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[PENDING] Machine-to-Machine Communication: A heterogeneous Internet-of-Things testbed


Academic year: 2024

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I would also like to thank several open source contributors who have responded to me in online forums and guided me through the various stages of working on this thesis. Last but not least, I would like to express my gratitude to my family for their endless support during the years of study.


In the current thesis, M2M communication refers to machine-to-machine, machine-to-man or man-to-machine communication. Ubiquitous data exchange through nearby wireless technologies: Wireless plays an important role in IoT, therefore it is important to optimize access to frequency spectrum.

Thesis Scope

An application on a tablet to access the cloud and retrieve information collected from the wireless network and interact with the actual sensors and actuators. Data travels from the sensors through wireless networks to reach the cloud on the Internet.

Thesis Organization

Relevant Research

Introduction to performance evaluation tools for WSNs

Most emulators are based on a component-based architecture to offer greater scalability. In order to ensure 24-hour operation of the test device, mobile nodes must have the ability to automatically charge.

Overview of WSN testbeds

  • Support Heterogeneity
    • Support Scalability
    • Do not support Scalability
  • Do not support heterogeneity
    • Support Scalability
    • Do not support Scalability

To help users handle their individual experiments across different sensor nodes and heterogeneous WSNs, the testbed team has developed a middleware. On the other hand, the web server provides a fully functional web interface through which the end users can access the testbed.


Theoretical Background

Internet-of-Things: An Overview

  • Basic Devices: Hardware Interfaces
  • Basic Devices: Software Interfaces
  • Smart objects characteristics & constraints
  • Technologies for Smart Objects

This is a general-purpose interface that can be used to control multiple peripherals, but is typically used for controlling external display devices. This is a general-purpose interface that can be used to control multiple peripherals, but is typically used for controlling external displays, readout sensors, or storage peripherals.

M2Μ – An overview

  • The Internet of Devices
  • ETSI M2M Architecture
  • Key application areas
  • PanStamp
  • Zolertia Z1
  • Raspberry Pi B+
  • LTE
  • Open.Sen.Se
  • Android

Lagarto SWAP runs on the gateway and requires a PanStamp to be connected to the serial port and act as a modem for the network traffic. The Lagarto SWAP and Lagarto Max servers are successfully configured on Raspbian OS and a PanStamp shield is attached to the GPIO of the RPi. The polling mechanism is implemented on the Lagarto MAX source code to add online control capabilities to the end device network.


Wireless Sensor Network

  • PanStamp
  • Zolertia Z1
    • Working environment - Download and install Contiki
    • Select the right mote target
    • Contiki code for Zolertia Z1 motes in Smart World Testbed
  • Ultra-Sonic Sensor

Folder “mycontiki” is the Contiki folder in RPi B+, where the code for the border router and the Contiki mote can be found. To compile and upload code to the border router: (connect to PC via USB). It was chosen because this is the address of the virtual network interface created by the border router and we have set our Lagarto HTTP to listen to that address.

Gateway: Raspberry Pi B+

  • Raspberry Pi B+ in «SmartWorld» – Installation steps
  • Install Noobs and OS to Rarspberry Pi
  • Login to RPi
  • Install Lagarto Servers
  • Network configuration and DNS configuration
  • Activate the Sensors & de-activate Updates of Devices
  • Access and Test the Servers
    • Lagarto-MAX
    • Lagarto-SWAP
    • Lagarto – HTTP
  • How to use the servers

To access the servers, run a browser on the same computer or another on the local network and enter the following URL: http://local_IP_address:8002. In the figure we can notice that we have configured a Trigger to send data to the Open.Sen.Se service. To access the servers, run a browser on the same computer or another on the local network and enter the following URL: http:// local_IP_address:8003.

Connectivity with Internet

  • Procedure to turn on the testbed (PanStamp and Zolertia) via Ethernet
  • Cellular Connectivity with LTE to Raspberry Pi B+
    • Operator: Telefonica M2M
    • Access to Lagarto – Servers via Cellular connectivity
  • Cellular Connectivity with SIGFOX to Raspberry Pi B+
    • Telecom Design 1208 Module
    • Get started with SIGFOX TD1208 Module

Plug in the modem, leave it for a second or two so it can be recognized and then: #lsusb. Sudo usb_modeswitch –c /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf Step 4: Add an extra module to system modules. The wide range of analog and digital interfaces available in the TD1208 module allows any application to easily interface with the SIGFOX™ network.

Cloud Applications

In Figure 64 we can observe the time stamp, message data, antenna signal and whether the Callback function worked or not. For security purposes, each http request must contain a unique key in the header of each http packet. We can change the Sensor_In value via the Ultra Sonic sensor or by connecting a Wire to the PanStamp Board.

Android Applications

The M2M server keeps the cloud informed of the status of the switch and the application translates this into a premium membership when the switch is on and a normal membership when the switch is off. GeoFence: Application that changes a value on the Lagarto server based on the geological position of the Android device. The polling mechanism is used so that the server receives status updates about the status of the actuator of a virtual switch in the Open.Sen.se cloud.

Problems in the development

This could be turning on the heating system when the user approaches his home, so that the house is already warm when he arrives, or opening the front door automatically every time the user is outside his house. The PanStamp shield should fit in the RPi like this picture (without the SMA antenna).

Conclusion and Future Trends

Cui, 'EasiTest: A Multi-radio testbed for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks', in IET International Conference on Wireless Sensor Network, 2010. Frantz, 'GNOMES: a testbed for low-power heterogene wireless sensor networks', in Proceedings of the 2003 International Simposium on Circuits and Systems, 2003. Wallies, 'MoteLab: a wireless sensor network testbed', in Fourth International Simposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2005.

PanStamp Motes

  • Open wireless communications
  • PanStick
  • Serial Monitor
  • PanStamp Code

If you want to upload code to another mode, convert the latitude and longitude from decimal to hex and replace them with Coordinates0...coordinates 7. Then a Lagarto server typically processes this data and delivers it to the IP world using of different mechanisms. Thanks to the available contacts, you can solder pin headers under the board and put the panStick and panStamp dongle on a breadboard, so you have access to panStampspins for your developments.

Raspberry Pi devices

Raspberry Pi B

The GPIO header has grown to 40 pins, while keeping the same pinout for the first 26 pins as Model B. We now have 4 USB 2.0 ports, compared to 2 on Model B, and better hotplug and overcurrent behavior. By replacing linear regulators with switching regulators, we have reduced energy consumption by 0.5 W to 1 W.

Start the Development


With NOOBS it is easy to install or restore the Raspbian (OS for RPi) http://www.raspberrypi.org/help/noobs-setup/.


Download and extract pyswap and other python applications for PanStamp source: www.panStamp.org/downloads/panStamp_python_2.6.zip. To update your apps, ssh to the Raspberry Pi and run the following command to install svn (subversion), which is required on the Raspberry Pi to update Lagarto. Deactivate "Update" devices lagarto/lagarto-swap/config/settings.xml Change "Update" to "False".

Access and test the servers


Place the batteries in the PanStamp sensors and locate them somewhere near the RPi.


Note: The following files in the Lagarto-max directory have been modified by adding a few extra lines at the end to improve server functionality. USB: Load the modem app into panStamp and attach it to the raspberryPI with a panstick.

Cloud Platform

Add a new channel -> Arduino and other physical or virtual devices -> Register -> Start. We select "Input" and then according to the data type we select "feed type".

Android Applications

Google maps android API key version 2

Useful things to do/know

Failure to shut down the RPi properly may corrupt your SD card and you will need to re-image it. sudo apt-get install python-rpi.gpio sudo apt-get install python-smbus sudo apt-get install i2c-tools. sudo apt-get install python-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev python pip Sudo pip with easy install.

Smart World testbed Introduction

PanStamp Motes


Furthermore, Lagarto servers can be queried using simple HTTP GET/POST commands, so communication with existing applications should not be a problem. As a result, we can say that your ideas can be developed on both sides of the diagram above: the low-power wireless network and the IP side. With a panStamp, this shield frees the computer from having to deal with low-power wireless communications.


Z1 motes

This shield also contains a real-time IC with battery backup so that we no longer depend on remote NTP servers and Internet connections to get the current time, even after an outage. To connect and disconnect, it is necessary to insert and remove at least one battery. When the battery is connected, if there is good power, the red led is on for a second.


Z1 Contiki Network

Raspberry Pi B+

Huawei E3276 LTE MODEM

Getting to Know Your Mobile Internet Key

It connects the dongle to your PC, folds up for safe transport and rotates to help you get the best signal. The LED light indicates whether the internet dongle has found the network and whether you have successfully connected to the mobile high-speed internet network.

Android Applications

Smart parking Application

PanStamp is programmed to transmit the values ​​of the sensors that decide whether there are cars in the parking spaces and the coordinates of their exact location to the M2M server. Every time a value changes, the PanStamps sends the new value to the M2M server so that it is updated. This way, the premium membership status is not integrated into the firmware and can be controlled from the M2M server (Turn the Premium value on/off in the Sensor).

Geo Fencing Application

Other features of the application are to display only the available spots or display the user's current location on the map. The polling mechanism is used so that the server receives status updates about the status of the actuator of a virtual switch on the OpenSense cloud. The application implements the Android Google Maps API so that the user can visualize his position and the location of the fences on a map.

SmartWorld Testbed – Run Step by Step (via Ethernet Connection)

Contistamp/lagarto/lagarto-contiki/config/lagarto.xml Change the IP address to: local_IP_address. Name the device, device type (other), description, sending data (HTTP publishing), receiving data (HTTP polling). If your device doesn't have a built-in HTTP server, you can just use the polling method, which periodically checks Sen.se for any new data.


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