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Academic year: 2021





1 Curso: MNA -704 – Sociedades Camponesas (AS) (M)

Professores: Moacir Palmeira e Beatriz Heredia Nº de Créditos: 03

Período: 1º Semestre de 1985

Horário: 2ª Feira, 14:00 – 17:00 horas Local: Sala de Aula do PPGAS

O curso tem por objetivo familiarizar o aluno com os conceitos básicos manipulados pelos cientistas sociais voltados para o estudo do campesinato, remetendo-o, sempre que possível, às tradições teóricas que lhes servem de suporte. Valendo-se de uma perspectiva comparativa, pretende fornecer o quadro necessário à prática de investigação social.

1ª Sessão: Apresentação do curso.

2ª Sessão: A definição problemática.

REDFIELD, Robert. “Later Histories of the Folk Societies” In: The Primitive World and its Transformations. Middlesex, Penguin Books, 1968, pp.38-63.

FOSTER, George – “What is a Peasant”. In Potter et al.: Peasant Society: a Reader. Boston, Little Brown, 1967, pp.2-14.

SHANIN, Teodor. “Peasantry as a Political Factor”. In ___. Peasants and Peasant Society.

(Harmondsworth), Penguin Books, 1971, pp.238-263.

DALTON, George. “Peasantries in Anthropology and History”. Current Anthropology, vol.13, nº 3-4, june-oct. 1972, pp.385-415.

MINTZ, Sidney – “A note on the definition of Peasantries”. The Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 1, n°1, oct. 1973, pp. 91-106.

SILVERMAN, Sydel – “The Peasant Concept in Anthropologie”. The Journal of Peasant Studies, vol. 7, n°1, oct. 1979, pp. 49-69.

QUEIROZ, Maria Isaura Pereira de – “O sitiante tradicional brasileiro e o problema do campesinato”. In ___: O Campesinato Brasileiro. Rio de Janeiro, Vozes, 1976, pp.7-32.


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2 3ª Sessão: Comunidades e Aldeia Camponesa.

REDFIELD, Robert – “The little Community as a Whole”. In ___: The little Community and Peasant Society and Culture. London, The University of Chicago Press, 1965. pp. 1-16.

GEERTZ, Clifford. “Form and Variation in Balinese Village Structure”. In Potter et al.

Peasant Society: a Reader. Op. cit., pp.255-278.


WOLF, E. – “Closed Corporate Peasant Communities in Mesoamerica and Central Java”

Peasant Society: a Reader. Boston, Little Brown, 1967. pp.230-246.

CHAMPAGNE, Patrick – “La restruturation de l’espace villageois”. Actes de la Recherche, n°3, mar 1975. pp.43-67.

4ª Sessão: Família e grupo doméstico.

BOUQUET, M. and DE HAAN, Henk – “Kinship as an analytical category in rural sociologiy: an introduction”. Sociologia Ruralis. Vol. XXVIII, nº 4, 1987, pp. 243-262.

THOMAS, W. And ZNANIECK, F. – “The Peasant Family” e “Marriage”. In The Polish Peasant in Europe and America. New York, Octagon Books, 1974, vol. 1, pp.87-128.

ARENSBERG, C.M. and KIMBALL, S.T. – “The Small Farm Family in Rural Ireland. In Anderson: Sociology of the Family. Middelesex, Penguin Books, 1971. pp. 19-42.

SEGALEN, M. – “Couple, Menage, Communauté”. In: __. Mari et Femme dans la societé paysanne. (Paris), Flammarion, 1980, pp. 43-85.


GOLDSCHIMIDT, Walter and KONKEL, Evelyn J. “The Structure of the Peasant Family”.

American Anthropologist, vol.73, nº7, Oct.1971, pp.1058-1076.

5ª Sessão: Entre o grupo doméstico e a Aldeia.

CAMPBELL, J.K. – “The Kindred in a Greek mountain community”. In Pitt-Rivers:

Mediterranean Countrymen. Paris – La Hage, Mouton and Co. 1963. p.73-96.

FOSTER, George. “The Dyadic Contract: a model for the social structure of a Mexican

peasant village”. In Potter et al.: Peasant Society: a Reader. Boston, Little Brown, 1967,



3 FREEMAN, Susan Tax – “Egalitarian Structures in Iberian Social Systems: The contexts of turn-taking in town and country”. American Ethnologist, Vol. 14, nº 3, agosto 1987, pp. 470-490.

6ª Sessão: Economia camponesa, Grupo doméstico, Cálculo econômico.

FIRTH, Raymond. – “Capital, Saving and Credit in Peasant Society: a viewpoint from economic anthropology”. In ___: Firth, R and Yaney, B.S. (eds.). Capital, Saving and Credit in Peasant Society. Chicago: Aldine, 1964, pp.15-34.

POLANYI, Karl. – “The Economy as an Instituted Process”. In Polanyi et al.: Trade and Market in the Early Empires. New York: The Free Press, 1957, cap.XVI, pp.243-270.

CHAYANOV, A.V. “On the Theory of Non-Capitalist Economic Systems”. In Thorner et al The Theory of Peasant Community. Homewood: Lewin, The American Economic Association. 1966, pp.1-28.


TEPICHT, J. – “La Nature de l’Economie Paysanne”. In:__. Marxisme et Agriculture: le paysan polonais. Paris, Armand Colin, 1973, pp. 13-46.

GALESKI, Boguslaw – Basic Concepts of Rural Sociology. Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1972, pp. 9-32.

7ª Sessão: Troca, mercado, praça de mercado.

SAHLINS, Marshall – “On the Sociology of Primitive Exchange”. In Banton The Relevance of Models for Social Anthropology, ASA Monographs 1, London: Tavistock Publications, 1969, pp.139-158.

BOHANNAN, P. and DALTON, G. – “Introduction”. In ___: Markets in Africa, Anchor Books, 1965, pp.1-32.

MINTZ, Sidney – “Men, Women and Trade”. Comparative Studies in Society and History. 13 (3), 1971, pp.247-269.


PIAULT, Marc – “Cycles de Marché et ‘Espaces’ Socio-Politiques”. In MEILLASSOUX, C.

(ed.): The Development of Indigenous Trade and Market in West-Africa. London, Oxford

University Press, 1971, pp. 285-302.


4 8ª Sessão: Propriedade e reprodução da condição camponesa.

BOHANNAN, Paul. – “Land, Tenure and Land Tenure”. In BIEBUYCK (ed.): African Agrarian Systems. London: Oxford University Press, 1963, pp.101-111.


BOHANNAN, Paul. – “African’s Land”. In: Dalton (ed.): Tribal and Peasant Economies.

New York: The Natural History Press, 1967, pp.51-60.

DURRENBERGER, P. and PALSSON, G. – “Ownership at sea: fishing territories and access to sea resources”. American Ethnologist. Vol. 14, nº 3. August 1987, pp. 508-522.

BOURDIEU, Pierre – “Célibat et Condition Paysanne”. Études Rurales, nº5-6, avril-spt., 1962, pp.32-135.


FRIELD, Ernestine – “Dowry and Inheritance in Moderne Greece”. In Potter et al.: Peasant Society: a Reader. Op. cit., p.57-62.

CHAMPAGNE, Patrick – “Capital Culturel et patrimoine économique. Le cas de l’agriculture bressane”. Actes de la Recherche, nº 69, sept. 1987, pp. 51-66.

9ª Sessão: Cultura Camponesa I

FOSTER, Georges – “Peasant Society and the Image of Limitated Good”. In POTTER et al.:

Peasant Society: A Reader. Op. Cit., pp.300-321.

REDFIELD, R. “The Social Organization of Tradition. In POTTER et al.: Peasant Society: A Reader. Op. Cit., pp.25-44.

HESPANHA, A.M. – “Sábios e Rústicos: A violência doce da razão jurídica”, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, nº 25/26, dezembro 1988, pp. 31-60.

TAUSSIG, Michael – “The Genesis of Capitalism amongst a South American peasantry:

Devil’s Labor and the Baptism of Money”. Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 19, nº 2, april 1977, pp. 139-155.

CHAMPAGNE, Patrick – “La fête au village”. Actes de la Recherche, n°17/18, nov 1977.


____________________ – “Le paysan à la plage”. Actes de la Recherche, n° 2, mars 1975.


10ª Sessão: Cultura Camponesa II.


5 BOURDIEU, Pierre – “La Société Traditionnelle: Attitude à l’égard du temps et conduit

économique”. Sociologie du Travail, nº 1, 1963, pp.24-44.

BOURDIEU, Pierre – “La Maison kabile ou le Monde Renversé”. In: POUILLON, Jean et MIRANDA, Pierre (eds.): Echanges et Communications, Mélanges offertes à C. Lévi- Strauss à l’occasion de son 60


anniversaire. Paris – La Haye, Mouton, 1970, pp. 739-758.

DARNTON, R. - “Histórias que os camponeses contam”. In:__. O Grande Massacre de Gatos. Graal. Rio de Janeiro, 1986, pp. 21-103.

11ª Sessão: Estado, política e campesinato I.

SILVERMAN, Sydel – “The Community-Nation Mediator in Traditional Central Italy”. In POTTER et al.: Peasant Society: A Reader. Op. Cit., pp.279-293.

WOLF, Eric. “Aspects of Groups Relations in a Complex Society: Mexico”. In SHANIN (ed.): Peasants and Peasant Society, Penguin Books, 1971, pp.50-68.

HOBSBAWN, Eric – “Peasants and Politics”. The Journal of Peasant Studies. Vol. 1, nº 1, oct. 1973, pp. 3-22.

MOORE, Barrington. Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Boston: Beacon Press, 1967, caps. VII, VIII e IX, pp.403-483.

12ª Sessão: Estado, política e campesinato II.

WOLF, Eric. “On Peasant Rebellions”. In Peasants and Peasant Societies, In SHANIN (ed.):

Peasants and Peasant Society, Op. Cit, pp.264-274.

ALAVI, Hamza. “Paysans et Révolution”. Temps Modernes, ano 28, nº 306, jan. 1962, pp.1026-1072.

SCOTT, J. – “Everyday forms of Peasant Resistence”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol.

13, nº 2, jan. 1986, pp. 5-35.

BIANCO, L. – “Peasants and Revolution: The case of China”, The Journal of Peasant Studies, Vol. 2, nº 3, abril 1975, pp. 313-335.

13ª Sessão: Campesinato: Persistência e Mudança

KAUTSKY, Karl, - La Cuestión Agrária. Buenos Aires, Siglo XXI, 1974, caps. I e VIII.

GALESKI, Boguslaw – Basic Concepts of Rural Sociology. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1972, caps. 5, 7 e 8, pp. 100-133; 151-206.

TEPICHT, Jerzy – “La nature de l’économie paysanne”. In:__. Marxisme et Agriculture: Le

paysan polonaise. Paris: Armand Colin, 1973, pp. 13-46.


6 MENDRAS, Henri – La fin des paysans. S/1: Actes Sud/Hubert Nyssen Editeur, 1984, pp.

287-316 (“Conclusion: Futurible”) e 311-354 (“Postface: Vingt ans aprés”).

14ª Sessão: Campesinato, Capitalismo e Cultura

WALLERSTEIN, Immanuel et al. – “Household Structure and Production Processes:

Preliminary theses and findings”. Review, vol. 3, Winter 1982, pp. 437-489.

MINTZ, Sidney – “The So-Called World System: Local iniciative and local response”.

Dialectical Anthropology, Vol. 2, nº 4, November, 1977, pp. 253-270.

WOLF, Eric. – Europe and the People Without History. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1982, pp. 1-23; 354-383; 385-391.

GEERTZ, Clifford – “Culture and Social Change: The Indonesian Case”. Man. Vol. 19, nº 4, Dec. 1984, pp. 511-532.

SAHLINS, Marshall – “Cosmologias do Capitalismo. O Setor Trans-Pacífico do ‘Sistema Mundial’”. Conferência apresentada à XVI Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia. Campinas, 27 a 30 de março de 1988 (mimeo).

ADAMS, Jane H. – “The Decoupling of Farm and Household: Differential Consequences of Capitalist Development on Southern Illinois and Third World Family Farms”. Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 30, nº 3, july, 1988, pp. 453-482.

ASANO-TAMANOI, Mariko – “Farmers, Industries and the State: The Culture of Contract Farming in Spain and Japan”. Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 30, nº 3, july, 1988, pp. 432-452.

ONG, Aihwa – “The production of possession: Spirits and the multinational corporation in Malasya”. American Ethnologist, vol. 15, nº 1, febr 1988, pp. 28-47.

15ª Sessão: Conceito, Imagens e Identidade.

REDFIELD, Robert – “Peasant Society and Culture”. In:__. The Little Community and Peasant Society and Culture. Chicago/London: Phoenix Books, 1965, Caps. 1 e 2, pp. 5-29.

BOURDIEU, Pierre – “Une Classe Objet”. Actes de la Recherche, n°17/18, nov., 1977. pp. 2- 5.

GRIGNON, Claude – “Le Paysan Inclassable”. Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, n°4, juillet 1975. pp. 82-87.

RAMBAUD, Placide – “Les Agriculteus Polonais a la Conguete de Leur Identité”. Actes de

la Recherche en Sciences Sociales, n°41, fevrier 1982. pp.47-79.


7 M O N O G R A F I A S


ARENSBERG, Conrad, M. & KIMBALL, Solon: Family and Community in Ireland.

Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Univiversity Press, 1968.

CAMPBELL, Joseph: Honour, Family and Patronage. New York, Oxford University Press, 1974.

FÉL, Edith and Hofer, Támas: Proper Peasants, Traditional life in a Hungarian Village.

Chicago, Aldine Publishing Company, 1969.

FIRTH, Raymond. Malay Fisherman: Their peasant economy. London, Routledge & Keagan Paul, 1968.

LEWIS, Oscar: Life in a Mexican Village: Tepoztlén restudied. Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1963.

VOGT, Evon: Zinacantan, a Maya Community in the Highlands of Chiapas. Cambridge, Mass., Belknap, 1969.


BOURDIEU, Pierre & SAYAD, Abdelmalek : Le déracinement: la crise de l’agriculture traditionnelle en Algérie. Paris, Minuit, 1964.

DUVIGNAUD, Jean: Chebika; mutations dans une village du Maghreb. Paris, Gallimard, 1968.

FREEMAN, Susan: Neighbors: The social contract in a Castilian hamlet. Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1970.

HINTON, William. Faushen; a documentary of Revolution in a Chinese Village. NewYork, Vintage Books, 1966.

SCOTT, Lamer C.: The moral economy of the peasant rebellion and subsistence in Southeast Asia. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1976.

SHANIN. The ackward class, political sociology of peasantry in a developing society Russia 1919-1925. Oxford, Clarendon, 1972.

TAUSSIG, M.: The devil and commodity fetishism in South America. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1980.

WARMAN, Arturo: Y Venimos a contradecir. México, Ed. De la Casa Chata, 1978.


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