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Creating an Inclusive Internal Talent Pool


Academic year: 2023

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Second, the company's data controller was interviewed about GDPR-related issues and sent a talent pool sign-up survey. The pool itself, information on identified competency gaps, as well as suggestions for the future of the talent pool are presented and sent to the commissioning company.


It presents the background for the project as well as the project objectives, project tasks and project scope with their management methods and possible outcomes. The international aspect and the benefits of this thesis for different actors will be discussed shortly.

Project Objective and Project Tasks

Evaluating potential talent management software systems and making recommendations to the commission company and creating an Excel sheet from the data collected in PT 4. Evaluating potential talent management software systems and making recommendations to commission companies . panel and creating an Excel sheet from the data collected in PT 4.

Table 1. Overlay matrix
Table 1. Overlay matrix

Project Scope

Provides final product data for the client company and follows data protection regulations. Presents the outcome and findings to the leaders of the commissioning company, self-assessment.

International Aspect

The competencies that are trending and exist in the commissioned company are those that are recommended to sell in the future. Employees willing to participate in the talent pool must verify their listed competencies by specifying how they acquired the competencies.


The success of this project was determined by whether the commissioning company used the talent pool created to spread knowledge and know-how between units. With this, I had a chance to help the commissioning company take steps towards becoming a knowledge-producing organization (Pilbeam . & Corbridge.

The Commissioning Company

Key concepts

The Human Resource Planning process involves evaluating the existing workforce by analyzing individual employee competencies to see if they are a valuable part of the company's future. Thus, a register of employees participating in the group was created, which according to the legislation must be reported and formed in order to comply with the law.

Structure of the Thesis and Project Management Methods

The chosen research methods were the qualitative method in project task 2 and a quantitative survey in project task 3. This chapter includes project task 1, which is the supporting theoretical framework for the following project tasks.

Human Resource Planning

The different histories and variations of talent pools and career paths were discussed and the ideology of talent management systems was presented. Internal labor markets refer to the labor market within the company, in contrast to external labor markets where recruitment is done outside the organization.

Talent Management

Talent development aims to increase the potential of current employees through coaching, mentoring, various training programs and assignments. Talent management focuses on managing three components of talent, namely performance management, talent retention and talent mobility.

Talent Pools

However, this approach can lead to higher turnover because employees who are not part of the group may feel discriminated against. The inclusive approach has potential risks of leaving out some of the high-potential individuals when focusing on a larger group of employees.

Figure 1. The pros and cons of exclusive and inclusive approaches to talent management
Figure 1. The pros and cons of exclusive and inclusive approaches to talent management

Talent Management Systems

Career Paths

Vertical career paths are better known, which means that the employee moves up the career ladder. It often includes new titles, a higher position in the organizational hierarchy and a salary increase.

General Data Protection Regulation

Customers and controllers must be notified without delay when the data controller becomes aware of the data breach. The third right is the right to be forgotten, which gives the data subject the right to have his or her data deleted, or to withdraw consent.

Research Methods

In this way, all the participants could see in real time what were the changes made to the existing data. All the members represented the commissioned company and had a University of Applied Science degree and several years of work experience.


In the Challenging Behavior category, we combined IMO know-how and legal know-how, as they both refer to the law. A level of basic understanding, the ability to adapt these skills and the know-how of who to contact when the employee does not know what to do were considered essential. Knowledge of other alternative communication methods (simplified language, sign language, HYP, Oiva, etc.).

Table 2. Preliminary model before focus group discussion.
Table 2. Preliminary model before focus group discussion.

Research Methods

The aim of the research was to identify potential competence gaps in the client company. The client company has an e-mail list that includes all employees of the company. Since it was not possible to target only the workers, I used this email list with all the employees of the client company.


From the perspective of the categories, all the competencies in the Life Management category were mandatory. The biggest differences in the responses came from the geographical location of the unit and the age of the unit. Almost all the answers to the answer option "none of the employees have this competence" came from newer units.

Figure 2. Number of respondents in percentages per question. Answer options: 1. All the employees have this competence, 2
Figure 2. Number of respondents in percentages per question. Answer options: 1. All the employees have this competence, 2

Project Management Methods

The survey tool was Webropol, and the first question was a drop-down menu question asking about the employment entity, and the second question asked the respondents' contact information. In the appendix, the survey's answer options for the question regarding the employment unit have been deleted for reasons of confidentiality. I emailed the managers and explained why I contacted them with a list of skills provided by the employees with the survey.


Knowledge of other alternative communication methods; conceptualization and structuring of time; network knowledge, social leadership skills, service guidance; recognition of deficient adaptive skills; planning and execution of rehabilitation plan for deficient adaptive skills; AVEKKI expertise, networking skills;; recognize and evaluate potential for employment; networking and knowledge about the services; the development of exemplary employment; which engages clients in the exemplary employment activities. H Sexuality; conceptualization and structuring of time; psychiatric illnesses; networking skills; recognition and rehabilitation of sensorimotor special features; occupational and physiotherapeutic knowledge. AAC communication, understanding and application of the method; conceptualization and structuring of time; network knowledge, social leadership skills, service guidance; recognition of deficient adaptive skills; planning and execution of rehabilitation plan for deficient adaptive skills; debriefing with the clients;; networking skills; recognition and rehabilitation of sensorimotor special features; planning and execution of media activities;.

Project Management Methods

In project task 5, potential talent management software systems were investigated in order to discover few potential alternatives suitable for future purchase in the commissioned company. The data collected in project task 4 was put into an Excel sheet and delivered to the commissioning company. The project management methods are presented in chapter 6.1 and the findings are discussed in chapter 6.2.


When creating the final talent pool, which is an Excel sheet in the Microsoft Teams platform, the data for it comes from a survey conducted during project task 4. Information about what these employees would like to learn in the future will not be in the group, but will be collected at a separate table and given to a representative of the client's company among the final pool of talent. The representative will enter the talent pool into Microsoft Teams and provide user rights.

Project Management Methods

In project task 6, it was intended to study which existing competences of the commission company are potentially attractive and salable to foreign markets. The project management methods for this project task are presented in chapter 7.1 and the findings are in chapter 7.2.


Project management methods for this project task are presented in chapter 7.1 and the findings are in chapter 7.2. 44 . disorder) to express themselves as they often have problems with verbal communication (Lacour 2018). Since the commissioned company does have experts in this area, this could be one potential competency for foreign markets. In project task 7, the aim was to create instructions for the utilization and maintenance of the created talent pool.

Project Management Methods

For this, a communication plan should be developed to find out what is working and what is not and how these issues can be resolved (Berger & Berger 2011, 502).


The employee of the pool discusses with the employees of the unit in need, to discover more in depth what the real need is and what is recommended for the case. For maintenance, the most important thing to do is to name a person responsible for maintaining the pool. Collecting regular feedback from both the participants and the managers is important to find out if the pool is found useful and relevant, and to receive suggestions for improvement.

Figure 3. Recommendations for utilising the talent pool.
Figure 3. Recommendations for utilising the talent pool.

Key Outcomes

The target group of the survey was the blue-collar workers, but due to problems with e-mails (explained in more depth in chapter 4.1), the e-mail was sent to the entire company. Project task 5 is about the talent management software systems and the formation of the talent pool for the time being. In this step, key outcomes, evaluation of the project and recommendations for the future were given.

Project Evaluation

During this process, it was important to clearly show the context and value of each step in the text. The structure of this thesis had to be redone a few times and the headings changed until the last weeks of the process. To avoid overuse of headings, I used bold in the text to symbolize when the subject changes.

Recommendations and Suggestions for Further Research and Projects

I knew from the beginning that this would be a labor-intensive project, but I wanted to stay with the theme, knowing that it was very necessary in a commission business. From the point of view of competences, it could be interesting if the client company regularly researches what competences are needed in the company. Workshops could be organized to define these competencies and assess how important they really are when working with a client.

Reflection on Learning

URL: https://www.shrm.org/hr-to-day/news/all-things-work/pages/accepting-autism.aspx. URL: https://www.autismeurope.org/blog punësimi- of-autistic-people-discussed-at-the-european-parliament/. URL: https://www.successfactors.com/con-tent/dam/successfactors/en_us/resources/brochures-product/succession-develop-ment.pdf.

Cover Letter for Unit Competence Survey

Unit Competence Survey

Cover Letter for Employee Competence Survey

Employee Competence Survey

Letter for Employees Participating the Talent Pool

Letter for Managers to Confirm the Competences

Letter for Commissioning Company’s Current Talent Management System

Example Excel Sheet for the Current Talent Management System


Table 1. Overlay matrix
Figure 1. The pros and cons of exclusive and inclusive approaches to talent management
Table 2. Preliminary model before focus group discussion.
Figure 2. Number of respondents in percentages per question. Answer options: 1. All the employees have this competence, 2


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