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Creating a Selling Brand Identity


Academic year: 2023

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The first registered trademark was Bass' “Red Triangle” in the United Kingdom in 1876.7 However, the number of brands grew rapidly in the 1950s as consumers had more money to spend and there was a wide selection of different brands in the same product category to choose from by. Donuts, Denny's, Pizza Hut and Holiday Inn.8 The 1950s and 1960s were golden times for branding and advertising.


This is how the brand is projecting itself to its audience and facilitating its values. It is still a useful resource for creating a desired society for consumers.21 This theory is further explained in chapter 3.2.


The aspect of the sender is the brand personality, what is perceived in the company and its employees. In his book Building Strong Brands, David Aaker introduces the Brand Personality Scale (BPS) (see FIGURE 1), which is a set of traits designed to both measure and structure brand personality.

A positive brand image is necessary, and it helps to establish brand awareness among the audience. All the introduced methods are also used in the practical part of this thesis when creating a brand identity for Mëtsa.


While branding is not a new field of marketing, it is still more or less based on the same methods and theories first introduced decades ago, such as Kapferer's brand identity prism. The first entity, the image of the sender (constructed source), is based on the physical and personality facets of a brand and the last (constructed receiver) is based on the reflection and self-image of a brand.


These six facets are physique, personality, culture, relationship, reflection and self image which are divided into two entities; the image of the sender (brand identity) against the image of the receiver (brand image) and externalization against. For example, it helps create texture and deeper meaning for Mëtsa when all facets and aspects are considered during the brand design process.




Brand identity is strong, clear and attractive when all aspects communicate with the consumer. 35. In other words, what will consumers associate first when the brand name is mentioned. The personality aspect shows how the characterized version of the brand is communicating and behaving with its audience.

Mëtsa's culture is interesting, as the brand itself is French, but the design values ​​it represents are based on Nordic principles. The reflection facet, on the other hand, is how people connect the relationship between the brand and its consumer. This concept is used to define Mëtsa's core values, which the company and thus the brand itself stands for.

It is important that the message has some brand's own perspective in it and that it coherently follows the brand's identity.


35 Chapter III: Brand Management Tools and Analysis Methods Chapter III: Brand Management Tools and Analysis Methods 36 that are made in the USA and its. Associations related to a brand's product are always key, as it is a direct link between consumers and the consumer's choice of the brand and the experience of using it.44 A strong association means that the consumer will remember the brand correctly in its product class. Brand as an organizational perspective focuses on the company rather than its products or services.

Organizational aspects are more stable, as it is more difficult for competitors to copy them.46 Especially in the world of startups, in addition to the brand and the product or service itself, the most valuable employees are the employees, without whom the startup has nothing. . For example, Iconbrands (discussed in Section 3.4) can be considered as such because the brand logo is powerful and develops emotions and strong associations between the logo and its perceiver. 37 Chapter III: Brand Management Tools and Analysis Methods Chapter III: Brand Management Tools and Analysis Methods 38 In the early 1990s.

BAV® offers a brand-centric approach to analyzing and evaluating the brand's attributes and measuring its state of health.


Brands in the southeast represent those brands whose brand value is eroding (decreasing potential in the market), but once gained their positions in the market. The cross line from lower left corner to upper right presents brands with high growth potential and therefore brands that are slowly gaining their positions in the market. Erosion pillar on the other hand represents a brand that has already achieved great brand awareness among the consumers but is losing their differentiation for some reason.

One of the reasons could be that the core message of the brand and the reality in real life no longer meet. When creating a brand identity for a start-up, it is wise to compare your company with competitors in the same product class and see how and why they achieved a certain position on the BAV scale. The Brand Asset Estimator is a free online brand analysis tool available on the BAV Consulting website.51 However, the analysis tool does not provide any reasons why the searched brand got its position in the BAV ranking, only the results are shown .

The BAV grid allows a brand manager to see the position of the brand and track its growth.


FONT A typeface for representing

SYMBOL A figurative or abstract

CONCEPT The basic idea behind

NAMING A choosen name



Before embarking on a brand design process, it is wise to think through the entire concept beforehand and the values ​​on which the brand is based. It is a brand's unique statement, a promise and the essence of the brand acting as one. During the design process, of course, it is impossible to know for sure whether the brand will ever be given the title "Iconbrand".

This practical part of the thesis is designed strictly in collaboration with the start-up company, where the end result helps them reach "the next level" and create a clear vision for the brand. When brand's core brand identity is defined, it is much easier to focus on creating a consistent content for it. It is a set of visual assets that are crucial to how the consumers perceive the brand itself.

For creating a visual brand identity, it is important that the visual assets represent the other brand assets. Although the company name is Mëtsa glass, it is not used in the brand as such. The original version was based on the Futura typeface (LT medium), which is not an ideal branding solution as it is very overused and does not add any value to the brand.



It has mostly been used exclusively in printed materials (such as look books and business cards) where they wanted to present their brand as a whole. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the new brand was not created from scratch. The badge was slightly updated to be more geometric and bolder than the original.

Instead of using the company's real name, Mëtsa Glasses, only a shortened version is used in their branding. Because Mëtsa's brand is already using a bold sans serif typeface, it was a clear and coherent decision to use a sans serif typeface as the title font as well. This feature supports Mëtsa's brand culture as well, because it is the French twist to Mëtsa's overall Nordic look.

Also the name of the product is written in Junction (bold weight) in all letters.


77 Chapter IV: Creating a selling brand The brand personality of Mëtsa is explained little by little during this thesis. Instead of exhaustively writing what Mëtsa's brand personality is, it is explained through the images used and which will be used in Mëtsa's advertising and other brand assets. Mëtsa's images will be consumers' association with the brand using specific types of packages and images, for example, in marketing and advertising.

Background images and other images based on Mëtsa's visual identity also had to be coherent. When defining Mëtsa's own vocabulary and tone, it was important to realize that consumers are not only in France. After Mëtsa's brand identity was and defined in Chapter 4.2: The Curious Case of Mëtsa, the process of defining Mëtsa's verbal identity could be started.

This is important because Mëtsa consumers do not necessarily provide any additional value in the purchase situation if the product is described as environmentally friendly, since it is made of wood, that is, an ecological material as such.


The thesis presents the basics of brand management tools that are often used, and finally uses these tools to create a brand identity for a startup company. The difference between brand identity and image is especially important, since all brand communication either tries to build the desired image of the brand or tries to keep it as it is. These authors created many modern concepts that are still used in brand management, such as Kapferer's brand identity prism model, presented in Chapter 3.1: Kapferer's Brand Identity Prism.

The theoretical background of the thesis is based on four brand management concepts: Kapferer's brand identity prism, Aaker's Brand Identity System, Young & Rubicam's Brand Assets Valuator and the connotative codes of a brand, based on Univisual's insights into technical perspective assessment of a brand mark. Where Kapferer's prism model and Aaker's brand identity systems focus more on the core identity of the brand, the brand brand concept mainly focuses on. The end result cannot be inconsistent even if only these four concepts are used in creating a new brand identity for a startup company.

I received a deeper expertise of the brand identity creation process and working in an international environment.

Available from http://adage.com/article/cannes10/spice-s-man-man- smell-takes-film-grand-prix/144691/.

The original figures are available [cited November 1, 2015] at http://young-rubicam.de/tools-wissen/tools/brandasset-valuator/. The figure is based on Jean-Noël Kapferer's figure introduced in his book The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating & Sustaining Brand Equity. The figure is an adaptation of Jean-Noël Kapferer's figure introduced in his book The New Strategic Brand Management: Creating & Sustaining Brand Equity.

Available [cited 1 Nov 2015] from http://www.blacknet.co.uk/how-proctor-gamble-broke-the-internet-before-kim-kardashian/. Available [cited 1 Nov 2015] from http://www.reply.eu/en/content/the-new-napapijri-com-goes-live.



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