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[PENDING] Κόπωση ναυτικών & διαχείριση κινδύνων στη θάλασσα


Academic year: 2024

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Today it is one of the most important levers of the global economy, daily improving the local economies of most states. A milestone in the navigation sector was the establishment of the IMO-International Maritime Organization, in 1959, which laid the foundation for the optimization of working conditions for seafarers. The first part begins with the analysis of the working time of seafarers, with an emphasis on the time spent in shifts and overtime.

A series of analyzes includes the description of the fatigue state of seafarers, describing the causes of fatigue, the consequences of the phenomenon and the way to recognize the feeling of fatigue by the workers. It was also deemed necessary to present the implications of the coexistence of the individual with multinational crews. The first part describes in detail the danger of the nature of the profession, with the manifestations of noise and the most common and fatal accidents.

The first part concludes with a presentation of the legislative framework at national, European and international level on the welfare of seafarers at work. The next, second, part of the work will first analyze the concept of risk at sea, with a description of the risk categories and the causes that cause them.

Χρόνος εργασίας

Βάρδιες & Υπερωρίες

Employment agreements and formats of records of seafarers' hours of work or hours of rest, ΙΜΟ.

Υγεία ναυτικών

  • Πιθανά προβλήματα υγείας
  • Σύνδρομο χρόνιας κόπωσης
  • Κούραση ναυτικών
    • Αιτίες ύπαρξης κόπωσης
    • Συνέπειες της κόπωσης
    • Αναγνώριση κόπωσης στο άτομο
    • Τρόποι προστασίας από το αίσθημα κόπωσης
    • Κόπωση και θέματα υγείας
    • Η κούραση ως αιτία ατυχημάτων
  • Απομόνωση
  • Πολυεθνικά πληρώματα
  • Καλή διαβίωση των ναυτικών

17 Fatigue and life on a seagoing ship, guidance on mitigating and managing fatigue, international maritime organisation. 21 How can you recognize fatigue in yourself and others guidance on fatigue reduction and management, international maritime organisation. 25 Basic Concepts in Understanding Fatigue Guidance on Mitigation and Management of Fatigue, International Maritime Organization.

35 Multinational Crews and Communications, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook -of-maritime-medicine/38-textbook-of-maritime-medicine/6-the-sea-as- a-workplace/760-multinational-crews-a-communication. 39 Welfare on board – special issues, textbook on maritime medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.ph p/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/61-textbook-of-maritime-medicine/10-seafarers-welfare /914-welfare-on-board-specific-issues.

Επικινδυνότητα φύσης του επαγγέλματος


  • Αιτίες ύπαρξης θορύβου στην ναυσιπλοΐα
  • Συνέπειες ηχορύπανσης

41 Main sources of noise on board ships, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/51- textbook-of-maritime-medicine/18-noise /917- main sources of noise on board-ship-1. 42 Main sources of noise on board ships, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/51- textbook-of-maritime-medicine/18-noise /917- main sources of noise on board-ship-1. 43 Non-auditory Effects of Noise on Seafarers, Textbook of Maritime Medicine, http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/tekstbook-of-maritime-medicine/51-tekstbook-of-maritime-medicine/18-noise/ 920-non-hearing-effects-of-noise-for-sailors-1.


44 7 Common Types of Accidents on Ship's Deck, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/7-common-types-accidents-ships-deck/.

Τα πλέον κοινά θανατηφόρα ατυχήματα

Νομοθετικό πλαίσιο

Ελληνική Νομοθεσία

  • Ναυτεργατικό Δίκαιο
  • Σωματεία

Ευρωπαϊκή Νομοθεσία

Διεθνής Νομοθεσία

82 International Maritime Organization, IMO Structure http://www.imo.org/en/About/Pages/Structure.aspx.

Επισκόπηση Μεθοδολογιών Πολυκριτήριας Αξιολόγησης

Μέθοδος Ανταλλαγής Βαρών

Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/how-to-minimize-the-risks-of-an-electrical-shock-on-a-ship/. 131 Avoiding 'death traps on ships' - Understanding the dangers of mooring, maritime insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-. 134 8 Maritime systems that ensure the safety and security of ships, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems-that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/.

136 8 Maritime Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems- that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/. 138 8 Maritime Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems- that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/. 140 8 Maritime Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems- that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/.

141 8 Maritime Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems- that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/. 143 8 Maritime Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems- that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/. 1448 Marine Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine -safety/8-maritime-systems- that-ensures-ship-safety-and-security/.

Maritime Injury Center Overview of Maritime Accidents and Injuries https://www.maritimeinjurycenter.com/accidents-and-injuries/. Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/how-to-minimize-the-risks-of-an-electrical-shock-on-a-ship/. 10 Main Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Used Aboard Ship, Marine at https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/10-main-personal-.

Avoiding "shipboard death traps" - Understanding the risks of mooring operation, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-. 7 Common Types of Ship Deck Accidents, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/7-common-types-accidents- ships-deck/. 8 Maritime Systems That Ensure Ship Safety and Security, MarineInsight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/8-maritime-systems-that-ensure-ship-safety-and-security/.

Μέθοδος Simos

Ανάλυση της έννοιας του κινδύνου, του ρίσκου και της ασφάλειας

Κατηγορίες κινδύνων & Αιτίες Εμφάνισης τους

95 Maritime Injury Center Overview of Maritime Accidents and Injuries, https://www.maritimeinjurycenter.com/accidents -and-injuries/.

Δικαιώματα αναφορικά με την αντιμετώπιση πιθανών κινδύνων

  • Θάνατος
  • Κάλυψη ιατρικής περίθαλψης
  • Κατάθεση αγωγών
  • Ναυτική ασφάλιση
  • Ανάλυση
  • Διαχείριση
  • Περιγραφή
  • Αξιολόγηση

109 Risk Management, UN Procurement Practitioner's Handbook https://www.ungm.org/Areas/Public/pph/ch04s01.html. 111 Risk Management, UN Procurement Practitioner's Handbook https://www.ungm.org/Areas/Public/pph/ch04s01.html. 112 Risk Management, UN Procurement Practitioner's Handbook https://www.ungm.org/Areas/Public/pph/ch04s01.html.

Κίνδυνος & τρόπος αντιμετώπισης του κίνδυνου από το πλήρωμα εν πλω

Βασικές κατηγορίες ατυχημάτων



Αρμοδιότητες πληρώματος

Προληπτικές ενέργειες για την αποφυγή των πιο συνηθισμένων κινδύνων στη

Είσοδος σε κλειστούς χώρους

Περιορισμός κινδύνου από ηλεκτρικό ατύχημα εν πλω

Απαιτήσεις σχετικά με τα σωστικά συστήματα του πλοίου σύμφωνα με το SOLAS

Προσωπικά μέτρα ασφαλείας

Κατανόηση των κινδύνων των επιχειρήσεων πρόσδεσης

Προστασία από την πειρατεία

Συστήματα πλοίου που προσυπογράφουν την ασφάλεια πλεύσης

10 Common Life Threatening Incidents on Board Ships, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/10-common-life-threatening-incidents-board-ships/. Procedure for Entering an Enclosed Space on a Ship, Marine Insight https://www.marineinsight.com/marine-safety/procedure-for-entering-an-enclosed-space-on-a-ship/. Main sources of noise on board ships, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/51-textbook-of-maritime-medicine/18-noise/917-main -sources-of-noise-on-ships-1.

Non-auditory effects of noise on seafarers, Textbook of Maritime Medicine, http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/51-. Multinational Teams and Communication, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/38- textbook-of-maritime-medicine/6-the-sea-as-a -workplace/760- multinational-teams-a-communication. Seafarers' Welfare, Introduction, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/61- textbook-of-maritime-medicine/10-seafarers-welfare/912-101 - introduction.

Welfare on board – special issues, textbook of maritime medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/61-. Diseases and injuries of the eyes, Textbook of Maritime Medicine, http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/42- textbook-of-maritime-medicine/24-eye-conditions/ 636 -24-diseases-and-injuries-in-the-eyes. The most common skin disorders, Textbook of Maritime Medicine http://textbook.ncmm.no/index.php/textbook-of-maritime-medicine/33-.


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