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Domingo de Ramos 25 de Março de 2018 March


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Domingo de Ramos


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Paróquia Santo António ∙ Saint Anthony Parish

400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue ∙ Cambridge, MA 02141

Telephone 617-547-5593 ∙ Fax 617-547-1505 Website: www.saintanthonyparish.com

Email: info@saintanthonyparish.com

Equipa Paróquial ∙ Parish Staff

Pároco ∙ Pastor: Reverend Walter A. Carreiro, V.F.


Parochial Vicar: Reverend Luiz Fernando Lopes

In residence: Reverend Cristiano B. Barbosa

Deacon: Deacon Paulo Torrens

Religious Ed.: Mrs. Mariazinha Sousa reled@saintanthonyparish.com

RCIA: Mr. David Melo

IT / Bulletin: Mr. Higor Fontoura


Directors of Music: Mrs. Dorothy Chaves Mr. Philip Chaves Mr. Luis Travassos

Organistas ∙ Organists: Mr. Luis Travassos

Mr. Jacob Chaves

Mrs. Kimberly Sousa-Almeida

Horas do Escritório ∙ Parish Office Hours

Domingo ∙ Sunday Fechado / Closed

Segunda-feira ∙ Monday 10:00am— 5:00pm

Terça-feira ∙ Tuesday 10:00am— 5:00pm

Quarta-feira ∙ Wednesday 10:00am— 5:00pm

Quinta-feira ∙ Thursday 10:00am— 5:00pm

Sexta-feira ∙ Friday 10:00am— 5:00pm

Sábado ∙ Saturday Fechado / Closed

As Nossas Ofertas Semanais ∙ Our Weekly Offerings

Ofertory $ 2,924.00

Church repairs (to date) $ 71,640.21

There is only one Collection this weekend. Please remember the Holy Week Collections and the

Easter Collection for the Clergy Trust Fund Muito obrigado por todas as ofertas e donativos, sinal

da vossa fé e sentido de compromisso pelo bem estar moral e material da nossa paróquia.

Thank you very much for the gifts & donations which are signs of your faith & your commitment for the

financial well-being of our parish.

Nesta Páscoa, nossa paróquia fará a coleta em prol da saúde e aposentaria dos padres. Trust ajudará nas necessidades de nossos 590 padres. Nosso padre sempre está a nossa disposição; eles compartil-ham a Boa Nova de Cristo, e, realizam um bom trabalho, e constroem comunidades de fé. Todos são bem-vindos para aprender mais a dar um presente (doação) online no site clergytrust.org. Não es-queça de procurar e seguir o Trust no Face book procurando “@ClergyTrust.” Agradeço antecipa-damente seu apoio e orações.

This Easter, our parish collection will benefit the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust which cares for the needs of our 590 priests. Our priests are always there for us; they share Christ’s good news, per-form good works, and build communities of good faith. All are welcome to learn more and make a gift online at clergytrust.org. And don’t forget to find and follow the Trust on Facebook by searching “@ClergyTrust.” Thank you in advance for your prayers and support.


Saturday March 24

4:00 p.m

(English) Américo Francisco 5:30 p.m.


Maria Cabral Rego, Jorge Silva, Manuel ros, José Manuel Medeiros, Luiz Gabriel Medei-ros, Jose Luiz Sousa, Abigail Sousa

Sunday March 25

8:00 a.m. (Português)

Tibério Carreiro, pais e sogros, Maria Ana Labao, Antonio e Clotilde Martins, Liduina San-tos, Gilda Pereira, John Francisco Bartolomeu, John Sousa Bartolomeu, Maria Mercês Sousa, Maria Resendes Pereira, Jose e Helena Daniela Simas, Manuel da Costa e Família, Michael Clau-dino e Família

9:45 a.m. (English)

Ernesto Carreiro, John and Margaret Sousa, João Pacheco Pimentel

11:30 a.m.

(Português) Manuel e Diolinda Tavares, António Pacheco, Maria Barros Cerqueira, João Pacheco

7:00 p.m.

(Português) Comunidade Brasileira


Missas Dominicais ∙ Weekend Masses

Sábado ∙ Saturday  4:00 p.m. (English)  5:30 p.m. (Português)  5:00 p.m. (Sacred Heart) Domingo ∙ Sunday  8:00 a.m. (Português)

 9:30 a.m. (Saint Francis)

 9:45 a.m. (English)

 8:30 a.m. (Sacred Heart)

 11:30 a.m. (Português)

 11:00 a.m. (Sacred Heart)

 7:00 p.m. (Comunidade Brasileira)

Dias de Semana

Weekday Masses

2a-feira a 6a-feira

 6:30 p.m. (Português)

5a-feira ∙ Thursday

 9:00 a.m. (Português)

Monday · Wednesday · Friday  7:00 a.m. (Saint Francis)

3a-feira ∙ Tuesday

 12:10 p.m. (Saint Francis)

Tuesday · Thursday  6:00 p.m. (Sacred Heart)

Wednesday · Friday  9:00 a.m. (Sacred Heart)

Dias Santos-Holy Days of Obligation

 Vigil/Vigilia às 6:30 p.m. (menos Domingo)

 9:00 a.m. (Port.), 12:00 Noon (English) 6:30 p.m. (Português)

 At Saint Francis Church)

If on: Mon, Wed, Thurs, or Fri @ 7:00 a.m. If on Tues. @ 12:10 p.m.

For other scheduled Masses please call.

Dias Feriados

Civic Holidays

 7:00 a.m. (Saint Francis Church)

 9:00 a.m. (Português)

Não há Missa à noite


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sábado ∙ Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm


March 26 (Português) 6:30 p.m. Missa Pro Populo


March 27 (Português) 6:30 p.m. Não haverá Trezena de Santo António 7:00 pm Via Sacra / Stations of the Cross


March 28 (Português) 6:30 p.m. Missa Pro Populo

Thursday March 29 Quinta-feira Santa Holy Thursday 9:00 a.m.

(Português) Laudes (No Mass) 7:00 p.m.

(Português) Missa da Ceia do Senhor Mass of the Last Supper

Friday March 30 Sexta-feira da Paixão Good Friday 7:00 p.m. (Português) Enterro do Senhor

Paixão, Veneração da Cruz e Co-munhão

Passion, Veneration of the Cross and Communion

Saturday March 31

9:00 am

(Português) Laudes (No Mass) Sábado 8:00


(Eng/Port) Vigília Pascal · Easter Vigil

Sunday April 1 DOMINGO DE PÁSCOA EASTER SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. (Português)

Tibério Carreiro, pais e sogros, Maria Ana Labao, Antonio e Clotilde Martins, Liduina San-tos, Gilda Pereira, John Francisco Bartolomeu, John Sousa Bartolomeu, Maria Mercês Sousa, Michael Claudino e Família

9:45 a.m.

(English) Alice Rainho (5th Anniv) 11:30 a.m.


Manuel e Diolinda Tavares, António Pacheco, Agostinho Carvalho, Fortunato Cunha, Maria Melo Chaves

7:00 p.m.


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Imagem de Nossa Senhora de Fátima Durante esta semana, de 25 de Março de

2018, a Imagem de Nossa Senhora irá visitar a casa de:

Maria Vieira 01 Laura Rd Woburn, MA

Se alguém quiser a visita da imagem da Nos-sa Senhora chamar a Maria de Lourdes Cou-to (617-864-0899) durante o dia ou depois das 8:00 p.m.

Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento

Todos estão convidados para vir meditar na presença do Santíssimo Sacramento todas as Terças das 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. na Igreja de S. Francisco e todas as Quintas-feiras das 9:30 às 6:30 p.m.

Programação para Exposição

nas Quintas-feiras:

9:30am—Exposição do Santíssimo Sacramento Meio-dia—Terço do Santíssimo Sacramento 3:00pm—Terço da Misericórdia

6:00pm—Terço do dia 6:30—Benção e Missa

E na primeira Sexta-feira de cada mês tambem temos a adoração das 5:00 horas da tarde até as 6:30 na Igreja S. António. Por favor, venham passar alguns momentos com o Senhor Jesus Cristo no Santíssimo Sacramento.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

All are invited & encouraged to stop by the chapel at St. Francis Church each Tuesday from 9:00am—Noon and the chapel at St. Anthony Church each Thursday from 9:30am—6:30pm for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In addition, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacra-ment every First Friday of the month from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at St. Anthony Church.

Grupos de Oração & Serviço

Grupo Carismático

Antonieta Marques: Segundas-feiras após a Missa das 6:30 p.m. Legião de Maria

Maria Couto: Sextas-feiras às 6:30 p.m. S. Vicente de Paulo

Amélia Silva: Primeiras Segundas às 7:00 p.m. Irmandade do Santo

Rosário - Mariazinha (617) 797-3899

Reunião no primeiro Sábado de cada mês, às 3 p.m. no mini-hall seguida pela missa das 4:00 p.m.

Curso de Cristandade Luisa Pereira: (617) 591-0116

Sextas-feiras, após a

(Ultreia) Missa das 6:30 p.m. Grupo de Oração

Shalom - Hilda (857) 829-7623

Quartas-feiras 7:30 p.m. e Sábados 5 p.m. na Igreja São Francisco

Batismo Infantil

O Sacramento do Baptismo é celebrado a

1:00 PM em Inglês no terceiro Domingo do

mês e em Português no quarto Domingo do mês. Registo para receber o Sacramento deve ser feito durante o mês anterior.

Infant Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM each month in English on the 3rd Sunday & in Portuguese on the 4th Sunday. Please contact a priest to register for the Sacra-ment of Baptism a month before the date of Baptism.

Unção dos Doentes

A Igreja encoraja todos os doentes, especial-mente os que se encontram em condições de saúde precárias em suas casas, nos hospitais ou lares de terceira idade, de receberem a Santa Unção. Poderá acontecer na Igreja depois da missa ou em outro lugar onde o doente fisica-mente se encontra. Encorajamos as pessoas

responsáveis pelos doentes a não esperar até ao último momento para contactar o Sacerdote. O ultimo sacramento

deve ser o Viaticum, ou Comunhão pelos moribundos.

Anointing of the Sick

The church encourages & invites all who are ill, who are to undergo surgery, or who are confined to their home due to illness to be prayed over & anointed with sacred oil. This can take place after Mass, at home or at the hospital. Please

do not wait for the last moment for yourself or a loved one to be anointed. The last sacrament is Viaticum or

com-munion for the dying. Please speak to a priest for anointing.

Sacramento do Matrimónio

Preparação para casamento deve ser feita pelo menos de 6 meses de antecedência. É favor telefonar para a Reitoria para marcar um encontro com um dos Sacerdotes.

Sacrament of Marriage

To schedule your wedding, please contact the Parish Office to set up an appointment with one of the priests. Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance.


Entrada Gratuita

The Sacred Paschal Triduum Monday of Holy Week ∙ March 26th

Mass at 6:30 pm in the chapel

Tuesday of Holy Week ∙ March 27th

Chrism Mass at 11:00 am at the

Immaculate Conception, Malden

Mass at 6:30 pm in the church (noTrezena of St. Anthony) 7:00 pm - Stations of the Cross

presented by the Confirmation students

Wednesday of Holy Week ∙ March 28th

Mass at 6:30 pm in the chapel

Holy Thursday ∙ March 29


9:00 am - Morning Prayer (no Morning Mass) Laudes 7:00 pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper

With the Mandatum & celebration

of the gifts of Priesthood and the Eucharist. Following Mass there will be a Procession with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight.

Good Friday ∙ March 30


9:00 am - Morning Prayer (no Morning Mass) Laudes 3:00 pm - Stations of the Cross

7:00 pm - Procession of the Burial of the Lord

7:15 pm - Celebration of the Passion of the Lord, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.

Holy Saturday/Easter Vigil ∙ March 31


9:00 am - Morning Prayer

8:00 pm - Celebration of the Easter Vigil

We will bless the new fire from which is lit the Paschal Candle and bless the new Water, Baptism. Once more, we will hear the Exsultet and sing “Alleluia” as we celebrate the Solemn Mass of Christ’s Resurrection.

Easter Sunday ∙ April 1


Easter Sunday Masses will be celebrated at: 8:00 am (Portuguese), 9:45 am (English), 11:30 am (Portuguese), 7:00 pm (Brazilian Community)

Holy Week - Semana Santa

Sagrado Tríduo Pascal Segunda-Feira Santa ∙ dia 26 de Março

Missa às 6:30 pm na capela

Terça-Feira Santa ∙ dia 27 de Março

Missa do Crisma às 11:00 am na

Igreja da Imaculada Conceição em Malden Missa às 6:30 pm na igreja (não haverá a Trezena) 7:00 pm – Via Sacra

apresentada pelos jovens da Confirmação

Quarta-Feira Santa ∙ dia 28 de Março

Missa às 6:30 pm na capela

Quinta-Feira Santa ∙ 29 de Março

9:00 am - Oração da Manhã (não haverá Missa) Laudes 7:00 pm - Missa da Ceia do Senhor

Com o lava-pés e a celebração dos dons do Sacerdócio e da Eucaristia. Procissão

imediatamente após a celebração, Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento até Meia-noite.

Sexta-Feira Santa ∙ 30 de Março

9:00 am - Oração da Manhã (não haverá Missa) Laudes 3:00 pm - Via Sacra

7:00 pm - Procissão do Enterro do Senhor

7:15 pm - Celebração da Paixão do Senhor, Veneração da Cruz e Santa Comunhão

Sábado Santo/Vigília Pascal ∙ 31 de Março

9:00 am - Oração da Manhã

8:00 pm - Celebração da Vigília Pascal

Com alegria, celebramos a Vigília Pascal, com a benção do Fogo Novo, Procissão do Círio Pascal, canto do Precónio, Aleluia, Benção da Água, Batismo e Missa Solene da Ressurreição.

Domingo da Páscoa ∙ 1 de Abril

Missas serão celebradas às:

8:00 am (Português), 9:45 am (Inglês), 11:30 am (Português), 7:00 pm (Comunidade Brasileira)


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Last week, Catholics across the Archdiocese were invited to pledge their support to

the annual Catholic Appeal. If you were unable to make your pledge at Mass,

please take a pledge form from the back of the church or pledge online at


Thank you for your prayers for a successful Catholic Appeal.


The Appeal greatly helps our parish, and thousands of people throughout the

Archdio-cese. See bostoncatholicappeal.org.

Our 2018 Financial goal is—$29,114.33

Currently 55 parishioners have made pledges in the amount of $7,595.00 dollars. That puts us at 26% of our Financial goal. We are $21,519.33 dollars away from goal. It will take a couple of weeks to go

through the In-Pew envelopes. Let’s hope and pray we exceed expectations for this year.

Our 2018 In-Pew Goal is— 76

The In-Pew is what we did last weekend at the Masses by filling out the donation envelopes. As we have consistently done, we surpassed this goal. Now, if we surpass the Parish financial goal we will receive a rebate of 60% of that, plus an additional 5% for meeting and exceeding the In-Pew goal. Congratulations

and Thank you!

From the 2017 Catholic Appeal we received a total of $ 4,575.56 in rebates. Because we surpassed our

do-nor goal as well as the assessment we will receive an additional 5% in our final rebate check. This was all due to your generosity and support! Thank You!

Império de São João

- 19 de Maio

Império de São João tem as pensões à venda para o dia 19 de Maio.

Donativo: $40

Favor chamar para:

Rui Maciel: 617



No dia 7 de Abril, às 2 pm, haverá a Caminhada com Maria, saindo da Basílica

Nossa Senhora do Perpétuo Socorro em Boston. É uma caminhada multicultural

que reúne povos de várias nacionalidades. Neste ano teremos a presença do

Cardeal Seán O’Malley caminhando conosco.

Todos os interessados favor chamar o mais rápido possível

para Mariazinha ou Luiza Pereira.


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Paróquia Santo António

Religious Education Office ∙ Escritório da Educação Religiosa

Cambridge, MA

Director of Religious Education / Directora da Educação Religiosa - Mariazinha Sousa

Phone: (617) 547 - 5593 Ext 3

E-mail: reled@saintanthonyparish.com

Office Hours ∙ Horário de Trabalho

Sunday · Domingo 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please call the office to check for availability for other times!

By Dr. Scott Hahn

Palm Sunday (Cycle B)

Crowned with thorns, our Lord is lifted up on the cross, where He dies as "King of the Jews." Notice how many times He is called "king" in today's Gos-pel - mostly in scorn and mockery. As we hear the long accounts of His passion, at every turn we must remind ourselves - He suffered this cruel and unusual violence, for us.

He is the Suffering Servant foretold by Isaiah in to-day's First Reading. He reenacts the agony described in today's Psalm, and even dies with the first words of that Psalm on His lips (see Psalm 22:1). Listen carefully for the echoes of this Psalm throughout to-day's Gospel - as Jesus is beaten, His hands and feet are pierced; as His enemies gamble for His clothes, wagging their heads, mocking His faith in God's love, His faith that God will deliver Him.

Are we that much different from our Lord's torment-ers? Often, don't we deny that He is king, refusing to obey His only commands that we love Him and one another? Don't we render Him mock tribute, pay Him lip-service with our half-hearted devotions? In the dark noon of Calvary, the veil in Jerusalem's temple was torn. It was a sign that by His death Jesus destroyed forever the barrier separating us from the presence of God.

He was God and yet humbled himself to come among us, we're reminded in today's Epistle. And despite our repeated failures, our frailty, Jesus still humbles himself to come to us, offering us His body and blood in the Eucharist. His enemies never un-derstood: His kingship isn't of this world (see John 18:36). He wants to write His law, His rule of life on our hearts and minds. As we enter Holy Week, let us once more resolve to give Him dominion in our lives. Let us take up the cross He gives to us - and confess with all our hearts, minds, and strength, that truly this is the Son of God.

Domingo de Ramos

A liturgia deste último Domingo da Quaresma con-vida-nos a contemplar esse Deus que, por amor, desceu ao nosso encontro, partilhou a nossa humani-dade, fez-Se servo dos homens, deixou-Se matar para que o egoísmo e o pecado fossem vencidos.

A cruz (que a liturgia deste domingo coloca no hori-zonte próximo de Jesus) apresenta-nos a lição su-prema, o último passo desse caminho de vida nova que, em Jesus, Deus nos propõe: a doação da vida por amor.

A primeira leitura apresenta-nos um profeta anóni-mo, chamado por Deus a testemunhar no meio das nações a Palavra da salvação. Apesar do sofrimento e da perseguição, o profeta confiou em Deus e con-cretizou, com teimosa fidelidade, os projectos de De-us. Os primeiros cristãos viram neste “servo” a figura de Jesus.

A segunda leitura apresenta-nos o exemplo de Cristo. Ele prescindiu do orgulho e da arrogância, para es-colher a obediência ao Pai e o serviço aos homens, até ao dom da vida. É esse mesmo caminho de vida que a Palavra de Deus nos propõe.

O Evangelho convida-nos a contemplar a paixão e morte de Jesus: é o momento supremo de uma vida feita dom e serviço, a fim de libertar os homens de tudo aquilo que gera egoísmo e escravidão. Na cruz, revela-se o amor de Deus – esse amor que não guar-da naguar-da para si, mas que se faz dom total.



Saint Anthony Parish Cambridge, MA

...I was hungry and you gave me food…

Our food pantry is empty. Can you help? We need to help our broth-ers and sistbroth-ers who need assistance with food when they knock at our door. We need anything you can provide but also things they mostly ask for like: pasta, tomato sauce, peanut butter, jam or jelly, red

bean cans, corn in can, tuna, sugar, coffee, salt, oil, soups of any kind etc… If you would like to donate some hygiene items we also accept, like: tooth paste and brushes, hair brushes and soaps. Please verify the dates on the food cans before you buy it. You can leave these items at the rectory Monday through Friday from 10 am to 5 pm. Thank you very much and may Our Lord Bless you always.

...Tive fome e destes

-me de comer…

Caros amigos(a) O nosso armário da comida está vazio. Os nossos irmãos e irmãs mais necessitados precisam de nós quando nos batem à porta, podem ajudar? Precisamos de feijão enlatado, pasta, pasta

de tomate (sauce), peanut butter e doce de morango ou uva, sopas enlatadas de várias qualidades, café, sal, açúcar, óleo, milho en-latado, atum, e se puderem também podemos oferecer produtos de

higiene como pasta de dentes e escovas e escovas para o cabelo e sab-onetes, será muito apreciado. Podem deixar estes alimentos na reito-ria de segunda à sexta das 10 am as 5 pm. Por favor tenha cuidado em verificar as datas nos produtos alimentares que comprar. Muito Obrigado e que Deus vos abençoe sempre



dia 27 de MARÇO 7:00 pm - Via SACRA

Na Terça-feira de Semana Santa, dia 27 de Março, os

nos-sos candidatos da confirmação convidam toda a

co-munidade paroquial a participar na Via Sacra. Os

candida-tos de confirmação apresentará uma reflexão sobre a

paixão e morte de Jesus Cristo. A apresentação de Via

Sa-cra seguirá a Missa das 6:30pm e começa às 7:00 pm.

Ven-ha apoiar os nossos candidatos de confirmação!

On the Tuesday of Holy Week, March 27th, our Confirmation candidates invite

the entire parish community to participate in the Stations of the Cross. The students

will present a prayerful reflection on the passion and death of Jesus Christ on his

walk to Calvary by reflecting on various saints lives. The presentation of the Stations

of the Cross will follow the 6:30pm Mass and begin at 7:00pm. Come and support

our candidates for Confirmation!


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

A comunidade multicultural da Paróquia pessoal Portu-guesa, Católica e Romana de Santo António, aspira em criar uma atmosfera activa de participação de todos os paroqui-anos através da celebração dos Sacramentos e a proclamação da Palavra de Deus, nas linguas Portuguesa e Inglesa. Convidamos todas as pessoas a crescer no seu conhecimento e amor por Deus para O servimos melhor através do compromisso e da formação Católica das nossas promessas Baptismais e dos grupos espirituais, de oração honrando a nossa cultura e tradição paroquial e dando a oportunidade de espalhar a Boa-Nova de Jesus Cristo e o Reino dos Céus.

The multicultural community of Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic and personal Portuguese Parish, strives to create an atmosphere of active participation by all parishioners, through the celebration of the sacraments and the procla-mation of the Word of God, in Portuguese and English. We invite all people to grow in their knowledge and love of God, to serve Him through stewardship, commitment to catholic formation, fulfilling our Baptismal promises in community-based ministries, honoring our traditions and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Declaração de Missão Paroquial ∙ Parish Mission Statement

Papa Francisco


Pope Francis

Março 2018 March


Formação para o

discerni-mento spiritual.

Para que toda a Igreja reconheça a urgência

da formação para o discernimento espiritual, a

nível pessoal e comunitário.

Evangelização: Formation in Spiritual


That the Church may appreciate the urgency

of formation in spiritual discernment, both on

the personal and communitarian levels.

Trezena de

Santo António

A Trezena de Santo

António vai começar

no dia 13 de Março e

acontecerá todas as


-feiras depois

das missas das 6:30

pm, com exceção da


-feira da

Semana Santa.

Calendário 2018 Calendar

 27 de Março– 11 AM Missa do Crisma na CatholicTV

 27 de Março– 7:00 PM—Via Sacra/Way of the Cross– by Confirmation students

 29 Março– 7:00 PM– Quinta-feira Santa- Missa da Ceia do Senhor  30 Março– 7:00 PM– Serviço da Sexta-Feira Santa (Paixão, Veneração da

Santa Cruz, Sagrada Comunhão, precedida pelo Enterro do Senhor  31 Março– 8:00 PM– VIGÍLIA DA PÁSCOA DO SENHOR  1 ABRIL– PÁSCOA– Missas dominicais como de costume  20 de Abril - 04/20 - 9:30 AM - Missa na CatholicTV - Mass

 28 de Abril – 1/28: Jantar do Império das Crianças / Children’s Brotherhood Dinner

 29 de Abril – 4/29: Primeira Comunhão/First Communion

 4 a 6 de Maio – 5/4-6: Festa do Senhor Santo Cristo dos Milagres / Santo Cristo Feast


Boston Priests. There for us.

Please give online at clergytrust.org or text PRIEST25 to 20222 to donate $25.

Msg. & data rates may apply.

Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

Caring for the Well-being of our Priests

To submit your special intentions to our senior priests at Regina Cleri to remember during Holy

Mass each week, please visit clergytrust.org/intentions.


Text PRIEST25 to 20222 to donate $25

(Msg. and data rates may apply)

or visit clergytrust.org

Meet Father DeVeer−

A steadfast ministry built on respect for all

Father Richard “Dick” DeVeer grew up in loving family that instilled the foundational values of his ministry: respect and joy.

For more than five decades, Father DeVeer embraced the priest’s role to carry Christ into people’s hearts. He galvanized teens to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Boston. As a fire chaplain, he answered the call to serve at Ground Zero after 9/11. Recognizing the needs of the most vulnerable in Haiti, he and his parishioners created the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation to provide critical healthcare to the “poorest of the poor.”

Today, Father DeVeer is very active and remains close to the families from his previous parishes. These pivotal moments and lasting friendships demonstrate how priests like Father DeVeer stand by us when we need them most.

To help ensure that they receive necessary care and support as they live out their vocation, please give to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust through the special Easter collection.

Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

Caring for the Well-being of our Priests

To submit your special intentions to our senior priests at Regina Cleri to remember during Holy Mass each week, please visit

clergytrust.org/intentions. WAYS TO GIVE

Text PRIEST25 to 20222 to donate $25

(Msg. and data rates may apply)

or visit clergytrust.org

Meet Father DeVeer−

A steadfast ministry built on respect for all

Father Richard “Dick” DeVeer grew up in loving family that instilled the foundational values of his ministry: respect and joy.

For more than five decades, Father DeVeer embraced the priest’s role to carry Christ into people’s hearts. He galvanized teens to march with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Boston. As a fire chaplain, he answered the call to serve at Ground Zero after 9/11. Recognizing the needs of the most vulnerable in Haiti, he and his parishioners created the St. Boniface Haiti Foundation to provide critical healthcare to the “poorest of the poor.”

Today, Father DeVeer is very active and remains close to the families from his previous parishes. These pivotal moments and lasting friendships demonstrate how priests like Father DeVeer stand by us when we need them most.

To help ensure that they receive necessary care and support as they live out their vocation, please give to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust through the special Easter collection.


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