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Academic year: 2021








Lisbon - June of 2007


Name: José Maria Carvalho Ferreira

Filiation: António Ferreira e Maria da Conceição Date of Birth: November 25th of 1945

Place of Birth: Lugar de Bogarréus, Freguesia de Meca, Concelho de Alenquer,

District of Lisbon

Marital Status: Single

Address: Rua dos Armeiros, nº 9, Bogarréus - 2580 Alenquer Telephone: (263) 710163

E-mail: jmcf@iseg.utl.pt 1 - EDUCATION

1.1. Aggregation: Aggregation in group IV - Social Sciences, subgroup B Sociology,

at the School of Economics and Business Management of the Technical University of Lisbon, October 21st of 1992

1.2. Doctorate.: Doctorate in Economic Sciences by the Paris University X.

Nanterre, October 12th of 1984 (Thesis in "Doctorat de 3ème Cycle" coordinated by Prof. Eugène Enriquez). Equivalence to the Ph.D. Degree by the Technical University of Lisbon, March 4th, 1985.

1.3. D. E. A. (Diplome d`Études Approfondies): Diploma of Aggregate Studies in

Systems and Structures by University of Paris X- Nanterre, October 18th of 1981 (Master Thesis coordinated by Prof. Claude Orsoni)

1.4. Undergraduate Degree: Economics by ISCTE in 1978


- Chancellor Professor of Sociology at the School of Economics and Business

Administration of the Technical University of Lisbon, since January 15th of 1994.


-Associate Professor, with aggregation, of Sociology at the School of Economics and Business Administration of the Technical University of Lisbon, since October 21st of 1992 to January 15th of 1994.

- Associate Professor of Sociology at the School of Economics and Business Administration of the Technical University of Lisbon, since April 19th of 1989 to October 21st of 1992.

- Assistant Professor of the Centre of Social Sciences of the School of Economics of the Technical University of Lisbon, since March 5th of 1985 to April 19th of 1989.

- Assistant of the School of Economics of the Technical University of Lisbon, from September 25th of 1980 to March 5th of 1985

- Compared to an Assistant of the School of Economics of the Technical University of Lisbon, since October 17th of 1975 to September 25th of 1980

2.2. Academic Coordination:

- Communication and Negotiation, undergraduate degree of ISEG-UTL since

the year of 2003/2004

- Political System and Organisations, Post-Graduate degree of Social Policy and Masters Programme of Economics and Social Policy

- Psycosociology of the Organisations (1993/1994) and Sociology, since the

year of 1993/1994, of undergraduate degrees of Economics and Business Management of ISEG-UTL

- Organisational Theory and Psycosociology of the Organisations, since the year of 1993/1994 in the Masters Programme of Socio-Organisational Systems of Economic Activity of ISEG-UTL and, after the year of 2001/2002, in the Masters Programme, In Economic Sociology and Sociology of the Organisations

- Coordinated other academic courses.

2.3. Participation in Scientific and Pedagogic Activities

- President of the Pedagogic Council of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the Technical University of Lisbon, since February 21st of 1995 to February of 1999.

- Coordinator of the Masters Programme in Socio-Organisational Systems and

Economic Activity the School of Economics and Business Administration of the Technical University of Lisbon, from the period of 1992 to March of 1995 and, now, since October of 1998.

- President of the Executive Board of SOCIUS - Research Centre in Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations the School of Economics and Business Administration of the Technical University of Lisbon, since 1993. - Member of the Coordinating Commission of the Scientific Council of the


Afterwards, at the end of 1994 to the end of 1996, January 11th of 1999 to December 21st of 2000 and, recently, since January of 2003.

- President of the Social Science Department of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the UTL, from November 5th of 1990 to November 25th of 1992, from January 11th of 1999 to December 21st of 2000.

- Coordinator for the Centre of Social Sciences of the School of Economics and Business Administration of the UTL, since May 15th of 1985 to November 4th of 1990.

- Scientific Coordinator of the Masters Programme in Economic Sociology and Sociology of the Organisations of ISEG-UTL, 2002/2003.

- Scientific Coordinator of the Doctorate Degree in Ecnomic Sociology and Sociology of the Organisations of ISEG-UTL, since April 29th of 2004


3.1. Aspects de la reforme agraire et de l'autogestion au Portugal (1974-1975), Paris, Université de Paris X-Nanterre, 1981, 120 pp.

3.2. La problematique de la transition vers le socialisme dans l'histoire: le cas du

Portugal (du 25 Avril 1974 au 25 Novembre 1975), Paris, Université de Paris

X-Nanterre, 1984, 537 pp.

3.3. "Mutações tecnológicas e as suas consequências nos comportamentos operário e sindical", in O Comportamento dos Agentes Económicos e a Reorientação

da Política Económica, Lisboa, CISEP, 1986, pp. 959-978

3.4. "A actualidade da crítica de Paul Lafargue ao trabalho assalariado", in Estudos

de Economia, Lisboa, ISEG, Vol VIII, nº 1, Outubro-Dezembro 1987, pp. 5-19

3.5. Co-author, with João Pais Monteiro and Rita Raposo of: "Estrutura Sócio-Institucional", in Estudo de Viabilidade para um Programa Operacional

Integrado no Vale do Tejo, Lisboa, CCRLVT, CESUR/CIRIUS-Universidade

Técnica de Lisboa, 1989, 92 pp.

3.6. "Incidências sócio-culturais da emigração portuguesa em França após a década de 1960", in População e Sociedade no mundo de Expressão Portuguesa, Recife, Vol. 1, Janeiro-Dezembro 1991, pp. 23-43

3.7. Co-author, with Rita Raposo, Rafael Marques, Eugène Enriquez and Francisco Rocha, of: Organização e Controlo, Lisboa, CEDIN-ISEG, 1992, 553 pp.


3.8. Co-author, with João Peixoto of: "Rural sociology and rural development in portugal - history, recent trends and prospects", in Irish Journal of Sociology, Dublin,Vol. 2, 1992, pp. 122-141

3.9. "Marginalidade social e movimentos sociais nos contextos urbanos", in

Estruturas Sociais s Desenvolvimento, Lisboa, Fragmentos, 1993, pp.


3.10. "Novas tecnologias e tendências de mudança organizacional do trabalho em Portugal, in Organizações e Trabalho, Lisboa, nº5/6, 1993, pp. 155-171

3.11. Co-author, with João Carlos Graça, Anabela Carvalho, João Peixoto, Rita Raposo and Rafael Marques,of: Sociologia, Alfragide, McGraw-Hill, 199, 514 pp..

3.12. Co-author, with José Neves, Paulo Abreu and António Caetano of:

Psicossociologia das Organizações, Alfragide, McGraw-Hill, 1996, 379 pp.

3.13. Portugal no Contexto da "Transição para o Socialismo" - História de um

Equívoco, Blumenau, FURB, 1997, 376 pp.

3.14. “Action Colective, Révolution Sociale et l’Imaginaire Anarchiste”, in

l’Imaginaire des Incendiaires, Lyon, Ed. ACL, 2000.

3.15. “Le rôle du coopérativisme dans le développement de l’Economie Sociale au Portugal” in Colloque Internationale Michel-Marie Derion –“l’utopie de

l’économie sociale”, Lyon, 2000, 18 pp.

3.16. “Novas Tecnologias e Organização do Trabalho”, in Organização &

Sociedade, nº 19, Salvador, 2000, pp. 91-108

3.17. "Novas Tecnologias e Organização do Trabalho", in Episteme, nºs 5/6, Outono/Inverno 2000, pp. 119-142

3.18. "Portugal: l'histoire contre le mouvement coopératif", in Economie &

Humanisme, nº 354, 2000, pp. 38-38

3.19. Co-author, with al.,of: Manual de Psicossociologia das Organizações, Alfragide, McGraw-Hill, 2001, 658 pp.

3.20. “Contradictions et limites de l’anarchisme aujourd’hui”, in L’anarchisme

a-t-il un avenir? Histoires de femmes, d’hommes et de leurs imaginaires, Lyon,

Atelier de Création Libertaire, 2001, pp. 323-344.

5.21. “Novas Tecnologias e Organização do Trabalho”, in Globalizações – novos

rumos no mundo do trabalho, Florianópolis, Editora daUFSC, 2001,



Providência em Portugal, Espanha e Brasil, SOCIUS/CISEP/CEDIN,

Lisboa, 2001, 11 pp.

3.23. Co-organiser, with Ilse Scherer-Warren, of: Transformações Sociais e

Dilemas da Globalização. Um diálogo Brasil/Portugal, São Paulo, Cortez

Editora, 2002, 263 pp.

3.24. Co-organiser, with Ilse Scherer-Warren, of: Transformações Sociais e

Dilemas da Globalização. Um Diálogo Brasil/Portugal, Oeiras, Celta

Editora, 2002, 244 pp.

3.25. “O papel do cooperativismo no desenvolvimento da Economia Social em Portugal”, in Verve, nº2, 2002, pp. 88-122.

3.26. “Novas tecnologias, emprego, educação e formação de «recursos humanos»”, in

Actas das III Jornadas de Arquelogia Industrial, Covilhã, Universidade da

Beira Interrior, 2002, pp. 153-170.

3.27. “Movimentos socias e marginalidade social nos contextos urbanos”, in

Conferência Internacional sobre Ecologia Social e suas Perspectivas Políticas – O Municipalismo Libertário, Lisboa, SOCIUS/ISEG, CD-Rom,

2003, 18 pp.

3.28. “Trabalho, precariedade do emprego e a emergência histórica do Terceiro Sector”, In A Ideia, nº 58, 2003, pp. 38-53.

3.29. “Globalização, novas tecnologias e comunicação nas organizações”, in Actas

do II Congresso Internacional de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Sócio-Cultural, AGIR, Paredes de Coura, 2004, pp. 24.

3.30.. “Terceiro setor e limiares da autogestão” , in Verve, n.º 8. 2005, São Paulo, pp. 84-120.

3.31. “António Simões Lopes e a sua perspectiva sobre a pedagogia e a

interdisciplinariadde nas ciências sociais e humanas”, in ISEG-UTL(2006),

Ensaios de Homenagem a António Simões Lopes, Lisboa, Fundação

Montepio Geral.

3.32. “Organização do trabalho e terceiro sector: hipóteses para a construção do objecto científico da sociologia económica”, in Episteme, n.º 15-16-17, 2005-2006, pp. 167-190.

3.33. “Novas tecnologias, emprego, educação e formação de recursos humanos”, in Neto e Di Liberal (org.), (2006), Educar para o Trabalho – estudo sobre os

novos paradigmas, São Paulo, Arauco, pp. 17-40.

3.34. “Potencialidades de desenvolvimento do terceiro sector nas sociedades contemporâneas”, in Piccinini, Holzmann, Kovács, Guimarães (2006), O

Mosaico do Trabalho na Sociedade Contemporânea – persistências e inovações, Porto Alegre, UFRGS Editora, pp. 325-353.


3.35. “Atualidade da Construção do Objeto Científico da Sociologia Económica”, in

RAE eletrónica, Fórum- Sociologia Económica, v.6, n.º 1, Art. 8, jan./Jul.,

2007, pp. 22.

3.36. “Novas Tecnologias, tempo e organização do trabalho”, in Araújo, Emília

(org.), (2007), Quando o tempo desaparece: tempo e simultaneidade, Ermesinde, Edições Ecopy /BOOKS.GOOGLE, pp. 118-158 (no prelo).

3.37. “The Dilemmas of Work Organization in the Face of Globalization an

Information and Communication Technologies”, in Morin, Estelle (2007), (org.), New Challenges on Work, Health and Effectiveness Research, Montréal, CRITEOS/HEC, pp. 18 (no prelo).


4.1. Coordenator of the Socio-Institucional team of the research - Estudo de

Viabilidade para um Programa Operacional de Desenvolvimento Regional no Vale do Tejo(Study of the Viability for a Operational Regional

Development Program for the Vale do Tejo Region) - realised by CIRIUS and CESUR, Regional Coordination Commission of Lisbon and Vale do Tejo, Lisbon, 1989-1991

4.2. Research Project Coordination with the title - Organisation, Control and

Decision Process, CEDIN-ISEG, 1991-1992.

4.3. Coordinator in the Area of Methods in course specialisation of the Programme

JADE-Jovens Development Agents, Lisbon, and Coordinating Commission of

the Lisboa e Vale do Tejo Region, 1989-1991.

4.4. Coordinator for Course Specialisation for Professors - Programme


4.5. Coordinator of the Research Project:"As Migrações Internas e Internacionais

dos Quadros Superiores em Portugal” and, JNICT/DGOT, Lisbon,


4.6. Coordinator of the Research Project "As Mulheres que Trabalham no

Domicílio - Diagnóstico da Situação e Alternativas"(Women that Work at

Home- Diagnostic of the Situation and Alternatives), Lisbon, SOCIUS/IEFP, 1997-1998.

4.7. Coordinator, by ISEG, of the "Réseau Européen de Formation pour le Tiers

Secteur", since 1996.

4.8. Coordinator of the Project of the Specialisation Course of Professora in the

Programme FOCO, organized by Centre of "Formação da Associação de


4.9. Coordinator, by ISEG, of Protocol established between the Universidade de

Federal de Santa Catarina and ISEG-UTL, for the scientific research and

services rendered, beginning in 1994.

4.10. Coordinator of the Research Project "As Migrações Internas e Internacionais

dos Quadros Superiores em Portugal", Lisboa, JNICT/DGOT, 1995/1996.

4.11. Coordinator, by SOCIUS; of established Protocol between the INETI/CITI -

ISEG/SOCIUS, in "Inestigação, desenvolvimento e tecnologia, e formação de quadros em áreas comuns", Lisboa, 1995/1996.

4.11. Coordenator, by ISEG, of the established Protocol between Pontifícia

Universidade Católica de São Paulo and ISEG-UTL, for “scientific research

and services rendered", beginning in 1995.

4.12. Coordinator, by ISEG, of the established Protocol between the Universidade

de Paris X - Nanterre and ISEG-UTL, for “scientific research and services

rendered ", beginning in 1995.

4.13. Coordinator, by ISEG, in the board of "Réseau Européen de Formation pour

le Tiers Secteur", since 1996.

4.14. Consulter of the Research Project “A Cultura Organizacional e a Introdução

de Novas Tecnologias de Informação para o Trabalho Colaborativo: O Groupware como Ferramenta para Apoiar a Modernização e a Competitividade das Organizações”, Lisboa, INETI/SOCIUS, 1997/1998.

4.15. Consulter of the Research Project “As Mulheres que Trabalham no

Domicílio: Diagnóstico da Situação e Alternativas”; Lisboa, IEFP/SOCIUS,


4.16.. Coordinator, by do ISEG, of the established protocol between the

Administration School and Faculty of Economic Sciences of the University “Federal da Bahia” and ISEG-UTL, for scientific research and services

rendered beginning April 1st of 1998.

4.17. Coordinator for the Portuguese team of the project “Globalização: Dinâmicas

Nacionais e Internacionais de Integração e Exclusão Social”,ICCTI/CAPES,

SOCIUS/Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 1998-2000.

This project won the 1st Prize the Tecnhical University of Lisbon – Latin

Union for the year of 2002 and it was attributed in , April 19th of 2004, to the

coordenators José Maria Carvalho Ferreira and Ilse Scherer-Warren, professors of the ISEG-UTL and Centre for Philosophy and Post-Graduate studies in Political Sociology of the “Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis”, Brasil.

4.18. Coordinator of the Project POCTI/SOC/47666/2002 titled “Sociedade de

confiança: a construção social da confiança em Portugal” (Trust and

Society, and Social construction in Portugal), fincancec by FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) realised between November 3rd of 2003 and May 3rd of 2007.


4.20. Coordinator and consulter of other research projects, coordination of masters and doctorate thesis.


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