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6 Referências Bibliográficas


Academic year: 2021

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ABIRI, Elisabeth. “Migration and Security from a North-South perspective: Sweden and Malawi” In: GRAHAM, David T; POKU, Nana K. (Eds.). Migration,

Globalisation and human security. London: Routledge, 2000.

ADELMAN, Howard. “From refugees to forced migration; the UNCHR and human security”. International Migration Review. Vol.35, nº1, 2001.

AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. Democratic Republic of Congo: mission findings. AI Index: AFR 62/025/2003a. Disponível em: http//www.amnesty.org . _____________________. Democratic Republic of Congo: “Our brothers who help kill us”. AI Index: AFR 62/010/2003b. Disponível em: http//www.amnesty.org .

_____________________. Still in Need of Protection: Repatriation, Refoulement and the Safety of Refugees and Internally Displaced (sem data). Disponível em: http//www.amnesty.org .

_____________________. Democratic Republic of Congo: Addressing the present and building a future. AI Index: AFR 62/050/2003c. Disponível em: http//www.amnesty.org .

_____________________. Republic of Congo: A past that haunts the future, AI Index: AFR 22/001/2003d. Disponível em: http//www.amnesty.org .

_____________________. AI DH, 1997. Disponível em: http//www.amnesty.org . ASSEMBLÉIA GERAL DA ONU (AG). Resolução 48/17. AG Index: A/RES/48/17, três de novembro de 1993. Disponível em: http//www.un.org.

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ANTHONY, Constance G. “Africa’s Refugee Crisis: state building in historical perspective”. International Migration Review Vol. XXV N. 3 Fall, 1991.

BALDWIN, D.A. “The Concept of Security”. Review of International Studies, Vol.23, n°1, 1997.

BARTH, Fredrik. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the social organization of culture difference. Bergen-Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1969.

BERGER, Peter; LUCKMAN, Thomas. A construção social da realidade. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1985.

BURKE, Anthony. “Aporias of Security”. Alternatives- Global, Political Local, Vol. 27, N.1, 2002.

BUZAN, Barry. People, states & fear: an agenda for international security studies in the Post-Cold War Era. Boulder-CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1991.

BUZAN, Barry; WÆVER, Ole; WILDE, Jaap de. Security: a new framework for analysis. Boulder-CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.


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CONSELHO DE SEGURANÇA DA ONU. Resolução 1049. Index: S/RES/1049, 6 janeiro de 1996. Disponível em: http//www.un.org

________________________. Resolução 1080. Index: S/RES/ 1080, s.d. Disponível em: http//www.un.org

_________________________. Resolução 918. Index: S/RES/918, s.d. Disponível em: http//www.un.org


CONSELHO DE SEGURANÇA DA ONU. Resolução 893, Index:S/RES/893, 6 de Janeiro de 1994. Disponível em: http//www.un.org

CROFT, Stuart; TERRIFF, Terry. (Eds.) Critical Reflections on Security and

Change. London: University of Birmingham, 1998.

DALBY, Simon. “Contesting an Essential Concept: Reading the Dilemmas in Contemporary Security Discourse” In: KRAUSE, Keith; WILLIAMS, Michael C. (Ed.) Critical Security Studies: concepts and cases. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.

DAVIES, Richard. “‘Neither here nor there?’ The implications of global diasporas for (inter) national security”. In: GRAHAM, David T; POKU, Nana K. (Ed.).

Migration, Globalisation and human security. London: Routledge, 2000.

DUMMETT, Michael. On imigration and Refugees. London: Routledge, 2001. ELIAS, Norbert. O Processo Civilizador. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 1990.

FARRELL, Theo. “Constructivist Security Studies: Portrait of a research program. International Studies Review, Vol 4 N.1, 2002.

FOUCAULT, Michel. Microfísica do Poder. Rio de Janeiro: Edições Graal, 2001. FUJII, Lee Ann. “Origins of Power and Identity in Rwanda”. Trabalho apresentado na conferência anual da ISA, 20-24 de fevereiro de 2001, Chicago, Illinois.

GALLAGHER, Dennis. The evolution of the international refugee system.

International Migration Review. Nova Iorque, v. 23, n.3, 1989.

GIDDENS, Anthony. As conseqüências da modernidade.São Paulo: Editora UNESP, 1991.

GRAHAM, David T; POKU, Nana K. (Ed.). Migration, Globalisation and human

security. London: Routledge, 2000.

GOODWIN-GILL, Guy. “Refugees: challenges to protection”. International

Migration Review. Vol. XXXV, nº1, 2001;


GOUREVITCH, Philip. Gostaríamos de informá-lo de que amanhã seremos

mortos com nossas famílias: histórias de Ruanda. São Paulo: Companhia das

Letras, 2000.

HOBSBAWN, Eric J. Nações e nacionalismo desde 1780: programa, mito, realidade. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1990

_____________________. A Era dos Extremos. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1995.

_____________________. “Etnia e nacionalismo na Europa de hoje”. In: BALAKRISHNAN, Gopal (Org.). Um Mapa da Questão Nacional. Rio de Janeiro: Contraponto, 2000.

HURREL, Andrew. “Latin America’s new Security Agenda”. The Royal Institute

Of International Affairs. vol.74, n.3,1998.

HUYSMANS, J. Migrants as security problem: danger of “securitizing” societal issues. London: Pinter,1995.

INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP (ICG). Rwandan hutu rebels in the congo: A new approach to disarmament and reintegration. Africa Report n. 63, 23 may 2003.

_____________________. Burundi: After Six Months of Transition: Continuing

the War or Winning the Peace, Africa Report N°46, May 2002a.

_____________________. Storm Clouds Over Sun City: The Urgent need to

Recast the Congolese Peace Process, Africa Report N°44, 14 May 2002b.

____________________. The Burundi Rebellion and the ceasefire negotiations.

Africa Briefing , 6 August 2002c.

_____________________. From Kabila to Kabila: Prospects for Peace in the

Congo, Africa Report N°27, 16 March 2001a.

_____________________. Burundi: Breaking the Deadlock, The Urgent Need for

a New Negotiation Framework, Africa Report N°29, 14 May 2001b.

_____________________. Disarmament in the Congo: Investing in Conflict

Prevention, Africa Briefing, 12 June 2001c.


INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP. Disarmament in the Congo: Jump-Starting

DDRRR to Prevent Future War, Africa Report N° 38, 14 December 2001e.

_____________________. Rwanda/Uganda: a Dangerous War of Nerves, Africa Briefing, 21 December 2001f.

_____________________. Burundi: 100 Days to put the Peace Process back on

Track, Africa Report N°33, 14 August 2001g.

____________________. Burundi: The Issues at Stake. Political Parties,

Freedom of the Press and Political Prisoners, Africa Report N° 23, 12 July


_____________________. Burundi Peace process: Tough Challengers Ahead, Africa Briefing, 27 August 2000b.

_____________________. Burundi: Neither War, nor Peace, Africa Report N° 25, 1 December 2000c.

_____________________. Scramble for the Congo: Anatomy of an Ugly War, Africa Report N°26, 20 December 2000d.

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______________________. African Report N°4 . s/d,

KAPUŚCIŃSKI, Ryszard. Ébano: minha vida na África. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2002.

KEELY,Charles. “The international refugee regime(s): the end of the Cold War matters.” International Migration Review. Vol. XXXV, nº1, 2001.

KOLODZIEJ,Edward A. “Security Studies for the Next Millennium: Quo Vadis?” In: CROFT, Stuart; TERRIFF, Terry. (Ed.) Critical Reflections on Security and

Change. London: University of Birmingham, 2000.

KRAUSE, Keith; WILLIAMS, Michael C. (Ed.) Critical Security Studies: concepts and cases. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.

LAPID, Yosef. “The third debate: on the prospects of international theory in a post-positivist era”. International Studies Quarterly, Vol 33 (3), 1989.


LEMARCHAND, René. Rwanda and Burundi. London: Pall Mall,1970.

_____________________. The Apocalypse in Rwanda.1994. Disponible em: http//www.culturalsurvival.org.

MÁRMORA, Lélio. Las políticas de migraciones internacionales .Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2002.

MORGAN, Patrick M. “Liberalist and realist security studies at 2000: two decades of progress.” In: CROFT, Stuart; TERRIFF, Terry. (Ed.) Critical

Reflections on Security and Change. London: University of Birmingham, 2000.

NEUFELD, Mark. “Interpretation and the ‘science’ of international relations”.

Review of International Studies.19, 1993.

PRINS, Gwyn. The Heart of War: on power, conflict and obligation in the twenty-first century. Nova Iorque: Routledge,2002.

SCHERRER,Christian P. Central Africa: conflict impact assessment and policy

options. Working Papers , Copenhagen Peace Research Institute


SMITH, Michael. “Regions and regionalism”. In: WHITE; LITTLE; SMITH. (Ed.) Issues in World Politics. MacMillan Press LTD, London, 1997.

SNOW, Donald M. Uncivil Wars: International Security and the new internal conflicts. Boulder-CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1996.

_____________________ Distant Thunder: patterns of conflict in the devoloping world. New York: M.E. Sharpe,1997.

SOARES, Maria Regina de Lima. “Teses equivocadas sobre a ordem mundial pós-Guerra Fria”. Dados. Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, v.39, n.3,1996.

TAYLOR, Charles. As fontes do self: A construção da identidade moderna. São Paulo: Edições Loyola,1997.

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VASQUEZ, John A. “The post-positivist debate: reconstructing scientific enquiry and international relations theory after Enlightenment’s”. In: BOOTH, Ken; SMITH, Steve. (Ed.) International Relations Theory Today .Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997.

VÄYRYNEN, Raimo. “Regional Conflict formations: an intractable problem of international relations”. Jornal of Peace Research, 21:4, 1984.

VILLA, Rafael Antônio Duarte. Da crise do realismo à segurança global

multidimensional. São Paulo: Annablume, 1999.

WALKER, R.B.K. “The Subject of Secutiry.” In: KRAUSE, Keith; WILLIAMS, Michael C. (Ed.) Critical Security Studies: concepts and cases. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1997.

WALT, Stephen M. “The Renaissance of security studies”. International Studies

Quarterly, Vol 35 (2), 1991.

WÆVER, Ole et al. Identity, migration and the new security agenda in Europe. Nova Iorque: St. Martin’s Press, 1993.

WEINER, M. International Migration and Security. Boulder: Westview Press, 1993.

WENDT, Alexander E. “The agent-structure problem in international relations theory”. International Organization, Vol. 41(3), 1987.


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