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Rigidity of minimal submanifols in space forms


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Math. Ann. 267, 433 437 (1984)

A m

9 Springer-Verlag 1984

Rigidity of Minimal Submanifolds

in Space Forms

J. L. M. Barbosa 1, M. Dajczer 2, and L. P. Jorge 1 1 IMPA, Est Dona Castorina 110, 22460 Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

2 Departamento de Matematica, Universidad Federal do Cear~, Fortaleza, Brasil

1. Introduction

(1.1) Let c be a real number. Represent by A4"(c) a n-dimensional space form of curvature c. Let M N be a N-dimensional connected Riemannian manifold. The question that served as the starting point for this paper was to find simple conditions on the metric of M so that, if f:M"~ffl"+P(c), p>= 1, is an isometric minimal immersion then f is rigid in the following sense: given another minimal immersion g: M" ~ A4" + q(c), q >= p, then there exists a rigid motion T of M~ + q(c) such that g = To f, (~l"+P(c) being considered as a totally geodesic submanifold of In what follows we present a satisfactory answer to this question when n > 3 and p = 1 by imposing a restriction on the possible values of the nullity of the curvature tensor of M.

(1.2) Let's recall that the nullity of the curvature tensor of M is a function p : M ~ Z that associates to each p E M the dimension of kerpR, the kernel of the curvature tensor R of M at p. That is,

p ( p ) : d i m { X ~ T r M ; R ( X , Y ) = c ( Y , 9 ) X - c ( X , . ) Y for all Y ~ TpM} where ( . , 9 ) stands for the metric of M. The result we obtain can be stated as follows:

(1.3) Theorem. Let M"(n > 3) be a connected Riemannian manifold and p be a point of M. Assume # ( p ) < n - 3 . I f f : M " ~ M " + l ( c ) and g:M"--*ffl"+k(c) are isometric minimal immersions then there is a rigid motion T of M"+k(c) such that g = To f, ( ~1"+ 1(c) being considered as a totally geodetic submanifold of 371" +R(c)).

(l.4) The hypothesis of this theorem can not be weakened as shown by the following examples:

Let f : M z ~ R 3 and g : M " ~ R" + k be isometric minimal immersions. Denote by J, the conjugate immersion of f As in [5] we can define


434 J . L . M . B a r b o s a et al.


fo = cos Of 0 sin Of,

It is well known that fo is also an isometric minimal immersion and so are

f (~g:MZ~M.--+R .+k+3


foGg:MZ@Mn-.R n+k+6

By an appropriate choice of g (and k) one obtains the examples.

(1.5) In [-2] do Carmo and Dajczer have exhibited sufficient conditions on the metric of M" for the existence of a minimal isometric immersion f : M " - , A~r" + 1(c). Under this set of conditions the hypothesis of Theorem (1.3) are fulfilled and so, the examples of do Carmo and Dajczer are rigid in the sense of (1.1).

(1.6) Assume we have a minimal immersion f : M " ~ M " + l ( c ) , l > l , which is substantial in the sense that we can not reduce the codimension. Then, if there is a point p e M such that #(p)< n - 3 , (1.3) implies the nonexistence of a minimal isometric immersion of M" into M"+l(c). The next theorem shows that if we strengthen the hypothesis on # then we obtain, in fact, an obstruction to the existence of isometric immersions of M" into 4 "+ 1(c).

(1.7) Theorem. Let f :M"~M"+l(c), 2 < _ l < n - 2 , be a minimal and substantial isometric immersion. Assume there is a point p ~ M such that #(p) < n - l - 2, then M" can not be isometrically immersed into M"+ l(c).

(1.8) By taking k = 0 (and consequently # = n) in the examples presented in (1.4) we see that the above theorem is false without the hypothesis about #. The theorem is also false if we maintain the hypothesis about # but give up the restrictions on the possible values for the codimension l, as one can see by taking two immersions of the sphere 2 Sk(s) , of curvature k(s)= 2/s(s + 1), into the spheres S~ and $2s: the first given by a standard isometric immersion as an umbilic hypersurface; the second, one of the minimal immersions described by do Carmo and Wallach in [4].

2. Proof of Theorem (1.3)

(2.1) Let M be a connected n-dimensional Riemannian manifold and R be its curvature tensor. Let f : M ~ M N ( c ) be an isometric immersion and let e be its second fundamental form. The kernels of R and c~ at a point p of M are defined, respectively, by:

kerpR= { X e TpM ; R ( X , Y)= c(Y,. ) X - c ( X , 9 )Y, VYe



Rigidity of Minimal Submanifolds 435 (2.2) Lemma. I f f : M " ~ l N ( c ) is a minimal isometric immersion then kero~ = kerpR for each p in M .

Proof The Gauss equation clearly shows that

(2.3) kerpe C kerpR

for each p e M. To prove the converse one takes the Ricci tensor of M and observes that for an othonormal basis X, e 2 . . . . , e, for TpM we have that:

(2.4) ( n - 1) Ric(X) = ( n - 1)c -[~(X, X)I 2 - ~ [~(ei, X)[ 2 . i = 2

Here we have already used the minimality of f Since Ric(X)= c when X e kerpR then the converse of (2.3) clearly follows from (2.4).

Now let g:M"--*371 N (c) be another isometric minimal immersion of M with fl as its second fundamental form. Then the following proposition holds:

(2.5) Proposition. Assume dim(kerpe) __< n - 3. I f e 1 .. . . . e, is an orthonormal bases of TvM that diagonalizes ~ then it also diayonalzes ft.

Proof. Let el, ...,e, be an orthonormal basis of TpM that diagonalizes e. Set ei~ = e(ei, e j) and flij = fl(ei, ej), 1 N i < n. From (2.2) it follows that kerpe = kerpfl. Hence we can assume both kernels to be trivial, otherwise we can work on their orthogonal complement. The hypothesis on kerpe now just means n ~ 3. From (2.4) one obtains:

(2.6) Ieul: = - (n - 1) (Ric(ei) - c) = ~, Iflijl 2 . j = l

On the other hand, since codimension of f is one, the Gauss equation gives us (2.7) IO~iiI210~jjl 2 ~- [(flii' fli,i) --fflijt2] 2 i~

From (2.6) and (2.7) we now obtain

E</~.,/~jj> -I/~j12] 2 = Z I/~.12 Z I,gd 2

(2.8) i, k

> (lflul 2 + ]flijlz)(lfljjI 2 + IBd ~)

Schwarz inequality applied to the right hand side of (2.8) yields: (2.9) ['(fl.,/~j~> _ I/~jlZ]2 > [(ft., fljj) + 1fl,~1212. Therefore if flij + 0 we have

(2.10) (flu, fljj) <=O, l <=i,j<__n, i . j .

Let K~j denote the sectional curvature of M of the plane determined by e~, ej. From Gauss equation and (2.10) we obtain



= (B.. Bjj> -I/~,~l 2 ---< - I B d 2.

On the other hand we also have

K i j - c -- (~., % ) = a~aj


436 J.L.M. Barbosa et al. particular set of indices (2.8) tells us that


(flu, fljj~

~ IflulZlfijj] 2 where equality holds if and only if

flki = figs = 0 for all k + i, k + j .

But Schwarz inequality tells us that (2.12) must be an equality ! The same argument can now be applied to each set of indices i, k to show that

flu=O for all k + l .

Hence fl is diagonal and the proof of(2.5) is finished. We can go further and observe that Schwarz inequality applied to (2.12) also tell us that flu and fl~ are linearly dependent. The argument repeated to fl~k yields the same conclusion for ft, and P~k. Hence we have proved that:

(2.13) The first normal space of the immersion g at p has at most dimension one. Now, for proving Theorem (1.3) one starts by observing that, if #(p) < n - 3 then there is a neighborhood U of p in M where the same inequality holds. From Proposition (2.5) it follows that the normal bundle of the immersion 9 in this neighborhood is flat. This together with (2.13) implies (according to [1]) that g(U) lies in some M" + 1(c)C M(c). Now a standard rigidy Theorem [6] can be used to show the existence of a rigid motion T of/~"(c) such that g(q) = T(f(q)) for all q e U. Since M is connected and 9 and f are real analytic (as solutions of the minimal surface system) the above equality holds everywhere and so 9 = T o f.

3. Proof of Theorem (1.7)

(3.1) Let f:M"~M"+t(c), 2 < 1 < n - 2 be an isometric substantial minimal immersion and p be a point of M" such that ~(p) = dim kerpa < n - l - 2. Suppose there exists an isometric immersion g : M ~ M "+ 1(c). Denote by g and p respectively the second fundamental forms o f f and g. Let Tp• and Tp• denote the normal spaces at p ~ M of f and g, consider the first normal spaces

N f(p) = span{~(X, Y); X, Y~ TpM} ,

No(p) = span {fl(X, Y); X, Y E TpM}

and introduce

W = Nf(p) | Ng(p). Define a symmetric bilinear form B:TpM • TpM--~ W by

(3.2) B(X, Y) = a(X, Y)| Y).

Define also a Lorentz inner product on W by:

(3.3) (r/Or/', ~ ( ~ 3 = (r/,

~)Tb(f)- (n/, ~')Tb(g)"


Rigidity of Minimal Submanifolds 437 for all X, Y, Z, W in TpM. Therefore B isflat with respect to ( . , 9 ) in the sense of [7]. The nullity of B is:

(3.5) N(B) = ( Z ~ TpM ; B(X, Z) = 0 VX ~ TpM) . It is clear t h a t N(B)C Kerpa and so

(3.6) d i m N(B) < n - l - 2.

Observe t h a t fl can n o t be zero at p otherwise (., 9 ) would be positive definite in W and hence [7, p. 4 6 3 , C o r o l l a r y 1] we would have:

d i m N(B) __> d i m T p M - dim W > n - l - 1 which would be in c o n t r a d i c t i o n with (3.6).

(3.7) L e m m a . Under the hypothesis of Theorem (1.7), there are vectors t l ~ Tp• and 6 ~ Tp• such that

( a ( X , Y), t/) = (fl(X, Y), 6 ) Jbr all X, Y in TpM.

This result is a consequence of the t h e o r y of flat bilinear forms as developed by Moore [7]. Its p r o o f can be d o n e by m i n o r modifications of the p r o o f of T h e o r e m (1.2) in (3).

N o w , if e 1 .... , e, is an o r t h o n o r m a l bases for TpM then, since f is minimal, (fl(ei, el) , 6) : O .

i = 1

Using that T~(g) has d i m e n s i o n one we conclude that g has zero m e a n c u r v a t u r e at p. N o w observe t h a t the hypothesis/2(p) < n - l - 2 is an o p e n condition a n d so this is true for each point in a n e i g h b o r h o o d U o f p in M . T h e r e f o r e g is m i n i m a l in U. According to T h e o e m (1.3) this would imply that f l u a n d g[v differ b y a rigid motion of M" + l(c). Since f is analytic then we would reduce its c o d i m e n s i o n which is in c o n t r a d i c t i o n with the hypothesis that f is substantial a n d 1>__2. This contradiction p r o v e s the theorem.


1. do Carmo, M., Colares, A.G.: On minimal immersions with parallel normal curvature tensor. Proc. III ELAM, Lecture Notes in Mathematics Vol. 597, 104-113 (1976)

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115-119 (1982)

4. do Carmo, M., Wallach, N.: Minimal immersion of spheres. Ann. Math. 93, 43-62 (1971) 5. Lawson, H.B.: Complete minimal surfaces in S a. Ann. Math. 92, 33%374 (1970)

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7. Moore, J.D.: Submanifolds of constant positive curvature 1. Duke Math. J. 44, 449484 (1977)


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