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[PENDING] University of Crete Library


Academic year: 2024

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The effects of aquaculture on nematode communities were studied in two different areas (MD1 and MD3) of the eastern Mediterranean to assess temporal and spatial variation in nematode abundance, community structure and species composition, and the response of extant species to organic enrichment. Samples were collected along transects in the direction of the main stream at a distance of 0 m (below the cages) 5, 25 and 50 m from the edge of the cage. Nematode abundance at site MD1 showed seasonality at stations near the cages, a pattern that did not occur at site MD3.

Dominant species in the region for all three sampling periods and at all stations near the cages was Daptonema sp.1. In contrast, in MD3, no seasonal changes were observed for any of the abundant species. The dominant species in all three sampling periods of this area were Microlaimus sp.1, Desmodora sp.1, Prochromadorella sp.1.

Επιπτϊςεισ των υδατοκαλλιεργειϊν ςτο περιβάλλον

Ωστόσο, οι συνεχείς απελευθερώσεις από το ιχθυοτροφείο προκαλούν συριγγίτιδα άγκυρας, αφίδας και φωτοφόρων οργανισμών στην καλλιέργεια (Holby and Hall 1991, Hall et al. 1992, Hall et al. 1990), διεγείρουν την ανάπτυξη βακτηρίων (Sakami et al. 2003 ), και Formatively Modified Vencic communities (Brown et al. 1987).


Εποχικζσ διακυμάνςεισ μειοβενκικϊν οργανιςμϊν


Οι νθματϊδεισ ωσ βιολογικοί δείκτεσ ρφπανςθσ

Μεταξύ των ατόμων που προσδιορίστηκαν στην περιοχή MD1, τα οκτώ πιο άφθονα είδη ήταν τα Daptonema sp.1, Odontophora sp.1, Desmodora sp.1, Marylynnia sp.1, Microlaimus sp.1, Terschellingia gourbaultae, Terschellingia sp. 3 και Prochromadorella sp. .1 αφαίρεσε το 68% της συνολικής αφκονίας. Σημαντικά είδη που βρέθηκαν να είναι χαρακτηριστικά της ομάδας Α είναι τα Odontophora sp.1, Daptonema sp.1, Terschellingia gourbaultae, Terschellingia sp.3, Anticoma sp.1, Viscosia sp.1, Metalinhomoeus sp.1 και Prochromadorella sp.1. Μεταξύ των ατόμων που προσδιορίστηκαν στην περιοχή MD3, τα οκτώ πιο άφθονα είδη ήταν τα Desmodora sp.1, Microlaimus sp.1, Prochromadorella sp.1, Comesoma sp.1, Daptonema sp.1, Viscosia sp.1, Actinonema sp.1 και Ο Ptycholaimellus sp .1 σκότωσε το 52% της σινόλυσης της αφκονίας.

Σκοπόσ και Στόχοι


Ρεριοχι δειγματολθψίασ

Στρατθγικι δειγματολθψίασ

  • Διαδικαςία δειγματολθψίασ

Εργαςτθριακζσ τεχνικζσ

  • Διαχωριςμόσ ιηιματοσ – πανίδασ
  • Καταςκευι μόνιμων παραςκευαςμάτων
  • Ρροςδιοριςμοί
  • Τροφικοί τφποι
  • Ρεριβαλλοντικζσ παράμετροι
    • Ανάλυςθ ιηιματοσ
    • Οργανικόσ άνκρακασ, χλωροφφλλθ α και φαιοχρωςτικζσ

Ανάλυςθ δεδομζνων

  • Ζλεγχοι υποκζςεων
    • Μζκοδοσ για το ςυντελεςτι ςυςχζτιςθσ του Pearson
    • Μζκοδοσ για το ςυντελεςτι ςυςχζτιςθσ του Spearman
  • Ανάλυςθ ποικιλότθτασ
  • Ρολυμεταβλθτι ανάλυςθ
    • Ανάλυςθ ομοιότθτασ (Analysis of similarity, ANOSIM)
    • Διευκζτθςθ (Multi-dimensional Scaling, MDS)
    • Σφνκεςθ βιοτικϊν και αβιοτικϊν παραμζτρων με το λογιςμικό
    • Ρροςδιοριςμόσ των χαρακτθριςτικϊν ειδϊν με το λογιςμικό


Ρεριβαλλοντικζσ παράμετροι για τθν MD1 περιοχι

  • Θερμοκραςία
  • Κηθμα
  • Δυναμικό οξειδοαναγωγισ
  • Άνκρακασ
  • Χλωροφυλλοφχεσ χρωςτικζσ

Κατανομι τθσ αφκονίασ των νθματωδϊν ςτθν περιοχι MD1

Δομι τθσ βιοκοινωνίασ των νθματωδϊν ςτθν περιοχι MD1

Ρρότυπα κατανομισ των τροφικϊν τφπων των νθματωδϊν ςτθν περιοχι

Ρολυμεταβλθτι ανάλυςθ

Δείκτεσ βιοποικιλότθτασ

Benthic environment of the North Sea (56º to 61º N).' Journal of the Marine Biological Society of the United Kingdom. Predictions for the future.' In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Environment. A simple method for the bio-logical assessment of the effects of waste discharges on bottom-dwelling aquatic organisms.' WPCF Journal.

Meiofauna response to the Agip-Abruzzo oil spill in subtidal sediments of the Ligurian Sea.' Marine Pollution Bulletin. The State of the World's Fisheries and Aquaculture Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. Benthic communities in the southern part of the North Sea and their use in ecological monitoring.' Heligolander Meereuntersuchungen.

Analysis of community characteristics of the benthic meiofauna of Frierfjord/Langesundfjord.' Marine ecology progress series. Use of macrobenthic infaunal communities in monitoring and controlling the impact of sea cagefish farming.' Aquaculture research. Seasonal variability in sediment profiles under fish farm cages in the Mediterranean.' Marine ecology progress series.

Initial impact of aquaculture on meiofaunas in coastal sediments of the western Mediterranean.' Marine Pollution Bulletin. Physiological responses of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica as indicators of the impact of fish farms.' Marine Pollution Bulletin. Effects of aquaculture on chemical and microbial variables of the water column: a spatiotemporal study along the Mediterranean Sea.' Hydrobiology.

Spatio-temporal structure of nematode communities in the Brouage mud flat (Marennes Oleron, France).' Coastal and Estuarine Shelf Science. Meiofauna Available as Food for Salmon Juveniles (Oncorhynchus keta).” Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Population structure and species composition of free-living nematodes inhabiting the sands of the New York Bight Apex.' Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science.

Ρεριβαλλοντικζσ παράμετροι για τθν MD3 περιοχι

  • Θερμοκραςία
  • Κηθμα
  • Δυναμικό οξειδοαναγωγισ
  • Άνκρακασ
  • Χλωροφυλλοφχεσ χρωςτικζσ

Κατανομι τθσ αφκονίασ των νθματωδϊν ςτθν περιοχι MD3

Δομι τθσ βιοκοινωνίασ των νθματωδϊν ςτθν περιοχι MD3

Key meiofuna taxa as an indicator for assessing the spatial and seasonal impact of fish farming.' Marine Pollution Bulletin.

Ρρότυπα κατανομισ των τροφικϊν τφπων των νθματωδϊν ςτθν περιοχι

Ρολυμεταβλθτι ανάλυςθ

Δείκτεσ βιοποικιλότθτασ

Effects of hypoxia and organic enrichment on the coastal marine environment.' Marine Ecology Progress Series. Benthic disturbance from fish farming analyzed at different levels of taxonomic resolution.” Marine Ecology Progress Series. Benthic restoration after the cessation of fish farming: a series of successes and disasters.' Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Effects of hydrocarbon pollution on a free-living marine nematode community: Results from microcosm experiments.' Marine Pollution Bulletin. Ghost nutrients' from fish farms are transferred up the food web by phytoplankton grazers.' Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374, 1-6. The Meiobenthos along a Mediterranean-deep sea transect off Calvi (Corsica) and in an adjacent canyon.' Marine Ecology-Publicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli I.

The use of meiofauna as an indicator of benthic organic enrichment associated with salmonid aquaculture.' Marine Pollution Bulletin. Benthic Metabolism and Permanent Stock in the Central and Northern Scarlet Sea.' Marine Ecology - Pubblicazioni Della Stazione Zoologica Di Napoli I, 8:1, 1-20. Ecology of free-living marine nematodes in the Voordelta (southern bend of the North Sea). .2.

Impact of organic waste from catch-based Atlantic bluefin tuna aquaculture at an exposed site in the Mediterranean Sea.' Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science. Impact of organic waste from catch-based Atlantic bluefin tuna aquaculture at an exposed site in the Mediterranean Sea.' Estuary, Coastal and Shelf Science.


Ρεριβαλλοντικοί παράμετροι

Αφκονίεσ νθματωδϊν

Δομι τθσ βιοκοινωνίασ

MERAMOD: predicting the deposition and benthic impacts of aquaculture in the Eastern Mediterranean.' Aquaculture Environmental Interactions, 2, 157-76. A simple density separation technique for the quantitative isolation of meiobenthos using the colloidal silica Ludox-TM.' Marine biology. Changes in benthic meiofaunal assemblages near pond farms in the eastern Mediterranean.' Vie et Milieu.

Meiobenthos assemblages in the Mekong Estuarine System with special focus on free-living marine nematodes.' Ocean Science Journal. Sediments of organic matter and meiofauna community response to long-term aquaculture impacts in the Ligurian Sea (Western Mediterranean).' Chemistry and ecology.




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