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Universidade Federal do Pará Núcleo de Ciências Agrárias e Desenvolvimento Rural Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Amazônia Oriental Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal Stefânia Araújo Miranda


Academic year: 2019

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0 Universidade Federal do Pará

Núcleo de Ciências Agrárias e Desenvolvimento Rural

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - Amazônia Oriental Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal

Stefânia Araújo Miranda

Incubação de ovos e criação de filhotes de guará (Eudocimus ruber) no Parque Mangal das Garças: uma ferramenta para a conservação da espécie


1 Stefânia Araújo Miranda

Incubação de ovos e criação de filhotes de guará (Eudocimus ruber) no Parque Mangal das Garças: uma ferramenta para a conservação da espécie

Tese apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciência Animal. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal. Núcleo de Ciências Agrárias e Desenvolvimento Rural. Universidade Federal do Pará. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Amazônia Oriental. Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia.

Área de concentração: Produção Animal. Orientadora: Profa. Dra. Sheyla Farhayldes S. Domingues.


2 Stefânia Araújo Miranda

Incubação de ovos e criação de filhotes de guará (Eudocimus ruber) no Parque Mangal das Garças: uma ferramenta para a conservação da espécie

Tese apresentada para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciência Animal. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal. Núcleo de Ciências Agrárias e Desenvolvimento Rural. Universidade Federal do Pará. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – Amazônia Oriental. Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia.

Área de concentração: Produção Animal.

Data da aprovação. Belém - PA: 12/06/2015

Banca Examinadora

Profa. Dra. Sheyla Farhayldes S. Domingues

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - UFPA Orientadora

Prof. Dr. Alexandre Luis Padovan Aleixo Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi

Membro Titular Externo

Prof. Dr. André Guimarães Maciel e Silva

Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - UFPA Membro Titular Interno

Prof. Dr. André Marcelo Conceição Meneses Instituto de Saúde e Produção Animal - UFRA Membro Titular Externo

Prof. Dr. Kedson Raul de Souza Lima





A Deus, meu pai, que me carregou quando fraquejei e deu forças para minha mãe superar as dificuldades e lutar pela melhor educação às filhas;

À minha mãe, Maria das Graças Araújo Miranda, exemplo de superação, honestidade e amor. Agradeço por ter enfrentado todas as dificuldades por mim e minhas irmãs. Se eu cheguei até aqui é porque existe uma mãe incrível ao meu lado;

Às minhas irmãs, Maria Luiza e Mônica, pelo apoio e amizade ao longo da minha jornada;

Às filhas Dominique e Sofia, que estão presentes desde a conquista no vestibular e são companheiras fiéis, principalmente nas madrugadas de estudo, fazendo valer o título de melhor amigo do homem;

À Profa. Dra. Sheyla Domingues, que me incentiva desde a graduação, sempre com muita paciência. Obrigada pelos ensinamentos e amizade;

Ao Biólogo e amigo Igor Seligmann, que foi o responsável pelo início da criação de guarás no Parque Mangal das Garças. Obrigada pela oportunidade de trabalhar e aprender diariamente ao seu lado;

Aos amigos do trabalho: Lélio, Camila, Bené, Suele, Diego, Juvenal, Baby, Márcio, Lorran, Aline, Carlos Alberto e Cleide que fizeram esse trabalho acontecer com a dedicação diária, de domingo a domingo, e amor aos animais. Agradeço ainda a paciência, a amizade, o carinho e apoio nas coletas. Obrigada Família Mangal;



Ao Prof. Dr. Kedson, Yan, Raissa, Amanda e Laboratório de Nutrição Animal da UFRA, pelas análises que fizeram grande diferença na qualidade desse trabalho. Obrigada pela receptividade com que me atenderam e ajudaram;

Ao Dr. Alexandre Aleixo, Dr. André Meneses, Dr. André Silva, Dr. Helder Queiroz, Dr. Kedson Lima e Dra. Luciara Celi, por disponibilizarem seu tempo para avaliação desse trabalho e pela contribuição intelectual;

À Universidade Federal do Pará, pela oportunidade de estudo durante os doze anos da minha jornada acadêmica, desde a graduação até o doutorado. Agradeço ainda aos professores e demais funcionários dessa instituição;

À Coordenação de aperfeiçoamento de pessoal de nível superior (CAPES) pelo fornecimento da bolsa de estudo durante o primeiro período do doutorado;



“A convivência entre o homem e a natureza é possível, mas depende de respeito para com as outras formas de vida e nossa disposição em permitir sua existência”



A população de guará é considerada extinta em diversas regiões. A reprodução em cativeiro pode ser uma ferramenta importante para a conservação. Os objetivos foram desenvolver um protocolo alimentar e ambientação para a criação de filhotes de guará, intensificar a reprodução e aumentar o número de indivíduos em cativeiro, descrever as fases de desenvolvimento dos filhotes e desenvolver equações para estimar o crescimento. Os filhotes receberam três tipos de dietas: Dieta R (ração comercial), C (ração comercial e camarão) e P (ração comercial e peixe). A condição corporal e o peso dos filhotes foram obtidos diariamente e as medidas corporais a cada sete dias. A taxa de mortalidade na Dieta R foi 100% e nas Dietas C e P foram 0%. As médias dos pesos corporais e comprimentos dos ossos foram maiores com a Dieta P e as médias do comprimento da despigmentação do bico não foram diferentes com as Dietas C e P (P<0,05). A Dieta P apresentou maiores teores nutricionais. No Ano I a criação foi 100% artificial e no Ano II a criação em uma área do parque foi natural. Na criação artificial, o desenvolvimento dos membros e a condição corporal dos filhotes foram avaliados diariamente, e a pesagem a cada sete dias. A taxa de mortalidade foi menor e o número de nascimentos e a taxa de sobrevivência foram maiores durante a criação artificial. Todos os filhotes apresentaram ganho de peso (P<0,05), condição corporal boa e não foram observadas distrofias. As fases de desenvolvimento dos filhotes e o peso foram monitorados diariamente, e as mensurções da despigmentação do bico e ossos foram realizadas a cada sete dias. Os olhos abriram no dia 4,73 ± 0,12, no dia 6,31 ± 0,18 os filhotes se moveram dentro do ninho e no dia 15,3 ± 0,68 sairam do ninho. As médias do peso e das medidas dos ossos aumentaram (P<0,05). As médias da despigmentação do bico diminuiram (P<0,05). No 7º dia o bico começou a pigmentar e no dia 35º ficou completamente pigmentado. A correlação entre todos os parâmetros e os coeficientes de determinação das equações de regressão foram altos. A Dieta P foi considerada a melhor para a criação artificial. O protocolo proporcionou ambientação e alimentação adequadas, intensificou a reprodução e aumentou o número de guarás. Foi possível estabelecer as equações de estimativa de crescimento e descrever as fases de desenvolvimento dos filhotes. A pigmentação do bico foi considerada um parâmetro eficiente para estimar a idade.



The population of scarlet ibis is considered to be extinct in several regions. Captive breeding techniques are complementary tools for species conservation. The objectives were to develop a feeding protocol and an ambient environment for the rearing of scarlet ibis chicks, to intensify reproduction in captivity and increase the number of ibises in the colony, describe the developmental stages of chicks and develop growth estimation equations. The chicks were fed with three diets: Diet C (commercial feed), S (commercial ration and shrimp) and F (commercial ration and fish). The body condition and weight were taken daily, and the body measurements every seven days. The mortality rate under Diet C was 100%, and 0% under Diets S and F. The mean body weight and bones lengths were higher with Diet F and the mean length of the unpigmented portion of the beak did not differ among the diets (P<0.05). Diet F had higher nutritional contents. Rearing was artificial during year I and natural during year II at one of the areas of the park. The limbs development and body condition were evaluated daily, and the weight every seven days during artificial rearing. The mortality rate was lower and the number of births and survival rate were higher during artificial rearing. All of the young exhibited weight gain (P<0.05), good body condition and no dystrophies were observed. The development stages of chicks and the weight were monitored daily, and the measurements of the beak and bones were taken every seven days. The eyes opened on day 4.73±0.12, the nestlings moved within the nest on day 6.31±0.18 and left the nest on day 15.3±0.68. The means weight and measurements of the bones increased (P<0.05). The means of beak despigmentation decreased (P<0.05). The beak pigmentation started on day 7º and on day 35º was completely pigmented. The correlation between all parameters and the determination coefficients of regression equations were high. Diet F was found to be best for the artificial rearing. The artificial rearing protocol provided an adequate environment and feeding, intensified the reproduction and increased the number of scarlet ibises. Growth estimation equations were developed to assess the chicks growth and was possible to describe the developmental stages. Beak pigmentation was found to be a useful parameter for estimating the age.




2. OBJETIVOS 2.1. GERAL... 12

2.2. ESPECÍFICOS... 12






3.5. ALIMENTAÇÃO... 16

3.6. REPRODUÇÃO... 17

3.6.1. Período de reprodução... 17

3.6.2. Características e comportamento... 18

3.6.3. Ninho... 19

3.6.4. Ovos... 19

3.6.5. Período de incubação... 20

3.7. FILHOTES... 20







Eudocimus ruber é uma ave da ordem dos Pelecaniformes, da família Threskiornithidae (BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2012). Conhecido popularmente no Brasil como guará, esse animal em outros lugares recebe nomes como scarlet ibis, guará-vermelho, guará-rubro, guará-piranga e corocoro rubro (RODRIGUES, 2006). O guará pode ser encontrado na Colômbia, Venezuela, Guiana, Guiana Francesa, Suriname, Brasil, Argentina, Trinidade e Tobago (BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2012). A espécie ocorre principalmente na faixa costeira dos países, com exceção da Venezuela, onde é encontrada no interior do país (OLMOS; SILVA, 2003).

A população de guará é decrescente, apesar do estado de conservação ser considerado pouco preocupante (BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2012). O guará é considerado extinto em diversas regiões onde antes era avistado (SICK, 1997; EBIRD, 2015), em perigo no Estado de São Paulo (SEMA, 2009) e criticamente ameaçado no Paraná (IAP, 2009) e Santa Catarina (CONSEMA, 2011). Os fatores que afetam o tamanho das populações de guarás, agora limitado em alguns lugares, são a perda de habitat, a destruição das áreas de nidificação e de alimentação, a caça excessiva, o comércio ilegal, colheita dos ovos e venda das penas para adorno (IPA, 2009). As técnicas de reprodução ex situ são ferramentas complementares para a conservação da espécie, pois os manejos de colônias em habitats fragmentados e das mantidas em cativeiro podem representar um grande grupo a ser preservado, reduzindo perdas para a espécie (FONTENELLE, 2007).

Os guarás são vistos em vários zoológicos do Brasil e em outros países. No entanto, ainda não existe um manejo reprodutivo eficiente dessa espécie em cativeiro e, nas poucas vezes que os animais reproduziram em zoológicos, os filhotes dependeram exclusivamente dos cuidados dos pais. Na natureza, podem ocorrer perdas dos filhotes causadas pela predação por outros animais, queda do ninho e abandono dos pais (OLMOS; SILVA, 2001). No Parque Mangal das Garças é frequente a queda de filhotes de aves dos ninhos feitos pelos pais, sendo o animal resgatado e criado artificialmente. Além disso, é constante o recebimento de filhotes, oriundos de apreensão pelos órgãos ambientais, em situação de risco e sem conhecimento da idade.


11 alimentam-se essencialmente de peixes, camarões, pequenos caranguejos e de insetos. Hass et al. (1999) citam ainda a ingestão de aranhas, gastrópodes e matéria vegetal.

Contudo, não existe na literatura um protocolo para criação artificial e muito pouco foi descrito sobre a biologia do desenvolvimento do filhote de guará. Procedimentos realizados para obtenção de parâmetros corporais em intervalos regulares, como biometrias e pesagens, não foram descritos, o que representa uma limitação para a estimativa da idade e avaliação do desenvolvimento dos filhotes em condições artificiais. Além disso, ainda não existe uma dieta específica para os filhotes dessa espécie, o que também dificulta a criação sob cuidados humanos.

Com o presente trabalho será possível comparar o desempenho dos filhotes de guarás alimentados com diferentes dietas, bem como desenvolver um protocolo para criação dos filhotes, com ambientação e alimentação artificiais, para intensificar a reprodução e aumentar o número de indivíduos no Parque Mangal das Garças. Somando a isso, será possível descrever o comportamento e as características físicas dos filhotes em condições artificiais, obter parâmetros para estimar a idade e avaliar o crescimento dos filhotes por meio da condição corporal, pesagens e biometrias do rádio, da tíbia, do tarso e da porção despigmentada do bico.





Avaliar o desempenho dos filhotes de guarás alimentados com diferentes dietas e desenvolver um protocolo para criação de filhotes de guará no Parque Mangal das Garças, intensificando a reprodução em cativeiro e aumentando o número de indivíduos do plantel, bem como obter parâmetros para estimar a idade e avaliar o crescimento dos filhotes.


• Descrever a composição bromatológica de três diferentes dietas fornecidas para filhotes de guará;

• Comparar o desempenho dos filhotes recebendo diferentes alimentos, por meio de pesagens e biometrias do rádio, da tíbia, do tarso e da porção despigmentada do bico;

• Desenvolver, em condições artificiais, ambientação e alimentação para criação de filhotes de guarás, avaliando o protocolo por meio de observações clínicas diárias e pesagens dos filhotes;

• Descrever, em condições artificiais, o peso, os comprimentos do rádio, da tíbia, do tarso e da porção despigmentada do bico, bem como a coloração das penas, a idade de abertura dos olhos, a capacidade de locomoção e a saída do ninho; • Relacionar a idade do filhote de guará com o peso e as medidas corporais, bem





A espécie foi descrita primeiramente por Linneus (1758), inicialmente nomeada de Scopolax rubra, sendo mais tarde designada como Eudocimus ruber (RAMO; BUSTO, 1987). Eudocimus ruber é uma ave da ordem dos Pelecaniformes, família Threskiornithidae (BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2012).

Conhecido popularmente no Brasil como guará, esse animal em outros lugares recebe nomes como scarlet íbis, guará-vermelho, guará-rubro, guará-piranga e corocoro rubro (RODRIGUES, 2006).


Os guarás são aves pernaltas com pescoço longo, destacando-se por sua bela plumagem vermelha (SICK, 1997). As únicas partes não vermelhas são as pontas das longas penas de voo e os olhos pretos, e o bico que vai do rosado até o enegrecido dependendo da faixa-etária e sexo (Figura 1). As duas pernas finas apresentam uma coloração rosada com uma camada de grandes escamas. Cada um dos quatro dedos com garras são parcialmente unidos por membranas interdigitais, mas ainda separados em algum grau para que sejam capazes de pousar em árvores (KUSHLAN, 1977).


14 O comprimento do guará, mensurado da ponta da cauda até a ponta do bico varia de: 55 cm a 76,2 cm (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992; KUSHLAN, 1977; MOOLCHAN, 2011; OLMOS; SILVA, 2003; PETERSON; PETERSON, 2002). O macho e a fêmea são semelhantes em aparência física, sendo os machos maiores que as fêmeas, pesando cerca de 750 g a 800 g, enquanto que as fêmeas pesam de 500 g a 640 g. Contudo, não existe na literatura dados de biometria e pesagem em filhotes. Os bicos dos machos são mais longos e menos curvos, medindo entre 15,5 cm e 17 cm, enquanto que o de uma fêmea oscila entre 12 cm e 13 cm (OLMOS; SILVA, 2003). O bico curvado para baixo é fino e longo como uma pinça. Seu longo pescoço auxilia o bico nos movimentos da cabeça durante busca e caça de presas em águas rasas. Além disso, usam o bico para espremer a glândula uropigial e aplicar o óleo em cada pena, espalhando com seu bico (ADAMS; CARROL, 2008).

Os guarás voam em bandos, com o seu pescoço mantido em linha reta juntamente com seu bico para frente, formando um grande “V”, o que reduz a resistência do vento e os tornam capazes de percorrer distâncias mais longas (KUSHLAN, 1977). Vivem cerca de 16 anos em vida livre, podendo chegar a 20 anos em cativeiro (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992; RICKLEFS, 2000; NOVAES, 2009).

Seus hábitos alimentares e comportamentos de nidificação são muito influenciados pela qualidade do habitat, o que, consequentemente, acabou rotulando-os como bioindicadores das condições de habitat (POWELL; POWELL, 1986).


O guará pode ser encontrado na Colômbia, Venezuela, Guiana, Guiana Francesa, Suriname, Brasil, Argentina, Trinidade e Tobago (BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2012; Figura 2). A espécie ocorre principalmente na faixa costeira dos países, com exceção da Venezuela, onde é encontrada no interior do país (OLMOS; SILVA, 2003).


15 (SANTOS et al., 2006;SEMA, 2009; EBIRD, 2015), um grupo na Baía Paranaguá no Paraná e outro no Parque Natural Municipal da Caieira em Santa Catarina (EBIRD, 2015; Figura 2). Em 2013, foram observados 112 indivíduos da espécie na Baía Paranaguá e 50 indivíduos no Parque Natural Municipal da Caieira em 2015 (EBIRD, 2015).

Habitam áreas pantanosas, manguezais, lagos e rios de curso lento, vivendo em bandos que procuram vegetação densa para dormir e nidificar, como os mangue (Rhizophora sp.), aturizais (Drepanocarpus sp.) e siriubais (Avicennia sp.) (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992; RICKLEFS, 2000; NOVAES, 2009).


O guará é protegido oficialmente pela legislação brasileira como uma espécie ameaçada de extinção (IBAMA, 1989). Além disso, as colônias de nidificação de todas as espécies de aves também são protegidas por lei (BRASIL, 1967).

A espécie é considerada extinta em diversas regiões onde antes era avistada, como por exemplo, do Piauí ao Rio de Janeiro (SICK, 1997; EBIRD, 2015), em perigo no Estado de


16 São Paulo (SEMA, 2009), criticamente ameaçado no Paraná (IAP, 2009) e em Santa Catarina (CONSEMA, 2011), sendo essas as últimas avaliações da espécie nas regiões citadas.

No entanto, de acordo com a Lista Vermelha de Espécies Ameaçadas da União Internacional para Conservação da Natureza (IUCN), a espécie é listada como pouco preocupante e com a população em declínio (BIRDLIFE INTERNATIONAL, 2012).


Constatou-se através de exames de conteúdos estomacais, citados por Sick (1997), que os guarás são carnívoros alimentando-se essencialmente de peixes como o “muré” (Gobius oceanicus Pallas), de camarões, de pequenos caranguejos tais como o “chama-maré” (Uca sp.) e “aratu” (Aratus pisonii), e de insetos (Dysticidae). Hass, Matos e Machado (1999) citaram ainda a ingestão de aranhas, gastrópodes e matéria vegetal. Após avaliação de conteúdos estomacais de filhotes encontrados mortos, bem como de regurgitados produzidos por filhotes durante a temporada reprodutiva, Olmos, Silva e Prado (2001) constataram que todas as amostras apresentaram caranguejos, correspondendo a mais de 95,5% das presas consumidas. Entre os caranguejos mais predados estão Eurythium limosun (39,52%) e várias espécies de Uca sp. (27,6%). Nas amostras foram também identificados camarões (1,5%), gastrópodes (2,6%), peixe (0,1%), mutucas (0,3%) e vermes poliquetos (0,1%).

A ingestão do caranguejo tem uma ligação importante com a cor dos guarás. O vermelho das penas se deve a um pigmento chamado cataxantina, que é um derivado do caroteno (SICK, 1997; OLMOS; SILVA, 2003). O caroteno é o responsável pela cor da cenoura e da casca dos caranguejos e camarões, evidenciada quando são cozidos (OLMOS; SILVA, 2003). Hass (1996), por meio de análises bioquímicas, mostrou que os carotenos nas penas dos guarás são os mesmos daqueles encontrados em algumas presas, como o caranguejo chama-maré. Os guarás têm a capacidade de sequestrar os carotenoides acidogênicos do alimento e manufaturar cataxantina (β-caroteno neutro), através de facilitação bioquímica e/ou por ação da microflora intestinal (HASS; MATOS; MACHADO, 1999). Em cativeiro com a deficiência de carotenoides, os guarás tendem a ficar mais cor-de-rosa do que vermelhos, mas essa coloração pode ser recuperada adicionando-se cataxantinas ou cenoura no alimento que lhes é oferecido (SICK, 1997).


17 ração comercial proporciona maior facilidade no manejo alimentar em cativeiro, de forma mais higiênica e mantendo sua integridade física e química por mais tempo, quando comparada aos alimentos naturais (MEGAZOO, 2014). No entanto, a ração comercial extrusada1 possui em sua composição alimentos de origem vegetal que não fazem parte da dieta dos Flamingos in situ, conforme descrito por Tobar et al.(2014).

Os guarás procuram comida apenas no início da manhã e logo antes do pôr do sol, ficando geralmente escondidos, descansando ou se limpando durante o calor do dia e a noite. Com o uso de seu bico longo e curvo eles sondam os lodaçais e águas rasas em busca de comida. Não precisam se esconder de sua comida, uma vez que seu bico longo é guiado pelo toque, e só são vistos por suas presas no momento em que elas são subitamente retiradas da água pela ponta do bico e atiradas para o esôfago (MOOLCHAN, 2011). O bico possui muitas enervações mecanorreceptoras, sendo muito sensível ao contato com a presa. Os guarás quase nunca forrageiam fora da água, o que sugere que a disponibilidade de presas no solo pode ser limitada em estação seca (FREDERICK; BILDSTEIN, 1992).

Forrageiam juntamente com outras espécies como cegonhas, colhereiros, garças e patos. Esse relacionamento mútuo entre espécies proporciona aos guarás uma melhor chance de se esconder dos predadores entre essas aves. Além disso, ter um grupo de aves pernaltas perto para perturbar e agitar águas rasas faz com que as presas se tornem mais fáceis de serem capturadas (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992).


3.6.1. Período de reprodução

O período reprodutivo dos guarás ainda é pouco elucidado na literatura, sendo ainda controverso entre os autores. No Brasil, foram encontrados grupos em período de reprodução ativa em maio, na Ilha Buzina, Maranhão (MORRISON; ANTAS; ROSS, 1987), junho e setembro na costa do Amapá (TEIXEIRA; BEST, 1981). No Pará, na ilha dos Pássaros, um ninhal foi encontrado reprodutivamente ativo no mês de agosto (ANTAS; ROTH;

1 Ração FL 32 (Megazoo Betim, MG) - Níveis de garantia: 110g/kg de umidade (máx.), 320g/kg de proteína


18 MORRISON, 1990; RODRIGUES; FERNANDES, 1994). Sick (1997) corrobora esses autores, afirmando que o período reprodutivo começa no inicio da seca, indo de julho a setembro (na região do Estado do Pará), embora haja relatos de reprodução durante período chuvoso nas Guianas. Olmos e Silva (2001) observaram que as aves, no município de Cubatão, São Paulo, começaram a se congregar em maior número no local da colônia a partir de meados de setembro e em novembro estavam construindo os ninhos e fazendo postura de ovos.

Hass, Matos e Machado (1999), na ilha do Cajual, Maranhão, observaram que os guarás iniciaram a temporada reprodutiva no inicio das chuvas, selecionando os sítios de reprodução em janeiro e estabelecendo colônia em fevereiro. Na região dos Lhanos da Venezuela, a estação reprodutiva dos guarás também coincide com as primeiras chuvas, sendo este fato relacionado com a maior abundancia de alimentos como peixes, crustáceos e insetos (BROUWER; VAN WIERINGEN, 1990).

No entanto, os últimos estudos de reprodução da espécie no Norte, Nordeste e Sudeste do Brasil foram em 1994, 1999 e 2001, respectivamente, e não existem levantamentos mais atuais sobre a reprodução da espécie, sendo uma limitação para avaliação do estado de conservação.

3.6.2. Características e comportamento

Quando estão em época de reprodução, o bico do macho torna-se negro brilhante, e suas pernas continuam vermelho-claras, enquanto que a fêmea apresenta o bico (que é mais fino) pardacento com a ponta enegrecida e suas pernas ficam vermelho-esbranquiçadas. Algumas fêmeas, durante a estação reprodutiva, podem apresentar edema na garganta, descrito por Sick (1997) como um “saquinho” de pele nua, cor-de-rosa, de cada lado da garganta.


19 nidificação, usando seu bico, pernas e asas contra rivais, de modo a defender-se e a defender sua prole e companheira (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992).

3.6.3. Ninho

O casal copula frequentemente enquanto o ninho é construído. A fêmea cuida da construção do ninho, enquanto o macho realiza um vaivém trazendo o material para a mesma (OLMOS; SILVA, 2003). Os ninhos são normalmente construídos em estreita proximidade um do outro, tendo por vezes, mais do que um ninho por árvore. Isso é feito provavelmente para diminuir o risco de predação, por ser mais fácil de enviar sinais de alerta para os outros. Grandes felinos e aves de rapina são seus principais predadores. (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992; MOOCHAN, 2011). Os ninhos são plataformas irregulares, geralmente côncavas, sendo construídos sobre ramificações ou ao longo dos galhos, com ramos finos entrelaçados frouxamente. Os materiais utilizados na base dos ninhos são geralmente gravetos secos, podendo ser substituídos por ramos verdes com folhas, retirados das arvores de mangue ao redor (HASS; MATOS; MACHADO, 1999).

3.6.4. Ovos


20 Os ovos de guará possuem coloração verde-claro (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992; SICK, 2001), creme (HASS, 1996) ou azul-claro (OLMOS; SILVA, 2001) com manchas marrons. O comprimento, largura e peso dos ovos de guarás variam de 54,6 a 57,9 mm, 37,2 a 38 mm e 37,9 a 44 g, respectivamente (HASS, 1996; OLMOS; SILVA, 2001).

3.6.5. Período de incubação

Vários autores descrevem diferentes períodos de incubação: 25,8 ± 2,3 dias (HASS, 1996), aproximadamente 23 dias (BROUWER; VAN WIERINGEN, 1990), entre 21 e 24 dias (SICK, 1997; OLMOS; SILVA, 2001), por volta de três semanas (HEATH et al., 2003) e entre 19 a 23 dias (MOOCHAN, 2011).


Os recém-nascidos são cobertos por uma plumagem negra, que muda gradualmente para cinza fosca e seu bico é mais retilíneo, de coloração clara com a ponta enegrecida (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992). Com 29 a 31 dias de vida apresentam o bico escuro (OLMOS; SILVA, 2001). Emplumam totalmente a partir de 35 dias (MOOCHAN, 2011). Os imaturos são pardo-escuros, apresentam a região do baixo-dorso e coberteiras superiores da cauda brancas, e as penas de seu abdômen branco-amareladas (SICK, 1997). A mudança de coloração das penas tem início quando os animais começam a voar. A cor escarlate aparece pela primeira vez levemente em seu dorso e se espalha gradualmente ao longo do pescoço, laterais e asas (FREDERICK; BILDSTEIN, 1992, OLMOS; SILVA, 2003) (Figura 3). Entre 22 e 24 meses de idades ficam totalmente vermelhos (OLMOS; SILVA, 2003).

Figura 3 - Mudança na coloração das penas dos guarás. (A) Imaturo, com as penas de coloração pardo-escura. (B) Animal em processo de mudança gradual da coloração das penas (Arquivo pessoal).


21 Após o nascimento os filhotes são incapazes de fazer tarefas simples, como levantar suas próprias cabeças (HANCOCK; KUSHLAN; KAHL, 1992). Segundo Olmos e Silva (2001), a partir de observações realizadas no município de Cubatão, São Paulo, os filhotes de guarás entre um e três dias de vida são praticamente incapazes de se mover, erguem a cabeça, mas não o corpo. Com cinco a sete dias erguem o corpo, mas a capacidade de locomoção é limitada restringindo-se ao interior do ninho. Entre 11 e 13 dias de vida são capazes de mover-se pelos ramos ao redor do ninho e escalam para ninhos próximos, mas somente com 20 dias tornam-se independentes dos ninhos. A partir de 29 dias fazem voos curtos entre árvores próximas e entre 41 e 43 dias voam bem, perseguindo adultos para pedir comida. Entre 74 e 78 dias, os juvenis forrageiam sozinhos, alcançando a independência alimentar. Moochan (2011) também descreveu que com 75 dias de vida os guarás são independentes.







Stefânia A. Miranda a,b*, Igor C.A. Seligmann a, Kedson R.S. Lima c, Sheyla F.S. Domingues b


Mangal das Garças Park, Belém, Pará, Brazil b

Animal Sciences Post-graduation Program, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará,

Brazil. c

Institute of Health and Livestock Production, Federal Rural University of the Amazon,

Belém, Pará, Brazil.

* Corresponding author: Parque Mangal das Garças, Passagem Carneiro da Rocha, Cidade

Velha, Zip code 66020-160, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Tel: + 55 91 32425052. E-mail: veterinaria@mangalpa.com.br (Stefânia A. Miranda).


The objective of this study was to evaluate three different diets fed to scarlet ibis chicks and the effects of these diets on chick performance. Five chicks were fed Diet C (commercial feed); 10 received Diet S (commercial feed and shrimp) and 10 chicks received Diet F (commercial feed and fish). The chicks were weighed, and the lengths of each chick’s right radius, tibia, tarsus and the unpigmented portion of the right side of the beak were measured. The mortality rate under Diet C was 100%, and the mortality rate was 0% under Diets S and F. The mean body weight and radius, tibia and tarsus lengths were higher for chicks fed Diet F (P<0.05). The mean length of the unpigmented portion of the beak did not differ among the diets (P<0.05). Diet F had higher crude protein, ether extract and crude energy contents. Beak pigmentation was not influenced by diet. Diet F was therefore found to be best for the artificial rearing of scarlet ibis chicks.




The currently decreasing population sizes of scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) (Birdlife International, 2012; Ebird, 2015) are affected by several factors such as excessive hunting, illegal trade, egg collection, commercialization of feathers for ornaments, habitat loss and the destruction of nesting and feeding areas (Sick, 1997; Ipa, 2009). Therefore, captive breeding techniques are complementary tools used for the conservation of species (Fontenelle, 2007).

Scarlet ibis are seen in various zoos in Brazil and around the world. However, during the few times that these animals reproduce in artificial environments, the chicks depend exclusively on parental care, as a specific diet for scarlet ibis adults and young has not yet been developed. This represents a limitation to scarlet ibis breeding under human care. At present, commercial feeds are available that are specific for certain birds, such as flamingos, which have feeding habits similar to those of the scarlet ibis (Tobar et al., 2014).

In the wild, scarlet ibis feed mainly on fish, shrimp, small crabs and insects (Sick, 1997). Hass et al. (1999) also report incidences of scarlet ibis consuming spiders, snails and plant material. After evaluating the stomach contents of chicks found dead, as well as stomach contents regurgitated by chicks during the reproductive season, Olmos et al. (2001) found that all samples analyzed contained crabs, corresponding to more than 95.4% of the prey identified. Shrimp (1.5%), snails (2.6%), fish (0.1%), horseflies (0.3%) and polychaete worms (0.1%) were also identified in the samples, indicating that the scarlet ibis is a carnivorous bird.

An evaluation of the body condition and development of scarlet ibis chicks fed different types of food will aid in the selection of a diet that promotes the best performance in individuals during early growth, contributing to the success of artificial breeding. In this sense, diets composed of commercial feed developed for flamingos, shrimp or fish may be used for the captive breeding of scarlet ibis chicks under human care.




Study site

This study was conducted at the Mangal das Garças Park, located in the city of Belém, Pará State, Brazil 1°27'48.9"S 48°30'17.8"W (Figure 1). There are 111 scarlet ibis adults inhabiting the park, distributed among three areas: Aningas Aviary (11 males and 8 females), Cavername Lake (34 males and 17 females) and the Extra Sector of the park (41 unsexed individuals). In all areas water is available ad libitum and extruded commercial feed1 is provided from 7:00am to 4:00pm. The Mangal das Garças Park has an Authorization from the Management of Native Wildlife, no. 1501.8612/2014-PA, for rearing Eudocimus ruber. All animals receive technical assistance daily from a veterinarian and a biologist.

1Feed FL 32 (Megazoo Betim, Minas Gerais, Brazil) – Guaranteed analysis: 110 g/kg moisture (max.), 320

g/kg crude protein (min.), 60 g/kg ether extract (min.), 45 g/kg fiber (max.), 110 g/kg mineral content (max.), 22 g/kg calcium (max.), 18 g/kg calcium (min.), 3,000 mg/kg sodium (min.), 9,000 mg/kg phosphorus (min.), 2,200 mg/kg omega 3 (min.), 400 mg/kg mannooligosaccharides (min.), 440 mg/kg beta-glucans (min.), 1.95 mg/kg milk thistle extract (min.), 7,000 mg/kg DL-methionine (min.), 19 g/kg L-lysine (min.), 3,000 mg/kg toxin adsorbent additives (min.). Ingredients: ground whole corn, fish meal, poultry offal meal, soybean meal, dry beer yeast, crude soybean oil, limestone, vitamin mineral premix, sodium chloride (table salt), natural annatto dye, prebiotic (mannooligosaccharide), fungistatic additive (propionic acid), DL-methionine, adsorbent additive (esterified glucomannan yeast), antioxidant (BHA).



Egg management

Nests were inspected two times per day (morning and afternoon), and eggs were collected whenever they were encountered. Eggs were manually collected and transported to the nursery in a plastic egg container. Each collected egg was sanitized with gauze and moistened with saline solution. After evaluation, broken, cracked or punctured eggs were discarded. The date and site of collection were recorded with a graphite pencil on each egg.

Eggs were incubated in a digital incubator, with automatic egg turning programmed at two-hour intervals (IP 130 PS, Premium Ecológica Ltda, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil). The temperature and humidity in the incubator were 37.4 ºC and 60%, respectively. Eggs in the incubator were inspected two times per day (morning and afternoon), and when the hole made by the hatchling hours before hatching was observed, the egg was transferred to a bird treatment unit (UTA, TD, Premium Ecológica Ltda, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil) and kept under the same temperature and humidity conditions as the incubator until the end of hatching.

Chick selection and management

Twenty-five clinically healthy scarlet ibis chicks were selected. All animals were kept under the same artificial environmental conditions. Chicks were identified by bands made from adhesive bandage tape numbered from one to twenty-five.

After hatching, chicks were kept in artificial nests made of straw baskets and hay. The chicks remained in the bird treatment unit until their second day of life. During the third day, the nest with the chick inside was transferred to a fiberglass brooder (1.18 x 0.59 x 0.50 m) containing clay heaters with 25-watt lamps. The temperature and humidity of the nests were kept at approximately 32 ºC and 58%, respectively. After the chicks had left the nest, they were kept in brooders with hay and a heat source.

From the third day of life until the chicks left the nursery, they were exposed to direct sunlight for one hour before 9:00am and were given a mineral vitamin supplement2 at a dose of two drops per chick once per day.

2 Avitrin Cálcio Plus (Coveli, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – guaranteed analysis (kg): 125,000 IU


27 After leaving the nursery, the chicks were transferred to an 18 m2 enclosure equipped with two clay heaters with 60-watts bulbs, hay bedding, 15 cm diameter wooden perches and a skylight providing ventilation and natural light. The animals were kept in groups of up to 10 chicks (1.8 chicks/m2).

Feeding management

The twenty-five chicks selected were divided into groups to receive three different diets with a paste-like consistency (puree):

Diet C – Five animals were fed a mixture of 50 g of crushed commercial feed for flamingos (Feed FL321) and 150 ml of water. The mortality rate for chicks fed Diet C was 100%, and the supply of this diet was stopped.

Diet S – Ten animals were fed a mixture of 15 g of crushed commercial fed for flamingos (Feed FL321) mixed with 100 ml of shrimp broth. The shrimp broth was prepared by blending 100 g of whole Amazon River prawn (Macrobrachium amazonicum) with 150 ml of water, and then the mixture was filtered through a sieve.

Diet F – Ten animals were fed a mixture of 15 g of crushed commercial feed for flamingos (Feed FL321) mixed with 100 ml of fish broth. The fish broth was prepared by blending 100 g of mullet (Mugil spp.) fillet with 300 ml of water, and then the mixture was filtered through a sieve.

The selection of fish and shrimp as diet ingredients was based on Sick (1997) and Olmos et al. (2001). The feed was chosen because it was originally developed for flamingos, which have feeding habits similar to those of the scarlet ibis (Tobar et al., 2014). In addition, scarlet ibis adults from the park have adapted to this diet and responded positively to it, as evaluated by their reproduction and feather coloration. It was necessary to add a large volume of water to Diet F during broth preparation because fish have a lower water content than shrimp.


28 The fish and shrimp broths were prepared twice per day (morning and afternoon). The puree was prepared before each meal and heated in a microwave oven to 40 ºC. Chick feeding began 12 hours after hatching, as before this time, the animals consume the yolk reserve.

The puree was orally administered directly into the entrance of esophagus using a no. 10 gastric tube cut to 5 cm in length and attached to a disposable syringe. The animal’s head was maintained at a 90° angle during feeding, and this position was maintained for at least 10 seconds after feeding to avoid reflux and choking.

The total number of meals per day, intervals, volume administered at each meal and total daily volume were chosen according to chick age, as described in Table 1. Chicks were stimulated to begin feeding alone after leaving the nest by offering the extruded commercial feed (Feed FL321) in the bird feeder and water ad libitum. After each paste feeding, a technician encouraged the chick to eat the food in the feeder. Beginning on day 20, the feeding intervals of paste supply were increased every four days until only the extruded commercial feed (Feed FL321) in a feeder was offered (Table 1). At this stage, the chicks were transferred to the nursery and housed with at least one independently feeding older chick to stimulate them to consume the feed.

Body condition, weight and biometry


29 The chicks were weighed daily using a digital scale (Actlife Superinox-5, Balmak Indústria e Comércio Ltda, Cidade Industrial Santa Bárbara d’Oeste, São Paulo, Brazil), and measurements were taken every seven days by the same technician. During biometry, the lengths of the right radius, tibia and tarsus and of the unpigmented portion of the right side of the beak were measured using a 150 mm plastic caliper (Marberg Limited, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).

Weight and body measurements are parameters of body development. Measurements of the radius, tibia and tarsus were chosen because these are long bones easily measured in live animals, and because these bones undergo developmental pressure due to flight (Sick, 1997), making them good growth markers. Chicks were assessed beginning on the first day of life, shortly after hatching, and on all subsequent days, always in the morning. All data were recorded in an individual case report form.

Age (days) Total feedings/day Interval (hr) Volume/feeding (ml) Volume/day (ml)

1-2 13 1/1 0.5 6.5

3 13 1/1 1 13

4-7 13 1/1 2 26

8-11 13 1/1 3 39

12-15 13 1/1 4 52

16-19 13 1/1 5 65

*20-23 7 2/2 6 42

24-27 5 3/3 7 35

28-31 3 6/6 8 24

32-35 2 12/12 9 18

36-39 1 24/24 10 10

Table 1 – Feeding protocol developed to provide nutrition to 25 scarlet ibis chicks raised under artificial conditions on their 1st through 39th days of life.



Statistical analysis

The mortality and survival rates are presented as percentages. Data are presented as the mean ± standard error. Exponential regression analysis was used to test the relationship between age and bone length. Polynomial regression analysis was used to test the relationship between age and the length of the unpigmented portion of the beak. Student’s t test was used to compare weights, bone lengths and the length of the unpigmented portion of the beak among diets. All analyses were performed in Statview 5.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, United States), and results were considered significant when P<0.05.


Although Olmos et al. (2001) found that crabs corresponded to more than 95.4% of the prey identified in the stomach contents and regurgitate samples of scarlet ibis chicks, shrimp and fish are cheaper and easier to store and prepare and are available for purchase throughout the entire year. Moreover, fish and shrimp are purchased on a weekly basis to feed other bird species at the park.

The contents of crude protein, ether extract and crude energy of each diet are shown in Table 2. Diet F, prepared with fish, contained the highest percentages of all of these components, and Diet C, prepared only with commercial feed, contained the lowest percentage. Diet S, prepared with shrimp, had nutritional values similar to those of Diet F.

Dry Matter Crude Protein Ether Extract Crude Energy

(%) DM (%) FM (%) DM (%) FM (%) DM (Kcal/g) FM (Kcal/g)

Diet C 92.50 33.45 7.70 3.31 0.76 4.119 0.47

Diet S 18.84 42.38 7.98 8.08 1.52 4.614 868.35

Diet F 18.16 44.33 8.05 10.49 1.91 4.713 855.40

Table 2 – Dry matter, crude protein, ether extract and crude energy contents in the three diets supplied to scarlet ibis chicks from the 1st to the 39th day of life.


31 Chicks who received Diet C died in their first week of life, making it impossible to collect data for statistical analysis. At necropsy, no macroscopic changes were observed, suggesting that nutritional factors were responsible for the mortality. The unsatisfactory results (100% mortality) found in animals fed Diet C may be related to the quality of the nutrients present in feed developed for adult flamingos, which was not suitable for scarlet ibis

chicks in the early stages of development. The chicks that received Diets S and F had 100% survival and body scores of two, indicating good nutritional status. It is possible that the higher crude protein content in these diets was important for chicks in the early stages of development. Therefore, the nutritional compositions of fish and shrimp are more suitable for the development of birds in the early stages of life.

In quails at the early stage of life, nutritional crude protein requirements are higher from the 1st to the 21st day of life (25%) and lower (22%) from the 22nd to the 42nd day of life (Silva and Costa, 2009). However, this finding cannot be extrapolated to the scarlet ibis

because the nutritional requirements of quail and scarlet ibis are likely distinct, as these species have distinct feeding habits. Scarlet ibis most likely have higher crude protein requirements because they are carnivorous, feeding mainly on crustaceans in the wild (Olmos et al., 2001).

Figure 2 shows the relationship between age and weight in scarlet ibis chicks. The curve was best fit using an exponential model, as evaluated by the coefficient of determination (R2; Figure 2), intercept values (P <0.0001) and regression coefficient (P

<0.0001). Chicks that received Diets S and F gained weight from the 1st to the 36th day of life (Figure 2). By comparing the daily weights of scarlet ibis chicks fed Diets S and F, differences from the 7th to the 36th day were observed (P <0.05), indicating that the weights



Figure 3 shows the relationship between age and the lengths of the radius, tibia and tarsus of the scarlet ibis chicks. The curve was best fit using an exponential model, as evaluated by the coefficient of determination (R2; Figure 3), intercept values (P <0.0001) and

regression coefficient (P <0.0001). The coefficients of determination also indicated that the

lengths of the measured bones were highly correlated with age and that no growth restriction occurred. The lengths of the radius, tibia and tarsus of chicks fed Diets S and F increased from the 1st to the 35th day of life (Figure 3). When comparing the weekly measurements of the chicks fed Diets S and F, differences were found (P <0.05) from the 14th to the 35th day,

indicating that the measured bones were longer in chicks fed Diet F (Figure 3). Therefore, the chicks fed Diet F grew faster than the chicks fed Diet S, starting at the 14th day of life.

Figure 2 – Exponential regression analysis indicating the relationship between age and the daily weights of 20 scarlet ibis chicks fed Diet S (shrimp) and Diet F (fish) from the 1st to the 36th day of life.

Diet S: Weight = 28.8 x e^(0.068 x Age); R2 = 0.95. Diet F: Weight = 29.718 x e^(0.084 x Age); R2 = 0.96.

* Indicates the day when differences in the means among diets began to appear (P<0.05).

Age (days)




t (




33 Diet S: Tibia = 29.535 x e^(0.034 x Age); R2 = 0.95.

Diet F: Tibia =28.44 x e^(0.0397 x Age); R2 = 0.97.








Age (days) *

Exponential (Shrimp) Exponential (Fish)

Diet S: Radius = 19.528 x e^(0.0452 x Age); R2 = 0.98. Diet F: Radius =19.12 x e^(0.051 x Age); R2 = 0.97.


Age (days)









34 Figure 4 shows the relationship between age and the length of the unpigmented portion of the beaks of scarlet ibis chicks. The curve was best fit using a second-order polynomial model, as evaluated by the coefficient of determination (R2; Figure 4), intercept values (P <0.0001) and regression coefficient (P <0.0001). The length of the unpigmented portion of the beaks of chicks fed Diets S and F decreased from the 1st to the 35th day of life, when the beak was completely pigmented (Figure 4). There was no significant difference in the weekly measurements of the unpigmented beak portion when comparing chicks fed Diets S and F (Figure 4). Therefore, beak pigmentation, a phenotypic characteristic of scarlet ibis chicks, is likely not influenced by the type of food supplied, in contrast to body weight and bone lengths.

Figure 3 – Exponential regression analysis indicating the relationship between age and the lengths of the radius, tibia and tarsus of 20 scarlet ibis chicks fed Diet S (Shrimp) and Diet F (fish) from the 1st to 35th day of life.

* Indicates the day when differences in the means among diets began to appear (P<0.05). Diet S: Tarsus = 19.473 x e^(0.0337 x Age); R2 = 0.94.

Diet F: Tarsus =17.976 x e^(0.0404 x Age); R2 = 0.97.

Age (days)










35 Despite the similar nutritional compositions of Diets S and F, chicks fed Diet F exhibited faster growth, reaching higher body weights and bone lengths at the end of rearing than chicks fed Diet S. The differences in the performance of the chicks may be related to the amino acid profiles and digestibility of the diets. The amino acid profiles may differ among the protein sources used (shrimp and fish). Moreover, chicks in early developmental stages may not have the enzymes necessary to aid in the digestion of crustaceans because in the wild they receive food regurgitated by an adult (Stanek, 2009). Further studies assessing the amino acid profiles and digestibility of these foods are needed.

Beginning on the 7th day of life, the diets provided likely affected the development of the chicks. Before this period, the chicks exhibited no differences in growth between diets, as their physical conditions were most likely still similar to when they were in the egg. The selection of a suitable diet is very important for artificial breeding because it reduces mortality rates, provides animals with more resistance to diseases, accelerates growth and decreases the time required to reach adulthood, rendering animals ready to breed earlier.

Figure 4 – Second-order polynomial regression analysis indicating the relationship between age and the length of the unpigmented portion of the beaks of 20 scarlet ibis chicks fed Diet S (shrimp) and Diet F (fish) from the 1st to the 35th day of life.

Diet S: Beak = 12.094 - 0.567 x Age + 0.006 x Age^2; R2 = 0.96. Diet F: Beak = 12.588 - 0.587 x Age + 0.006 x Age^2; R2 = 0.97.

Age (days)








36 Considering the cost-benefit relationship of fish and shrimp, mullets are cheaper, corresponding to 75.7% of the price of local shrimp. In addition, with the same amount (g) of shrimp and fish, and consequently similar percentages of crude protein, twice as much Diet F was produced because of the addition of a larger amount of water needed in the preparation of the fish broth. Therefore, among the treatments tested, Diet F was considered more suitable for scarlet ibis chicks in the early stages of development and bred under human care.

This study may contribute to the artificial breeding of scarlet ibis in captivity, which can be a tool for the conservation of the species, as well as for the breeding of chicks seized or rescued from the wild and can also form a basis for breeding protocols for other species in the family Threskiornithidae.


Commercial feed should not be the exclusive source of food in the diet of scarlet ibis

in the early stages of development and must be supplemented with animal ingredients such as shrimp and fish. Diets S and F, including shrimp and fish, respectively, had similar nutritional compositions, ensuring the growth of chicks. However, supplementation with fish is recommended because chicks that received Diet F exhibited faster growth and good body condition, as well as higher weights and longer radius, tibia and tarsus bones.





BirdLife International, 2012. Eudocimus ruber. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T22697415A40226232.en. Downloaded on November 26th, 2015. (Available at: http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22697415/0).

EBird. Eudocimus ruber. Downloaded on November 26th, 2015. (Available at: http://ebird.org/content/ebird/).

Detmann, E.; Souza, M.A.; Valadares Filho, S.C., 2012. Métodos para análise de alimentos. Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia de Ciência Animal. Editora Suprema, Visconde do Rio Branco, 214 p.

Fontenelle, J.H., 2007. Ciconiiformes (Cegonha, Garça, Guará, Colhereiro, Socó. In: Cubas, Z.S.; Silva, J.C.R.; Catão-Dias, J.L. (Ed.). Tratado de Animais Selvagens - Medicina Veterinária. Editora Roca, São Paulo, Brasil, 290-300 p.

Harrison, G.J.; Ritchie, B.W., 1994. Making distinctions in the physical examination. In: Ritchie, B.W.; Harrison, G.J; Harrison, L.R. (Eds.). Avian Medicine: principles and applications. Wingers Publishing, Lake Worth, Florida, USA, 145-175 p.

Hass, A; Matos, R.H.R; Machado, L.O.M., 1999. Breeding ecology and spatial nest distribution of the Scarlet ibis (Eudocimus ruber) in Cajual Island, Maranhão. Ararajuba 7 (1), 41-44 p.

Instituto Ambiental do Paraná (IPA), 2009. Planos de conservação para espécies de aves ameaçadas no Paraná. Projeto Paraná biodiversidade, Paraná, Brasil.

Olmos, F., Silva, R.S., Prado, A., 2001. Breeding season diet of Scarlet Ibises and Little Blue Herons in a Brazilian Mangrove Swamp. Waterbirds 24 (1), 50-57 p.

Sick, H., 1997. Ornitologia Brasileira. 2 ed. Editora Nova Fronteira, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Silva, J.H.V.; Costa, F.G.P., 2009. Tabela para codornas japonesas e européias. 2 ed. Editora FUNEP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brasil, 100 p.

Stanek, R.A., 2009. A test of factors affecting the foraging success of Scarlet Ibis. Thesis - Faculty of The Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Boca Raton, Florida, USA.

Downloaded on November 26th, 2015. (Available at:

http://fau.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fau%3A3422/datastream/OBJ/view/test_of_factors_ affecting_the_foraging_success_of_scarlet_ibis.pdf).







Stefânia A. Miranda a,b*, Igor C.A. Seligmann a, Aline A. Imbeloni c, Sheyla F.S. Domingues b


Mangal das Garças Park, Belém, Pará, Brazil b

Animal Sciences Post-graduation Program, Federal University of Pará, Belém, Pará,

Brazil. c

National Centre of Primate, Ananindeua, Pará, Brazil.

* Corresponding author: Parque Mangal das Garças, Passagem Carneiro da Rocha, Cidade

Velha, Zip code 66020-160, Belém, Pará, Brazil

Tel: + 55 91 32425052. E-mail: veterinaria@mangalpa.com.br (Stefânia A. Miranda).



40 Keywords: Artificial enclosure; Artificial feeding; Artificial rearing; Intensified reproduction; Offspring growth; Wild bird.


Although the conservation status of the scarlet ibis is ‘Least Concern’, its population is declining (Birdlife International, 2012). The scarlet ibis is considered extirpated in various regions where it was once sighted (Sick, 1997; Ebird, 2015) and is officially protected by Brazilian legislation as an endangered species (Ibama, 1989). Captive breeding techniques are complementary tools for species conservation because managed colonies in fragmented habitats and those in captivity can represent a large group for preservation and reduce losses of the species (Fontenelle, 2007).

Scarlet ibises are found in zoos in Brazil and other countries. However, there is no efficient reproductive management strategy for this species in captivity, and the few times that the animals have reproduced in zoos, the young have remained exclusively dependent on parental care. In the wild, the young can be lost because of predation by other animals, falling from nests, and parental desertion (Olmos and Silva, 2001). At Mangal das Garças Park, chicks that fall from nests made by the parents are rescued and artificially reared in a nursery. Additionally, at-risk young with unknown ages seized by environmental agencies are constantly received at the park.

There is no protocol in the scientific literature for the artificial rearing of scarlet ibis young, and very little of their developmental biology has been described. These factors represent a limitation for rearing young under human care and for maintaining and breeding the species in captivity.

Olmos and Silva (2001) found that some wild scarlet ibis pairs laid replacement eggs after losing their young during the first nesting cycle. Thus, collecting eggs for artificial incubation in captivity may also stimulate the females to lay replacement eggs, thereby intensifying reproduction in captivity and increasing the birth rate. Additionally, the development of an adequate ambient environment and feeding protocol would enable artificial rearing of young and thereby increase the number of individuals in captivity.


41 the protocol by monitoring the development of artificially reared young via daily clinical observations and weighings; and IV- evaluate the efficiency of artificial and natural rearing.


Study site

The study was conducted at Mangal das Garças Park located in Belém, Pará State, Brazil (1°27'48.9"S 48°30'17.8"W) (Figure 1). A total of 111 ibis adults inhabit the park and are distributed among three areas: the Aningas Aviary (11 males and 8 females), Cavername Lake (34 males and 17 females), and the park's Extra Sector (41 unsexed individuals). Water and commercial extruded feed1 are provided ad libitum from 7 am to 4 pm at all of the areas. Mangal das Garças Park has Authorization for the Management of Native Wildlife (no. 1501.8612/2014-PA) for rearing Eudocimus ruber (scarlet ibis). All of the birds receive daily technical assistance from a veterinarian and a biologist.

1Feed FL 32 (Megazoo Betim, Minas Gerais, Brazil) – Guaranteed analysis: 110 g/kg moisture (max.), 320

g/kg crude protein (min.), 60 g/kg ether extract (min.), 45 g/kg fiber (max.), 110 g/kg mineral content (max.), 22 g/kg calcium (max.), 18 g/kg calcium (min.), 3,000 mg/kg sodium (min.), 9,000 mg/kg phosphorus (min.), 2,200 mg/kg omega 3 (min.), 400 mg/kg mannooligosaccharides (min.), 440 mg/kg beta-glucans (min.), 1.95 mg/kg milk thistle extract (min.), 7,000 mg/kg DL-methionine (min.), 19 g/kg L-lysine (min.), 3,000 mg/kg toxin adsorbent additives (min.). Ingredients: ground whole corn, fish meal, poultry offal meal, soybean meal, dry beer yeast, crude soybean oil, limestone, vitamin mineral premix, sodium chloride (table salt), natural annatto dye, prebiotic (mannooligosaccharide), fungistatic additive (propionic acid), DL-methionine, adsorbent additive (esterified glucomannan yeast), antioxidant (BHA).



Evaluating the efficiency of the artificial rearing

The study was divided into the following steps to evaluate whether artificial rearing intensified reproduction in captivity and increased the number of ibises in the colony: Year I (2012) – the egg-laying period began in June and lasted until May 2013. Eggs from the three park areas were collected and artificially incubated; and Year II (2013) – the egg-laying period began in August and ended in January 2014. Only eggs from the Aningas Aviary were not collected; these eggs were naturally incubated, and the young were reared under parental care. It was not possible to record the number of eggs under natural rearing because it was impossible to access the nests. The number of incubated eggs and hatching rates, number of young hatched, number of survivors and survival rates, number of dead young, and mortality rates were recorded.

Egg management

Nests were inspected two times per day (morning and afternoon), and eggs were collected whenever they were encountered. Eggs were manually collected and transported to the nursery in a plastic egg container. Each collected egg was sanitized with gauze and moistened with saline solution. After evaluation, broken, cracked or punctured eggs were discarded. The date and site of collection were recorded with a graphite pencil on each egg.

Eggs were incubated in a digital incubator, with automatic egg turning programmed at two-hour intervals (IP 130 PS, Premium Ecológica Ltda, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil). The temperature and humidity in the incubator were 37.4 ºC and 60%, respectively. Eggs in the incubator were inspected two times per day (morning and afternoon), and when the hole made by the hatchling hours before hatching was observed, the egg was transferred to a bird treatment unit (UTA, TD, Premium Ecológica Ltda, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil) and kept under the same temperature and humidity conditions as the incubator until the end of hatching.

Selecting and managing the young


43 conditions. The young were identified by adhesive bandage tape bands numbered from one to twenty.

After hatching, the young were housed in artificial nests made of straw baskets lined with hay (Figure 2A). These baskets were used to provide better environmental comfort for the young because they mimicked the natural nests composed of dry twigs or green branches with leaves made by adult scarlet ibises (Hass et al., 1999). The young remained at the bird treatment unit until they were 2 days old. At 3 days old, the nest containing the young was transferred to a fiberglass brooder (1.18 x 0.59 x 0.50 m) containing clay heaters with 25-watt light bulbs (Figure 2B). The heat source was used to provide environmental comfort for the young because in nature, the parents take turns keeping the chicks warm (Hancock et al., 1992; Sick, 1997; Olmos and Silva, 2001). The temperature and humidity in the nests were maintained at approximately 32ºC and 58%, respectively. Upon leaving the nests, the young were housed only in the brooders containing hay and the heat source (Figure 2C).




44 Starting on day 3 of life and continuing until they left the nursery, the young were exposed to direct sunlight daily for one hour before 9 am and received a daily mineral vitamin supplement at2 a dose of two drops per young.

After leaving the nursery, the young were transferred to an 18 m2 enclosure equipped with two clay heaters with 60-watt light bulbs, hay bedding, 15-cm diameter wood perches, and a skylight that provided ventilation and natural light. Perches were installed in the enclosure because Olmos and Silva (2003) demonstrated that in nature, the young walk about branches and gather in groups at the tops of the trees after becoming independent from their nests. In the enclosure, the animals were housed in groups of up to ten young (1.8 young/m2; Figure 2D).

Feeding protocol

A paste comprising a mixture of 15 g of ground flamingo commercial feed (Feed FL321) and 100 ml of fish broth was prepared to feed the birds. The fish broth was obtained by blending 100 g of mullet (Mugil spp.) fillets with 300 ml of water in a blender and then filtering it through a sieve. The fish broth was chosen as an ingredient based on Sick (1997) and Olmos et al. (2001). The feed was selected because it was originally developed for flamingos, which are birds with feeding habits similar to the scarlet ibis (Tobar et al., 2014). Additionally, adult scarlet ibises within the park have adapted to this feed and exhibit positive responses in terms of reproduction and feather coloration.

The fish broth was prepared twice daily (morning and afternoon). The paste was prepared prior to each feeding and heated in a microwave oven until it reached 40ºC. The young were first fed 12 hours after hatching, i.e., after the depletion of the yolk reserves.

The paste was administered orally directly into the entrance to the esophagus using a no. 10 gastric tube cut to 5 cm in length and coupled to a disposable syringe (Figure 3A). The head of the animal was kept elevated at 90º during feeding, and this position was maintained for at least ten seconds after administering the paste (Figure 3B) to avoid reflux and choking. According to Stanek (2009), in nature, an adult supports the chick's bill, causing it to raise its head so that the adult can regurgitate into the mouth.

2 Avitrin Cálcio Plus (Coveli, Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) – guaranteed analysis (kg): 125,000


45 The total number of meals per day, intervals, volume administered at each meal, and the total daily volume were defined according to the chick’s age as described in Table 1. The young were encouraged to feed alone after they left the nest. Commercial extruded feed(Feed FL321) was provided in a feeder and water was provided ad libitum (Figure 3C). After each paste supply, the maintenance technician encouraged the bird to eat the commercial feed in the feeder. On day 20 and onwards, the feeding intervals of paste supply were increased every four days until only commercial feed in the feeder was offered (Table 1). At this stage, to encourage younger chicks to eat the feed, the young were transferred to the enclosure and housed together with at least one older chick that was already feeding alone.

Figure 3 - Feeding the scarlet ibis young. (A) A no. 10 gastric tube was cut to a 5 cm length and coupled to a disposable syringe. (B) The paste was directly administered into the entrance of the esophagus. (C) A 20-day-old ibis being encouraged to feed itself.




Evaluating the artificially reared young

To evaluate the scarlet ibis young during artificial rearing, individual clinical examinations were performed to monitor the following: limb development, body condition, and weight. The limbs were inspected daily to observe possible developmental abnormalities such as bone dystrophies.

The body condition was evaluated daily by inspecting and palpating the pectoral muscles and sternum and was scored from one to three (Harrison and Ritchie, 1994): 1 – reduced pectoral musculature and prominent sternum, indicating poor body condition; 2 – rounded pectoral musculature with a mild depression on both sides of the sternum, indicating good body condition; and 3 – pectoral musculature covering the entire sternum, indicating excess weight.

Age (days) Total feedings/day Interval (hr) Volume/feeding (ml) Volume/day (ml)

1-2 13 1/1 0.5 6.5

3 13 1/1 1 13

4-7 13 1/1 2 26

8-11 13 1/1 3 39

12-15 13 1/1 4 52

16-19 13 1/1 5 65

*20-23 7 2/2 6 42

24-27 5 3/3 7 35

28-31 3 6/6 8 24

32-35 2 12/12 9 18

36-39 1 24/24 10 10

Table 1 – Feeding protocol developed to provide nutrition to 20 scarlet ibis chicks raised under artificial conditions on their 1st through 39th days of life.


Figura 1 - Guarás do Parque Mangal das Garças (Arquivo pessoal).
Figura 2 - Distribuição geográfica do guará e frequência de indivíduos  nas regiões (adaptado EBIRD, 2015)
Figura 3 - Mudança na coloração das penas dos guarás. (A) Imaturo, com as penas de  coloração pardo-escura
Figure 1- Mangal das Garças Park.


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