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Saint Teresa of Calcutta...Pray for us! Santa Teresa de Calcutta...Rogai por nos!


Academic year: 2021

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Saint Teresa of Calcutta...Pray for us!

Santa Teresa de Calcutta...Rogai por nos!

23º Domingo do Tempo Comum



Sunday in Ordinary Time


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Paróquia Santo António · Saint Anthony Parish

Paróquia Santo António · Saint Anthony Parish

Paróquia Santo António · Saint Anthony Parish

Paróquia Santo António · Saint Anthony Parish

400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue · Cambridge, MA 02141

Telephone 617-547-5593 · Fax 617-547-1505

Website: www.saintanthonyparish.com

Email: info@saintanthonyparish.com

Horas do Escritório


Parish Office Hours

Domingo · Sunday Fechado / Closed

Segunda-feira · Monday 10:00am— 4:00pm Terça-feira · Tuesday 10:00am— 4:00pm Quarta-feira · Wednesday 10:00am— 4:00pm Quinta-feira · Thursday 10:00am— 4:00pm Sexta-feira · Friday 10:00am— 4:00pm Sábado · Saturday Fechado / Closed

Missas Dominicais · Weekend Masses

Sábado · Saturday 4:00 p.m. (English) 5:30 p.m. (Português) 5:00 p.m. (Sacred Heart)

Domingo · Sunday

8:00 a.m. (Português) 9:30 a.m. (Saint Francis) 9:45 a.m. (English) 8:30 a.m. (Sacred Heart) 11:30 a.m. (Português) 11:00 a.m. (Sacred Heart) 7:00 p.m. (Comunidade Brasileira)

Dias de Semana


Weekday Masses

2a-feira à 6a-feira 6:30 p.m. (Português)

5a-feira · Thursday 9:00 a.m. (Português)

Monday · Wednesday · Friday 7:00 a.m. (Saint Francis) 3a-feira · Tuesday 12:10 p.m. (Saint Francis)

Tuesday · Thursday 6:00 p.m. (Sacred Heart) Wednesday · Friday 9:00 a.m. (Sacred Heart)

Dias Santos


Holy Days of Obligation

6:30 p.m. (Português) Missa Vigíla · Vigil 6:30 p.m. (Português)

For other scheduled Masses or at St. Francis & Sacred Heart, please call the rectory!

Dias Feriados


Civic Holidays

7:00 a.m. (Saint Francis Church)

9:00 a.m. (Português) Não há Missa à noite



Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sábado · Saturday 3:00pm - 3:45pm

As Nossas Ofertas Semanais · Our Weekly Offerings

Offertory 8/28

$ 2059.00

Oblates of the Virgin Mary

$ 1515.00

Mission Appeal

The 2nd collection this weekend is for the

Catholic University of America.

Muito obrigado por todas as ofertas e donativos,

sinal da vossa fé e sentido de compromisso pelo

bem estar moral e material da nossa paróquia.

Thank you very much for the gifts & donations

which are signs of your faith & your commitment

for the financial well-being of our parish.

Equipa Paróquial · Parish Staff

Pároco · Pastor: Very Rev. Walter A. Carreiro, V.F. padre_walter@outlook.com


Brasileira: Reverend Cristiano B. Barbosa guiborro@hotmail.com

Parochial Vicar: Reverend Raymond P. Kiley

Religious Ed.: Mrs. Mariazinha Sousa reled@saintanthonyparish.com

RCIA: Mr. David Melo

Reception: Mrs. Teresinha Melo

IT / Bulletin: Mr. Higor Fontoura


Directors of Music: Mrs. Dorothy Chaves Mr. Philip Chaves Mr. Luis Travassos

Organistas · Organists: Mr. Luis Travassos

Mrs. Kimberly Sousa-Almeida Mr. Jacob Chaves

Workshop on Visiting the Sick

Wednesdays, September 7 to October 12, 2016 a workshop on Pastoral Care to the Sick and the Homebound will be offered at Saint Raphael, Medford from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Judy Talvacchia, a certified chaplain, will teach the course.

The Workshop will include a review of communication skills, the basics of pastoral visitation, key illness issues, spiritual needs and concerns, grief, loss and dying, and caregiving issues. Eucharistic ministers, pastoral visitors, parish nurses and others are encour-aged to attend. Fee: $40. Registration information is available in the Parish Office or call 6617-746-5843. Pregistration is re-quired. Please register by September 6. Thank you.


IntençÕes das MissaS · Mass Intentions

September 3 & 4 · Sábado & Domingo

23º DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM · 23rd SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME Canonização da Madre Teresa · Canonization of Mother Teresa

4:00 p.m. (English) Américo Francisco, Jack Duarte, Charlie Bairos

5:30 p.m. (Português) João e Maria Liduina Tavares, Manuel Garcia da Rosa, Jr., Adriano Ventura Melo, Gustavo Duarte

9:45 am (English) Manuel Carreiro dos Santos, Frank Moreira, Charlie Bairos, Jack Duarte

11:30 (Português) Manuel e Diolinda Tavares, Francisco e Alfredo Santos, Dulce Fernandes Borges, Manuel e Maria de Lurdes Car-reiro, Alvaro Dovale, Evaristo Carreiro

7:00 pm (Português) Comunidade Brasileira

September 5 · Segunda-feira 23ª Semana do Tempo Comum · Weekday in Ordinary Time · LABOR DAY · FERIADO

9:00 a.m. (Português) MISSA à 9:00 AM—Missa Pro Populo

September 6 · Terça-feira 23ª Semana do Tempo Comum · Weekday in Ordinary Time

6:30 p.m. (Português) Almas do Purgatório

September 7 · Quarta-feira 23ª Semana do Tempo Comum · Weekday in Ordinary Time

6:30 p.m. (Português) Maria José Costa, Maria Braga Sousa, (1º aniversário), Manuel Morais Sousa (16º aniversário) September 8 · Quinta-feira Natividade da Nossa Senhora · Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9:00 a.m. (Português)

6:30 p.m. (Português) Pelas almas do purgatório

September 9 · Sexta-feira 23ª Semana do Tempo Comum · Weekday in Ordinary Time

6:30 p.m. (Português) Maria Natália Medeiros

Sept. 10 & Sept. 11 ·


4:00 p.m. (English) Américo Francisco, Jack Batista

5:30 p.m. (Português) Maria Liduina e João Tavares

9:45 am (English) Manuel Carreiro dos Santos, Gilda & Jim Weedon—25th Wedding Anniversary

11:30 (Português) Miguel Medeiros, Manuel e Diolinda Tavares, Manuel e Maria de Lurdes Carreiro, Alvaro Dovale, Dulce Fernandes Borges

7:00 pm (Português) Comunidade Brasileira

8:00 am (Português) António Martins, João Correia e família, Michael Claudino e família, Liduina Santos, Maria Ana Labão, Gilda Pereira 8:00 am (Português) António Martins, José simas e Família, Alfredo Martins e Familia, Gabriel Labão & Daniela Simas, João Correia e Familia, Michael Claudino e Família, Liduina Santos, Gilda PereiraMaria Ana Labão

O Grupo Carismático e a Legião de Maria desejam anunciar que terão um

Bus no dia 25 de Setembro para a Peregrinação da Festa de Nossa Senhora

de LaSalette em Attleboro, Mass.

Partida do parque estacionamento às 9:00 da manhã

Partida de Attleboro às 6:00 da tarde

Custo $18.00

Para reservar seu lugar, favor de chamar para os números 617-776-0468 ou



Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Imagem de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Durante esta semana, de 14 de Agosto de 2016, a Imagem de Nossa Senhora irá visitar a casa de:

Odete Moniz 70 Bridge Street Tewksbury, MA

Se alguém quiser a visita da imagem da Nossa Senhora chamar a Maria de Lourdes Couto (617-864-0899) durante o dia ou depois das 8:00 p.m.

Adoração do Santíssimo Sacramento

Todos estão convidados para vir meditar na presença do Santíssimo Sacramento todas as Terças das 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. na Igreja de S. Francisco e todas as Quintas-feiras das 5pm às 6:30 p.m.

Programação para Exposição nas Quintas-feiras durante o verão:

5:00pm—Exposição do Santíssimo Sacramento 6:00pm—Terço do dia

E na primeira Sexta-feira de cada mês tambem temos a adoração das 5:00 horas da tarde até as 6:30 na Igreja S. António. Por favor, venham passar alguns momentos com o Senhor Jesus Cristo no Santíssimo Sacramento.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

All are invited & encouraged to stop by the chapel at St. Francis Church each Tuesday from 9:00am—Noon and the chapel at St. Anthony Church each Thursday from 5pm— 6:30pm for Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. In addi-tion, there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament eve-ry First Friday of the month from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at St. Anthony Church.

Grupo Carismático Antonieta Marques:

Segundas-feiras após a Missa das 6:30 p.m.

Legião de Maria

Maria Couto: Sextas-feiras às 6:30 p.m. S. Vicente de Paulo

Amélia Silva: Primeiras Segundas às 7:00 p.m. Irmandade do Santo

Rosário - Mariazinha (617) 797-3899

Reunião no primeiro Sábado de cada mês, às 3 p.m. no mini-hall

seguida pela missa das 4:00 p.m.

Curso de Cristandade Luisa Pereira: (617) 591-0116

Sextas-feiras, após a

(Ultreia) Missa das 6:30 p.m.

Grupos de Oração & Serviço

Grupo de Oração

Shalom Hilda: (857) 829-7623 CYA - Grupo de

Jovens (Zack) cya@saintanthonyparish.com

Batismo Infantil

O Sacramento do Baptismo é celebrado a 1:00 PM em Inglês no terceiro Domingo do mês e em Português no quarto Domingo do mês. Registo para receber o Sacramento deve ser feito durante o mês anterior.

Infant Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 1:00 PM each month in English on the 3rd Sunday & in Portuguese on the 4th Sunday. Please contact a priest to register for the Sacra-ment of Baptism a month before the date of Baptism.

Unção dos Doentes

A Igreja encoraja todos os doentes, especialmen-te os que se encontram em condições de saúde precárias em suas casas, nos hospitais ou lares de terceira idade, de receberem a Santa Unção. Poderá acontecer na Igreja depois da missa ou em outro lugar onde o doente fisicamente se encontra. Encorajamos as pessoas responsáveis pelos

doentes a não esperar até ao último momento para con-tactar o Sacerdote. O ultimo sacramento deve ser o Viati-cum, ou Comunhão pelos moribundos.

Anointing of the Sick

The church encourages & invites all who are ill, who are to undergo surgery, or who are confined to their home due to illness to be prayed over & anointed with sacred oil. This can take place after Mass, at home or at the hospital. Please

do not wait for the last moment for yourself or a loved one to be anointed. The last sacrament is Viaticum or com-munion for the dying. Please speak to a priest for anointing.

Sacramento do Matrimónio

Preparação para casamento deve ser feita pelo menos de 6 meses de antecedência. É favor telefonar para a Reitoria para marcar um encontro com um dos Sacerdotes.

Sacrament of Marriage

To schedule your wedding, please

contact the Parish Office to set up an appointment with one of the priests. Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance.


Agosto 2016 August

Intenções do Santo Padre

Universal: Esportes

Que os esportes possa ser uma oportunidade para encon-tros amigáveis entre os povos, contribuindo para a paz no mundo.

Evangelização: Viver o Evangelho

Que os cristãos possam viver o Evangelho, dando testemunho de fé, honestidade, e amor ao próximo. (Obra de Misericórdia Espiritual)

Suportar com paciência os que fazem-nos doentes (Obra de Misericórdia Corporal)

Acolher um desconhecido Intentions of the Holy Father Universal Intention: Sports

That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world. Evangelization: Living the Gospel

That Christians may live the Gospel, giving witness to faith, honesty, and love of neighbor.

(Spiritual Work of Mercy)

Bear Patiently Those Who Do Us Ill (Corporal Work of Mercy)

Welcome a Stranger

A comunidade multicultural da Paróquia pessoal Portu-guesa, Católica e Romana de Santo António, aspira em criar uma atmosfera activa de participação de todos os paroqui-anos através da celebração dos Sacramentos e a

proclamação da Palavra de Deus, nas linguas Portuguesa e Inglesa. Convidamos todas as pessoas a crescer no seu conhecimento e amor por Deus para O servimos melhor através do compromisso e da formação Católica das nossas promessas Baptismais e dos grupos espirituais, de oração honrando a nossa cultura e tradição paroquial e dando a oportunidade de espalhar a Boa-Nova de Jesus Cristo e o Reino dos Céus.

The multicultural community of Saint Anthony, a Roman Catholic and personal Portuguese Parish, strives to create an atmosphere of active participation by all parishioners, through the celebration of the sacraments and the procla-mation of the Word of God, in Portuguese and English. We invite all people to grow in their knowledge and love of God, to serve Him through stewardship, commitment to catholic formation, fulfilling our Baptismal promises in community-based ministries, honoring our traditions and to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.

Papa Francisco

Pope Francis

Scripture for the week of September 4, 2016

4 SUN Wis 9:13-18b/Phlm 9-10, 12-17/Lk 14:25-33 5 Mon 1 Cor 5:1-8/Lk 6:6-11

6 Tue 1 Cor 6:1-11/Lk 6:12-19 7 Wed 1 Cor 7:25-31/Lk 6:20-26

8 Thu Mi 5:1-4a or Rom 8:28-30/Mt 1:1-16, 18-23 or 1:18-23

9 Fri 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22b-27/Lk 6:39-42 10 Sat 1 Cor 10:14-22/Lk 6:43-49

11 SUN Ex 32:7-11, 13-14/1 Tm 1:12-17/Lk 15:1-32 or 15:1-10

...I was hungry and you gave me food…

Our food pantry is empty. Can you help? We need to help our brothers and sisters who need assistance with food when they knock at our door. We need anything you can provide but also things they mostly ask for like: pasta, to-mato sauce, peanut butter, jam or jelly, red bean cans, soups of any kind etc… If you would like to donate some hygiene items we also accept, like: tooth paste and brushes, hair brushes and soaps. You can leave these items at the rectory Monday through Friday from 10Am to 5PM. Thank you.

...Tive fome e destes-me de comer…

Caros amigos(a) O nosso armário da comida está vazio. Os nossos irmãos e irmãs mais necessitados precisam de nós quando nos batem à porta, podem ajudar? Precisamos de feijão enlatado, pasta, pasta de tomate (sauce), peanut but-ter e doce de morango ou uva, sopas enlatadas de várias qualidades, e se puderem também podemos oferecer produtos de higiene como pasta de dentes e escovas e esco-vas para o cabelo e sabonetes, será muito

apreci-ado. Podem deixar estes alimentos na reitoria de segunda à sexta das 10 am as 5 pm. Muito Obrigado



Paróquia Santo António

Religious Education Office · Escritório da Educação Religiosa

Cambridge, MA Director of Religious Education / Directora da Educação Religiosa

- Mariazinha Sousa

Phone: (617) 547 - 5593 Ext 3

E-mail: reled@saintanthonyparish.com

Office Hours · Horário de Trabalho

Sunday · Domingo 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please call the office to check for availability for other times!

By Dr. Scott Hahn

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings: Sirach 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Psalm

68:4-7,10-11; Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24; Luke 14:1, 7-14

We come to the wedding banquet of heaven by way of humility and charity. This is the fatherly instruction we hear in today's First Reading, and the message of today's Gospel.

Jesus is not talking simply about good table manners. He is revealing the way of the kingdom, in which the one who would be greatest would be the servant of all (see Luke 22:24-27).

This is the way He showed us, humbling Himself to come among us as a man (see Philippians 2:5-8), as one who serves, as the bearer of glad tidings to the poor (see Luke 4:18).

This is the way, too, that the Father has shown us down through the ages—filling the hungry, sending the rich away empty, lifting up the lowly, pulling down the proud (see Luke 1:52-53).

We again call to mind the Exodus in today's Psalm—how in His goodness the Lord led the Israelites from imprison-ment to prosperity, rained down bread from heaven, made them His inheritance, becoming a "Father of orphans." We now too have gained a share of His inheritance. We are to live humbly, knowing we are are not worthy to re-ceive from His table (see Luke 6:7; 15:21). We are to give alms, remembering we were ransomed from sin by the price of His blood (see 1 Corinthians 6:19-20).

The Lord promises that if we are humble we will be exalt-ed and find favor with God; that if we are kind to those who can never repay us, we will atone for sins, and find blessing in the resurrection of the righteous.

We anticipate the fulfillment of those promises in every Eucharist, today's Epistle tells us. In the Mass, we enter the festal gathering of the angels and the firstborn chil-dren of God, the liturgy of the heavenly Jerusalem in which Jesus is the high priest, the King who calls us to come up higher (see Proverbs 25:6-7).

Don’t forget to

register your child for

religious classes!!!

Não se esqueça de

registar a vossa

criança para a classe

de Catequese!!!






Para registar a vossa criança /crianças para o próximo ano de Educação Religiosa, por favor

preencha e envie de volta este formulário com o pagamento feito em cheque à Igreja de Santo

António, o mais rápido possível para o endereço aqui indicado.

(To register your child/children for next fall’s Religious Education classes, please complete and return this

form with payment (payable to Saint Anthony Parish) as soon as possible to the following address:)

Nome da Criança(s) (Student’s: Name) Grau (Grade) Data de Nascimento (D.O.B)

_________________________________ _______________ _______________________ _________________________________ _______________ _______________________ _________________________________ _______________ _______________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ______________________ Phone: _______________________ E-mail:_____________________ Baptismal date: ___________________________________ Place of Baptism: ______________________________ Emergency Contact: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________________________



Domingo (Sundays) - Graus (Grades) K-8

8:15am - 9:30am

Terças-feiras (Tuesdays) - Graus (Grades) 9 & 10

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Duas vezes por mês - Twice a month

(Graus - Grades: K - 10)


Grades K - 8 $50.00 per child

Family Tuition

Three or more children $100.00**

**For grades K - 8 only

Confirmation Preparation

Grades 9 & 10 $115.00 per child*

*Includes retreat fees and is a fixed price Late fee of $10.00 per child

after September 1st

Saint Anthony Parish - Attn: Directora da Educação Religiosa

400 Cardinal Medeiros Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141


Paróquia Santo António Cambridge, MA

Saint Anthony Parish Adult Confirmation Registration

Candidate’s Name: ___________

__________________________________________________________ Last First Middle

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Street City Zip

Telephone Number: ________________________________________________________________________________ Parish: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Name City

Father’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Last First Middle

Mother’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Last First Maiden

Date of Birth: ___________________________________ Date of Baptism (if baptized): _________________________ Church of Baptism: _________________________________________________________________________________

Name City / State

Marital Status: Single, Mar r ied, Separ ated, Widowed, or Divor ced. (circle one)

Name of Spouse: ____________________________________________ Religion: ______________________________ Date of Marriage: _____________________________________ Where: ____________________________________


Church or Civil Ceremony: _________________________ What Denomination: _______________________________

Prior marriages (spouse’s also) Yes / No (If Yes: Name of Spouse: ___________________) Marriage has been/will be validated (if not presently canonically valid) Yes / No

Marriage issues should be resolved prior to Confirmation

Confirmation Name: __________________________ Name of Sponsor: ______________________________________

I certify that the above information is correct.

I hereby request that His Excellency the Bishop confer upon me the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Candidate’s Signature: ______________________________________________________________________________

Before your confirmation date you must obtain the following:

1: A Copy of the candidate’s Baptismal and Marriage Certificate (s) to be submitted to the Region Where the Ceremony is Being Held.


Beginning in August

2016, baptisms and

clas-ses will be at 1:00 pm.

A partir de Agosto de

2016, o horário dos

baptismos e das classes

será a 1:00 pm.

Durante o verão a adoração

às quintas-feiras acontecerá

das 5pm às 6:30pm

Our Thursdays Adoration

will be from 5pm to

6:30pm during the Summer.


For Adverti sing Informati on, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Adverti sing www.PilotBulleti ns.net

Good news.

Good works.

Good faith.

Boston Priests.

There for us.

At Saint Stephen Parish in Framingham, the lively

multicultural community with a strong Hispanic

presence has become an extension of Fr. Francisco

“Paco” Anzoategui’s family. “We may speak different

languages and have different traditions, but we are

not two separate communities,” said Fr. Paco. “We

are one family of believers with the same faith, and

we are united in a wonderful bond that we call our

spiritual family.”

To help ensure a continuum of care for Fr. Paco

and all our devoted priests who faithfully serve our

Catholic family please support the special

collection on September 17-18.

To see Fr. Paco’s full video story, visit clergytrust.org.

Meet Fr. Paco—

Bringing Together the Parish Family

Clergy Health and Retirement Trust

Caring for the Well-being of our PriestsClergy Health and Retirement TrustCaring for the Well-being of our Priests

Give online at clergytrust.org

or text PRIEST to 56512.


For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Anthony, Cambridge, MA 935




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