provides in-depth training on implementing, configuring, managing and troubleshooting Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments. It covers core AD DS concepts and functionality as well as implementing Group Policies, performing backup and restore and monitoring and troubleshooting Active Directory related issues. After completing this course students will be able to configure AD DS in their Windows Server 2008 and Windows server 2008 R2 environments.

The course also provides a direct mapping to the objective domain of the 70-640: TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring exam.

Audience Profile:

This course is intended for Active Directory Technology Specialists, Server and Enterprise Administrators who want to learn how to implement Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments. Those attending would be interested in learning how to secure domains by using Group Policies, back up, restore, monitor, and troubleshoot configuration to ensure trouble-free operation of Active Directory Domain Services.

Those intending to take the 70-640: TS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory, Configuring exam will also benefit from attendance at this course.

At Course Completion:

After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Describe the features and functionality of Active Directory Domain Services. • Perform secure and efficient administration of Active Directory.

• Manage users and service accounts. • Manage groups.

• Manage computer accounts.

• Implement a Group Policy infrastructure. • Manage User Desktops with Group Policy.


• Secure administration.

• Improve the security of authentication in an AD DS Domain. • Configure Domain Name System.

• Administer AD DS domain controllers.

• Manage sites and Active Directory Replication.

• Monitor, maintain and back up directory Service to ensure Directory Service continuity. • Manage multiple domains and forests.


Before attending this course, students must have: • Basic understanding of networking

• Intermediate understanding of network operating systems • An awareness of security best practices

• Basic knowledge of server hardware

• Some experience creating objects in Active Directory

• Basic concepts of backup and recovery in a Windows Server environment

• A good knowledge of Windows Client operating systems such as Windows Vista or Windows 7 Course Outline:

1- Introducing Active Directory Domain Services

This module provides an overview of Active Directory components and concepts and steps through the basics of installing and configuring an Active Directory domain.

• Overview of Active Directory, Identity, and Access • Active Directory Components and Concepts • Install Active Directory Domain Services;

• Extensão de IDA com Serviços do Active Directory.

2- Administering Active Directory Securely and Efficiently

This module explains how to work securely and efficiently in Active Directory using Administration Tools and some best practices as well as use of Windows PowerShell.

• Work with Active Directory Administration Tools • Custom Consoles and Least Privilege

• Find Objects in Active Directory

• Use Windows PowerShell to Administer Active Directory

3- Managing Users and Service Accounts

This module explains how to create, manage and support user and Managed Service Accounts in Active Directory. • Create and Administer User Accounts

• Configure User Object Attributes • Automate User Account Creation

• Create and Configure Managed Service Accounts

4- Managing Groups

This module explains how to create, modify, delete, and support group objects in Active Directory. • Overview of Groups

• Administer Groups


5- Managing Computer Accounts

This module explains how to create and configure computer accounts. • Create Computers and Join the Domain

• Administer Computer Objects and Accounts • Perform an Offline Domain Join

6- Implementing a Group Policy Infrastructure

This module explains what Group Policy is, how it works, and how best to implement Group Policy in your organization. • Understand Group Policy

• Implement GPOs

• Manage Group Policy Scope • Group Policy Processing • Troubleshoot Policy Application

7- Managing User Desktop with Group Policy

This module explains how to manage and configure desktop environments using Administrative templates and Group Policy Preferences as well as how to deploy software using Group Policy

• Implement Administrative Templates • Configure Group Policy Preferences • Manage Software with GPSI

8- Managing Enterprise Security and Configuration with Group Policy Settings

This module explains how to use Group Policy to manage a variety of components and features of Windows. It will also explain how to audit files and folders and how to restrict access to applications using application control policies.

• Manage Group Membership by Using Group Policy Settings • Manage Security Settings

• Auditing

• Software Restriction Policy and Applocker 9- Securing Administration

This module explains how to administer Active Directory Domain Services Securely. • Delegate Administrative Permissions

• Audit Active Directory Administration

• Configuração de controladores de domínio somente leitura.

10- Improving the Security of Authentication in an AD DS Domain

This module explains the domain-side components of authentication, including the policies that specify password requirements and the auditing of authentication-related activities

• Configure Password and Lockout Policies • Audit Authentication

• Configure Read-Only Domain Controllers • Configuração e administração avançadas do DNS.

11- Configuring Domain Name System

This module explains how to implement DNS to support name resolution both within your AD DS domain and outside your domain and your intranet.


• Install and Configure DNS in an AD DS Domain • Integration of AD DS, DNS, and Windows; • Advanced DNS Configuration and Administration • Extensão de IDA com Serviços do Active Directory.

12- Administering AD DS Domain Controllers

This module explains how to add Windows Server 2008 domain controllers to a forest or domain, how to prepare a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 forest or domain for its first Windows Server 2008 DC, how to manage the roles performed by DCs, and how to migrate the replication of SYSVOL from the File Replication Service (FRS) used in previous versions of Windows to the Distributed File System Replication (DFS-R) mechanism that provides more robust and manageable replication.

• Domain Controller Installation Options • Install a Server Core Domain Controller • Manage Operations Masters

• Configure Global Catalog

• Configure DFS-R Replication of SYSVOL

13- Managing Sites and Active Directory Replication

This module explains how to create a distributed directory service that supports domain controllers in portions of your network that are separated by expensive, slow, or unreliable links and how to configure replication amongst those servers.

• Configure Sites and Subnets • Configure Replication

• Fazer backup e restaurar o AD DS e os controladores de domínio.

14- Directory Service Continuity

This module explains about the technologies and tools that are available to help ensure the health and longevity of the directory service. You will explore tools that help you monitor performance in real time, and you will learn to log performance over time so that you can keep an eye on performance trends in order to spot potential problems.

• Monitor Active Directory

• Manage the Active Directory Database • Active Directory Recycle Bin

• Back Up and Restore AD DS and Domain Controllers

15- Managing Multiple Domains and Forests

This module explains how to raise the domain and forest functionality levels within your environment, how to design the optimal AD DS infrastructure for your enterprise, how to migrate objects between domains and forests, and how to enable authentication and resources access across multiple domains and forests.

• Configure Domain and Forest Functional Levels • Manage Multiple Domains and Trust Relationships • Move Objects between Domains and Forests Horário dos cursos:

Integral - 08:30 às 17:30h Sábado - 08:30 às 17:30h Noturno - 18:30 às 22:30h

6426 - Configuring and Troubleshooting Identity and Access Solutions with Windows

Server 2008 Active Directory


Carga Horária: 3 dias / 5 noites

About this course: This three-day instructor-led course provides in-depth training on configuring and troubleshooting

Active Directory Identity and Access (IDA) solutions with Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

Audience Profile: This course is intended for those who want to learn how IDA solutions are implemented in Windows

Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2. It is also intended for those preparing for MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory certification. This course provides a technology overview of IDA and PKI solutions, and details the implementation of each of the roles in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 that implement the IDA solution.

At Course Completion:

After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Describe the fundamental IDA components and Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 IDA technologies. • Deploy, configure, and troubleshoot Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS).

• Deploy, configure, and manage certificates.

• Deploy, configure, and troubleshoot Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS). • Deploy, configure, and troubleshoot Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 (AD FS 2.0). • Deploy, configure, and troubleshoot Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). • Maintain Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Active Directory IDA Solutions.


Before attending this course, students must have:

• Technical skills in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). This includes technical skills equivalent to 6425C: Configuring Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Domain Services

• Technical skills in Windows Server 2008 equivalent to 6419B: Configuring, Managing and Maintaining Windows Server 2008 Servers

Course Outline:

1- Exploring Identity and Access Solutions

This module introduces Identity and Access Management (IDA Management) solutions. You will learn the fundamental IDA components and Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 IDA technologies. This module also provides an overview of Microsoft Forefront technologies that further enhance IDA solutions.

• Overview of Identity and Access Techniques

• Active Directory Identity and Access Solutions Server Roles • Additional Identity and Access Management Tools and Solutions

2- Deploying and Configuring Active Directory Certificate Services

This module explains the concepts of public key infrastructure (PKI) and certification authority (CA). You will learn how to deploy a CA hierarchy and install AD CS. This module also describes how to configure AD CS and how to resolve common AD CS issues.

• Overview of Public Key Infrastructure • Overview of Certification Authorities • Deploying Certification Authorities


• Configuring Certification Authorities

• Troubleshooting Active Directory Certificate Services

3- Deploying and Configuring Certificates

This module describes the deployment of certificates by using AD CS. In addition, the module elaborates on managing enrollment to deploy certificates, certificate revocation, and configuration of certificate template and certificate recovery • Managing Certificate Templates

• Deploying Certificates and Managing Enrollment • Managing Certificate Revocation

• Configuring Certificate Recovery

• Configuração da recuperação de certificado

4- Deploying and Configuring Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services

This module explains the concept of AD LDS. You will learn how to install AD LDS, configure AD LDS instances and partitions, and configure AD LDS replication. This module also describes how to resolve common AD LDS issues.

• Overview of Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services

• Deploying and Configuring Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services • Configuring AD LDS Instances and Partitions

• Configuring Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Replication • Troubleshooting Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services

5- Deploying and Configuring Active Directory Federation Services

This module presents the concept of AD FS 2.0 and its deployment scenarios. You will learn how to deploy AD FS 2.0 and implement AD FS claims. This module also describes how to resolve common AD FS issues.

• Overview of Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 • Deploying Active Directory Federation Services

• Configuring Active Directory Federation Services Partner Organizations and Claims • Troubleshooting Active Directory Federation Services

6- Deploying and Configuring Active Directory Rights Management Services

This module explains the concept of AD RMS. You will learn how to install and configure AD RMS server components, administer AD RMS rights policy templates, and implement AD RMS trust policies. This module also describes how to resolve common AD RMS issues.

• Overview of Active Directory Rights Management Services

• Deploying and Configuring Active Directory Rights Management Services • Configuring AD RMS Rights Policy Templates and Exclusion Policies • Configuring Active Directory Rights Management Services Trust Policies • Troubleshooting Active Directory Rights Management Services

7- Maintaining Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Identity and Access Solutions


• Maintaining Active Directory Certificate Services

• Maintaining Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services • Maintaining Active Directory Federation Services

• Maintaining Active Directory Rights Management Services Horário dos cursos:

Integral - 08:30 às 17:30h Sábado - 08:30 às 17:30h Noturno - 18:30 às 22:30h

6433 - Planning and Implementing Windows Server 2008

Carga Horária: 5 dias / 10 noites About this Course

This five day course is intended for IT Professionals who are interested in the knowledge and skills necessary to plan and implement a Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment. It incorporates both the planning of the server infrastructure and key aspects of the implementation, management and maintenance of Active Directory and Network Infrastructure. It is the primary training resource for Exam 70-646 preparation (MCITP: Server Administrator certification). It covers the most important job tasks for Server Administrators who are responsible for the planning, operations, and day-to-day maintenance of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 servers in the enterprise. The course covers Windows server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Server 2008 R2 sp1..

Audience Profile

This course is intended for experienced IT Professionals looking to gain deeper insight and decision making knowledge for a variety of planning and implementation tasks typically carried out by Server Administrators. Also, this course is relevant for you if you have been working as a Server Administrator on a previous version of Windows Server and want to update your skills to the Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1 environment.

The course is intended to build on the student's existing skills in the areas of Active Directory and Network Infrastructure for Windows Server 2008, therefore it is not suitable for new or inexperienced server administrators.

Before attending this course, students must possess the following skillset and knowledge:

•At least one year experience in implementing or contributing to server and client planning

•At least one year experience carrying out day to day network Infrastructure and Active Directory management and maintenance tasks

•Technology skills equivalent to moc course 6418C: Deploying Windows Server 2008

Also, the following prerequisite certifications would support your preparation for attending this course and the taking of the subsequent related exam (70-646):

•MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Configuration ◦Equivalent course(s): 6425C and 6426C

•MCTS: Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration ◦Equivalent course(s): 6421B


At Course Completion

After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Plan Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1 deployments and upgrades • Plan server management and delegated administration strategies

• Plan for network addressing with IPv4 and IPv6 and also the provisioning of DNS services • Plan and provision Active Directory Domain Services

• Plan and implement Group Policy strategy

• Plan and implement Active Directory Certificate Services?

• Plan and provision Application servers including Web services, presentation virtualization and application virtualization • Plan and implement file and print server roles

• Plan and implement secure network access policies such as VPNs, Network Access Protection (NAP) and Direct Access • Plan and provision data and storage

• Plan and implement an update management strategy using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) • Plan and implement high availability

• Plan for server performance and event monitoring • Plan and implement a backup and recovery strategy

Course Outline:

1- Planning Server Deployment and Upgrade

This module explains how to plan Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 deployments and upgrades. • Developing a Deployment Strategy

• Virtualization Considerations • Selecting an Automation Strategy • Implementing an Automation Strategy

-Lab : Planning and Implementing Server Deployment • Planning a Windows Server 2008 R2 Deployment • Modifying a Windows Server 2008 R2 Image

• Preparing to Deploy the Windows Server 2008 R2 Image After completing this module, students will be able to: • Develop a deployment strategy.

• Determine factors that affect the implementation of virtualization within your organization. • Select a strategy for deployment automation.

• Implement the selected automation strategy.

2- Planning Server Management and Delegated Administration

This module explains how to plan for server management and delegated administration on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments

• Server Management Tools

• Decentralizing Systems Administration


• Create an administrative-level role group • Creating an account management group

• Enable and configure auditing for sensitive groups After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Plan for the implementation and use of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2007 R2 remote management tools. • Plan and Implement decentralized systems administration.

3- Planning Network Addressing and Name Resolution

This module explains how to plan for IPv4 and IPv6 addressing in your network and to plan and implement DNS and DHCP in a Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment

• Provisioning IPv4 Addresses on Enterprise Networks • Provisioning IPv6 Addresses on Enterprise Networks • Transitioning to IPv6

• Provisioning DNS Services on Enterprise Networks Lab : Planning and Implementing DHCP and DNS • Planning the Deployment of DHCP and DNS Servers • Implementing DNS

• Implementing DHCP

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Provision an IPv4 addressing scheme within your organization. • Provision an IPv6 addressing scheme within your organization. • Plan the transition to IPv6.

• Plan and implement DNS name resolution services within your organization’s network.

4- Planning and Provisioning Active Directory Domain Services

This module explains how to plan and provision Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments.

• Deploying Domain Controllers in Multi-Site Organizations • Planning Administrative and Management Structures for AD DS • Planning a Maintenance Strategy for AD DS

• Planning a Backup and Restore Strategy for AD DS -Lab : Planning and Provisioning AD DS

• Planning an Active Directory Structure • Planning an AD DS Maintenance Strategy • AD DS Backup and Recovery

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Identify considerations for deploying domain controllers in multi-site organizations. • Plan administrative and management structures for AD DS


• Plan a backup and recovery strategy for AD DS.

5- Planning Group Policy Strategy

This module explains how to plan and implement Group Policy strategy n Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments

• Planning Group Policy Settings • Planning Group Policy Assignment

• Planning the Management of Group Policy Objects -Lab : Planning and Implementing Group Policy • Planning Group Policy

• Implementing the Proposed GPO Plan

After completing this module, students will be able to: • Plan GPO settings.

• Plan the assignment of group policy objects to AD DS containers. • Plan how to manage GPOs within your organization.

6- Planning Active Directory Certificate Services

This module explains how to plan Active Directory Certificate Services in Windows Server 2008 and Window Server 2008 R2 environments.

• Enterprise PKI Deployment and Administration • Managing Certificate Templates

• Planning Certificate Enrollment and Revocation -Lab : Configuring Certificate Services

• Certificate Services Deployment Planning • Standalone Root and Subordinate CA • Configure Key Archiving and Recovery

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Describe which roles and configurations require the deployment of Active Directory Certificate Services as part of a network’s infrastructure services.

• Know when to deploy an enterprise or standalone Certification Authority • Determine when to deploy an offline root Certification Authority

• Understand when to deploy a subordinate or issuing Certification Authority • Plan the deployment of key archiving and recovery

• Develop an appropriate Certification Authority management strategy

7- Planning and Provisioning Application Servers

This module explains how to plan and provision application servers in Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environments.

• Planning and Provisioning Web Services


• Planning and Provisioning Application Virtualization -Lab : Planning and Provisioning Application Servers • Planning Application Deployment

• Configuring Remote Desktop Policies • Configuring Recovery for Application Servers • Configuring WSRM Policies

After completing this module, students will be able to: • Plan and provision web application servers.

• Plan and provision remote desktop services application servers. • Plan and provision application virtualization servers.

8- Planning File and Print Services

This module explains how to plan and implement File and Print services in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment.

• Provisioning File Services

• Provisioning and Managing Storage

•Provisioning and Managing Network Print Services • Migrating File and Print Services

-Lab : Planning and Implementing File and Print Services • Planning File Services

• Implementing File Services in the Branch Office • Implementing Print Services in the Branch Office After completing this module, students will be able to: • Plan and implement the file service role.

• Plan and manage storage. • Plan and manage shared printers.

• Plan the migration of file and print services to Windows Server 2008 R2

9- Planning Network Access

This module explains how to plan and implement your network infrastructure components in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows server 2008 R2 environment.

• Planning Network Security • Planning Virtual Private Networks • Planning Network Access Protection • Planning DirectAccess

-Lab : Planning and Implementing Network Access • Planning Network Access

• Implementing Network Access


• Plan network infrastructure components to improve network security • Plan and implement VPNs

• Plan and implement NAP • Plan DirectAccess

10- Provisioning Data and Storage

This module explains how to provision data and storage in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows server 2008 R2 environment.

• Planning and Implementing Distributed File System • Planning and Implementing BranchCache

• Provisioning Storage

-Lab : Planning and Implementing Data Access • Planning Data Access

• Installing and Configuring DFS

• Enabling and Configuring BranchCache

After completing this module, students will be able to: • Plan and implement the Distributed File System. • Plan and implement BranchCache.

• Provision an appropriate storage solution.

11- Planning Update Deployment

This module explains how to plan and implement a Windows Server Update Service topology and how to deploy and manage updates in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment.

• WSUS Topologies • Update Management

-Lab : Multi-Site WSUS Deployment • Analyze WSUS Deployment Plan • Configure a Replica WSUS Server

• Configure WSUS for BranchCache and BITS

After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Plan an appropriate Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) topology • Deploy and manage updates

12- Planning High Availability

This module explains how to plan and implement High Availability in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment.

• Planning Network Load Balancing • Planning Failover Clustering • Planning for Service Availability


• Planning High Availability • Implementing High Availability

After completing this module, students will be able to: • Plan and deploy network load balancing.

• Plan and deploy failover clustering. • Plan for high service availability.

13- Planning Performance and Event Monitoring

This module explains how to plan for performance and event monitoring in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment.

• Monitoring and Analyzing Server Performance • Managing Events

-Lab : Event Log Forwarding

• Planning Enterprise Event Log Management • Configuring Event Subscriptions

• Creating Custom Views • Creating Event Tasks

After completing this module, students will be able to: • Monitor and analyze server performance.

• Manage events.

14- Enterprise Backup and Recovery

This module explains how to plan for back ups and disaster recovery in your Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 environment

• Disaster Recovery Concepts • Planning Windows Server Backup • Planning and Administering Recovery -Lab : Backup and restore from VHD • Creating a Disaster Recovery Plan

• Configure network backup with Windows Server Backup • Mount Backup VHD and Extract Data

• Configure a Windows Server 2008 server to boot from backup VHD After completing this module, students will be able to:

• Understand Disaster Recovery Concepts • Plan Windows Server Backup

• Plan recovery of data and servers



Horário dos cursos:

Integral - 08:30 às 17:30h Sábado - 08:30 às 17:30h Noturno - 18:30 às 22:30h

2778 - Writing Queries Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Transact-SQL

Carga Horária: 3 dias / 5 noites

Introduction: This 3-day instructor led course provides students with the technical skills required to write basic Transact-SQL queries for Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Describe the uses of and ways to execute the Transact-SQL language; • Use querying tool;

• Write SELECT queries to retrieve data;

• Group and summarize data by using Transact-SQL; • Join data from multiple tables;

• Write queries that retrieve and modify data by using subqueries; • Modify data in tables;

• Query text fields with full-text search; • Describe how to create programming objects;

• Use various techniques when working with complex queries.

Audience: This course is intended for SQL Server database administrators, implementers, system engineers, and developers who are responsible for writing queries.


Before attending this course, students must have: • Knowledge of data integrity concepts.

• Core Windows Server skills. • Relational database design skills. • Programming skills.

Course Outline:

1 - Getting Started with Databases and Transact-SQL in SQL Server 2008

The student will be introduced to how client/server architecture works, and examine the various database and business tasks that can be performed by using the components of SQL Server 2008. The student will also be introduced to SQL Server database concepts such as relational databases, normalization, and database objects. In addition, the student will learn how to use T-SQL to query databases and generate reports.

• Overview of SQL Server 2008 • Ov erview of SQL Server Databases • Overview and Syntax Elements of T-SQL • Working with T-SQL Scripts

• Using T-SQL Querying Tools

- Lab : Using SQL Server Management Studio and SQLCMD

• Exploring the Components and Executing Queries in SQL Server Management Studio; • Starting and Using SQLCMD;


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