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Domain-Driven Design


Academic year: 2023

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Course 5 – November 3 2020 Adrian Iftene adiftene@info.uaic.ro


Recapitulation course 4

Business Process Modeling Notation

Aspect Oriented Programming

Domain-Driven Design

What Is DDD

The Ubiquitous Language

Model-Driven Design

Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight

Preserving Model Integrity

DDD Patterns



Business Process Modeling Notation – offers a standard notation that is readily understandable by business

analysts, technical developers, business managers


AOP is a programming paradigm which isolates secondary or supporting functions from the main program’s business logic

AOP increases modularity by allowing the separation of cross-cutting concerns


Cross-cutting concerns - aspects of a program which affect other concerns

Advice - additional code

Pointcut - point where additional code is executed

Aspect - the combination of the pointcut and the advice


It is a way of thinking and a set of

priorities, aimed at accelerating software projects that have to deal with

complicated domains

A Model driven software design approach used to tackle the complexity of software projects

Collection of principles and patterns that

help developers craft elegant systems


Domain - A sphere of knowledge or

activity. What an organization does and the world it does it in

Model - A system of abstractions that describes selected aspects of a domain and ignores extraneous detail. Explains a complex domain in a simple way

A model is a distilled form of domain


Set of driving principles

Speak a Ubiquitous Language within an explicitly Bounded Context

Focus on the Core Domain, on the Object Model and on OO Design

Developers are also responsible for the model


A language structured around the domain model and used by all team members

Nouns == Classes

Verbs == methods, services, etc.

Example: A Hiring Specialist may post Jobs to the Job Board

Classes = Job, JobBoard

Actions = JobBoard.PostJob(Job)

It is used in:




One of many integration patterns

Continuous Integration

Shared Kernel

Customer / Supplier


Anticorruption Layer

Separate Ways

More than One Ubiquitous Language

Applicant/Hiring Specialist/Department terminology

Sales/Support terminology


Helps us solve specific problems in our domain

Is not necessarily “realistic”

Forms the basis of a language

Should remain current

The model can be expressed through class diagrams, explanatory diagrams, sequence diagrams or …

But, the design document is not the model!


Why is this important?

Model-driven, not data-driven

Focus on the domain, not the data structure

Quickly swap out repositories for testing, POC, etc.


Plain Old CLR Objects (POCO)

Repository pattern (abstract the data access)

Aggregate Roots


“Refactor to deeper insights”

Include your domain experts in your refactoring

Refactor your ubiquitous language 1st, your code 2nd

This doesn’t mean refactor for greater reusability

Example: benefit disbursements

Initially used Retro disbursements for final partial-month payments

Realized that these required different actions

Symptom: confusion around the name Retro when talking about

Final Partial Payments


Origins – Eiffel language

Use for Distributed architectures

Move from class method level to the architectural level

Separate Bounded Contexts for reading and writing

Write == Commands == Change state and return nothing

Read == Queries == Pure functions that do not change state

Optimize each side differently

Focus on:

Event-Driven Architecture with Domain Events

State Machines

Allows easy transitions to:

Messaging services

Asynchronous processing

Massive scalability


Now! (Not really)

Fits approximately 5% of development project needs

DDD is a software methodology suited to a particular kind of application – one where

there is significant complexity, and there is a

significant focus on a well defined business

model. - Jak Charlton, Domain Driven Design




Value Objects

Aggregate Roots

Object Creation Patterns



Domain Services


Domain Events

State Machines


Objects which have an identity which remains the same throughout the states of the software

Behavior is the only criterion we use to differentiate among objects. - Dr. David West, Object Thinking

The Domain Model pattern:



No persistence behavior (i.e. Active Record)

Uniquely identified and tracked

Associated with other objects


Remove unnecessary associations

Example: Bank Account for Jim Smith


Value Objects are the “things” within your model that have no uniqueness

Nothing special (no identity)

Don’t confuse with value type


One instance can be used for in multiple entities



Address (usually)



An aggregate is a cluster of Entities and Value

objects. (Object Graph) Each aggregate is treated as one single unit

Each Aggregate has one root entity know as the Aggregate Root

The root identity is global, the identities of entities inside are local.


Job Board (Job)

Job (Skill, Applicant)

Applicant (Applicant Skill)


Aid in object creation

Entities and Value Objects should ALWAYS be valid!



Simple Factory (Factory Method moved up to its own class)

Factory Method (static method)

Abstract Factory (composes from parts via inheritance)


Fluent Interfaces

Example: String Builder

Other Gang of Four patterns


Abstraction over data access

Acts as a collection of Aggregate Roots

Various approaches:

Repository per Aggregate (very explicit)

Generic Repository

Repository per aggregate built upon Generic Repository Strategy

Generic Repository with Specifications

Used for querying and adding/removing

Some implementations also add an Update

Generally used along with a Unit of Work (e.g. DataContext)


Simple interface for defining criteria:

IsSatisfiedBy(T entity)

Similar to the Query Object pattern

Very intention revealing

Very easy to test

Easy to chain together for more complex queries:

CompositeSpecification: And, Or, Not

LINQPad uses PredicateBuilder for a similar effect


A Domain Service is Business Logic in the domain that are not a natural part of an Entity or Value Object

Do not confuse with Application Services

Defining characteristics:

Actions that do not fit within an entity or aggregate






Break up your domain to reduce complexity

Becomes part of the ubiquitous language

High cohesion within module, loose coupling between modules

Helps with decoupling

Aids in extensibility


These are not delegate events

Domain Models (Aggregates) publish events instead of saving to the database

Eventual consistency (just like every other model)


In Command Query Separation (CQS), you don’t change state, you publish changes

State Machines: transition from one state to another

Domain Model (Aggregate) defines transitions





Useful for very difficult and complex domains

Can help identify requirements

Focus on the language

Feel free to use patterns in other styles

Add Command Query Separation for

distributed systems


AOP is a new programming technique for

modularizing behavior that cuts across many classes

AOP is a technique for making programs more

modular by identifying and separating “cross-cutting concerns”

A concern is a feature point, or a requirement

A crosscutting concern is a concern that needs to be applied in many different compilation modules (In Java, this means we are talking about a requirement that touches many different classes)


“All exceptions must be logged”

“Capture all sql statements produced by the application”

“Cache all data that is rarely changed”

“Record all changes to the account for historical purposes”

“Timing, authentication, and persistence”

Solution without AOP: implementation in many different classes (‘code-scattering’ or ‘tangling’ => code that is difficult to change)


OOP is a paradigm for analysis design and development

AOP is not a replacement for OOP. It is a tool to help deal with some of the problems inherent in OOP

Aspects are in some ways like Dynamic Proxies, XDoclet, EJB/JSP containers, and CLR (& JSR 201) meta-data

All are trying to remove redundant code, make it possible to supply additional behavior at runtime to objects that is declaratively proposed and interjected at runtime


Separate concerns

Provide a way via language and runtime to describe crosscuts

How does it work?

Write the classes

Write the aspects

Weave together

When do you weave?

When you weave is implementation dependent

AspectJ 1.0 did it at compile time (meaning that you needed the source for the code you wanted to weave.)

AspectJ 1.1 uses a bytecode weaver, so classes without source can be woven

In reality it could be done at compile time, link time (1.1), load



Log sql

Good coding practice (sql access)

Log errors, serialize, produce junit

dbc (no return null)


Exception cleanup

Who called ctx.setRollBackOnly();

Logging & Exception Handling


Profiling and performance monitoring



An open source language (initiated by Gregor Kiczales group)

Initial at Xerox, now at Eclipse

100 % Java compatible and add new extensions

AOP implementation

Current version is 1.9.6, 22.07.2020

The AspectJ


Programming Guide:




Download from eclipse.org/aspectj

Run executable JAR

Use aspectjrt.jar on CLASSPATH

Or, use Eclipse and AJDT plugins

Or, use Netbeans and AJDT plugins

Or, use C#


Concern - a feature point, or requirement

Crosscutting concern - a feature point that cannot be encapsulated in one class

Aspect - the code for new functionality

Join Points - a specific point in the execution of the

program (method calls, constructor invocations, exception handlers)

Pointcuts - a structure and syntax for selecting join points

Advice - code to be executed when a join point is reached

Introductions (Inter-type declaration) - the ability of aspect oriented programs to alter existing program

structure (adding members to existing classes, adding methods, etc.)


Write the component

Write the aspect

In the aspect, first write the pointcut, then the corresponding advice

Compile with the ajc compiler, using the aspectjrt.jar file on the classpath for compile

Run with aspectjrt.jar

The pointcut (which selects the joinpoints, and the advice) are packaged into the compilation unit, the aspect. Aspects can be named with aj extensions, or




before in


Method call

Join point is within the calling application

pointcut foo() : call( public void setName(String) ) && target(Student);

defines a pointcut as a call from any object of static method to a method;setName as long as the target of the call is of type Student

Constructor call

Join point is within calling object

pointcut const() : initialization (Student.new() );

Method call execution

Join point is within the called method, before any code is executed pointcut inFoo() : execution( public void setName(String) );


Constructor call execution - Within constructor body, before statements

Field get - When a field is referenced

Field set - When a field is changed

Exception handler execution - When an exception handler is executed

Class initialization - When static intializers are executed

Object initialization - Just before return of object constructor


Names can be matched with ‘*’, parameters with ‘..’

call (* * Student.* (*)) matches all method calls on Student (regardless of visibility or return type) with one argument

call (* * . (*)) matches all method calls with 1 parameter

call (* * . (..)) matches all method calls

Subtypes can be matched with ‘+’

call (* * Student+.* (*))

Can also match on throws patterns

call (public void Student+(. .) throws Exception+)

Watch out for infinite recursion ! - Aspects match


Problem: we want to know when something changes the student (name or grade)

Solution: we add a pointcut for all “set” methods


Problem: we want to trace our program execution

Solution: we add a pointcut for all methods

set println


pointcut name([parameters]): designator(ajoinpoint);

the name will be used to handle actions when a join point is encountered

the ajoinpoint is a signature match

the designator decides when this particular join point will match (e.g. on method call)

pointcuts can be combined with logical operators

&&, ||, !


Problem: we want to follow methods setName or setGrade

Solution: we add a pointcut for both methods


pointcut name([parameters]): designator(ajoinpoint);

execution - method execution

call - call to method

initialization - first constructor

handler - exception

get - field access

set - field write

this - returns the object associated with a join point, or limits the scope

args - exposes the arguments to join point, or limits the scope

target - returns the target object, or limits the scope


cflow - join points in the execution flow of another join point

cflowbelow - join points in the execution flow of another join point, excluding the current

staticinitialization - static init

withincode - join points within a method or constructor

within - match with a type

if - dynamic condition

adviceexecution - match advice join points

preinitialization - preinit


Use when you are interested in the invocation of a method

Control is still in calling object , use execution() for control in called object

call (public void Student.setName(String));


The second half of AOP

Advice is what gets executed when a join point is matched

Advice is always relative to a joinpoint

type ([parameters]) : joinpointid (param list) { … }

Type can be: before, after and around


before - excellent for preconditions argument checking, setup code, lazy init

before() : pointcut { advice }

after - can be qualified with: after returning (if join point computation concludes successfully), or after throwing (if join point computation throws an exception). Cleanup of resources, checking/manipulating the return value

after() returning() : pointcut { advice } after() throwing() : pointcut { advice } after() : pointcut { advice }


around - the most powerful advice can replace

invocation, or just surround use proceed() to call method around() returns type : pointcut { advice }

return type widening

advice must return a value

advice must explicitly act to proceed with join point computation if the computation is to continue at all

Because the flow of control dips through the advice, it can modify method arguments and/or the return value

Implements a middle wrapping layer that is completely


If more than one advice block affects the same join point, they operate in this order:

around advice is run most specific first

before advice is run most specific first

after advice is run least specific first

Of course, if any around advice executes that does not continue with join point computation, no other advice runs for the join point


Can be used to expose object to advice, or narrow pointcut selection

this (class type pattern, or id)

target(class type pattern, or id)

args(class type pattern, or id)


info about the join point that was just matched from inside the advice

the kind of join point (call, execution, …)

the source location of the current join point

normal, short and long string representations of the current join point

the actual argument(s) to the method or field selected by the current join point

the signature of the method or field selected by the current join point

the target object

the currently executing object

a reference to the static portion of the


AspectState.aj at line 9 Student.java at line 14

Student.java at line 28


Use target , args, and this similarly

Can be done declaratively

◦ Add a parameter to the pointcut declaration

◦ Add && args(s) to the designator

◦ Add parameter to advice designator

◦ Add variable name to advice body

Also all available reflectively


Inter-type Declarations

Add new functionality to an application, new

attributes, new methods, and change inheritance

To do this, you will write normal variable and methods in your aspect, but prefix them with your “classname”

You can then access those fields and methods in

normal java code, or

in your aspects

To get access to the object being references:

Add a parameter to the pointcut name

Add && target(t) to the designator

Add parameter to advice designator

Add variable name to advice body


You can:

add members (id fields, dirty-ness)

add methods (toXML, storeToJDBC)

add types that extend existing types or implement interfaces

declare custom compilation errors or warnings

convert checked exceptions to unchecked

Can use from aspects & regular code

Can do wacky things:

Add concrete fields & methods to interfaces (no constructors)

Modify aspects

Make an existing class dynamically implement an interface


Softening Exceptions Suppress checked as unchecked declare soft : java.io.IOException: execution (* * (..)) && within

(SomeClass); Then does not need to be handled in the code.


Difficult to know if code is advised

Only good tool support in Eclipse

Crossing component boundaries

How will we model?

When usages are appropriate?

Not a Java Specification Request, integration questions

Refactoring can break it!


Logging example


How do you explain the result below?


In Nkalore we have two files: Nkalore.dll and mcs.exe

After compilation we can run the result:


Implement a system component using AOP



Eric Evans, 2003, Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321125215?ie=UTF8&tag=panesofglass- 20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0321125215

Jimmy Nilsson, 2006, Applying Domain Driven Design and Patterns

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0321268202?ie=UTF8&tag=panesofglass- 20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0321268202

Jeffrey Palermo, Ben Scheirman, Jimmy Bogard, 2009, ASP.NET MVC in Action

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933988622?ie=UTF8&tag=panesofglass- 20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1933988622


Eric Evans https://dddcommunity.org/

Jimmy Nilsson http://jimmynilsson.com/blog/

Greg Young (Distributed DDD/CQS) http://codebetter.com/blogs/gregyoung/


Ryan Riley, Catapult Systems, Inc., Domain Driven Design


Aspect Oriented Programming with AspectJ:


AspectJ tutorial:


AspectJ for Multilevel Security:


Dynamic analysis of SQL queries:


AOP: http://www.cojan.go.ro/PP/index7.htm, http://www.cojan.go.ro/PP/index8.htm


BPMN: http://www.column2.com/2006/02/investing-in-bpm- webinar/ , http://www.gliffy.com/examples/business-process- diagrams/ , http://www.bpm-book.com/BPMbook/Exercise4-76

AspectJ Tutorial: http://www.tomjanofsky.com/aspectj_tutorial.html

A look at aspect-oriented programming:


Implementing caching with AspectJ:

http://www.aspectprogrammer.org/blogs/adrian/2004/06/impleme nting_ca.html

Debugging Class Loading with AOP:


Using AOP in C#:

http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cs/UsingAOPInCSharp.aspx NKalore: http://aspectsharpcomp.sourceforge.net/


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