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Appropriate health technology


Academic year: 2017

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Carlos A. Vidal*

A major health issue for develofiing countries today is how

technology and heaEth can contribute to develofiment, and

vice-versa. This article exfilores that subject by examining

some of the fundamental relationshi@ involved, and outlines a

new apfiroach to the technological improvement of health

conditions that would seem well-suited to meeting a developing

society’s true present and future needs.

Introduction: Technology and Development

Technology cannot be analyzed alone, as

an isolated occurrence. Rather it must be

viewed as a cause or consequence of other

phenomena, within a framework well-

defined by theory and practice. In particu-

lar, technology is intimately bound up

with development. So before going further

it would seem desirable to say something

about development.

If we consider development as a whole,

we can say that it is an integral process, one

rich in meaning, that embraces our

natural environment, social and cultural

relations, the educational process, econom-

ic production and consumption, personal

well-being, and of course, health. This


being the case, there can be no single

universal pattern of development. Instead

prevailing social, cultural, and environ-

mental circumstances will shape the pat-

tern and style of the particular develop-

ment process involved.

In this regard, we can say that the

development of a people is “auth’entic”

when it is endogenous, when that people

exercises its sovereign will and chooses its

*From a Paper presented at the Sixteenth Meeting of the PAHO Advisory Committee on Medical Research held in Washington, D.C., on 11-15 July 1977.

khief, Technological Resources, PAHO/WHO Division of Human Resources and Research.

own future-in cooperation with societies

that share its problems and aspirations, but

otherwise unencumbered by outside influ-

ences. It should be observed, however, that

such development, a comprehensive endog-

enous process through which a society

determines its own future, must tend

toward integral satisfaction of the needs of

that society or fall into contradictions.

In Latin America, development has not

taken place in a style that can be regarded

as “authentic” because there has been an

attempt to imitate the development style of

the industrialized countries-which have

optimized some elements of the process, but

which have restricted its benefits and have

thereby failed to satisfy majority needs. By

trying to impose their models they have

eliminated the endogenous component in

the less developed countries, subtly in some

cases and overtly in others, in order to

maintain their position of leadership.

This stress on “authentic” development

is important. As stated by the 1975 Dug

Hammarskjold Report (I):

The crisis of development lies in the poverty of the masses of the Third World, as well as that of others, whose needs, even the most basic-food,

habitat, health, education-are not met: it lies,

in a large part of the world, in the alienation, whether in misery or in affluence, of the masses, deprived of the means to understand and paster their social and political environment. . .

A 1974 report by the United Nations

‘Reference I, p. 5.


Research Institute for Social Development (2) said more or less the same thing:

The problem faced by the project has been the

highly uneven character of development within

developing countries: its limitation to certain areas and certain categories of the population, especially to areas and categories of the popula- tion already better off; its failure to resolve mass poverty; the apparent increase of income in- equalities and growth of unemployment even as economic growth has taken place.‘4

UNICEF (3) has concluded that:

In the developing world as a whole, some

three-quarters of the population is not being

effectively served. New generations are being

born, growing up, and living out their lives

without minimal services or basic education,

contributing much less than they could to na-

tional development, and with some becoming a

burden to themselves and to society. 5

This development style is aimed at the

well-being and development of every man,

woman, and child-not merely at the

growth of things that are only means to an

end. Its purpose is to meet needs (starting

with the basic needs of the population) and

at the same time to assure humanization of

the individual by providing him with

needed avenues for self-expression, crea-

tivity, and control over his own destiny.

Achieving Authentic Development

How is development to be given this

style? The answer is by adapting develop-

ment naturally to the ways in which men

and communities wish to shape the mate-

rial basis of their lives; by basing develop-

ment on the technologies they now use and

on the relationships existing between their

social systems and their natural environ-

men ts ; and by gearing development to

existing forms of social organization and


The limitations on development of this

kind are not strictly defined in terms of

abundance and scarcity, or even (as some

would have us believe), in terms of

4Reference 2, p. S. 5Reference 3, p. 5.

education and ignorance. They are defined,

first of all, by our own capacity to set out

freely on a new road of our own choosing.

That is, as things stand now, these

limitations are chiefly social and political.

And in this regard, major structural

changes will be needed to promote equality

and to liberate the true creative energies of

the communities involved.

As all this implies, authentic development

is a process that fosters self-confidence and

self-reliance by applying science and tech-

nology, not to existing consumption pat-

terns, but to the bulk of the population’s

present and future needs. This naturally

requires a good measure of reorientation-

and hence control-of science and tech-

nology; for it is only a slight exaggeration

to say that he who controls science and

technology can control development.

In sum, for Latin American development

to acquire a more authentic style, new

direction must be given to science and

technology. But once we can control

science and technology (as indeed we must),

we can control our own development.

Controlling Science and Technology

The term “control” in this context

means social control rather than control by

any individual or restricted group. For

real as our cultural dependence is, it will

do no good merely to react emotionally

against it. What we must do is throw off

the present image of ourselves and create

the conditions needed for generation,

adaptation, and social control of a science

and technology that will genuinely serve

our countries’ needs.

Strictly speaking, technology is the appli-

cation of science. Though today we are

increasingly inclined to equate the two, we

must acknowledge that they have not

always traveled the same road. Indeed, a

good number of analyses have lately shown

that science and technology progress more


tendency to lump them together is based on

the explicit understanding that scientific

research (which has new knowledge as its

ultimate goal) lays the foundations of

technological progress. For its part, the

scientific community has recognized this

intimate connection as a way to justify

financial support for scientific research. As

a result, science is coming increasingly to

share the blame for problems caused by

technology, but has not always shared the

credit for technological gains. Contradic-

tions of this sort invariably arise when

science and technology fail to work together

toward a higher goal: the forementioned

satisfaction of social needs.

There is a fundamental difference,

however, between the technology of earlier

eras and that of today. The difference lies

in the capacity to make quick and practical

use of new scientific knowledge. That is,

present-day technology can absorb the most

recent findings of basic research and

quickly turn them to practical account. So

even though technological progress has

heightened our awareness of the lack of a

direct interrelationship between science and

technology, new scientific knowledge is

more speedily put to use.

Specific Problems

This point underscores two basic prob-

lems facing Latin American development.

The first is an inability to use available

knowledge and resources. The second,

intimately bound up with the first, is a

perennial insufficiency of economic re-


Consider the first problem. Modern

science and technology are descended from

the Industrial Revolution that began in

England and much of Europe in the 19th

Century. In those countries and their

European and North American offshoots,

science and technology grew within a

certain socioeconomic context, in the course

of fast-paced industrialization. In Latin

America, on the other hand, science and

technology were acquired at second hand,

through a cultural process. In this regard,

the science and technology of health are no

exception. Many of the anomalies that

amaze us today spring from the merely

cultural introduction of health knowledge

and methods that evolved elsewhere to meet

other conditions.

The second problem, insufficient eco-

nomic resources, compelled us to import

capital goods just as we imported culture.

This, in turn, saddled us with costly

science and technology which were inade-

quate to solve problems for which they

were not designed. The interaction of these

two problems thus created a vicious circle,

one that prevented us from creating

adequate science and technology, and even

from effectively adapting science and tech-

nology to our particular conditions.

What we require is thus contrary to what

we have. Instead of science and technology

that actually generate needs, we require a

science and technology that is generated in

response to present and future needs.

In the developing countries, cultural

importation of science and technology

meets the felt needs of relatively small

“developed” groups. The great majority of

the people, though co-existing with these

small groups, have not yet been brought

into the development process. However,

exposure of this majority to imported

science and technology generates new felt

needs that the majority would like to

satisfy, but which it usually cannot satisfy

for lack of money or purchasing power.

Thus a new problem is created. To the

generation of needs is added the majority’s

frustration at being unable to acquire the

products of a technology to which it has

been exposed.

In contrast, a development style geared

to meeting a developing country’s present

and future needs starts by striving to

eliminate misery. And it behooves us,


intersectoral framework, to seek this elimi-

nation of misery by concentrating upon

satisfaction of health needs. This job of

satisfying health needs, of course, is quite

different from merely helping those who

are ill to recover the health that they have


A New Approach to Health

The sources of human health are diverse

(4), but they certainly include the follow-

ing: (1) environmental factors, (2) social

factors, (3) group behavior patterns, (4)

individual behavior patterns, and (5)

health care.

The data show that in both developed

and developing societies the first four

elements’ impact on health tends to be

decisive. In comparison, medical techniques

for disease prevention and treatment are

much less important and have much less

priority in disease eradication than mea-

sures tending to improve nutrition, sanita-

tion, and housing. Therefore, the critical

health problem for any society is to develop

the cultural values and social and political

relations that make these sources of health

available to all.

Keeping these points in mind, if we take

a closer look at existing possibilities we find

that satisfaction of health needs has been

limited by the same causes that have

prevented our countries from adopting a

more effective development style. Logical-

ly, then, this new approach to health calls

for a new approach to technology. And this

new approach to technology implies a

fundamental shift from imitation to in-


Innovation, however, implies not only

creativity but also adaptation of the re-

sources we already have in order to arrive

at a new and appropriate technology. In

the health field, such a technology should

(1) tend to satisfy the health needs of the

majority; (2) foster a humane and creative

health service; (3) make the best possible

use of local resources; and (4) involve

extensive public participation.

These basic guidelines for an appropriate

health technology should be used in

formulating alternatives, which should be

weighed in terms of their effectiveness,

efficiency, acceptability, simplicity, and

feasibility. To adopt the reverse procedure

is incorrect. That is, if we put this last set

of criteria before the first we might ignore

such fundamental needs as development of

new alternatives and fostering of self-

sufficiency through community participa-


In sum, appropriate technology should

be developed in a manner suited to the

present and future resources, capabilities,

and needs of the different communities and

societies involved. Such technology should

of course be closely linked to science: but at

the same time it should be broadly

participatory, inspired not only by the

contributions of professional specialists but

also by the contributions of laborers,

farmers, and their communities. As Charles

Susskind (5) points out in his book

Understanding Technology,

One of the requirements of a satisfactory system

of technology assessment would thus seem to be

more active involvement of those “whom it may

concern.” The term particifxztory tech-

nology has been coined for this concept.6

The concept of appropriate technology is

intimately bound up with the concept of

“pre-transfer .” It is no longer acceptable to

consider unlimited transfer of technologies

from the industrialized or developed coun-

tries to the developing countries. Pre-

transfer offers a country the opportunity to

analyze its present and future needs, to

utilize an information system that can tell

it about technological experiences in other

countries-successes, failures, the ap-

proaches taken and the results attained-

and to choose the technologies most appro-


priate for the style of development desired.

Naturally, such pre-transfer -activities also

include allocation of funds for research

and development directed at adaptatio’n or

creation of appropriate technologies.

Within this framework, an appropriate

health technology should be directed at

dealing with problems that impede its new

approach to satisfaction of health needs. At

present we can say that the resources re-

quired to meet these health needs are not

scarce so much as they are badly distri-

buted, and that this circumstance is

aggravated by uncritical imitation of im-

ported models. In this regard, the introduc-

tion of “universalistic” criteria has only

served to stimulate further the rise of

health care models that are economically,

socially, culturally, and ecologically un-


We are thus faced with an either/or

proposition: We can try to meet health

needs either by applying “universalistic”

criteria or by applying what might be

called “architectonic” criteria tailored to

actual, specific situations. Therefore, the

new approach described for meeting health

needs depends not only upon the socioeco-

nomic considerations previously discussed,

but also upon the following: (1) realloca-

tion of resources to meet real present and

future needs; (2) integration of the health

services with other development services:

(3) adaptation of these development services

to specific circumstances in such a way as

to place maximum reliance on local re-

sources; (4) adoption of a strategy of

decentralization that fosters community

participation and is in harmony with the

political structure of the country involved:

(5) dedication of research to the solution of

specific community problems-without

neglecting opportunities to generate “new

knowledge”; (6) training of manpower

resources for the health field in accord

with these new strategies.

It should be noted, of course, that the

degree to which these activities are carried

out will depend largely on the political

course selected by each of the sovereign

nations involved. In addition, it would

seem worthwhile to mention a few other

points about the first three activities listed:

1) Reallocation of resources to meet

present and future needs. This realloca-

tion is limited by various circumstances.

Among these are the cost of many scientific

and technological innovations (such as

renal dialysis and intensive care units) that

can at times result in spectacular life-saving

triumphs. Adding to this problem, the cost

of curative medicine in general can be

expected to rise even further, in concert

with the high cost of providing and

maintaining such innovations; and the

technologies involved can be expected to

continue promoting increased medical

specialization. Taking all this together, it

would seem that if the curative side of

medicine remains predominant (6), and if

treatment-oriented professionals continue

to dominate medical practice, preventive

health will remain a sickly stepchild (7);

and the climate for public debate and

decision on the question of transferring

resources from expensive health care to

other cheaper and more effective mea-

sures will never be any better than it is


2) Integration of health services with

other development services. I concur with

Gunnar Myrdal (8) when he stresses the

importance of integrating health initiatives

with other socioeconomic, institutional,

and political initiatives.

3) Adaptation of services to specific

circumstances so as to place maximum

reliance on local resources. This adaptation

is intimately bound up with a decentraliza-

tion strategy that promotes community

participation. In fact, adapting and using

local resources without such participation

reduces this innovative feature to just

another way of making the community


recognizing that it is an entity capable of

shaping its own destiny.

. . .

If we reduce the definition of technology

to “the way to make things”-encompassing

the knowledge of how to make things and

the instruments for making them derived

from science or from unscientific but fruit-

ful experience, failures, and successes-

then an appropriate health technology will

be a new and proper way to introduce

needed changes in the factors mentioned

above. Introduction of appropriate technol-

ogy will also offer an economical method

for reallocating resources- a method that

enlists community participation and relies

chiefly on local resources.

The effectiveness of such actions will

depend not so much on the instruments

available as upon a knowlege of how to

make the specific changes involved. Hence

appropriate technology is not synonymous

with either high-cost technology or with

unsophisticated low-cost technology. It is

synonymous with the technology best-suited

to meet overall present and future needs.

Other key features of appropriate technol-

ogy include the following:

l Besides being economically feasible, an

appropriate technology must be adaptable

to social and cultural conditions.

l An appropriate technology must be

socially as well as economically cost-effec-


l An appropriate technology must ac-

knowledge the existence of alternative

approaches for satisfaction of health needs.

l An appropriate technology must foster

self-reliance and self-confidence.

Implications for Research

As previously noted, while basic research

generates new knowledge, technological

research places this knowledge at the service

aims, encouragement must be given to the

designing of national research policies that

will promote both basic and applied

research directed at providing for majority

needs. A national policy on technological

research, for instance, should emphasize the

need to design machinery for identifying,

choosing, modernizing, and creating appro-

priate health technology. Such a research

policy-seeking the development of appro-

priate health technology-must direct its

attention to meeting the following basic re-


(a) Establishment of a simple and easily

accessible system for acquiring, recovering,

and distributing information. Development

of an appropriate technology requires im-

provement of information systems. Coun-

tries, communities, and citizens must be

able to inform others and be informed

about the facts of development, develop-

ment styles, the implications of science and

technology, and the inherent conflicts

involved. At the international level, an

effort should be made to communicate the

experiences of other peoples-their suc-

cesses and failures-as objectively as possi-

ble, recognizing cultural, social, political,

and economic diversity, so as to facilitate

genuine cooperation among peoples. At the

national level, information and education

work should be directed at building up

public awareness of what is being consid-

ered so as to achieve maximum citizen

involvement in the decision-making proc-

ess .

(b) Development of human resources in

the field of technology, chiefly through

support to research programs that will

provide training for research workers.

Research is fundamental to the technologi-

cal process. Nevertheless, it is sometimes

asked whether the technological process is

compatible with so-called basic research.

We can answer “‘yes” if we regard basic

research, like art, as being carried on by

individuals who are driven in that direction


basic research only in terms of salaries,

contracts, and administrative obligations-

that is, as just another professional under-

taking, then we must answer “no”. In fact,

basic research is somewhat analogous to

biological mutation: the results are difficult

to foresee.

To carry the analogy further, how-

ever, applied science acts rather like the

environment: It selects discoveries and

places them at the service of the community .

Without basic research there is no dis-

covery, and without applied science there is

no service to the community. In our view,

basic research is an essential component of

the work to improve health: nor is research

confined to biology, for social research-

social epidemiology, social anthropology,

etc.-is also essential to the style of

development that we propose. It is equally

important, however, that this research be as

comprehensive as possible, and that it have

the interdisciplinary character typical of

modern scientific research.

Today the interdisciplinary character of

scientific work is manifested most strongly

in research (8). Educational processes are

still far from interdisciplinary; but when

research lacks the ability to be interdisci-

plinary, this constitutes a specific failing of

the scientific system. As Barry Commoner

(9) has pointed out:

There is, indeed, a specific fault in our system of science, and in the resultant understanding

of the natural world, which, I believe, helps to

explain the ecological failure of technology.

The fault is reductionism, the view that

effective understanding of a complex system can

be achieved by investigating the properties of its

isolated parts. The reductionist methodology,

which is so characteristic of modern research, is

not an effective means of analyzing the vast

natural systems that are threatened by degrada- tion.7

(c) Definition of pre-transfer mechanisms

for allocating national and international

funds to support research and development

7Reference 10. p. 189.

of health technologies for the developing

countries. Here it should be stressed that

before any loans are made for development

of health services, resources should be

earmarked for pre-transfer activities re-

lating to “high-risk” projects. Such pre-

transfer activities, as we have already

pointed out, should be dedicated to find-

ing, choosing, analyzing, adapting, and

creating appropriate technology.

(d) Promotion of both “vertical” and

“horizontal” technical cooperation. To

expedite creation of appropriate health

technology, the developing countries must

work together, communicate their experi-

ences, share the burden of solving innu-

merable health problems, coordinate to

obtain external financing, etc. To accom-

plish these things they must establish

procedures to promote technical coopera-

tion within agencies and countries (“verti-

cal” cooperation) and between developing

countries (“horizontal” cooperation).

(e) Encouragement for study and analysis

of how the development of appropriate

health technology is hampered by copy-

rights, royalty payments, hard-currency

purchases, etc., so that later the developing

countries may together propose a new inter-

national order in this field. For it will not

be possible to adapt much of the desired

technology, disseminate sufficient informa-

tion, fully maintain equipment, etc., so

long as the present situation remains

unchanged. In proposing a “new world

economic order” the Third World countries

have already put forward general recom-

mendations along these lines. What is

needed now is an effort specifically geared

to health.

Three Types of Appropriate Technology

It is felt that three general areas need to

be covered in the course of developing

appropriate technologies. These are as

follows: (a) the development of appropriate


development of appropriate technologies in a tool for analyzing and refining the

administration; and (c) the development of various methods, materials, types of equip-

appropriate technologies in education. ment, and logistical arrangements used in

The health technologies (a) are used to the education process. Naturally, such a

attend directly or indirectly to the needs of technology would be found at all stages of

persons, groups, and the environment; this educational process-including selec-

administrative technologies (b) are used to tion of students, assignment of tasks in

organize and administer combinations of analytical studies, transmission of knowl-

resources employing health technologies; edge, training in specific skills, and

and educational technologies (c) are used to evaluation.

prepare and train human resources. These An appropriate technology in education

three types of technologies differ in accord recognizes that individuals learn at paces

with variations between their respective different from the pace of self-instruction

fields. required for development. Taking this into

account, it develops learning strategies for

Appropriate Technology in Education acquiring skill, ability, or mastery in a

particular activity or related set of activi-

We could cite lines of research that ties.

should be promoted in each case; but since

each country’s true needs are distinct, we Supporting Elements

think this matter should be left for each

country to resolve in its own way. However, The various areas for technological

in my own field-the training of human development in health that we have just

resources-I would like to present some mentioned all depend on common support-

general propositions that an appropriate ing elements. These common supporting

technology in education should take into elements (which themselves need to be

account. promoted) include diagnosis and documen-

First, curricula must never be predeter- tation of health problems, basic research,

mined or borrowed: instead they must be production of informative materials, train-

derived from analysis of health needs and ing, and regional technical cooperation.

provision of health services, and they must Depicting the relationships between these

be the subject of ongoing consultation. supporting elements and the various tech-

Appropriate technology in education, nologies they support results in a two-

though itself no discipline, involves an dimensional matrix. Then, when the pro-

interdisciplinary approach to the entire gram areas established by the Ten-Year

teaching-learning process. In this it serves Health Plan for the Americas are added this

as a research tool, and at the same time matrix becomes three-dimensional.

opens up new fields for application of

available technological resources. It thus &n&&ng &mark

provides a viable approach to the problems

of educational planning, organization, and In closing, it is not proposed that techno-

administration. logical research be done, but rather that

At the same time, appropriate technology mechanisms be provided that will permit

in education involves a sense of creation, development of appropriate health technol-

invention of new procedures, discovery of ogy-a process which in our view is more

new resources, and development of a new important than technological research at

organization for accomplishing a purpose our peoples’ present level of development.


“technological package” exists in our own package tied. Hence, as a final recommen-

countries that is securely tied. This package dation, I think we should start by undoing

is alleged to contain the health technologies this package in rural or marginal urban

that are most adequate and important. This areas that are still unaffected or nearly so.

could help provide the basis for a package of Extension of health coverage to such areas

“appropriate health technology.” However, could then act as a strategic springboard

the vested interests involved, the ideas from which to lauch an effort to redesign

imported, the dominant ideology, etc., the entire technological component of the

constitute strong bonds that keep the rest of the health system.

This article seeks to analyze certain relation- ships between science, technology, development, and health within a frame of reference well-defined by theory and practice.

There is no “universal” style of development; rather, the development process must be adapted to a given society’s specific cultural features and to its natural environment. In addition, to be truly effective, this development process must address basic majority needs and must be directed at providing the individual with needed avenues for self-expression, creativity, and control over his own destiny.

In seeking to apply science and technology to this process, however, Latin America (as well as many other developing areas) encounters a number of major problems. For one thing, most science and technology has been acquired at second hand, through cultural “importation” from abroad, so that what arrives is apt to be ill- suited to the receiving society’s special needs. For another, the development process in Latin America confronts a very limited ability to use the knowledge and resources that are available, as well as a perenniel insufficiency of economic resources. Not surprisingly, the combined result of all this has generally been importation of capital goods and technologies that are both expensive and highly unsuited to solving the major development problems at hand.

One major development problem is obviously satisfaction of basic health needs. However, data from both developed and developing coun- tries show that environmental factors, social factors, group behavior patterns, and individual behavior patterns have a far greater impact on health than do existing medical techniques for disease prevention and treatment. Therefore, the critical problem for any society is how to develop the cultural values and social and

political relations that will tend to make good health available for all.

Logically, this approach to health calls for a new approach to technology, and this new approach to technology calls for a fundamental shift from imitation to innovation. Specifically it calls for the following actions:

l A reallocation of resources to meet real

present and future needs;

l Integration of the health services with

other development services;

l Adaptation of these development services to

specific situations in such a way as to place maximum reliance on local resources;

l Adoption of a strategy of decentralization

that fosters community participation and is in harmony with the political structure of the community involved:

l Dedication of research to the solution of

specific*community problems:

l Training of manpower resources for the



(I) What Now. The 1975 Dag Hammerskjold Report on Development and International Cooperation. Seventh Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York,

l-12 September 1975.

(2) United Nations Economic and Social Council. Commission for Social Development. Report on a Unified Approach to Development Analysis and Planning. E/CN .5/519. 5 Decem- ber 1974.

(3) United Nations Children’s Fund. A Strate- gyfor the Basic Services. (Code 378-76-10M) New York, 1976.

(4) Illich, Ivan, John McKnight, and Robert Mendelsonn. National security concerning health and the health of the peoples. The Cresset

36(8): 24-26, 1973.

(5) Susskind, Charles. Understanding Tech-

nology. The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore and London, 1973.

(6) Pan American Health Organization. “Report of the Second Committee of the PAHO/WHO Textbook Program for Teaching of Preventive Medicine.” Human Resources Series, No. 22, 1975.

(7) Carlson, Rick. The Goal of Medicine.

Intercultural Documentation Center, Cuerna- vaca, Mexico. Internal Document.

(8) Myrdal, Gunnar. Asian Drama: An In-

quiry into the Poverty of Nations. 3 ~01s.

Random House, Westminster, Maryland, 1972. (9) Apostel, Leo, Guy Burger, Asa Briggs, and Guy Michand. Interdiscifilinarity-Problems of

Teaching and Research in Universities. Center

for Educational Research and Innovations, Paris, France, 1972.

(la) Commoner, Barry. The Closing Circle.

Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1971.

Children Under 5, Adults 65 or ti

The needsfor child care services in Latin America have been rapidly

increasing and are likely to continue to increase. In 1975, children

under 5 years of age comprised 16 per cent of the population in

Latin America, and 8 per cent of the population in Northern America,

over 51 million and 19 million, respectively, for that year.

Although the proportion of the pofiulation aged 65 or over is relatively

small in Latin America, the number in this age groufi is expected to

increase from 12 million in 1975 to 28 million in the year 2000.

The need for substantial increases in services for chronic diseases

and disabilities associated with old age, and general geriatric

services is clearly indicated by this trend.


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