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Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction


Academic year: 2024

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This thesis presents original research on the subject of Machine Learning and more specifically in the fields of Natural Language Processing and Information Extraction. Finally, we complete a number of case studies for the implementation of natural language processing techniques in the real world and investigate their added value.

Research Areas

Machine Learning

Finally, Knowledge Distillation is a methodology in which a machine learning model (usually referred to as the Student) attempts to predict a desired output, given a set of data points and an already trained model (referred to as the Teacher). Finally, we can summarize that contributions to the field of Machine Learning are usually focused on one of three aspects, i.e.

Figure 1.1: Machine Learning landscape overview.
Figure 1.1: Machine Learning landscape overview.

Natural Language Processing

Therefore, natural language understanding and natural language generation skills are required to provide accurate answers. Natural language generation on the other hand is the task of evaluating the ability of models to generate the coherence of the generated model text.

Figure 1.3: Natural Language Processing landscape overview with task examples.
Figure 1.3: Natural Language Processing landscape overview with task examples.

Biomedical Natural Language Processing

By definition, the contributions of this thesis are also made using Deep Neural Networks as the springboard. Finally, terminology varies greatly even within biomedical texts as the medical field changes (Gu et al., 2020).

Research Problems

Going beyond the specific requirements of the field, the heterogeneity of biomedical texts makes them very challenging (Wang et al., 2018b). Currently, this task is tackled by creating contextualized representations of the identified arguments in an attempt to capture their meaning.

Thesis Contributions and Structure

Linguistic Characteristics

Interestingly, the term “word” as used in language modeling has no linguistic meaning (Manning and Schutze, 1999), but has come to define individual tokens used as input to LM. Furthermore, early approaches to language modeling that used statistical approaches and were commonly called N-gram models because they relied on N preceding words to make predictions about subsequent words suffered from an inability to generalize.

Approaches to Language Modeling

The architecture of transformers, the mechanisms that enable these approaches, and its connection to language models will be further explored in Section 2.5.

Language Model Evaluation

Entity Recognition

Linguistic Characteristics

The first example comes from using the same range of text to describe two different entities of the same semantic type. Another example, usually due to metonymy, is when the same range of text is used to describe two different entities of different semantic types.

Approaches to Entity Recognition

Entity recognition systems rely on a host of linguistic, orthographic, and morphological features derived from the source text, along with the available context, to make a prediction (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007). Modern Entity Recognition models are dominated by Deep Learning approaches, as they require less feature engineering and enable end-to-end training, resulting in higher overall performance (Li et al., 2020a).

Entity Recongition Evaluation

With Deep Learning, Name Entity Recognition systems could work end-to-end, without the need for manual feature engineering or external latent information. While Biomedical Entity Recognition systems have also benefited from Neural Networks, their individual characteristics have led to poor performance compared to their Named Entity counterparts.

Argumentation Mining

Linguistic Characteristics

The structure of inference is the result of identifying the relationship between identifying arguments as either supporting or attacking. Where premises interact sequentially with each other with the last premise on the chain interacting with a claim.

Approaches to Argumentation Mining

Comparable to previous tasks, manually manipulated features were used in early attempts with little success (Palau and Moens, 2009; . Peldszus, 2014; Aker et al., 2017). A hindering factor for biomedical argumentation mining was the lack of high-quality corpora that would enable supervised learning approaches (Mayer et al., 2019).

Argumentation Mining Evaluation

Coreference Resolution

Linguistic Characteristics

Zero Anaphora. This type of anaphora uses a gap in a phrase or clause to point back to the antecedent. Discontinuous Sets (Split Anaphora). This type refers to the anaphora in which the pronoun refers back to more than one antecedent.

Approaches to Coreference Resolution

Deep learning approaches have introduced innovations with latent prior trees (Lee et al., 2018), adversarial training (Subramanian and Roth, 2019), reinforcement learning techniques (Aralikatte et al., 2019), entity matching (Kantor and Globerson, 2019 ) and mention species information (Khosla and Rose, 2020). However, they use domain-specific pre-trained LMs and functions to handle domain requirements (Kilicoglu and Demner-Fushman, 2016; Trieu et al., 2018; Li et al., 2021).

Coreference Resolution Evaluation

Therefore, recording datasets such as the ACE dataset (Doddington et al., 2004), which contain singleton annotations, cannot be trusted. The approximation metrics, both precision and recall, are calculated by checking whether the entities contain the mention, resulting in

The Transformer Architecture

Automatic encoding models are focused on predicting masked information in word sequences (Devlin et al., 2019a). A detailed review of transformer alternatives designed to improve efficiency is available in (Tay et al., 2020).

Knowledge Graphs

These include answering questions, summarizing, searching for information, and constructing a knowledge graph, among others (Li et al., 2020a). Jin and Szolovits, 2018) to answering questions and searching for information (Abacha and Zweigenbaum, 2015; Gulden et al., 2019).

Figure 2.5: The stages of KG creation and the related Information Extraction task types.
Figure 2.5: The stages of KG creation and the related Information Extraction task types.

Related Work

The publication of a large, high-quality manually annotated corpus provides the means to further achieve the research objectives with detailed PICO annotations (Nye et al., 2018). Another approach introduces a combinatorial embedding, which uses two character-level architectures and a word-level architecture to create token representations (Cho et al., 2020).

Biomedical Entity Recognition Architectures

Biomedical Entity Recognition with Recurrent Neural Networks

Similar to Kim et al. 2016), we use a nonlinearity function and a max-over-time pooling operation to obtain a fixed-dimensional representation of the word inCxp∈Rdchar×dkernel. The attention mechanism is used to increase the model's ability to extract features from the word representation vector.

Figure 3.2: 2D CNN architecture for character-based word representations
Figure 3.2: 2D CNN architecture for character-based word representations

Biomedical Entity Recognition with end-to-end Transformers

Longer context modeling with efficient Transformers

The introduced sparsity in the attention mechanism lowers the original quadratic computational complexity to O(n×w)), whereby the window size. Finally, Linformer uses a low-rank projection technique on the length dimension to project the dimension keys and values ​​in the Query, Key, Value attention schema to a lower dimension (k).


  • Data and Preprocessing
  • Experimental setup
  • Experimental results
  • Ablation study

The detailed results presented in Table 3.1 highlight the performance of each model overall and for each label (population, intervention and outcome) in terms of precision (P), recall (R) and F1 score. We present three typical examples in Table 3.2, and in all of them we notice that the predicted tags are missing some non-medical words or tagging multiple words in the PICO entities.

Table 3.1: EBM Models performance comparison
Table 3.1: EBM Models performance comparison

Conclusion extraction with Evidence-Based Medicine Entities

PICO Statements dataset

More specifically, we identified distinct Populations for each category such as "Graves' Disease" for Endocrinology, "Preterm Birth" for Gynecology, and "Multiple Sclerosis" for Neurology, to be used for document collection. Our annotators consisted of 26 MSc students from the medical department of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki who already had medical degrees, and the annotation process was evaluated using the Inter Annotator Agreement (IAA) (Roberts et al., 2009) and Cohen's Kappa ( Cohen, 1960).

PICO Statement Classifier

Experimental Results

It becomes clear that the gains in performance, given a better PICO device model, can have a significant boost in performance with different algorithms. These results also suggest that a perfect PICO Entity Recognizer could only boost the performance of the tested classifiers to the scores in Table 3.10 with the used set of features.

Entity-specific Biomedical Entity Recognition

Data and Preprocessing

All the aforementioned corpora are collections of abstracts of publications from PubMed/MEDLINE, assembled using MeSH terms. Due to the similarity of linguistic features between the identification of the surface forms of the selected entity types and the gene and drug type entities, we did not compare the performance of our model architecture with other benchmark corpora.

Entity-specific experimental results

Combined with our model's use of only word and subword features as input, it fails to create meaningful representations for the input tokens. As a result, the majority of models use a combination of multiple word and character embeddings to avoid out-of-vocabulary occurrences.

Table 3.14: Generalization results on JNLPBA corpus
Table 3.14: Generalization results on JNLPBA corpus

Conclusions and Future Work

The system uses latent semantic annotation in the form of Evidence-Based Medicine entities from a pre-trained model to increase its performance and expressiveness. In the rest of this chapter, we first review the related works in Argumentation Mining (Section 4.2).

Related Works

The aim of the work is to use the reasoning structure produced by a MAM system (Mayer et al., 2020) as a feature in an argumentative outcome analysis. Handling argument identification as a sequence labeling task with multiple RNNs is investigated (Ajjour et al., 2017; Spliethöver et al., 2019).

TransforMED: A Medical Argumentation Mining system

Factor graphs are constructed in a structure learning approach using SVMs and RNNs in the approach proposed by Niculae et al. Similarly, ResidualAM (Galassi et al., 2018) is a cursor network approach that removes the structure constraints in an attempt to avoid false negatives.

Figure 4.1: TransforMED system pipeline view. Example text appears in Red for Populations, Green for Interventions and Light Blue for Outcomes.
Figure 4.1: TransforMED system pipeline view. Example text appears in Red for Populations, Green for Interventions and Light Blue for Outcomes.

TransforMED Models Architectures

Argument Identification model architecture

Formally, the ArgId model takes as input a sequence of tokensW = (w1, . . . , wl), which is passed through a pre-trained BERT model to produce a sequence of embeddings X = (x1, . The PICO annotations are passed through a embedding layer to produce a sequence of embeddingsP = (p1, . . . , pn), where is the number of tokens in the original sentence and is the maximum number of tokens in a sequence after padding.

Argument Relation Classification model architecture

The resulting vectors Both argument strings are concatenated before padding, with the special token “SEP” inserted between the two strings, before being passed through a BERT model to create a string embeddingX = (X11, . . , . . . , X2m,.


  • Data and Preprocessing
  • Experimental setup
  • Experimental results
  • Ablation study

These PICO annotations are the same ones generated by the Pre-Trained EBM model in the first stage of the pipeline. As a result, the improvements in ArgId model performance from PICO annotations were minimal but not negligible.

Table 4.1: Argument Identification models performance comparison
Table 4.1: Argument Identification models performance comparison

Conclusions and Future Work

However, FFNN-based LMs have limited contextual information available, an issue that was addressed via Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) (Mikolov et al., 2013a). Until recently, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and especially Long-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, have been the core of all cutting-edge approaches (McCann et al., 2017b; Peters et al., 2018a). .

Related Works

YangLM (Yang et al., 2017b) first introduced an RNN-based LM with explicit entity decision and learnable entity representations. YangLM (Yang et al., 2017b), also presents a variation of the LM that uses latent representations of a database.

Coreference-aware Language Modeling Training

  • The Entity-Transformer block
  • Entity representations
  • Experimental setting
  • Data and Preprocessing
  • Experimental results
  • Result experiences

The remaining final output is used in the entity attention layer before being forwarded out of the ET block. Entity-Attention is an adaptation of the multi-head attention masking layer used in the original Transformer block.

Figure 5.1: (left) Entity-Transformer Block (right) Entity Attention mechanism
Figure 5.1: (left) Entity-Transformer Block (right) Entity Attention mechanism

Coreference-aware Language Model Fine-Tuning

  • Entity-Gating
  • Entity Representations
  • Data and Preprocessing
  • Experimental Setup
  • Experimental results
  • Error Analysis
  • Result experiences

This design choice is based on the architecture of the Entity-Gating layer (section 5.4.1) and the learning process. Our model has 132M parameters, an increase of 6%, after adding the Entity-Gating layer and the entity representations.

Figure 5.4: CoreLM Architecture as an extention of GPT2 model (area within dashed border).
Figure 5.4: CoreLM Architecture as an extention of GPT2 model (area within dashed border).

Conclusions and Future work

  • Related Works
  • The AirSent platform
  • Data and Preprocessing
  • Sentiment Analysis model
  • User Location Extraction
  • Application Interface Implementation
  • Conclusions

Because the app aims to provide users with real-time, state-of-the-art feedback. On the other hand, lexicons provide direct feedback about the feeling expressed by certain words.

Figure 6.1: Data Set Sentiment Distribution per Airline.
Figure 6.1: Data Set Sentiment Distribution per Airline.


  • Related Works
  • The Doc2KG Framework
  • Advanced searching functionality
  • Case Study: The DIAVGEIA Portal
  • Discussion and Conclusions

In the second stage, we transform the document collection into a knowledge graph based on the descriptions of classes, attributes, and relationships in the ontology. The proposed framework extends the current functionalities of document repositories by using the knowledge graph for advanced search.

Figure 6.4: Doc2KG architecture overview with deployment stages colour annotated.
Figure 6.4: Doc2KG architecture overview with deployment stages colour annotated.


Machine Learning Platforms

Inseparable services are offered by IBM's Watson, SAS's Viya and Amazon's Sagemaker, with minimal differences in the tasks supported. Other platforms that offer similar services are H2O.ai and Altair Smartwatch, but they are more limited in capabilities and scope and, compared to all previously mentioned platforms, are not directly related to other products from the same company.

The MLOpen Platform

The second (Figure 6.8) allows the user to enter the data needed to run or train the ML model provided in the pipeline. As illustrated in Figure 6.9, the last view allows the user to select a previously uploaded pipeline and a previously uploaded dataset and run the pipeline.

Figure 6.9: MLOpen “Run Pipelines” View
Figure 6.9: MLOpen “Run Pipelines” View

Discussion and Future works

For Transformers we have the different language modeling approaches enabled and the disadvantages of the. We based our approach on the success of the Biomedical Entity Recognition systems in identifying semantically hard entities and used the Evidence-Based Medicine framework as a source of information.

Future Work

AirSent (Michailidis et al., 2018), which combined sentiment analysis with Location Inference, demonstrates the value of the two tasks working together in a real-world scenario. This effort had led to the creation of benchmarks such as xNLI (Conneau et al., 2018), for cross-language Natural Language Inference.

Publications in Journals

Publications in Conferences

Submitted Publications


Αναγνώριση Βιοιατρικών Οντοτήτων

Εξόρυξη Επιχειρημάτων υποβοηθούμενη από Ιατρική Βασισμένη στην Τεκ-

Επίλυση αναφορών στην Μοντελοποίηση Γλώσσας

Περιπτωσιολογικές μελέτες


  • Machine Learning landscape overview
  • Learning methodology taxonomy
  • Natural Language Processing landscape overview with task examples
  • Named Entity Recognition example with annotated text to the respective entities. 15
  • Coreference Resolution example with annotated text. Subscript numbers repre-
  • The Transformer architecture as presented in (Vaswani et al., 2017)
  • The stages of KG creation and the related Information Extraction task types
  • PICO Entity Recognizer system architecture. “Out” is used to indicate that the
  • BioTransformER model architecture overview
  • LongSeq model architecture overview
  • TransforMED system pipeline view. Example text appears in Red for Popula-
  • TransforMED models’ architectures
  • Language Model model performance per step on the CoNLL-2012 corpus
  • Visualization of the word representations of (a) GPT2E and (b) GPT2E and (c)
  • CoreLM Architecture as an extention of GPT2 model (area within dashed border). 91
  • Data Set Sentiment Distribution per Airline
  • Location Inference Process
  • Capture of the AirSent Application Interface
  • Doc2KG architecture overview with deployment stages colour annotated
  • ML model of the new DIAVGEIA ontology, extended with the ISA 2 Core
  • MLOpen welcome screen
  • MLOpen “Import Pipelines” view
  • MLOpen “Import Data” view
  • MLOpen “Run Pipelines” View
  • MLOpen Results with different modalities

I Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), sider Online. I Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, sider København, Danmark.

Επισκόπηση του τοπίου Μηχανικής Μάθησης

Επικσόπηση τοπίου Επεξεργασίας Φυσικής Γλώσσας με παραδείγματα ερ-

Αρχιτεκτονική Μετασχηματιστών Νευρωνικών Δικτύων (Vaswani et al., 2017)151

Αρχιτεκτονικές μοντέλων Αναγνώρισης Επιχειρημάτων και Ταξινόμησης Σχέσεων

Παράδειγμα λειτουργίας της πλατφόρμα AirSent

Οντολογία για την μετατροπή των εγγράφων της πλατφόρμας ΔΙΑΥΓΕΙΑ

EBM Models performance comparison

Example predictions of BioTransformER model in comparison to gold labels

BioER-RNN Entity Recognizer ablations results

Ablations study on the BioTransformER model

Architecture and scope results on EBM-NLP corpus using efficient Transformer

Absolute training times comparison between sentence and abstract level inputs. 51

PICO IAA and Cohen Kappa agreement statistics

PICO Statement classifier with and without the use of PICO Entity Recognizer

PICO Statement ablations

Biomedical Entity Recognition corpora and characteristics

Generalization results on NCBI-Disease corpus

Generalization results on SCAI-Chemicals corpus

Generalization results on JNLPBA corpus

Argument Identification models performance comparison

Argument Relation Classification model performance comparison in terms of

Detailed results on Neoplasm test set

Detailed results on Glaucoma test set

Detailed results on Mix test set

Ablations study on the Argument Identification model

Ablations Study on the Argument Relation Classification model

Ablations Study on the Pooled Argument Relation Classification model

Data example from the CoNLL 2012 dataset, as formated for the task

Perplexity and Validation loss on the CoNLL 2012 dataset


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