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Academic year: 2023




The moderating effects of trust and attitude on the adoption of e-banking services in the Kurdistan region of. This research aims to investigate the moderating effects of trust and attitude on the adoption of e-banking services in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. To investigate the role of moderator factors, such as Trust and Attitude about the adoption of E-Banking services in the KRI.

In addition, this study also focuses on practical and managerial implications that shed light on the moderating roles (belief and attitude) within and the effects of each of the individual factors and system/service factors on user behavior.

Acceptance of E-Banking in Kurdistan

The banking system in the KRI functions in traditional ways, with no challenging features that exist to meet the requirements of this century. The two offices are responsible for all financial procedures, for example the distribution of civil servants' salaries, and other banking activities in the KRI. Currently, Bank Byblos, a Lebanese Bank, is the only foreign bank branch operating in the KRI.

In this area, private banks can be considered as a disadvantage and useless in KRI. Today, Hawala plays an important role in the financial market in the KRI and influences the banking sector (Passas, 2005a, b), even in the future. The Hawala system is cheaper, faster and more trustworthy compared to the banking system based on the previous performance of the banking system in KRI (Faith, 2011; Ismail, 2007).

Anecdotal evidence suggests that the volume of Hawala transactions easily exceeds the equivalent of US$3 billion annually in the KRI alone. Therefore, financial chaos exists in the region, it is commonly known as financial corruption (fiscal crisis) (Soudjin, 2015). However, the operation of the E-Banking system in KRI is still out of this new system, where many factors are beyond the initiation of this technology.

The trade and business movement has grown over the past fifteen years, where the KRI has been run independently by Kurds. What are the spinal elements in the structure of this system as the region continues to go through the unstable situation.

Data analysis

Therefore, the public always doubted the system and the government never tried to build their trust in it. In order to obtain reliable results of this research, a very extensive review of the literature related to e-banking is conducted that addresses these factors and their impacts. Given that there is no serious and accurate study of this service in KRI yet, this research will be the first academic study in this area.

In addition, a group of studies on the acceptance and adoption of e-banking worldwide were selected. Therefore, it can help with the exploratory phase of my research and empirical theory development. On the other hand, there is an alternative method for testing theory, which is PLS-SEM.

When conceptualizing theoretical constructs and their hypothesized structural relationships for PLS-SEM, it is important to ensure that the model does not have circular relationships.

Findings implications Theoretical implications

Individual factors and system/service factors additionally build second-order components, and in this study highlight the effect of trust and attitude as moderators in the research framework to investigate the acceptance factors of e-banking services as a new technology service in the KRI. . This study is a first empirical study that investigates the acceptance factors of E-Banking services in the KRI and provides a basis for other studies in the future. Furthermore, it contributes to the literature on this topic, which is important due to the lack of existing literature on E-Banking.

In addition, researchers should test more factors in their research to produce a larger effect in the scope of this study. In addition, the findings indicate the importance of trust and relationship, and this study further sheds light on the use of moderators and recommends more factors with UTAUT in future research based on a systematic literature review to fill the gap in the literature.

Practical implications

Several important management and practical implications can be derived from the results of the present study. It is ensured that the results are supported by great empirical evidence, and it is very important for Banks' managers, bankers and strategic decision makers who are willing to use E-Banking Services. Therefore, this study recommends that Banks' managers should concentrate on increasing the level of trust, for example by training or publishing some videos on the Bank's website or sending personal e-mails to its customers, in order to increase its knowledge on how to learn about and use E-Banking channels services safely.

Specifically, it is essential to reach out to different generations and avoid wasting their cost and time traveling to banks. The previous study proved that trust should be gained from the traditional higher quality of the services of the banking system in the physical branches of the banks (offline banking), which would help build the reputation and respected images, showing that the banking services are reliable, therefore, to attract. existing and potential customers in the system. Therefore, trust is one of the main aspects that can get more customers, and thus a greater competitive advantage.

Furthermore, the results suggest that banks should have more guidelines for their marketing strategy, such as free fees, greater numbers and accessibility of ATMs, simplicity, using social media to share and enhance their experience, rather than just for advertising (YouTube channel services, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), 24/7 customer service (call centers). On the other hand, this study recommends that banks always understand their customers' complaints and evaluate customers' trust and attitude through research and development (R&D) and (strength, weakness, opportunities and threats) SWOT analyses. Based on the above discussion, this study recommends to bank managers that there is a need for strong trust to convince customers to accept e-banking services.

Limitations and future research directions

In addition, further research should shed light and consternation on specific channels of e-banking services, such as internet banking or ATMs, as there are a limited number of ATMs in the KRI and no official figures exist, other than a report from the International Monetary Fund in 2018, stating that there were 611 ATMs in Iraq, which is not a large number compared to other developing countries. The sustainability of the economy is another issue, especially in the KRI, as it cannot be easily compared to the global economy. The KRI is part of Iraq and Iraq still does not have a sustainable economy, so further research should put more effort in this regard.

Frequent problems with the number and quality of computer and Internet points (Wi-Fi) can greatly affect e-banking services, especially in rural areas or villages. It is therefore recommended that its use be further investigated due to its impact on e-banking services. The data are non-normally distributed, which is not appropriate with the covariance-based structural equation modeling (CB-SEM) approach, and the sample size is not a large data size.

The reliability between the independent latent variables and the dependent latent variables depends on the sample size, so this probably leads to an increase in the reliability between all the latent variables. The data was collected from the academic staff of the university only at the University of Suleiman through an online questionnaire. This is considered a self-reporting bias, which causes research methodology difficulties for researchers.

List of new scientific results of the study

The empirical results showed that individual factors have a significant indirect impact on user behavior, system/service factors have a significant indirect impact on user behavior, and trust has a significant effect on the relationship between individual factors and behavioral intention as a moderator. However, attitude has an insignificant effect on both the relationships between individual factors and system/service factors and on behavioral intention as a moderator. The findings of this study provide support to researchers, bank managers and banking professionals who want to provide better quality of both offline and online banking services and increase trust in the banking sector in the KRI.

The study highlighted the effect of trust and attitude in examining the adoption of e-banking services as a new technological service as a first empirical study. In particular, the findings of this study can help government understand that trust is the backbone of the system, while this empirical evidence can provide bank managers, bankers and strategic decision makers willing to deploy e-banking services with guidance for a sustainable future . economic and ecological future in the KRI in terms of digital ecosystem.

Curriculum Vitae

He taught International Business, Principle of Management, Academic Debate, Principle of Management, Bank Reading and Management. He also has supervision experience as project supervisor for final year students of business management 2012-2014 at the University of Sulaimani. An Empirical Investigation of E-Banking in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: The Moderating Effect of Attitude, Financial Internet Quarterly 2020, vol.

He participated in a Kaposvar University Conference (2017 and 2018), AMS's first webinar Networking Tips for Doctoral Students (2020), the International Forum on The Current Advances in Partial least Squares Structural Equation Modeling & Methodological Matters (2020), and the PLS - SEM orientation session by Prof. He also has technological skills in (MS Office, SmartPLS 3, ADANCO, SPSS for statistics and AMOS (in progress)).

Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences 31 http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2002/12/elqorchi.htm. Extending the TAM model: Management students' intention to use mobile banking: evidence from India. Underground banking or hawala and remittance corridor between Greece and Albania. Branch Employees' Perceptions of the Implications of E-Banking in Greece", International Journal of Retail &.

The Effect of Individual Factors on User Behavior and the Moderating Role of Trust: An Empirical Investigation of Consumer Acceptance of Electronic Banking Services in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Effects of Iranian Online Behavior on Internet Banking Acceptance", Journal of Asia Business Studies, Vol. Users' Acceptance of E‐Banking Services: The Malaysian Perspective", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol.

Behavioral Intention to Use of Mobile Banking in Kerala: An Application of Extended Classical Technology Acceptance Model. Development and Institutional Foundations of the Financial Hawala System Hawala and Money Laundering: A Malaysian Perspective”, Journal of Money Laundering Control, Volume Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Reforming the Economy for Shared Prosperity and Protecting the Vulnerable.


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