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Evaluation of Central Nervous System involvement in SLE patients. Screening psychiatric manifestations - A Systematic Review


Academic year: 2021

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1. 6th year Medical Student of the Master Degree in Medicine Course of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto 2. Assistent Professor of Rheumatology of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and Attending Physician of

Rheumatology of São João Hospital, Porto

Evaluation of central nervous system

involvement in SLE patients. Screening psychiatric

manifestations – a systematic review

ACTA REUMATOL PORT. 2014:39;208-217


Cognitive dysfunction, mood and anxiety disorders are three out of the five psychiatric manifestations included the description of neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). These manifestations are among the most prevalent in SLE having an important impact on patients quality of life. However, the unknown etio-logy allied to the lack of clarity on the best diagnosis procedure, makes early diagnosis dificult. This manus -cript reviews the recent literature on the screening ins-truments focused on identifying lupus patients with probable psychiatric manifestations.

Keywords: Neuropsychiatric lupus; Screening; Cogni-tive dysfunction; Mood disorders; Anxiety disorders.


Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, in-flammatory, autoimmune disease characterized by its multi-systemic involvement and multiple clinical ma-nifestations. It can involve the nervous system on its central or peripheral components.

In an effort to standardize nomenclature and diagnos tic methodology, the American College of Rheumato logy Ad Hoc Committee on Neuropsychiatric Lupus, published in 1999, the case definitions and diagnostic re commendations on Neuropsychiatric Lu-pus (NPSLE). Nineteen syndromes were included in NPSLE and for each were suggested not only the

Vargas JV1, Vaz CJ2

diagnos tic criteria and testing but also associations and exclusions1. The publication was widely accepted and

has been used ever since in the study of NPSLE in adult and pediatric populations.

Recent studies report a prevalence of neuropsy-chiatric manifestations of 27-80% in adults2-8, and

22--95% in children9-12. NPSLE can develop in any time

during the course of the disease but there are several studies reporting a tendency to occur early in its cour-se5,8. Furthermore, association between

neuropsychia-tric events and disease activity has been reported in some studies13,14and denied in others15-19.

Five out of 19 syndromes included in NPSLE are psychiatric and were considered by the ACR Ad Hoc Committee on NPSLE according to the DSM-IV diagnos tic criteria: mood disorders, anxiety disorders, cogni tive dysfunction, psychosis and acute confusio-nal state.

The importance of studying psychiatric phenomena in lupus disease lies not only in its high prevalence re-ported20but mainly in what it represents clinically and

socioeconomically. Psychiatric manifestations have been associated with a decreased quality of life5,8,19,

in-creased functional disability3, sleep disorders21,22,

in-creased unemployment rate23,34and health service


There is still little consensus on the role of laborato-ry tests and imaging techniques in the diagnosis of psychiatric syndromes and due to the lack of simple dia -gno sis process, psychiatric syndromes are frequently undiagnosed.

This manuscript pretends to a be systematic review on the recent literature focused in the study of screening tools for the identification of SLE patients with proba-ble cognitive dysfunction, mood disorders or anxiety disorders, the three most prevalent psychiatric mani-festations in lupus.



A Pubmed/Medline and Scopus search was conducted from January 2002 to January 2012 using the follo-wing keywords: “neuropsychiatric lupus” or “systemic lupus erythematosus” combined with “diagnosis”, “an-xiety disorders”, “mood disorders” and “cognitive dys-function”. A follow-up of the relevant bibliography in articles was also done in order to identify additional re-levant studies.

Abstracts of all identified studies were reviewed by two investigators. Every time an abstract was conside-red as potentially relevant, by either or both investiga-tors, the full-text was retrieved and reviewed for rele-vance by applying the exclusion and inclusion criteria. All articles investigating a screening method or tool for the diagnosis of psychiatric lupus were included.

Review articles, case reports, studies in languages other than english or portuguese were immediately ex-cluded. Studies that did not relate with diagnosis of psychiatric manifestations in the lupus setting or with its laboratory and/or imaging diagnosis were also ex-cluded.


The described search identified 446 articles (Figure 1), of which 102 were considered as potentially relevant. Forty-seven articles were excluded based on abstract analysis. The remaining 55 studies were reviewed on its full text and the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied. Twelve studies were included in this sys-tematic review.

Table I summarizes the main methodologic charac-teristics and results of the included studies

coGnItIvE dysFunctIon

Difficulties in remembering, concentrating and per-forming cognitive-dependent activities are frequent complaints of SLE patients27,28. In fact, Cognitive

Dys-function (CD) has been reported as one of the most frequent neuropsychiatric manifestations in SLE, ha-ving a prevalence in the adult population of 5,4- -50%5,6,14,16,28-33and in the pediatric population of


In adults, CD increases the risk of physical injury, reduces patients ability to properly adhere to treatment regimens and to function effectively in their home and work environments17. In pediatric patients cognitive

impairment may prevent the normal development, with serious repercussions throughout life34.

A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests is the ideal method to evaluate the presence and seve-rity of cognitive dysfunction. However, in order to fa-cilitate the diagnosis process, the ACR Ad Hoc Com-mittee on NPSLE proposes an one-hour battery of brief mental status examinations (short ACR-SLE battery)1.

The short ACR-SLE battery has been validated and found reliable in spite of high practice-effect observed in some tests by a study that tested the correlation be -tween the short ACR-SLE battery and a comprehensi-ve neuropsychological battery35. Nevertheless the short

ACR-SLE battery is not easily available, requires admi-nistration by specialized professionals and is too ex-pensive to be used in routine clinical consults15,27,28.

The ANAM is a, 30 to 45 minutes self-administered,

abstracts independently reviewd by 2 investigatorsPubmed/Medline and Scopus Search55 articles included446 articles identifiedArticles reviews in full-text12 articles includedin the final analysis47 articles excludedby abstract analysis42 articles excludes(inclusion/excisioncriteria not met)102 articles considered as potentially relevant

abstracts independently reviewd

by 2 investigators Pubmed/Medline and Scopus Search

55 articles included 446 articles identified

Articles reviews in full-text

12 articles included in the final analysis 47 articles excluded

by abstract analysis

42 articles excludes (inclusion/excision

criteria not met)

102 articles considered as potentially relevant


tA b lE I. s u M M A r y o F M o st r El Ev A n t M Et h o d o lo G Ic t o p Ic s A n d r Es u lt s o F In cl u d Ed s tu d IE s R es u lt s D ia gn o st ic / N o . S tu d y D es ig n N eu ro p sy ch ia tr ic S cr ee n in g /V er if ic at io n o f S L E C o n tr o l F re q u en cy P sy ch o m et ri c R el ev an t (d at a co ll ec ti o n ) sy n d ro m e M ea su re M ea su re (s ) p at ie n ts p at ie n ts o f af fe ct ed p ro p er ti es p o in ts H o ll id ay C ro ss -s ec ti o n al C o gn it iv e A N A M F o rm al N P 6 7 – C D = 7 9 % – A ge + A N A M s co re s re gr es si o n et a l 2 7(2 0 0 3 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n te st in g m o d el a cc o u n ts f o r 6 1 % o f va ri an ce o b se rv ed o n f o rm al N P te st s R o eb u ck - C ro ss -s ec ti o n al C o gn it iv e A N A M F o rm al N P 6 0 – – Sn = 7 6 ,2 % A N A M ’s m o o d s ca le c o rr el at es -S p en ce r st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n te st in g Sp = 8 2 ,8 % w it h B D I-II et a l 3 6(2 0 0 6 ) H an ly C as e-co n tr o l st u d y C o gn it iv e A N A M – 6 8 R A = 3 3 C D i n S L E = 1 1 -5 0 % – N o s ta ti st ic al y si gn if ic an t et a l 3 1(2 0 1 0 ) (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n M S = 2 0 C D i n R A = 9 -6 1 % d if er en ce i n i m p ai rm en t ra te H = 2 9 C D i n M S = 2 0 -7 5 % b et w ee n S L E a n d R A p at ie n ts B ru n n er C ro ss -s ec ti o n al C o gn it iv e P ed -A N A M F o rm al N P 2 7 – C D = 5 9 % – C o rr el at io n s w er e fo u n d et a l 1 5(2 0 0 7 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n te st in g (p ed ia tr ic ) b et w ee n P ed - A N A M s co re s an d p er fo rm an ce i n f o rm al N P t es ts A lá rc o n C ro ss -s ec ti o n al C o gn it iv e C SI SL A M , SD I, 1 5 6 – – – C o rr el at io n s w er e fo u n d et a l 1 7(2 0 0 2 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n SF - 3 6 ,P ai n b et w ee n C SI a n d t h e va li d at ed V is u al -A n al o g m ea su re s o f co gn it iv e sc al e d ys fu n ct io n A d h ik ar i C as e-co n tr o l st u d y C o gn it iv e M o C A A N A M 4 4 A ge , se x C D i n S L E = 2 5 % Sn = 8 3 % M o C A c la ss if ie d 2 9 ,5 % a s et a l 3 2(2 0 1 1 ) (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n an d r ac e-Sp = 7 3 % co gn it iv el y im p ai re d i n t h e m at ch ed P P V = 5 0 % SL E g ro u p R A N P V = 9 2 % p at ie n ts K o zo ra C as e-co n tr o l st u d y C o gn it iv e N R S F o rm al N P 6 7 H = 2 9 C D i n S L E = 2 0 ,9 % – “m en ta ti o n a n d m o o d ” p ar am et er et a l 3 7 (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n te st in g ac co u n te d f o r th e d if fe re n ce (2 0 0 8 ) be tw ee n t h e SL E a n d c on tr ol g ro u p s Ju li an e t al 2 8 C ro ss -s ec ti o n al C o gn it iv e Te le p h o n e F o rm al N P 1 3 8 – C D = 2 7 % Sn = 7 7 % 6 7 % o f p at ie n ts w er e co rr ec tl y (2 0 1 1 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) d ys fu n ct io n te st in g Sp = 6 5 % cl as si fi ed a s co gn it iv el y im p ai re d P P V = 4 3 % N P V = 9 4 % P D Q C o n fo u n d ed b y so ci o d em o gr ap fi c va ri ab le s an d d ep re ss io n (c on ti nu es o n th e ne xt p ag e) S L E = S y st em ic L u p u s E ry th em at o su s; H = H ea lt h y ; R A = R h eu m at o id A rt h ri ti s; M S = M u lt ip le S cl er o si s C D = C o g n it iv e d y sf u n ct io n ; S n = S en si ti v it y ; S p = S p ec if ic it y ; P P V = P o si ti v e p re d ic ti v e v al u e; N P V = N eg at iv e p re d ic ti v e v al u e; A N A M = A u to m at ed N eu ro p sy ch o lo g ic al A ss es sm en t M et ri cs ; F o rm al N P t es ti n g = R ep re se n ta ti v e n eu ro p sy ch o lo g ic al t es t b at te ry d er iv ed f ro m t h e A C R r ec o m m en d at io n s 1; P ed - A N A M = P ed ia tr ic A u to m at ed N eu ro p sy ch o lo g ic al A ss es sm en t M et ri cs ; C S I = C o g n it iv e S y m p to m I n v en to ry ; S L A M = S y st em ic L u p u s A ct iv it y M ea su re ; S D I = S y st em ic L u p u s In te rn at io n al C o ll ab o ra ti v e C li n ic s D am ag e In d ex ; S F - 3 6 = T h e M ed ic al O u tc o m e S tu d y S h o rt F o rm - 3 6 ; M o C A = M o n tr ea l C o g n it iv e A ss es sm en t.


tA b lE I. c o n tI n u A tI o n R es u lt s D ia gn o st ic / N o . S tu d y D es ig n N eu ro p sy ch ia tr ic S cr ee n in g /V er if ic at io n o f S L E C o n tr o l F re q u en cy P sy ch o m et ri c R el ev an t (d at a co ll ec ti o n ) sy n d ro m e M ea su re M ea su re (s ) p at ie n ts p at ie n ts o f af fe ct ed p ro p er ti es p o in ts Iv er so n Su rv ey s tu d y D ep re ss io n B D II – 1 0 3 H = 1 3 6 – – 1 5 % p at ie n ts c la ss if ie d a s et a l 2 2(2 0 0 2 ) (p ro sp ec ti ve ) B C M D I (s el f-re p o rt ) p ro b ab ly d ep re ss ed b y B D II sc o re d i n t h e n o rm al r an ge o n t h e B C M D I Ju li an C ro ss - s ec ti o n al M o o d d is o rd er s C E S-D M IN I 1 5 0 M o o d d is o rd er = 2 6 % Sn = 8 7 % 9 2 % c o rr ec te ly c la ss if ie d p at ie n ts et a l 4 0(2 0 1 1 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) Sp = 8 7 % w it h M D D H yp h an ti s C ro ss -s ec ti o n al D ep re ss io n P H Q -9 M IN I 6 2 * – M D D = 2 5 ,4 % # Sn = 8 1 ,2 % # et a l 4 4(2 0 1 1 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) G re ek Sp = 8 6 ,8 % # ve rs io n M o sc a C as e-co n tr o l N eu ro p sy ch ia tr ic P il o t q u es -P h ys ic ia n 1 3 9 § N o n -N P SL E – Sn = 9 3 % A ss o ci at io n o f n o n -s p ec if ic et a l 4 5(2 0 1 1 ) st u d y (p ro sp ec ti ve ) sy n d ro m es ti o n n ai re ev al u at io n (N P SL E = 5 8 ) = 8 1 Sp = 2 5 % sy m p to m s m ay r es u lt in h ig h er s co re t h an s ev er e m an if es ta ti o n s b y th em se lv es * 6 2 S L E p at ie n ts o u t o f a 5 5 8 r h eu m at o lo g ic d iv er se s am p le ; # T h es e re su lt s w er e ca lc u la te d f ro m t h e w h o le ( 5 5 8 p at ie n t) s am p le ; § T h e sa m p le w as f o rm ed b y 1 3 9 S L E p at ie n ts , 5 8 w it h ac ti v e o r in ac ti v e N P S L E ( ca se g ro u p ) an d 8 1 w it h S L E w it h o u t h is to ry o f n eu ro p sy ch ia tr ic l u p u s (c o n tr o l g ro u p ). S L E = S y st em ic L u p u s E ry th em at o su s; H = H ea lt h y ; C D = C o g n it iv e d y sf u n ct io n ; N P S L E = N eu ro p sy ch ia tr ic L u p u s; N R S = S cr ip p s N eu ro lo g ic R at in g S ca le ; S n = S en si ti v it y ; S p = S p ec if ic it y ; P P V = P o si ti v e p re d ic ti v e v al u e; N P V = N eg at iv e p re d ic ti v e v al u e; F o rm al N P t es ti n g = n eu ro p sy ch o lo g ic al t es t b at te ry d er iv ed f ro m t h e A C R r ec o m m en d at io n s 1 ; P D Q = P er ce iv ed D ef ic it s Q u es ti o n n ai re ; B D II = B ec k D ep re ss io n I n v en to ry – S ec o n d E d it io n ; B C M D I = B ri ti sh C o lu m b ia M aj o r D ep re si o n I n v en to ry ; C E S - D = C en te r fo r E p id em io lo g ic S tu d ie s D ep re ss io n S ca le ; M IN I = M in In te rn at io n al N eu ro p sy ch ia tr ic I n te rv ie w ; P H Q - 9 = P at ie n t H ea lt h Q u es ti o n n ai re - 9 ; M D D = M aj o r D ep re ss iv e D is o rd er .

computerized battery of neuropsycho-logical tests, developed by U.S. milita-ry in order to assess the cognitive re-percussions of chemical agents, extre-me environextre-ments and fatigue on cogni-tive processing speed and efficiency27.

Holliday et al, in 2003, was the first to suggest the use of ANAM as a scree-ning tool in the SLE context. This stu-dy administered both ANAM and a tra-ditional test battery based on ACR Ad Hoc Committee on NPSLE recommen-dations in a sample of 67 ethnically mi-xed SLE patients enrolled in a large prospective cohort27.

The results showed that many ANAM measures correlated with the scores from the traditional neuropsy-chological tests. It was also found that age is of little relevance on the variance observed when accounted alone but it acts as a powerful moderator variable when is entered with ANAM variables into a linear regression model. This mo-del accounted for about 61% of the va-riance in the average T-score on the tra-ditional tests27.

A Roebuck-Spencer, a 2006 publi-cation, confirms the positive correlation between ANAM and traditional neu-ropsychological testing. In this study the performances in the two batteries are compared in a sample of 60 SLE pa-tients participating in a large SLE co-hort on biomarkers of cognitive dys-function. ANAM test battery demons-trated a sensibility of 76,2% and speci-ficity of 82,8% on the classification of individuals with probable cognitive im-pairment versus no imim-pairment in neu-ropsychological testing. ANAM remai-ned a good screening tool when de-pression and sleepiness were present, measured with validated self-reported measures of sleepiness and depressed mood, suggesting that it is not confounded by these. Furthermore, si -gnificant correlation between ANAM’s mood scale and BDI-II was found, suppor ting its use as a potential


mea-sure of emotional distress in SLE patients36.

A 2010 study by Hanly et al, sought out to compa-re ANAM battery tests’ performance in a sample of 29 healthy controls, 68 Lupus (SLE), 33 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and 20 Multiple Sclerosis (MS) pa-tients31.

The results showed a cognitive impairment of 11--50% in SLE patients (depending on stringency of clas-sification rules) when compared with locally recruited healthy controls. However this frequency was comrable with the 9-61% calculated frequency in RA pa-tients and lower than that calculated for MS papa-tients, 20-75%. The frequency difference between SLE pa-tients and papa-tients with stable MS disease is expected but the observed comparability of frequencies between SLE patients and patients with a disease that does not affect primarily the CNS, as RA, raised questions about the presumed etiology of deficits detected by ANAM. The authors suggested that the measures evaluated by the ANAM battery do not distinguish between impai-red mental processing and speed sensoriomotor defi-ciencies and can instead represent CNS immunosup-pressive toxicity. These findings lead to the conclusion that ANAM cannot be used to assess dysfunction on specific cognitive domains and it was not designed as a substitute for formal neuropsychological asse ss -ment31.

In 2007 Brunner et al studied the statistical pro-perties of the pediatric ANAM (ped-ANAM) in a child-hood-onset SLE sample. Ped-ANAM and a battery of formal neuropsychological tests (based on published data for SLE adults) were performed in a sample of 27 children with a median age of 16,5 years recruited from a pediatric rheumatology clinic. A trend towards wor-se performance of participants with CD compared to those with out was observed in every performance pa-rameter of the battery but statistically significant dif-ferences between the two groups were only reached for 3 out of the 10 ped-ANAM scores. Furthermore, statistical significant correlations were found between Ped-ANAM scores and formal neuropsychological tests. Ped-ANAM was found as a promising tool to screen cognitive dysfunction in SLE children presen-ting validity and promising sensitivity and specifici-ty15.

The Cognitive Symptom Inventory (CSI) is a self--admi nistered paper questionnaire consisting of 21 items focused in evaluating the subject’s ability to per-form several cognitive functions and activities of dai-ly life.

In 2002, Alarcón et al published a study which ai-med to determine the factor structure of the CSI and the production of 4 factor scales and their correlation with 3 self-report measures of cognitive dysfunction and report measures of fatigue, helplessness, self--efficacy, pain, social support and use of maladaptati-ve coping skills. The sample, drawn from a large pros-pective cohort (LUMINA), consisted of 156 ethnical-ly mixed SLE patients17.

The four main factors assessed by the CSI were found to be: Attention/Concentration, Pattern/Activi-ty Management, Intermediate Memory and Initiation of Executive Functions. Despite the small shared amount of common variance between these four fac-tors, the correlation was not high enough that they du-plicate one another17.

Modest statistically significant correlations were also found between CSI cognitive factor scales and SLAM measure of Cortical Dysfunction, SF-36 measure of Mental Functioning, SDI measure of Cognitive Im-pairment, measures of fatigue, psychological distress, social support, maladpative coping skills, self-efficacy and pain17.

CSI patients’ responses were found not to be con-founded by social-demographic or clinical variables. The questionnaire was completed in an average time of 10 minutes and with minimal paraprofessional help regardless of ethnical backgrounds or administered language17.

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a va-lidated, one-page, physician-administred question-naire used on the identification of mild cognitive dys-function in the elderly32.

Published in 2011 by Adhikari et al there is a study that aims to evaluate MoCA as a screening tool for de-tection of cognitive dysfunction in SLE patients. In a sample of 44 SLE patients and age, sex and racema -tched RA patients were applied both the MoCA and, as gold standard, the ANAM35. Results demonstrate

that to a standard cutoff score of 26 the sensitivity of MoCA was 83%. The specificity was 73% with a posi-tive predicposi-tive valued of 50% and a negaposi-tive predicti-ve value of 92%. These results suggest that MoCA has the potential to be used as a screening tool for the de-tection of SLE with probable cognitive dysfunction32.

In 2008, Kozora et al publishes a study aimed to examine the screening utility of the standardized neu-rologic evaluations in the identification of SLE patients with probable cognitive dysfunction. All the partici-pants in the study were already enrolled in a large


prospective cohort of cognitive functioning and neuro -imaging. The participants were selected based on the examination of their clinical history and on physician interview in order to identify the ones with history of neuropsychiatric diseases or depression. The Scripps Neurologic Rating Scale (SNRS) and the short ACR--SLE battery were administrated to all the participants (SLE=67, Controls=29)37. The SNRS is a 22 item

neu-rologic exam developed for the clinical evaluation of patients with multiple sclerosis. The prevalence of cog-nitive dysfunction in the sample was 20,9%. The non--NPSLE group had worse outcomes on SNRS global score than the control group (p<0,001). However after analysis of the SNRS parameters, the one res-ponsible for the statistically significant difference was “mentation and mood”. Nevertheless two patients were excluded after the initial screening process during the administration of the neurologic examination by the neurologist suggesting that the SNRS can assure that overt neurologic dysfunction is not present and assist in identifying non-NPSLE patients37.

Julian et al publishes, in 2011, a study aimed at the evaluation of the utility of telephone screening and self-report assessments of cognitive complaints in de-tecting cognitive impairment in individuals with SLE and RA28. Two screening measures were evaluated: a

12-15 minutes telephone interview based on three neuropsychological tests (see article for details) and the Perceived Deficits Questionnaire (PDQ), a five--question, self-administered questionnaire. A validated neuropsychological battery based on the short ACR--SLE battery was used as “gold standard”.

The sample of 138 SLE patients and 84 RA patients was drawn from two large cohorts of SLE and RA pa-tients, respectively. The cognitive dysfunction rate was 27% in the SLE group. The telephone screening had 77% sensitivity, 65% specificity, 94% negative predic-tive value, 43% posipredic-tive predicpredic-tive value and 67% of the patients were correctly classified as cognitively im-paired, in the SLE group. While the PDQ had 64% sen-sitivity, 65% specificity, 83% negative predictive value, 38% positive predictive value and 64% of the patients were correctly classified as cognitively impaired, in the SLE group. Contrary to the telephone screening measure, the PDQ was not a significant predictor of co -gnitive impairment when adjusted for social-demo-graphic data and depression28.

Mood And AnxIEty dIsordErs

The reported prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders

in recent studies ranges between 12,4-60%5,14,28,38-41and

6,4-46,5%5,29,39,41, respectively.

The ACR Ad Hoc Committee on NPSLE recom-mends the use of standardized instruments like the Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression Sca-le (CES-D) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) for the diagnosis of mood and anxiety di-sorders1.

Several associations have been sought out by diffe-rent studies in order to understand the pathophysio-logy of these disorders.

The association between short disease duration and anxiety disorders was described in a 2011 study by Haw-ro et al, raising the hypothesis that anxiety was a conse-quence of the inadequate information about the disease suggesting that at least part of the anxious disorders en-countered in NPSLE have an adaptive background33.

Kozora et al in 2007 compared the performances of depressed SLE patients (n=13), depressive non-SLE patients (n=10) and healthy controls (n=25) in the short ACRSLE battery and a comprehensive neuro -psychological battery. The results of this study not only confirmed the association between depression and cognitive dysfunction42but also validated the short

ACR-SLE battery for the diagnosis of cognitive dys-function in depressed SLE patients43.

In a survey study published by Iverson et al in 2002, two screening depression measures were compared, Beck Depression Inventory-Second Edition (BDI-II) and the British Columbia Major Depression Invento-ry (BCMDI), both instruments constructed according to the diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV for depression. The sample consisted of 103 self-reported lupus pa-tients (no attempt was made to confirm the diagnosis) and 136 healthy controls. The self-reported SLE group had higher rates of depression and vegetative symp-toms (fatigue, difficulty falling asleep, sadness, etc.) than the control group. The results suggest a overesti-mate of depression diagnosis by BDI-II, a valid and re-liable screening measure of depression. Fifteen percent of the patients identified as depressed on the BDI-II scored in the normal range on the BCMDI, and 46% scored in the possibly depressed range. Therefore, it is possible that the BDI-II over-identified depression in this sample22.

In a 2011 study by Julian et al, the Center for Epi-demiological Studies - Depression Scale (CES-D) is compared with the Mini-International Neuropsychia-tric Interview (MINI), a validated diagnostic method based on structured clinical interview, in a sample of


150 SLE patients drawn from a prospective cohort of 957 lupus patients. In this sample 26% of the patients were diagnosed with a mood disorder and 17% with major depressive disorder measured by the MINI. The results showed a 92% of corrected classified patients with major depressive disorder and a 87% sensibility and specificity in detection of any mood disorder with the CES-D40.

Hyphantis et al, in 2011, studies the psychometric characteristics of the greek version of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) in a diverse rheu-matologic sample of 558 patients (62 lupus patients). The PHQ-9 is a, 9 question, self-administered, simple, questionnaire used on the screening and severity as-sessment of depression. The results showed 25,4% prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), mea-sured by MINI, and a 81,2% and 86,8%, sensitivity and specificity, respectively, of identifying MDD, in the greek version PHQ-944.

pIlot scrEEnInG tool

Mosca et al published, in 2011, a study aimed to crea-te a questionnaire, to be adminiscrea-tered by physicians, that could be used as a screening tool for the identifi-cation of neuropsychiatric manifestations in SLE pa-tients with no obvious CNS involvement, for further evaluation45.

Starting from group of 112 questions drawn from 41 questionnaires aimed at assessing neuropsychiatric manifestations similar to those prevalent in NPSLE, a panel of experts and statistic analysis created a draft questionnaire with 62 items. This draft questionnaire was then tested in 139 SLE patients from 11 european centers and the results were compared with clinical diagnosis made by a specialist. After additional statis-tical analysis, the final questionnaire consisted of 27 items, 12 referring to the central nervous system symp-toms and 15 to psychiatric ones.

For a cutoff value of 17 the questionnaire had a sen-sitivity and specificity of 93% and 25% respectively. It was found that the association of non-specific symptoms (e.g. subjective complain of cognitive dysfun -ction or headache) may determine a higher score than serious manifestations such as seizures alone. All the initial included items aimed at the assessment of pe-ripheral nervous system symptoms were excluded ba-sed on the methodology uba-sed. Despite the intent to be administered by a physician the authors considered the questionnaire to be simple enough to be filled by the patient himself45.


One of the most controversial topics in the study of the psychiatric manifestations in the lupus context is their etiology. In fact, despite the high prevalences re-ported across studies, it remains undisclosed if the psy-chiatric manifestations in SLE are a direct consequen-ce of the autoimmune disease or secondary to it. Se-veral factors can explain the secondary nature of the-se disorders like the stress of having a chronic dithe-seathe-se, the lack of social support or the use of immunosup-presive therapy39.

Psychiatric syndromes are rarely diagnosed early in their course due to their initially faint clinical mani-festations and lack of accepted, valid and accessible methods of detection which leads to underdiagnosis and undertreatment of these conditions. Thus, a sim-ple, sensitive screening test would serve to improve quality of management of lupus patients32. On the

other hand, randomized clinical trials are necessary in SLE to fully understand the benefit-harm tradeoffs of screening these psychiatric manifestations40.

This review clearly shows that a lot more research needs to be done in order to validate the screening tools suggested across the literature. With the excep-tion of ANAM, all the instruments proposed across the literature were studied only once.

The ANAM presents as the most analyzed of the screening tools, presenting good sensitivity and speci-ficity (76.2% and 82.4%, respectively) on the distinc-tion of SLE patients with cognitive dysfuncdistinc-tion in for-mal neuropsychological testing from those without. ANAM, compared with formal neuropsychological tes-ting, appears to be less confounded by variables such as, education, English proficiency and ethnic differen-ces27. Its accessibility, self-administration, low

practi-ce-effects, reduced cost and validity in depressed lupus patients27,36makes of ANAM a promising screening

tool. The finding that it may be confounded by im-munosuppressive toxicity and/or sensoriomotor defi-cits31may not be as relevant clinically as it is

etiologi-cally since regardless of cause attribution, cognitive dysfunction is a co-morbidity that needs to be addres-sed when diagnoaddres-sed.

Preliminary results determined that Cognitive Symptom Inventory (CSI), a 10 minute self-adminis-tered paper test, has the potential to be used as a scree-ning instrument on the identification of SLE patients with probable cognitive dysfunction. Revision of some of the items’ contents, expansion of the questionnaire


so it covers other cognitive domains, study of its psy-chometric characteristics and testing it in different samples are some of the issues that need to be addres-sed in further studies in order to validate the CSI as a screening tool17. Contrary to CSI, the Perceived

Defi-cits Questionnaire, a 5 question self-administered questionnaire was found to be a weak predictor of co -gnitive impairment since it was confounded by social-demographic data and depression28.

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), a phy-sician administered questionnaire, presented a 83% sensitivity and 73% specificity. However the “gold standard” used was not formal neuropsychological tes-ting but the ANAM, presentes-ting a vulnerability of the study32.

In the Kozora et al study on the utility as a screening tool of the Scripps Neurologic Rating Scale16 the re-sults were not too impressive since despite the signifi-cant difference between SLE and control groups in identifying cognitive dysfunction, “mentation and mood” was the parameter responsible for the statisti-cally significant difference. Furthermore, one aspect that was not referred in the study was how long did it take to administer the neurologic exam, essential to determine the true time-cost efficiency of it.

Another promising screening instrument is the Te-lephone Screening studied by Julian et al, the 43% po-sitive predictive value and 93% negative predictive va-lue presented by this tool, is an advantage in that per-mits to exclude with greater confidence individuals without cognitive impairment28.

It is somehow surprising that despite the high fre-quencies reported of mood and anxiety disorders among lupus patients, and the number of measures available aiming the screening of these disorders, only two studies were found comparing the performances of screening tests in the lupus context. In fact, only in 2011 the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depres-sion Scale, recommended in 1999 by the ACR Ad Hoc Committee on NPSLE, as a screening tool to identify patients with probable mood disorders, was tested, presenting the Julian et al study a 87% sensitivity and specificity in detecting mood disorders40.

Some of the screening tools presented are not avai-lable to non-english speakers due to lack of validated translations. The ANAM, the most studied cognitive dysfunction screening tool, is an example of that. This constitutes an obvious limitation not only in the clini-cal but also in the research context. Instruments like, CES-D, MoCA, PHQ and BDI-II however, have been

translated and validated in multiple languages and are thus available to be tested in different settings. The 2011 study published by Hyphantis et al that valida-ted the greek version of the PHQ-9 in a large and di-verse rheumatologic sample44, is an example of the type

of study that needs to be done in order to increase the usage of screening tools in clinical practice.

Pediatric Neuropsychiatric Lupus is even less un-derstood than the adult variant due to lack of research targeting this specific age group. The definition cases and diagnostic criteria recommended by the ACR Ad Hoc Committee on NPSLE are being inadequately used in children. Williams et al demonstrated that depen-ding on the methodology used to classify cognitive im-pairment in children, its prevalence ranged from 7,3% to 63,4% in the same sample. More than that, no si -gnificant differences were encountered in tested do-main scores as well as cognitive dysfunction prevalen-ce estimates between lupus children and healthy con-trols19. Another difficulty in studying pediatric lupus is

the small sample available, one of the main limitations of the Brunner et al study15that examined the

useful-ness of the pediatric version of ANAM in a small sam-ple of 27 lupus children.

Mosca et al approached screening testing in a ho-listic way, creating a physician-administered simple questionnaire to screen neuropsychiatric events. The main limitation of the study is the lack of items that assess the peripheral nervous system, justified by the au -thors as a result of the low prevalence of these pheno-mena in the lupus context. Despite the low specificity demonstrated (25%) this is a revolutionary study that demonstrated promising preliminary results45.

There is still a long way to go regarding the study of psychiatric manifestations in the lupus context. Sam-ple selection, classification of impairment and attribu-tion of cause are parameters that need to be defined and standardized in order to compare studies and draw conclusions. Most of the screening tools studied in this context present promising, yet preliminary results. These tools need to be further studied in other samples and study designs in order to validate their usage in cli-nical practice. The translation into multiple languages will not only allow the possibility of screening non--english patients but also stimulate further research.

On the other hand, regardless of the high frequen-cy of these psychiatric manifestations, clinical trials on their treatment are scarse in the literature, leaving us wondering if there is a true benefit into early detection of these manifestations.


corrEspondEncE to

Joana Vicente Vargas Rua Engº Rui Cruz, B22 8000 Faro, Portugal

E-mail: joanavvargas@gmail.com


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xxxI conGrEsso brAsIlEIro dE rEuMAtoloGIA

Belo Horizonte, Brasil

10 a 14 de Outubro de 2014


Table I summarizes the main methodologic charac- charac-teristics and results of the included studies
tAblE I. suMMAry oF Most rElEvAnt MEthodoloGIc topIcs And rEsults oF IncludEd studIEs  Results Diagnostic/No
tAblE I. contInuAtIon Results Diagnostic/No.  Study DesignNeuropsychiatricScreening/Verificationof SLEControlFrequencyPsychometricRelevant  (data collection)syndromeMeasureMeasure(s) patientspatientsof affectedpropertiespoints IversonSurvey studyDepression


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