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video Professor, a tabela a seguir sugere alguns momentos em que cada episódio pode ser utilizado durante o trabalho com nossas coleções.


Academic year: 2021

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Professor, a tabela a seguir sugere alguns momentos em que cada episódio pode ser utilizado durante o trabalho com nossas coleções.

Episodes Fun Way Tic Tac Toe Zoom

To Mars and Back – Part 1 Vol. 3, após unid. 1 Vol. 1, após unid. 4 Vol. 1, após unid. 2 To Mars and Back – Part 2 Vol. 3, após unid. 7 Vol. 3, após unid. 7 Vol. 1, após unid. 7 Let’s Get It Vol. 3, após unid. 4 Vol. 4, após unid. 1 Vol. 2, após unid. 4 Where is It Going? Vol. 3, após unid. 7 Vol. 4, após unid. 4 Vol. 2, após unid. 5

Episode 1. To Mars and Back – Part 1

Assunto: garotos são levados por ETs de um parque para outro planeta em uma nave espacial.


— Sunday.

— Let’s play hide and seek! — Yes!

— One, two, three, four, fi ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! Here I come, ready or not!

— Listen! What is it? — Look! What is it? — Oh, no, two! — What’s your name? — Sandra.

— And you? — David.

— How old are you? — Eight.

— Nine.

— Stand up… and out your hands up. Come here! Stop! Go to the spaceship!

— Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. — Listen! What is it?

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, good little boys from Mars are we.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee, good little girls from Mars are we.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Hello?

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. What’s your name? — David.

— Sandra.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. How old are you? — Eight.

— Nine.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. How many noses have you got?

— One.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. How many toes have you got?

— Ten.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Open the door, please. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— Grumpy old men from Mars are we. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— Grumpy old women from Mars are we. — Go away!

for Kids




hide and seek: esconde-esconde

spaceship: nave espacial

Have you got?: Você tem?

toes: dedos do pé



Escreva no quadro os exercícios 1 e 2. 1 Answer in English.

a Where are the kids?

b What are their names?

c How old is the girl?

d How old is the boy?

e How many noses do the kids have? 2 Answer in Portuguese.

a Quem diz: “Open the door, please!”?

b Como eles vão para outro planeta?


Episode 2. To Mars and Back – Part 2

Assunto: os garotos do episódio anterior executam ordens dadas pelos ETs.


— Look at the computer! Sandra, touch the orange

button and touch your toes.

— David, touch the grey button and put your hand on your head!

— Look! The door is open! Thank you. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— Open the door, please.

— Touch the orange button and touch your noses. — Touch the gery button and put yur feet on

your head.

— Touch the pink button and put your fi ngers in your mouth.

— Touch the brown button and close your eyes. — Oh, no!

— Look! Our house! — Look! Our garden! — Look! The door is open! — Look! Our dog!

— Look! Our bedroom! — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Look! This is my mum and dad. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— Have you got a mum and a dad? — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— We’ve got three mums and six dads. — This is my granny and my granddad. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— How many grannies and granddads have you got? — We’ve got twelve grannies and eleven granddads.

Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— What’s this? — A hamster.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — What’s this?

— This is Bonzo, a very good dog. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Good night!

— Good night!

— David, Sandra, get up, please! — Quick! Under the beds! — Good morning. Get up, please. — Good morning, Mum.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Oh no!

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — This is the bathroom. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — This is the kitchen. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Good morning. Good morning. — Good morning.

— This is the living room. — Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee. — Come, quick!

— This is the hall.

— Ha, ha, ha, hee, hee, hee.

— David! Where is your green and yellow jumper? — Oh, no!


button: botão

toes: dedos do pé

Have you got...?: Você tem...?

granny: vovó

jumper: blusa de lã



Escreva no quadro o exercício a seguir. 1 Answer.

a What parts of the house are mentioned in the video?

b How many animals?

c What parts of the body are mentioned?

d How many grannies and granddads are mentioned?


Os alunos devem tocar as partes do corpo à medida que você mencioná-las.


Episode 3. Let’s get it!

Assunto: uma cobra escapa de um zoológico e um grupo de garotos tenta encontrá-la.


— Where’s the snake?

— Hit the coconut and win a prize. — I want to try.

— You win!

— Well done! Can I have the radio, please? — The police are looking for a snake. — Yes, it’s there, in the lucky dip. — What’s the matter?

— The snake! I can hear the snake. — Don’t put your hand in there! — Don’t worry! It isn’t dangerous. — Look! It’s only a clock.

— But… Where’s the snake? — There it is.

— Let’s get it. — Yeah!


snake: cobra

coconut: coco

prize: prêmio

want to try: quero tentar

looking for: procurando

lucky dip: jogo de sorte comum em festas na Inglaterra

clock: relógio



Escreva no quadro as questões a seguir. 1 Coconut is:

a coco b melancia c melão 2 The kids are:

a at the zoo b in the park c at the school fair 3 A snake is:

a mamífero b réptil c pássaro 4 The snake is:


Episode 4. Where is it going?

Assunto: os garotos continuam procurando a cobra; uma das crianças (Strek) tem poderes mágicos.


— Where are they going? — To the zoo.

— Come on. Let’s go. — I’m scared. — And I hate snakes. — What can we do? — I wish I had a net. — What can you see? — Hurry!

— A baby lion! — And the snake!

— Oh, no! The snake is going up the tree! — Strek, what are you doing?

— Where’s the snake? — I don’t know. — I can’t see it. — Jump, Kangaroo! — Go home snake!

— Look! The snake is fl ying! — Oh, good!

— The snake is back. — Hooray!


scared: assustado

hate: detestar, odiar

I wish I had a net: Gostaria de ter uma rede.

going up: subindo

fl ying: voando



Escreva no quadro os exercícios 1 e 2. 1 Complete.

a The kids are going to the .

b A girl is .

c I wish I had a .

d They can see a baby .

e The kangaroo is . 2 Answer.

a Where are the kids?



Professor, proponha os jogos apresentados nesta seção quando julgar que seus alunos estão aptos para compreender o vocabulário utilizado.




One, two, three, four, fi ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fi fteen.


1 Os alunos ouvem os números e repetem cada um no intervalo entre eles.

2 Os alunos assistem à cena e respondem à seguinte pergunta: How many times does the gate open? 3 Verifi que a resposta com o grupo e, se necessário, passe a cena mais uma vez.

Lunch time


Apple, lettuce, hamburger, sandwich, chicken, ice cream.


1 Os alunos ouvem as palavras e repetem cada uma no intervalo entre elas.

2 Os alunos escrevem no caderno a lista de palavras apresentadas e, após assistirem ao DVD, ticam aquelas que apareceram nas cenas.

3 Os alunos verifi cam suas respostas em duplas. Se necessário, passe a cena mais uma vez.



Blonde hair, brown hair, red hair, black hair, green eyes, brown eyes, blue eyes.

Transcrição da atividade 3

I’ve got green eyes and blonde hair. Who am I? I’ve got blue eyes and red hair. Who am I? I’ve got brown eyes and black hair. Who am I?


1 Os alunos ouvem as expressões e repetem cada uma no intervalo entre elas. 2 Os alunos assistem ao vídeo e descrevem as pessoas.




Skirt, trousers, T-shirt, tracksuit, dress, shirt, jumper, jeans.


1 Os alunos ouvem as palavras e repetem cada uma no intervalo entre elas. 2 Os alunos observam as cenas e descrevem o que as pessoas estão vestindo.



Gardener, teacher, dinner lady, secretary, doctor.

Transcrição da atividade 3

I work outdoors. What am I? I use a computer. What am I? I wear a uniform. What am I?


1 Os alunos ouvem as palavras e repetem cada uma no intervalo entre elas. 2 Os alunos observam a cena e adivinham a profi ssão das pessoas. 3 Os alunos ouvem as frases e escolhem a fi gura correspondente.


Para qualquer tema dos jogos Photo Puzzle e Slide Show, os alunos devem primeiramente ouvir e repetir as palavras ou expressões conforme elas são ditas no DVD. Em seguida, escolha uma das atividades a seguir:


1 Dite as palavras ou expressões estudadas.

2 Para a correção, peça a alguns alunos que as escrevam no quadro.


1 Um aluno escolhe uma das palavras ou expressões estudadas e, no quadro, desenha um número de traços correspondentes ao número de letras dela.

2 Outro aluno diz letras do alfabeto até adivinhar a palavra ou expressão escolhida.

Jogo da memória

Os alunos, em duplas, alternadamente, nomeiam as fi guras das quais se lembram.



The weather: windy, rain, sunny, foggy, storm, cloudy, snow.

Everyday actions: get dressed, go to school, buy lunch, do homework, make the bed, watch TV, take out the rubbish.

Space: the Moon, the Earth, Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun, star.

Professions: dancer, postman, painter, dentist, farmer, shopkeeper, policewoman.



Camping: forest, knapsack, fi re, bucket, tent, fl ower, blanket. City buildings: shop, bank, market, offi ce, fl at, library, cinema.

School subjects: English, Maths, Computer Science, Physical Education, Music, Art. At the table: knife, plate, spoon, fork, bottle, cup, table, glass.




Episode 1


1 a In the park.; b Sandra and David.; c Eight.; d Nine.; e Two.

2 a O menino.; b Em uma nave espacial.


Respostas individuais.

Episode 2


1 a garden, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living room, hall; b Two: a dog and a hamster. c toes, hand, head, nose, feet, fi nger, mouth, eyes; d 13 grannies and 12 granddads.

Episode 3


1 a. 2 c. 3 b. 4 b.

Episode 4


1 a zoo; b scared; c net; d lion; e jumping.

2 a In the zoo.; b Yes.



Numbers – Atividade 2: 12.

Lunch time – Atividade 2: apple, lettuce, hamburger, sandwich, chicken.

Faces – Atividade 2: brown eyes, black hair; blue eyes, red hair; green eyes, blonde hair; blue eyes, brown hair;

brown eyes, brown hair; brown eyes, black hair; blue eyes, blonde hair; blue eyes, brown hair. Atividade 3: 1 a; 2 b; 3 d.

Clothes – Atividade 2: a skirt and a shirt; trousers and a shirt; a tracksuit; a dress; jeans and a jumper. Professions – Atividade 2: gardener; teacher; dinner lady; secretary. Atividade 3: a; a; c.


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