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Os cultivares de maça "Caricia" e "Princesa" podem ser considerados de baixo requerimento de frio?


Academic year: 2021

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http://www.uem.br/acta ISSN printed: 1679-9275 ISSN on-line: 1807-8621

Doi: 10.4025/actasciagron.v39i1.30996

Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy Maringá, v. 39, n. 1, p. 49-58, Jan.-Mar., 2017

Can “Caricia” and “Princesa” apples be considered low-chilling


Damián César Castro1, 2*, Norma Álvarez1, Paola Gabriel1, Marcela Buyatti1, Juan Carlos Favaro1 and Norberto Gariglio1

1Universidade Nacional do Litoral, Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias, Padre Luis Kreder, 2805 (3080), Esperanza, Santa Fe, Argentina. 2Conselho Nacional de Investigações Científicas e Técnicas, Godoy Cruz 2290 (C1425FQB), Cidade Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. *Author for correspondence. E-mail: dcastro@fca.unl.edu.ar

ABSTRACT. The purpose of this work was to study the response of two apple cultivars bred for low

chilling environments to artificial chilling accumulation. Two trials were carried out; in experiment one, excised shoots were randomly taken from “Caricia” and “Princesa”, and in experiment two, intact and excised shoots of “Caricia”, “Princesa” and “Gala” (control) were collected. After collection, both shoot types were exposed to artificial chilling accumulation (4.0 ± 0.5°C) from 0 to 1200 chill units (CU). Bud break of mixed buds of “Caricia” and “Princesa” was higher than 50% between 0 CU to 1200 CU, irrespective of shoot type. Bud break of “Gala” mixed buds exceeded 50% only in intact shoots after accumulating 900 CU. The mean time to bud break of “Caricia” and “Princesa” diminished with increasing chilling accumulation and stabilized after ~600 CU, depending on the type of shoot and the year of experimentation. The low-chill apple cultivars tested in this work showed shallow dormancy, but they required moderate cold accumulation (800 – 1150 CU) to fully satisfy their chilling requirements. Thus, although their shallow dormancy makes them suitable for cultivation in chill-deficient environments, they cannot be considered low-chill cultivars.

Keywords: Malus domestica Borkh, dormancy, bud break, lack of chilling, heat requirements.

Os cultivares de maça “Caricia” e “Princesa” podem ser considerados de baixo requerimento de frio?

RESUMO. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resposta ao acúmulo de refrigeração artificial de dois

cultivares de maça de baixo requerimento de frio. Coletaram-se ramos a campo das cultivares “Caricia” e “Princesa”, e da cultivar “Gala” (utilizada como controle), com e sem gemas apicais (ramos intactos e decapitados, respectivamente), as quais foram expostas ao acúmulo de refrigeração artificial (4.0 ± 0.5°C) de zero a 1200 unidades de frio (UF). A brotação das gemas em ambos os tipos de ramos foi maior do que 50% em todo o intervalo de acumulação de frio avaliado em “Caricia” e “Princesa”. No entanto, em “Gala·” a brotação excedeu 50% somente nos ramos intactos depois de acumular 900 UF. Observou-se que o tempo médio para a brotação das gemas de “Caricia” e “Princesa” estabilizou-se acima das 600 UF, dependendo do tipo de ramo e do ano de experimentação. As gemas dos cultivares avaliados neste trabalho mostraram uma dormência pouco profunda, no entanto precisaram de acumulação moderada de frio (800 – 1150 UF) para satisfazer seus requerimentos ecofisiológicos. Portanto, apesar da dormência pouco profunda permitir que estes cultivares sejam adequadamente cultivados em zonas com invernos amenos, não podem ser considerados de baixo requerimento de frio.

Palavras-chave: Malus domestica Borkh, dormência, brotação, inverno ameno, requerimento térmico.


Apple production in chill-deficient environments became possible with the release of low-chill apple cultivars (Hauagge & Cummins, 2001). Low-chill apple production has since been extended to the tropical and subtropical regions of Latin America, Africa and Asia (Ashebir et al., 2010; Castro, Cerino, Gariglio, & Radice, 2016; Mohamed, 2008; Njuguna, Wamocho, & Morelock, 2004; Pommer, & Barbosa, 2009). Furthermore, in

the Americas, novel cultivars, such as “Caricia” and “Princesa”, are becoming important in mild-winter areas either for cultivation or as genetic material for apple breeding programs (Pommer, & Barbosa, 2009).

One of the major challenges of temperate-zone fruit production in warm-winter areas is to overcome the dormancy period (Erez, 2001). Dormancy has been defined as the inability to initiate growth from meristems or other organs and cells, with the capacity to resume growth under


50 Castro et al.

Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy Maringá, v. 39, n. 1, p. 49-58, Jan.-Mar., 2017

favorable conditions (Rohde, & Bhalerao, 2007). In natural conditions, dormancy release and growth resumption in apple and other temperate deciduous fruit trees is mediated by a quantitative accumulation of chilling (Alburquerque, García-Montiel, Carrillo, & Burgos, 2008; Gariglio, Weber, Castro, & Micheloud, 2012; Hauagge & Cummins, 1991c; Oukabli & Mahhou, 2007; Rahemi & Pakkish, 2009). However, the chilling requirement is highly variable, depending on the genotype (Hauagge & Cummins, 2001), the environmental conditions in autumn (Heide, 2003) and the type of bud (apical versus lateral) (Erez, 2001).

Low-chill apple cultivars cultivated in mild-winter areas frequently show symptoms of a lack of chilling. Such symptoms comprise low bud break, erratic and delayed flowering, low seed set under open pollination and a shift to self-fertility (Castro et al., 2016; Erez, 2001; Mohamed, 2008). Consequently, chemical dormancy-breakers are usually applied in these mild-winter areas to promote the growth and flowering of low-chill apple cultivars (Botelho, & Müller, 2007; Erez, 2001; Mohamed, 2008; Njuguna et al., 2004).

Knowledge of the behavior of the apical and lateral buds under a wide range of chilling accumulation conditions is necessary to predict their performance in warm-winter regions. This knowledge is essential in the global warming context that will affect the chilling availability in warm regions (Luedeling, Girvetz, Semenov, & Brown, 2011).

Hence, the aim of this work was to determine the chilling requirements of two low-chill apple cultivars (“Caricia” and “Princesa”). We hypothesized that the chilling requirements of these low-chill apple buds (cv. “Caricia” and “Princesa”) reside within the range of 0 to 600 CU. We expected that within this range of cold accumulation, a stabilization of the mean time to bud break (MTB) and bud break over 50% after adequate forcing would be observed.

Material and methods

The experiments were carried out in the experimental field of the Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (CECIF), Santa Fé, Argentina (31° 26' S; 60° 56' W.; 40 m above sea level) during two years, 2011 and 2014.

Experiment 1

Seven-year-old apple trees (Malus × domestica Borkh.) of “Caricia” (IAPAR 77; “Anna” × “Prima”) and “Princesa” (“Anna” × “NJ56”) grafted onto “M9” rootstocks were used. According to the

literature, the chilling requirement of these cultivars ranges between 350 and 450 chill units (CU) (Denardi, Hough, & Camilo, 1988; Hauagge, & Tsuneta, 1999).

In May (end of autumn in the southern hemisphere) of 2011, one-year-old shoots without apical mixed buds were randomly collected from 20 plants of each cultivar. The chilling that had accumulated before the collection date was 10 chilling hours below 7ºC. The remaining leaves were removed, and the collected shoots were cut into pieces 15 cm long. Their basal and non-lignified apical portions were discarded. In the resulting excised shoots, the uppermost buds (near the wound) were eliminated. Thus, only the three central mixed buds were left on every excised shoot. Then, the excised shoots were treated with carbendazim [methylbenzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate] (2 mL L-1) for 10 minutes and allowed to dry

naturally on absorbent paper.

Five groups of 40 excised shoots per cultivar were placed in plastic bags and exposed to artificial low temperature (4.0 ± 0.5°C) in a cold chamber to simulate five chilling accumulation treatments: 0, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 chilling hours (CH). According to the Utah Model, one hour at 4ºC is equivalent to 1 Chilling Unit (Richardson, Seeley, & Walker, 1974). Thus, the chilling accumulation treatments were expressed as chilling units. All shoots were placed in darkness and horizontally within the cold chamber until cold treatment was finished.

After cold treatment, the shoots from each treatment were divided into 8 groups of 5 shoots each. Each of these groups was placed in a 250-cm3

plastic container, with their basal tip in a sodium hypochlorite solution (1:1000 v/v), and kept for 30 days in a growth chamber at 25 ± 0.5°C, with a 16-hour photoperiod, and 50 μmol m-2 s-1 light intensity

to force bud break. The basal tips of the shoots were cut weekly, and water was replaced daily.

The bud break times of the mixed buds were recorded every other day. Bud break occurrence was defined as the time when the mixed buds reached stage 53 on the pome fruit BBCH scale (Meier, 2001). The bud break percentage (BP) and the mean time to bud break of the mixed buds (MTB) were obtained using the following equations:

BP [%]= ∑ Bi nn1 ⁄ j




where j is the number of excised shoots per experimental unit (j = 5), Bi is the i-th bud in the


j-Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy Maringá, v. 39, n. 1, p. 49-58, Jan.-Mar., 2017

th excised shoot broke within the forcing period, and n is the number of buds per excised shoot (n = 3).

MTB [days]= ∑ Ti n⁄ n 1 j j 1

where j is the number of excised shoots per experimental unit (j = 5) and Ti is the time from the beginning of the forcing period at 25 ± 0.5ºC to the occurrence of budbreak of the i-th bud in the j-th excised shoot and n is the number of buds per excised shoot (n = 3). We considered the MTB to have stabilized when an inflection point was observed above which the reduction in its value was less than one day (e.g.; the MTB value tended to a limiting value).

The experimental model was a 2×5 factorial and completely randomized design (CRD) with two cultivars and five chilling accumulation treatments. The experimental unit was a container with 5 excised shoots. Each experimental unit was repeated eight times (n = 40 containers and 200 excised shoots per cultivar).

The data were analysed with general linear models (GLM) adjusted with the lme function of the nlme package (Pinheiro, Bates, DebRoy, & Sarkar, 2011) of the R statistical language (R Development Core Team, 2011) using the InfoStat interface (Di Rienzo et al., 2012). The results from the GLM indicated the significance of a cultivar × chilling treatment effect for MTB; hence, regression analysis was performed. To test the effect of each cultivar within a chilling treatment interval, data for the cultivars within the chilling interval were pooled, and cultivar was included as a dummy variable in the regression model. The linear, quadratic and cubic components of chilling treatment were included in this analysis. The selection of variables was made, and the best model, chosen by the backward elimination procedure of InfoStat (Di Rienzo et al., 2012).

Normality and homoscedasticity were tested graphically with a Q-Q plot, and a plot of residuals vs. predictors, respectively).

Experiment 2

Seven-year-old apple tree (Malus × domestica Borkh.) “Caricia”, “Princesa” and “Gala” apples grafted onto “M9” rootstocks were used for the experiment. The “Gala” cultivar has a high chilling requirement (> 800 CU) according to Hauagge, and Cummins (1991c) and was utilized as a control cultivar.

In May (end of autumn in the southern hemisphere) of 2014, one-year-old shoots with (intact shoots) and without (excised shoots) apical

buds were randomly collected from 20 plants of each variety. No chilling accumulation had been recorded before the collection date. The remaining leaves were removed. All shoots were cut into pieces 15 cm long; the basal and non-lignified apical portions of excised shoots (without apical buds) were discarded. Furthermore, in the resulting excised shoots, the uppermost buds (near the wound) were eliminated. Thus, only the three central mixed buds were left on each excised shoot.

However, in the intact shoots (with apical bud), only the basal portion was removed. Intact shoots were used in addition to excised shoots to compare the effect of chilling accumulation on lateral versus apical mixed buds. Thus, in the intact shoots, only the apical and three central mixed buds were left.

The experimental conditions, sample handling procedures and variables analysed were the same as in Experiment 1.

The experimental model was a 3×2×5 factorial CRD with three cultivars, two types of shoots and five levels of chilling accumulation. The experimental unit was a container with 5 excised shoots. Each experimental unit was repeated eight times (n = 80 containers and 400 shoots per cultivar). The data were analysed using GLMs as in experiment 1. As interactions on MTB and BP were detected, data for each cultivar and shoot type within the chilling interval were pooled. Thus, “cultivar” and “shoot type” effects were included as dummy variables in the regression model. In this analysis, the linear, quadratic and cubic components of chilling treatment and dummy variables were included. Variables were selected, and the best model, chosen by a backward elimination procedure using InfoStat (Di Rienzo et al., 2012).

To compare the season effect on the chilling response of “Caricia” and “Princesa” mixed buds, data of excised shoots of both experiments (2011 and 2014) were analyzed together in a 2×2×5 factorial in a CRD (two seasons, two cultivars and five levels of cold accumulation). The data were analysed using GLM, as previously described. The MTB and BP response was modelled by regression analysis using “cultivar” and “season” as dummy variables. As in the previous regression analysis, variables were selected, and the best model, chosen by a backward elimination procedure using InfoStat (Di Rienzo et al., 2012).

Results and discussion

In experiment 1, the MTBof lateral mixed buds decreased significantly with increasing chilling accumulation, but the response differed between the varieties, with a highly significant interaction between


A t T w t b d d F b t m P 6 o e l 52 Acta Scientiarum

the factors cult The variation accumulation w cultivars, a stab was found acco intercept of bo the slopes of th between the v excised shoots accumulation decreased by o CU. In contras decreased by ap (Figure 1A). Mean ti me t o budbr eak (days ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 Bud break (% ) 100 75 50 25 0 0 Figure 1. A) Effe break in excised s “Princesa” (solid li to a cubic regressio model: MTB = 19 Princesa model 6*CU2+9*10-9*CU stabilization of the of cultivar and chi excised shoots of “ = 61.94+0.04*CU ─0.03*CU+5.0*1 lateral buds only. D

m. Agronomy

tivar and chillin n in MTB i

was fit to a cub bilization point ording to our c oth curves was he models show

varieties (p < s were the le

(Figure 1A). only seven days st, the MTB of pproximately t

300 6

300 6 Chilling accumu ect of chilling accu shoots of “Caricia” ne, white triangles) on model against th 9.27─7.33*10-3*CU l: MTB = U3). The arrow e MTB values acco illing accumulation “Caricia” and “Prin U─2.30*10-8*CU3


-Data for experimen

ng (p = 0.001, in response bic function on at approximate criterion (Figur the same (p = wed significant 0.01). In fact east sensitive Consequently, s in the range o f “Princesa” exc ten days in the

600 900

600 900 ulation (Chilling uni umulation on mean

” (dotted line, blac ) apples. All curves he chilling accumu U─9.69*10-6*CU2


indicates the ording to our criter n on the bud beak ncesa” apples. (Cari

3. Princesa model -8*CU3). The excis

nt 1. r2 = 0.59). to chilling n both apple ely 800 CU re 1A). The = 0.10), but t differences t, “Caricia” to chilling the MTB of 0 to 1200 cised shoots same range 1200 1200 ts) n time to bud ck circles) and s were adjusted ulation (Caricia 2+9*10-9*CU3. *CU─9.69*10 -beginning of rion. B) Effect k percentage of icia model: PB l: PB = 96.2 sed shoots had

A B The bud affected both (p = 0.001) The BP w (Figure 1B). slightly grea cultivars sho range betwee The fact t with respect trait of those to warm-win low-chill gen more related degree days (Hauagge, & 2003). Howe affected both accumulation bud break of from zero C reach this rat days to 2 d accumulation evidence ind promote bud In exper significantly chilling treatm The MTB of MTB of ex analysis show the linear, qu accumulation significant (p of both types response to different (p < 425 CU acc our criteria, a observed. In higher at 175 CU accumul As in “C shoots was g (Figure 2B) quadratic a accumulatio significantly 0.03; r2 = 0 a maximum MTB up to MTB of exc 0 CU and d Maringá, v. 39, d break percent h by the chillin

and by the cul was higher in Additionally, i ater than 900 owed a BP high en 0 to 1200 CU that the BP of l to chilling acc genotypes that nter areas (Hau notypes, the rat d to a reduced n for sprouting & Cummins, 19 ever, the MTB h by the chillin n of growing de f “Anna” apple b CU to 1000 C te of bud break days over the n (Hauagge, & dicates that the d break in this c riment 2, the M

affected by an ment and shoo f “Caricia” intac xcised shoots (F

wed that for bo uadratic and cu n and the sl p < 0.02; r2 = 0 s of shoots was chilling accu < 0.001). A max cumulation on a stabilization o n contrast, the M 5 CU and disp lation. Caricia”, the M greater than th ). Additionally and cubic on and slope y between the .53).The MTB m value at 35 1150 CU was cised shoots re isplayed stabil , n. 1, p. 49-58, J age (BP) of lat ng accumulatio ltivar (p = 0.00 “Princesa” th in both cultivar 0 CU; never her than 50% o U. ow-chill apples cumulation is a t is crucial to th agge, & Cumm te of bud break need to accum g than an effe 991a; Putti, Petr

B value of tho ng accumulatio egree-days. In f

buds was appro CU, but the tim

k diminished lin e same interva & Cummins, chilling is not ultivar, but affe MTB for mix interaction betw t type (p = 0.00 ct shoots was gr Figure 2A). T oth shoot types, ubic componen lopes of the 0.72). Hence, th the same, wher umulation was ximum value w intact shoots. of MTB up to MTB of excise played stabilizat MTB of “Pri he MTB of ex y, the effects o components s of the cur two types of B of intact sho 50 CU. A sta s observed. In eached a maxim ization up to 1 Castro et al. Jan.-Mar., 2017

teral buds was on treatments 01; r2 = 0.26).

han “Caricia” rs the BP was rtheless, both over the entire s is quite stable a well-known heir adaptation mins, 2001). In k appears to be mulate growing ct of chilling ri, & Mendez, ose cultivars is on and by the fact, the rate of oximately 90% me needed to nearly from 14 al of chilling 1991b). This t necessary to ects its speed.

xed buds was ween cultivar, 02; r2 = 0.75).

reater than the The regression , the effects of nts of chilling curves were he initial MTB reas the MTB s significantly was observed at According to 1150 CU was ed shoots was tion up to 900 ncesa” intact xcised shoots of the linear, of chilling rves differed f shoots (p < oots exhibited abilization of contrast, the mum value at 1100 CU.


Acta Sci Mean ti me t o budbr eak (days ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mean ti me t o budbr eak (days ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mean ti me t o budbr eak (days ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Figure 2. lines and The arro detected “Caricia” 5*CU2+2 13.9+0.01 (Intact s 5*CU2+2 3*CU+1. MTB = 2 shoot mo 8*CU3). T lateral bud entiarum. Agron 0 300 0 300 0 300 C . Effect of chilling white triangles) an ows indicate the a on both types of (Intact shoot mode 2.40*10-8*CU3. E 1*CU─3.25*10-5*C shoot model: M 2.1*10-8*CU3. Excis 29*10-5*CU2─8.0* 22.14+3.87*10-2*C odel: MTB = 15.15 The intact shoot ha ds only. Data for exp

omy 600 600 600 Chilling accumulation accumulation on th nd excised shoots (d approximate stabiliz f shoots, according el: MTB = 14.58+ Excised shoot CU2 +1.6*10-8*C MTB = 14.76+ sed shoot model: M *10-9*CU3). (C) “G CU─6.65*10-5*CU2 5+2.98*10-3*CU+ ad an apical bud, w periment 2. 900 12 900 1200 900 12 n (CU) he MTB of intact dotted lines and cro zation points of M g to our criterion 4.56*10-2*CU─6.8 model: MTB CU3). (B) “Prin 2.75*10-2*CU─5.0 MTB = 14.76─8.0 Gala” (Intact shoot m +2.6*10-8*CU3. Ex


whereas the excised

A BB C C 200 200 (solid osses). MTB n. (A) 80*10 -= ncesa” 08*10 -09*10 -model: xcised 3*10 -d ha-d T of “C apical shoot Furth excise than t A “Gala excise linear accum curve (p < increa contin CU. to a m to be stabili B and w (Figu chillin slopes bud b “Cari How was s CU. and “ evalua shoot break only a all cu chillin those dorm chillin T has be dorm 2003; apple (Den dorm “Gala that o buds than Our and requir apical requir found intact Maring

The data showed Caricia” and “Pr l buds on intac ts showed a ma hermore, the d ed shoots was s that of apical bu As in the tested a” intact shoot ed shoots (Figu r, quadratic an mulation, as we es, were signific < 0.05; r2 = 0 ased up to nuously, show In the same w maximum value egin at 1175 C ization of MTB P varied depen with chilling ac ure 3). The qu ng accumulatio s of the curve break percentag icia” and “Pri wever, within ea smaller than th However, the “Princesa” was ated range of ch ts of “Gala” nev k of intact shoo after 900 CU h ultivars, increme ng accumulated in excised sh mancy was deep ng accumulatio The differential een related to th mancy in relation ; Hauagge, & C buds do not nnis, 2003). Ou mancy of apical a” grown in a m of lateral buds. F of “Caricia” an those of med results agree w Cummins (19 red for bud bre l buds of low red for medium d that excised s t shoots on low gá, v. 39, n. 1, p. d that lateral bu rincesa” enter in ct shoots (i.e., aximum earlier dormancy of shallower as the uds on intact sh d low-chill cu ts was greater ure 2C). In both nd cubic com ell as the interce cant predictors o 0.76). The MT 375 CU an wing apparent way, the MTB o e at 750 CU, an CU. In both t B likely occurs a nding on the sh ccumulation (p uadratic and cu on, as well as es, were signific

ges of intact an ncesa” were h ach cultivar, the he BP of excise BP of both sho greater than hilling. In contr ver exceeded 50 ots on this cu had accumulate ental rates of b d in intact shoo hoots, indicatin er and more st on. response of la heir different st n to chilling ac Cummins, 1991 behave unifo ur research de buds of “Car mild-winter area Furthermore, th nd “Princesa” ap ium-chill cultiv with the data re

991b); they fo eak (which is eq w-chill apples w

m-chill cultivar hoots had shall

and medium-c 49-58, Jan.-Mar uds on excised nto dormancy the MTB of e r than intact sh the lateral bu eir MTB was s hoots. ultivars, the MT than the MT h types of shoo mponents of c epts and slopes of the MTB res TB of intact nd then dec stabilization at of excised shoo nd stabilization types of shoots above 1200 CU hoot type and c p < 0.05; r2 = ubic compone s the intercept cantly different nd excised sho higher than “ e BP of intact ed shoots below oot types of “C 50% over the rast, the BP of e 0%. Furthermor ultivar surpassed

ed. Noting the d bud break per u ots were greate ng that intact s trongly influenc ateral and apica

tatus and dynam ccumulation (D 1b; 1991c). How ormly in this r emonstrates th ricia”, “Princesa a is more intens he dormancy of pples was less i ivars such as “ eported by Ha ound that the quivalent to MT was lower tha

rs. Additionally lower dormanc chill cultivars. r., 2017 shoots before excised hoots). uds on maller TB of TB of ots, the chilling of the sponse shoots creased t 1100 ots rose seems s, true U. cultivar = 0.57) ents of ts and t. The oots of “Gala”. shoots ow 900 Caricia” entire excised re, bud d 50% data of unit of er than shoots’ ced by al buds mics of Dennis, wever, respect hat the a” and se than f apical intense “Gala”. auagge, e time TB) of an that y, they cy than


A F t c 7 7 0 0 b 2 b 54 Acta Scientiarum Budbreak (% ) 100 75 50 25 0 0 Budbreak (% ) 100 75 50 25 0 0 Budbreak (% ) 100 75 50 25 0 0 Figure 3. Bud br

triangles) and excis cultivar × chillin “Caricia” (Intact s 10*CU3. Excised s 10*CU3). (B) “Pri 7*CU2─4.0*10-10*C 7*CU2─4.0*10-10*C 0.23+7.5*10-7*CU 0.23+5.32*10-7*C

bud, whereas the e 2. Horizontal gray If the M between year m. Agronomy 300 6 300 6 300 Chilling accumu reak of mixed buds sed shoots (dotted ng accumulation

shoot model: PB hoot model: PB = incesa” (Intact sho

CU3. Excised shoo

CU3). (C) “Gala”



excised had lateral b line indicates a thre

MTB of late rs, an interact

600 900

600 900

600 900 ulation (Chilling uni s on intact (solid l lines and crosses) × shoot type in = 0.57+7.5*10-7* = 0.57+5.32*10-7* oot model: PB = ot model: PB = 0 ” (Intact shoot m Excised shoot m

3). The intact shoo

buds only. Data fro eshold of 50%. eral buds is ion effect of 1200 1200 1200 ts)

line and white as an effect of nteraction. (A) *CU2─4.0*10 -*CU2─4.0*10 0.63+7.5*10 -0.63+5.32*10 -model: PB = model: PB = ot had an apical om experiment analysed cultivar × A A B C chilling acc 0.01; r2 = “Caricia” M cubic comp well as the were statist (Figure 4A) “Princesa” 4E). In bo shoots stab between ye Howeve 2014 and w both cultiv discrepancie experimenta different in excised sho Although a respect to experiment than in exp dormancy in shallower Therefore, was differen accumulatio stabilization observed. In evident MT “Fuji” excise accumulatio collected wi Dorman temperature 2005). Henc availability slight varia expected. Th the cold cha on the prog and 2. Diffe regimes on with differe observed in However, i response of accumulatio general MT between yea over 600 CU and cultivars Maringá, v. 39, cumulation × 0.76). The MTB showed ponents of c e intercepts a tically signific ). The same MTB (p < 0 oth cultivars ilized up to 6 ars (Figure 4) r, bud break w was affected by vars (p < es observed b ation can be nitial statuses oots at the t relationship b chilling accu 2, the patter periment 1. In ntensity of “C than in exp the subseque nt in its respon on; however, n of the MT n contrast, Put TB stabilization ed shoots and on until 1500 thout chilling ncy is indu es fall below

ce, with mod at the mome ations in ini hus, it was lik amber was slig gression of do erent effects of

dormancy pro ent initial dorm

apricots (Cam in our experi

f apical and on. Furthermo

TB response ars and cultiv U, with some s). , n. 1, p. 49-58, J × year can be regression d that the qu chilling accum and slopes of cant (p < 0.02 pattern was o 0.001; r2 = 0 s, the MTB 600 CU, with ). was greater in y chilling accu 0.05) (Figur between the t e explained of dormancy time of thei etween MTB mulation was rns were sligh n experiment Caricia” and “P periment 1 ent dynamic o nse to increase in both TB up to 60 tti et al. (2003) n in “Condess d a rise in BP CU, when s accumulation uced in ap 12ºC (Heide, erate variation ent of sampl itial bud do kely that the te

ghtly different ormancy in ex f different low ogression in bu mancy intensit mpoy, Ruiz, & ments, there lateral buds ore, for excise pattern was vars (i.e., MTB differences b Castro et al. Jan.-Mar., 2017 e seen (p = analysis on uadratic and mulation, as f the curves, 2; r2 = 0.53) observed for .75) (Figure of excised h differences 2011 than in umulation in re 4). The two years of by slightly of buds on r collection. and BP with s evident in htly different 2, the initial Princesa” was (Figure 4). of dormancy es in chilling experiments, 00 CU was ) reported no sa”, “Gala” or with chilling samples were n. pples when & Prestrud, ns in chilling le collection, ormancy are mperature in t in its effects xperiments 1 -temperature uds collected ty have been & Egea, 2011). was a clear to chilling ed shoots the very stable B was stable etween years


Acta Sci Mean ti me t o budbr eak (days ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Mean ti me t o budbr eak (days ) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Figure 4 cultivar × and lines the coeffi In differen require “Prince Millan, Rahem requirem percent over 50 lateral apples d always chilling “Gala” w In chilling MTB (Baland entiarum. Agron 0 300 0 300 4. Mean time to b × year interaction , to 2014. Horizon ficients are shown

summary, ou ntly dependi ement is consi esa” buds. De , Orozco, Gu mi, and Pakk ments to ha tage of bud br 0%. Under this and apical bu do not require above this t g requirements would exceed 9 contrast, oth g requirement response to dier, Bonhomm omy 600 600

bud break (days) n for cv. “Caricia” ntal gray lines on in previous figure ur results ma ing on how dered satisfied ennis (2003), uerrero, & Ll kish (2009) c

ave been sat reak during the

criterion, it ma uds of “Caricia e chilling becau threshold valu of the lateral 900 CU (Figur her researche t to be satisfie cold accum me, Rageau, C 900 1200 900 1200 C and bud break (% ” (A-B) and “Princ figures B and D in es. The excised sh

ay be interpre w the chil d in “Caricia” Gardea, Carva amas (2000) consider chil tisfied when e forcing perio ay be assumed a” and “Princ use bud break ue. However,

and apical bud res 1 and 3). ers consider ed only when ulation stabil Capitan, & Pari

A C Budbreak (%) 100 75 50 25 0 Budbreak (% ) 100 75 50 25 0 Chilling accumulatio %) of mixed buds

cesa” (E-F). Black ndicate a threshol hoots had lateral bu

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56 Castro et al.

Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy Maringá, v. 39, n. 1, p. 49-58, Jan.-Mar., 2017

Cummins, 1991b; Oukabli, & Mahhou, 2007). Following the above discussion, we consider the MTB to have stabilized when an inflection point was observed on the chilling accumulation curve, above which the reduction in its value was less than one day (e.g., the MTB value tended to a limiting value). Using this criterion, we found that the chilling requirement of apical and lateral buds of “Caricia” and “Princesa” was over 600 CU in both experiments, which refutes our research hypothesis. This value represents almost twice the requirement cited for these cultivars (Denardi et al., 1988; Hauagge, & Tsuneta, 1999). Using this same metric, the chilling requirement of apical and lateral buds of “Gala” was over 1200 CU.

It is important to mention that some methodological factors can affect the results. On excised shoots, the cut performed on the shoots can itself promote bud break (wound effect) (Naor, Flaishman, Stern, Moshe, & Erez, 2003). Additionally, the absence of the apical buds, which may dominate lateral buds (Cook, & Jacobs, 1999), can increase the percentage of bud break on the lateral buds of excised shoots. Neither Naor et al. (2003) or Cook, and Jacobs (1999) evaluated the wound effect or the absence of the apical bud on the MTB response or any other variable that expresses the time needed for buds to break (e.g., T50) in their experiments. Furthermore, according to Hauagge and Cummins (1991a), the low-chill apple cultivars never enter into deep endo-dormancy, so low temperatures may not be required to promote bud break in excised shoots. Nevertheless, our data demonstrate that up to 800-1150 CU of chilling accumulation reduces the heat requirement and accelerates the bud break on “Caricia” and “Princesa” apples, with additional chilling having minimal effects.

Despite showing some disadvantages, the methodology used in our work has been suitable for evaluating the chilling requirement or dormancy progression in many fruit species, both under artificial chilling accumulation (Mohamed, 2003; Putti et al., 2003; Rahemi, & Pakkish, 2009) and under natural chilling accumulation (Campoy et al., 2011; Dennis, 2003; Hauagge, & Cummins, 1991c; Mohamed, 2008; Oukabli, & Mahhou, 2007). Moreover, this methodology is one of the most suitable for evaluating chilling requirements because it is possible to control several key factors, such as light, thermal amplitude and temperature (Dennis, 2003).

Despite the above-discussed factors, lateral buds of excised shoots of the low-chill apple cultivars studied in our work showed a significant reduction

in dormancy intensity (MTB) with increased chilling accumulation. Consequently, both apical and lateral buds of the tested cultivars showed shallow dormancy but required a moderate chilling accumulation (800–1150 CU) to stabilize their MTB value. The shallow dormancy of “Caricia” and “Princesa” makes them suitable for cultivation in areas with very low chilling availability (Denardi et al., 1988; Hauagge, & Cummins, 2001; Hauagge, & Tsuneta, 1999) despite the occurrence of symptoms of lack of chilling, such us a shift to self-fertility and a wide flowering period (Castro et al., 2016).


The apple cultivars “Caricia” and “Princesa”, bred for chill-deficient environments, showed shallow dormancy but required moderate cold accumulation (800–1150 CU) at 4ºC to fully satisfy their chilling requirements. These characteristics make these cultivars suitable for successful cultivation in mild-winter areas, but chill-deficiency symptoms may still be seen in some years without dormancy-breaking treatments. “Caricia” and “Princesa” therefore cannot be considered low-chill cultivars.


This work was supported by the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Grant CAI+D 501 201101 00002 LI) and Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (Grant PICT 00477) of Argentina.

Damián C. Castro was founded by postdoctoral scholarships at CONICET.

We want to acknowledge the comments of both reviewers as they helped us to substantially improve the presentation of the manuscript.


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Received on February 18, 2016. Accepted on May 6, 2016

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