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[PENDING] River Water Quality


Academic year: 2024

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Hydromorphological Parameters,

Habitat features & Habitat Evaluation

RHS (Raven et al 1998)

Evaluation of habitat with collection of features associated with the physical structure in 500 m sample unit area (Raven et al. Recording of substrate, flow, erosion and depositional features in the channel, morphological, vegetation structure on the banks, land use in the adjacent river corridor (Raven et al along with human modifications & induced obstructions Channel depth and water flow are measured with a flow meter, width is measured with a tape measure.

Physical – Chemical Parameters

Biological Indicators

Section Contents

Conceptual basis of Biological Indicators

Different types and amounts of pollution result in changes in the type and number of individual species. So the use of organisms to detect or indicate pollution is related to the detection of changes in community structure. The presence or absence of specific indicator organisms whose degree of tolerance to pollution is known and can be used to estimate the level of pollution.

Community - changes in diversity can indicate the degree of pollution by assessing the relative proportion of different species and the distribution of individuals among species (species dominance). Indexes: Development of the Saprobien descriptive system proposed by Koltwitz & Marsson at the beginning of the last century. Indicator species are assigned indicator or saprobic values ​​based on their tolerance to organic pollution.

Saprobic indices

Each organism is identified to the point where it can be assigned to a group and scored.

Biotic indices & Scores

A score is given to each indicator organism according to its relative tolerance to pollution. When biological monitoring is in combination with environmental assessment, the indicator should have commercial, convenience or. Benthic invertebrates are currently the most preferred indicator organism in current biological monitoring programs in Europe.

In the case of flowing and stagnant freshwater, the WFD requires that all biological elements be assessed, in particular phytoplankton, phytobenthos, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and fish.

Choice of indicator organisms

The history of water quality assessment using the biological indicator organism concept began before the turn of the last century in Germany (Metcalfe 1989) and many have been proposed since then. Most were based on the quantitative approach that gives an overall score as an indicator of water quality. The Trent Biotic Index and its development The Chandler result laid the foundation for the development of many other indices in EU countries such as the BMWP in the UK (1976), the French Index Biologique de Qualité Générale (1982), the Belgian Biotic Index (1983) and others.

History & Development of Biological Assessment methods

Many Western European countries have rejected this approach in favor of biotic indices, while others still use saprobic indices. There is no specific position for each indicator taxon in the saprobic indices. No single indicator species will be representative of one saprobic zone alone and its distribution will range over many zones depending on its tolerance.

Indicator organism methodology & EU approach

There are different approaches, sampling frequencies, costs and biological elements involved in biological assessment.

Indicator organism methodology & EU

There are a variety of approaches, sampling frequency, cost and biological elements included in the assessment of biological. surveillance programs in standing and running waters in all EU member states.

Indicator organism methodology & EU approach using benthic macroinvertebrate

Hellenic Evaluation System using benthic macroinvertebrates

The Hellenic evaluation system is significantly influenced by the differences between rivers and seasons, and so. The Hellenic Evaluation System (HESY) is significantly influenced by the variation in river habitat, so is the diversity/richness of habitats.

Hellenic Evaluation System using benthic macroinvertebrates

Cum numero (>10% abundantia relativa). α) Capniidae, Chloroperlidae, β) Siphlonuridae, γ) Aphelocheiridae, .. ε) Phryganeidae, Molanidae, Odontoceridae, Bareidae, Lepidostomatid, Thremmatid, Brachycentridae, Helicopsychidae. Systema Evaluationis Hellenici ex usu bentoški makronevretenčarjev bentoških makronevretenčarjev. >10% abundantia). α) Coenagriidae, β) Chironomidae (non rubra)*, γ) Dytiscidae, Hydrophilidae, Hygrobiidae.

GRADES of HES (X values) and AHES (Y values)

Belgian Biotic Index (BBI) & Indice Biotique Global Normale. French-IBGN) are commonly used in their respective countries. The BBI was derived from the French Indice Biotique, which contains a larger number of indicator taxa and has different weights for some indicator groups. Semi-quantitative sampling: methods such as the three-minute kick-sweep method using a standard pond net (can be used for .. multidimensional analyses) where the sampling time is divided proportionally by the surface area of ​​all existing instream habitat types at each site.

Each sample is coded for high or low flow period, the site name, the number of samples, etc.

Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrates

No phytoplankton-based system is currently used in relation to the assessment of running waters.

Present status of indicator methodologies & Approaches

One saprobic phytoplankton index (SPI) was developed in the Netherlands with 7 phytoplankton group indicators of oligo-meso-poly-saprobic conditions. Valuable biological indicators, relatively easily sampled from the substrate, have relatively well understood the response to nutrient enrichment. Saprobiological quality of rivers, with reference to organic pollution, is assessed in the Austrian Index which calculates the phytobenthos.

Diatoms can support the functionality of ecological indices, such as the IBD (Biological Diatom Index, AFNOR 2000) used in France. Macrophyte index in France - Indice Biologique Macrophytique en Riviéres (IBMR) to determine organic pollution and eutrophication of running water. Is a function of overall tolerance to nutrient enrichment weighted by the relative abundance of contributing taxa.

Being at different trophic levels provides an integrated indicator of ecosystem health and water quality. The Belgian Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) may be applicable in small and medium streams of North-West Europe. The IBI integrates six types of measures belonging to one of three categories: species richness, indicators of water quality and.

Current & Future status of Biological Water Quality Indicators (BQI)


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