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9 Reasons You Should Be Using Vue js

Sofia Carter

Academic year: 2022

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BY AppsDevPro

9 Reasons You Should Be Using Vue js



Vue js Framework has taken the frontend

development world by storm in the last year or so, and it’s definitely not showing any signs of slowing down.

If you aren’t using Vue yet, it’s time to take a

good look at what makes it different from other

frameworks and why it might be just what you

need to take your web development to the next



Vue.js is an open source JavaScript framework for building user interfaces created by Evan You, a former Google engineer. The framework focuses on declarative templates, data binding, and functional components.

Vue’s APIs are very flexible, accommodating all sorts of DOM manipulations and state management needs. It also provides a powerful transition system to help you easily animate between different states in your application’s UI.

Vue.js is probably one of the easiest frameworks you will ever encounter (especially when compared to heavy-weight

competitors like Angular or React).

What is Vue js?


1. Simple to learn

An experienced developer can learn how to build an app with Vue.js in days, not weeks. Its approachable documentation and large, helpful community make it a great fit for beginners or anyone looking to quickly prototype an idea before scaling up.

The official tutorial takes you through building a simple page that integrates with Google Maps and uses CSS transitions to animate between views; there’s also extensive

documentation on every aspect of its features. No matter your skill level, you should be able to get started on something quickly

Here are 9 reasons you should be using Vue js for your

next web project :


2. Component-based architecture

Vue is a great alternative to Angular, because it uses a component-based architecture. This makes it easy to break up your application into small pieces, which can make it more

maintainable and scalable in larger applications.

Each of these smaller pieces can be isolated and tested independently. Additionally, with proper abstraction and loose coupling, each piece becomes easier to re-use across other parts of your app. All of these things make components ideal for building large SPAs .


3. JSX compatible

JSX is just JavaScript, so to render anything, we simply need to send down some HTML. We could send it raw and let our app figure out how to parse it (which gets tricky with JSX

because we often want to write dynamic components and create them on-the-fly), or we can use a preprocessor like Babel that will output plain old JavaScript code.

Because JSX allows us to embed XML within our JavaScript files, our build process should transpile those files into something that browsers can consume—e.g., React generates

actual DOM nodes from your JSX code.


4. Mobile friendly

Mobile is now no longer just a trend; mobile web traffic has been increasing for years. If you’re building a site and still using jQuery, it’s time to get out of that rut. The benefits of using Vue are numerous, but one of its biggest advantages is how friendly it is to mobile users.

According to Google, over 50% of search traffic now comes from mobile devices, meaning you should be designing sites that work well on mobile right now. Not tomorrow or next

week; right now. And good news! The technology exists today to make those sites easy to build and maintain with Vue.js – No more excuses!


5. Reusability

The great thing about a Vue.js app is that all of your components can be reused elsewhere.

For example, if you make a calendar component, it can be used in several different places around your application.

This has some significant advantages: it means that reusing code leads to more efficient development, and any bugs you fix will get automatically propagated to any other place they’re used in.

Better still, reusability is often free—you won’t necessarily need to write extra code; instead, you can pick and choose where reusable code already exists and cut-and-paste it into

your new project. It might seem like simple duplication at first glance, but in practice it gives much better results than expected!


6. High performance

JavaScript performance is still a big concern for many developers, and it should be. Making sure your pages load quickly is a great way to keep visitors engaged with your website.

What's more, performance affects SEO in a big way: high-performing websites are given priority over slow ones by search engines, which means higher rankings for you.

Vue js has been engineered from day one to be fast, lightweight and scalable; we've done everything possible to make sure every bit of code runs smoothly and efficiently on all


To boot, Vue provides advanced tools that help you analyze performance bottlenecks so you can optimize them easily—few other frameworks have these capabilities built-in.


7. Detailed Documentation

Vue’s documentation is one of its best features. With thorough, detailed guides on how to use different pieces of functionality, it offers both new and experienced developers a solid starting point for tackling their problems.

A search bar makes it easy to find exactly what you’re looking for, and examples allow you to test drive any snippet before implementing it in your own project.

This documentation also encourages experimentation: If you want to try out an example with a live code editor built-in, all you have to do is click Edit on CodeSandbox and get started right away!


8. Cross-platform Compatibility

Before we start, let's talk about cross-platform compatibility. Cross-platform applications are important to a lot of businesses and developers. Just think about all of those mobile apps you've used that look almost exactly like their desktop counterparts! One of my

favorite parts about Vue is how easy it is to implement for multiple platforms.

It is one of very few popular JavaScript frameworks that can boast native performance on mobile devices with no library dependency. I also really like how straight forward it is to set up separate builds with vue-cli .


9. Virtual-DOM

The Virtual-DOM is an in-memory representation of a user interface. It’s what keeps state synchronized between view and model changes.

As a simple example, suppose you have an array of 5 numbers, which then gets added to by another number—the Virtual-DOM will keep track of all these numbers.

Now, suppose you delete one of those numbers, then change that number to be 10 instead

—the Virtual-DOM will handle making those adjustments as if they were made in real time.

In short, it eliminates all costly re-renders and makes your app blazing fast.


Let's Wrap Up :

A skilled professional web development company can help you develop a website or app. If you hire Vue developers, they will not only build you a top-notch site, but they'll also

manage it in case anything goes wrong with it.

This is why some people consider these services to be priceless and choose to use them instead of spending money on hiring employees and a host of other tools and plugins to make sure their website runs smoothly.


Thank you





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