• Nenhum resultado encontrado

Paratunka Kamchatsky kray 913 September 2013 ÑOLLECTION OF THE REPORTS Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 2013 (3)ÓÄÊ Солнечно-земные связи и физика предвестников землетря- сений: VI ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ, ñ.Ïàðàòóíêà, Êàì÷àòñêèé êðàé, 9-13 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2013 ã


Academic year: 2024

Share "Paratunka Kamchatsky kray 913 September 2013 ÑOLLECTION OF THE REPORTS Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 2013 (3)ÓÄÊ Солнечно-земные связи и физика предвестников землетря- сений: VI ìåæäóíàðîäíàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ, ñ.Ïàðàòóíêà, Êàì÷àòñêèé êðàé, 9-13 ñåíòÿáðÿ 2013 ã"



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Комплексное исследование волновых процессов в ионосфере над Камчаткой

Ðàññìîòðåíà ñèòóàöèÿ ñèíôàçíîåî âîçáóæäåíèÿ êîëå- áàíèé â àíñàìáëå îáëà÷íûõ êàïåëü, êîòîðàÿ ìîæåò èìåòü ìåñòî â ãðîçîâûõ îáëàêàõ ïîñëå ìîëí èåâûõ ðàçðÿäîâ.  ýòîì ñëó÷àå ñïåê- òðàëüíàÿ ïëîòíîñòü àìïëèòóäû êîëåáàíèé êâàçèñòàòè÷åñêîåî ýëåê- òðè÷åñêîåî ïîëÿ êîëåáë þùèõñÿ êàïåëü òèïè÷íîåî ãðîçîâî ãî îáëàêà íà ðàññòîÿíèè äåñÿòêîâ îò íååî ñðàâíèìà ñ õàðàêòåðíûì óðîâíåì ñïåêòðà ýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ïîëÿ âáëèçè ãðîçîâûõ îáëàêîâ.

Влияние зимних циклонов Камчатского края на распределение электронов ионосферы

О возможном самосогласованном механизме формирования и распада

Влияние микроструктуры облака на состояние поляризации лидарного сигнала

Лидарные отражения верхней атмосферы Камчатки в условиях геомагнитных

Физика потенциально геоэффективных солнечных явлений

Измерения общего содержания водяного пара по солнечному спектру атмосферы

Исследование поглощения комплексов кислорода, индуцированных

Исследование зависимости интенсивности вариаций ПЭС от геометрии

Дециметровое и инфракрасное излучения нижней ионосферы в периоды повышения

Воздействие вариаций коротковолновой солнечной радиации на состав и динамику

ìàìè îáíàðóæåíà ðàòîñdoðíîãî ñ àíàëîãè`íûìè ððèàöèÿìè êîðîòêîâîëíîâîé ñîëíå îîé ðäèàöèè. Ïîêàçàíî, òî ìåðèäèîíàëüüíûé ãðäèåíò êîíöåíòðàöèè îîîíà åòíèå Âàðèàöèèè, êîòîðûå, Â ñòîòâíåè òíñò ðàèì ãî ãåòðda, ìîãëè áû ëthatæèòü ïð èíîé èíðîíèçàöèè êâàçèäâóõëåòíèõ êîëåáàíèé ñêîðîñòîè âåò- ð da ëíå ñí ëèèì.

Формирование магнитосферы в трехмерном кинетическом описании потоком плазмы

 êîíöåïöèè ×åïìåíà ïîòîê ÿâëÿåòñÿ íåçàìàãíè÷åííîé ïëàçìîé è ïðîöåññ ôîðìèðîâàíôèÿ ìàãóðè ìáìçí èåì èíäóêöèîííûõ ýëå êòðîìàãíèòíûõ (ý.ì.) ïîëåé íà îñíîâå øèðî- êîïîëîñíîãî ÷åðåîïêîâñêîãíë íàñé îàíà íàñé ãíè÷åí- íîñòè ñ ÷àñòèöàìè ïîòîêà â ðåæèìå íåïðîçðà÷íîñòè en ïîãëîùåíèÿ. Ïðè ýòîì, áåçèçëó÷àòåëüíûé ïðîöåññ ôîðìèðîâàíèÿ õâîñòà è äèïîëèçà- öèè ìàãíèòîñôïðû òñåñåðà ìåñåðà îç ëîñíîãî èîí- íîãî öè êëîòðîííîãî àíîìàëüíîãî ñêèíèðîâàíèÿ ïîëåé öèðêóëÿðíîé ïîëÿðèçàöþèè, ÿñùèêòèñòèñê.

О влиянии рентгеновских источников на амплитуду суточных периодов

Особенности генерации солнечным терминатором волновых пакетов,

Äëÿ ðåãèîíà ñðåäíèõ øèðîò, â öåëîì, õàðàêòåðíî ñîñëàñîâàíèå íà÷àëà ðåãèñòðàöèè âîëíîâûõ ïàêåòîâ ñ ìîìåí òîì ïðîõîæäåíèÿ ÑÒ â îáëàñòè ìàã íèòíîîåî ñîïðÿæåíèÿ. Íàèáîëåå ñèëüíî ðååèñòðàöèÿ âîëíîâûõ ïàêåòîâ â Ñåâåðíîì ïîëó- øàðèè îïåðåæàåò ïîÿâëåíèå âå÷åðíååî ÑÒ â ë åòíåå âðåìÿ, êîãäà ååî íàêëîí îòí îñèòåëüíî ýêâàòîðà ìàêñèìàëåí.

Токовые слои в магнитосферных хвостах Земли и Венеры

Äàííûå ìíîãî- ñïóòíèêîâîé ìèññèè Cluster è ìèññèè Venus Express ïîçâîëèëè ïî- ëó÷èòü èíôîðìàöèèâ îåòíð õâîñòàõ Çåìëè dhe Âåíåðû. Õîòÿ ñòðóêòóðà ÒÑ â õâîñòàõ Çåìëè dhe Âåíåðû ñõîæà â ïî- ïåðå÷íîì íàïðàâëåðè, ñàïðàâëåðè, õâîñòîâ â íàïðàâëåíèè Ñîëíöå-Ïëàíåòà â ñå æå îòëè÷íà.

Об уровне флуктуаций атмосферного электрического поля в области периодов

 äàííîé ðàîòå èçó Óåòñÿ óðîâåíü ôëóêòóàöèé àòìîñôåðíîãî ý địnhëåêòðè åñđîãî ïîëÿ åíü äëèííû¿ ïå íò íà ïå. îðîãî, ïðåäïîëîæèòåëüíî, è ìîæíî ïûòàòüñÿ î áíàðthat- æèòü öèêëè åñêå ñÿçè ñîëíå îé àêòèâíîÖòè và è. Eîíêðåòíî, ðååäíå êâàäðàòè`íûé óðîâåíüôëóêòóàöèé àòìî- ñåðíîãî Ý ïîëÿ âëèçè ãðìîíêèèè (27/1 ïñà2íòíîê îé î ï îëÿ èëè îêîëî 14 Â/ì.

Исследование электрического поля в Якутске в 2009-2012 гг

К вопросу математического моделирования электрокинетических явлений в облачной

О резонансных свойствах магнитосферы Земли

Метод моделирования и прогнозирования ионосферных данных на основе

 ïðîöåññå ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ è àíàëèçà îñòàòî÷íûõ îøèáîê ïîëó÷åííûõ ìîäåëåé âûäåëåíû îñÿáåííñíñë àêòèâíîñòüþ, à òàê å âîçíèêàþùèå â ïåðèîäû ñèëüíûõ çåìëåòðÿñåíèé íà Êàì÷àòêå.

Исследование вертикальной стратификации фонового наполнения стратосферы


Анализ потенциальных возможностей лидарных измерений плотности воздуха в

Ðàññìàòðèâàëèñü òðè âàðèàíòà çiíäèðîâàíèÿ: ñ óðîâíÿ Çåì- ëè, ñ áîðòà ñàìîëåòà (âûñîòà ïîëåòà 10êì ) en ñ ñåìåíòà ÌÊÑ èç êîñìîñà ñ âûñîòîé îðáèòû 414 êì. Ïðè íàáëþäåíèÿõ èç êîñìîñà çà ñ÷åò áîëüøîåî óäàëåíèÿ êîñìè÷åñêîåî àïïàðàòà îò îáúåêòà çîíäèðîâàíèÿ ïäîáûå ïîêàçà- òåëè ñàìûå íèçêèå:33-5 5 êì - äåíü, 45-67 - íî÷ü.

Поведение вертикального распределения температуры и плотности воздуха в

Лидарные исследования проявлений внезапных стратосферных потеплений над

Лидарные измерения плотности воздуха в средней атмосфере. Моделирование

Частицы высоких энергий и атмосферные процессы

Двухпунктовый мониторинг

Вариации метеорологических и атмосферно-электрических величин в

Оценки состояния и динамики D-области ионосферы космическими радиосредствами

Исследование динамики

Вертикальные температурные вариации в зимней атмосфере над Якутском по

Атмосферно-электрический критерий аэрозольного и радиоактивного загрязнения

Радон-222 как фактор, определяющий электрическое состояние приземного слоя

Обнаружение кристаллических частиц в атмосфере методом лазерного


 2010 ãîäó íàìè áûë ïðåäëîæåí è àïðîáèðîâàí ñïîñîá èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ âûñøèõ ãàðìîíèê òîêà â ýëåê- òðîñåòè ðåå èîíà, êàê èíäèêàòîðà ÃÈÒ. Ð åäà÷ Ïåòðîïàâëîâñê- Êàì÷àòñêèé - Ï àðàòóíêà en Ïåòðîïàâëîâñê-Êàì÷àòñêèé - Óñòü-Áîëü- øåðåöê, êîòîðûå ïîêàçàë è ñâÿçü âûñøèõ ãàðìîíèê òîêà ñ ååîìàå- íèòíîé àêòèâíîñòüþ .

Нелинейные явления в вистлерах

 ýòèõ óñëîâèÿõ, íà ôîíå ïðîèçîøåäøèõ â òàêih ñòðàíàõ êàê, Íîð- âåãèÿ, ÑØÀ in Êàíàäà àâàðèé, ïðè÷èíîé êîòîðû õ ñòàëî ïðîÿâëåíèå ÈT, íåobhoäèìî èçó÷åíèå äàííîãî ÿâëåíèÿ è â ðåãèîíàëüíûkh ñè- ñòåìàõ ñ öåëüþ îöåíêè ðèñêîâ ïîäîáíûõ àâàðèé è ïîèñêà ñïîñîáîâ èõ ïðåäóïðåæäåíèÿ. Ïðàêòè÷åñêîå èçó÷åíèå ÃÈÒ â òåõíîãåííûkh ñèñòåìàõ ñîïðÿæåíî ñ îïðåäåë¼ííûìè òðóäíîñòÿìè, çàêëþ÷àjuù èìèñÿ â èñïîëüçîâàíèè äîðîãîñòîÿùåãî î áîðóäîâàíèÿ in íåîáõîäèìîñòè òåñíîãî âçàèìîäåé- ñòâèè ñ êîìïàíèÿìè, îáñ ëóæèâàþùèìè ýòè ñèñòåìû.

Акусто-электромагнитная эмиссия литосферы

Исследование воздействия пароводяной смеси на геосреду при свободном истечении

Èññëåäîâàëñÿ óðîâíü àýðîäèíàìè÷åñêîãî øóìà, âîçíèêàþùåî ïðè èñòå÷åíèè ÏÂÑ, en óðîâåíü ñåéñìè÷åñêèõ êîëå- áàí èé âáëèçè ñòâîëà ñêâàæèíû, à òàêæå âàðèàöèè ýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ïîëÿ àòìîñôåðû ïðè îáðàçîâàíèè ïàðîâîäÿíîîåî îáëàêà â çàâèñèìî- ñòè îò ïàðàìåòðîâ ñêâàæèíû. Íàáëþäàåòñÿ âçàèìîñâÿçü ìåæäó ðàñõîäîì ÏÂÑ è èíòåíñèâíîñòüþ àýðîäèíàìè÷åñêîåî øóìà è ñåé- ñìè÷åñêèõ ê îëåáàíèé, à ñïåêòðàëüíûå õàðàêòåðè ñòèêè àýðîäèíàìè-.

Результаты экспериментальных

Наблюдения аэрозольных слоев в верхней стратосфере после падения Чебаркульского

Îáñóæäàþòñÿ ãèðîãàðìîíè÷åñêèå ñâîéñòâà ãåíåðàöèè íåîäíîðîäíîñòåé ðàçëè÷íûõ ìàñøòàíâõáìåòë åòðîâûõ) ãàðìî - íèêè ãèðî÷àñòîòû ýëåêòðîíîâ.

Сопоставление свистящих атмосфериков с грозовой активностью

Áûëî îáíàðóæåíî, ÷òî ãðîçîâûå ðàçðÿ- äû, ãåíåðèðóyuùèå àòìîñôåðèêè â ìàãíèòî-ñîïðÿæåííîé òî÷êå, íå âñåãäà èìå þò âûñîêóyu êîððåëÿöèyu ñ êîly÷êå åñòâîì çàðåãè- ñòðèðîâàííûkh íà Êàì÷àòêå âèñòëåðîâ, ÷èñëî êîòîðûkh äîñòèãàåò íåñêîëüêih òûñÿ÷. Âîçìîæíî, ÷òî ìîëíèåâûå óäàðû ãåíåðèðóyuò ñâèñòÿùèå àòìîñôåðèêè, êîòîðûå ðàñïðîñòðàíÿjuòñÿ â âîëíîâîäå Çå ìëÿ-èîíîñôåðà, äàæå åñëè ãðîçîâ îé î÷àã íàõîäèòñÿ íà çíà÷è- òåëüíîì ðàññòîÿíèè îò ñîïðÿæåííîé òî÷êè.

Вариации электрического и магнитного поля, связанные с Pi2

Взаимодействие вулканизма, сейсмичности и тектоники как геодинамический процесс

Автоматическое выделение импульсов геоакустической эмиссии на основе метода

Новые магнитометры GSM-19FD (GEM Systems) и Mag-01H (Bartington Instruments

Возрастания гамма-фона при осадках

Ýòà äîÏîëíèòåëüíàÿ ýíåðãèÿ ïðè ðàñïàäå òîæå ïåðåäàåòñÿ ýëåêòðîíàì, çàòåì ïîñðåäñòâîì òîðìîçíîãî èçëó÷ åíèÿ êîíveròèðóåòñÿ â ýëåêòðîìàãí èòíóþ ôîðìó. Ïî èçìåðåííîìó äîïîëíèòåëüíîìó ïîòêó èçëó÷åíèÿ áûë ïîäñ÷èòàí ýíåðãåòè÷å- ñêèé áàëàíñ: пðè âîçðàñòàíèè ãà ììà-ôîíà ïîòîê âîçðàñòàåò í à 23 êýÂ.ñì.êâ.ñ.

От гипотезы ”подземных гроз” к моделям взаимосвязи сейсмичности и

Òàêæå ïîëó÷àyuòñÿ îöåíêè ìàññîâûkh ñêîðîñòåé, ïðè êî- òîðûõ ìîæíî îæèäàòü ïîÿâëåíèÿ ÝÌ àíîìàëèé â òâåðäî é çåìëå.

О проявлениях геоэффективных солнечных вспышек и магнитных бурь в вариациях

Гидрофонные наблюдения

Математическое моделирование региональных проявлений солнечной

Динамо в сферической оболочке, управляемое собственными модами

 ìîäåëÿõ ñêîðîñòü ïðåäñòàâëåíà àïðîêñèìàöèéé îäíîé èç ìîä Ïó- àíêàðå ñôåðè÷åñêèìè ãàðìîíèêàìè, ïîëÿ òå ìïåðàòóðû in ìàãíèòíî- ãî ïîëÿ ç àäàjuòñÿ ñôåðè÷åñêèìè ãàðìîíèêàìè ñòðóêòóðíî ñîãëàñî- âàííûìè ñî ñêîðîñòüþ. Ïîêàçàíî, ÷òî íåîäíîðîäíîñòè â plîòíîñòè zhèäêîãî ÿäðà Çåìëè ïî äàííûì splitting-ôóíêöèé åå ñîáñòâåínyûh êîëåáàíèé ìî ãóò ãåî- ìåòðè÷åñêè ñîîòâåò ñòâîâàòü îäíîé èç ìîä Ïóàíêàðå.

Исследование взаимосвязи лунно-солнечных приливов с

О закономерностях распространения деформаций изменения формы в

Фазовые траектории для системы Рикитаки в модели геодинамо

Наблюдения за свечением атмосферы и геомагнитными пульсациями в Паратунке и

Особенности геодеформационных процессов осадочных пород на станции Карымшино

Реакция полупроводниковых материалов и воды на воздействие радиационных,

Развитие Единой

Åäèíàÿ òåððèòîðèàëüíî-ðàñïðåäåëåííàÿ èíôîðìàöèîííàÿ ñèñòå- ìà äèñòàíöèîííîãî çiíäïðîâàíèìÿ òàïðîàíèìÿ òàåòâëÿ-îéåòâëîÿ òàòâëîÿ òàòâëîÿ òàòâëîÿ òàòâëÿ-îà ñïå÷è- âà þùèõ å¼ ïðèåì e îáðàáîòêó , ðàçìåùåííûõ â òåððèòîðèàëüíî ðàç- íåñ¼ííûõ öåíòèòïð öåíòðàïðèàîåîòðàïò eààíòðàïò e áîàïòòïò íûõ ÄÇÇ Ôå- äåðàëüíñàïë âíðàñ ûàõ òè Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè, îðãàíîâ èñï îëíèòåëüíîé âëàñòè ñóáúåêòîâ Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè, à òàóðæå, èà èñãïþèðæð èà èííäêåå òâëîîåïåì òâëÿîäïò òâëàîîåìêà ûõ ÄÇÇ. Óæå ðàçâèâàåòñÿ âçàèìîäåéñòâèå ÅÒÐÈÑ ÄÇÇ e ãåîèíôîðìàöîíîé ñè- ñòåìû ÈÊÈ ÐÀÍ íà îñíðîâèíîâðîåéíîë îíñõîîîë îíñõîîîë

Техногенные помехи при наблюдении естественного электромагнитного поля

Флуктуации электрического поля DP2, наблюдаемые с помощью сети ВЧ радаров

Àìplitóäà êîëåáàíèé ýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ïîëÿ DP 2 óìåíüshàëàñü ñ óìåíüsheniiåì shiðîòû íà íî÷íîé ñòîðîíå îíîñôå- ðû.  íàáëyuäàåìûkh ñîáûòèÿkh ñîîòíîøåíèå àìplièòóäû êîëåáàíèé ýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ïîëÿ íà 26 ãðàäóñàkh ãåîìàãíèòíîé shið îòû ê êîëå- áàíèÿì íà 46 ãðàä óñàõ ñîñòàâilî ïðèìåðíî 1/4.

Метод анализа геомагнитных данных на основе совмещения вейвлет-преобразования

Ñîãëàñíî ýòîé îñîáåííîñòè íizêî-shirotnoé ionîñôåðû, Â× ðàäàð FM-CW HF możåò ðåãèñòðèðîâàòü êîëåáàíêÿ ýëåêñàão- ä. Ñîîòíîøåíèå àìpliiòóäû êîëåáàíèé ýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ïîëÿ DP2 íà íî÷íîé ñòîðîíå, íàáëûäàåìûkh ñ Ïüîàìîëáþà og êàPT íèÿì ìàãíèòíîãî ÿ, íàáë þäàåìûkh íà äíåâ- íîé ñòîðîíå ýêâàòîðà, ñîñòàâëÿåò 0.107 ìÂ/ì/íÒ og 0.Âm/3T , sooòâåòñòâåííî.

Модель и алгоритмы анализа геомагнитных данных в задачах выделения геомагнитных

Era Paoloceíjuíiaðååàola ï ï -äáliåozza õ È sò andatu da l'Italia per curriri à l'olivicultore ight ïääure icalçie (da) è tortoale seeiaji, ocera, a cosa di theððuce last1 All} Good. ïîñîá è ðàçðàáîòàííûå íà åãî îñíîâå àëãîðèò- ìû è ïðîãðàìíûå ñðåäñòâà ïîçâîëàÿ÷÷÷ ìå âûäåëèòü ñóèåîòîèòü ñóòàîòîèòü ñóòàîöìèòü ñóòîòîòîòü ñóòîòîòî ü Sq-êðèâóþ , âû÷èñëèòü K-èíäåêñ e èäåùêñ e ​​èäåùêñ e ​​èäåùêòèâèåüèí ïåðèî- äû âîçðàñòàíèÿ ãåîìàíèòíéà àèåîìîàêò.

Моделирование вариаций космических лучей по данным нейтронных мониторов и

Alle ÷ ñØðàÿire (Tyskland) (Marraïedo af ê åååoà (USA) Geneve) ÷ ÷ Å. Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ïîäòâåð- äèëî ýôôåêòèâíîñòü ïðåäëàãàåìîãî ñïîñîáà è ïîçâîëèëî âûÿâèòü ïðåèäíèåñòíë âìûàõ àñòàíèé èíòåí ñèâíîñòè êîñ- ìè÷åñêèõ ëó÷åé.

Выделение аномалий в ионосферных параметрах на основе совмещения

Íà îñíîâå âåéâëåò-ïðåîáðàçîâàíèÿ âûïîëíÿåòñÿ âûäåëåíèå õàðàêòåðíûõ ñîñòàâëðíûõ ñîñòàâëÿþùèèõ é dhe ïîäàâëÿåòñÿ øóì. Íà ýòàïå ìîäåëèðîâàíèÿ èñ- ïîëüçîâàëèñü äàííûå íåéòðîííûõ ìîíèòîðîâ åûåñöèè 2000-2005 ãã.

Особенности азимутального распределения потока геоакустических сигналов в

Результаты исследований связи между геоакустической эмиссией и атмосферным

Аномальные изменения геомагнитного поля электропроводности геологической среды в

Äàííûå íàáëþäåíèé äàþò âîçìîæíîñòü èçó÷èòü èçìåíåíèå íàïðÿæ¼íîñòè ñåîìàíèòíèÿ ðññòîÿíè 170 êì. Äëÿ èçó÷åíèÿ äèíàìèêè ìàãíèòíîãî òèïïåðda èñïîëüçîâàíû íåïðåðâíûå ðåìåííûå ðåÿäû, ñ 2001 ïî 2011 ãã.

Изменения передаточных магнитотеллурических функций во

Ýòî ñâèäåòåëüñòâóåò, ÷òî ãîäîâûå âàðèàöèè èì- ïåäàíñà áîëüøåé ìåðå ñâÿçàíû ñ èçìåíåíèåì ýëåêòðîïðîâîäí îñòè ëîêàëüíûõ ååîýëåêòðèå ñêèõ íåîäíîðîäíîñòåé en âìåùàþùåé ñðåäû â ïðèïîâåðõíîñòíûõ ÷àñòÿõ çåìíîé ê îðû.

Некоторые свойства фрактального параметрического осциллятора

Исследование влияния магнитуды землетрясения на генерацию волновых

Об одном эволюционном уравнении для задач ударного деформирования нелинейно

Особенности изменения магнитного момента Земли по наблюдениям в

Методические аспекты оценки триггерного воздействия сезонности на сейсмичность

Воздействие геомагнитных бурь на квазистатическое электрическое поле и

Ïîêàçàíî, ÷òî â ñïåêòðå ìîùíîñòè ýëåêòðè÷åñêîãî ïîëÿ âëè- ÿíèå Ôîðáóø- ýôôåêòà ïðîåÿâëÿ óèñê ó îíåíòû ñ ïåðèîäîì 48.

Результаты исследования суточных вариаций геоакустической эмиссии на озере

Потенциал методов нелинейной динамики для анализа геофизических рядов и

Метод разреженной аппроксимации в анализе морфологических особенностей

Идентификация молний с облаками пепла эксплозивных извержений Камчатки

Влияние сейсмической активности на развитие турбулентности в спорадическом

Äèíàìè÷åñêîå ðàçâèòèå òóðáóëåíòíîñòè â ïåðèîäû ñåéñìè÷åñêîé àêòèâíîñòè ìî- æåò áûòü âûçâàíî÷êóñò ogâèòê àòöèîííûìè â îëíàìè.

ОНЧ амплитуда в ночное время как предвестник землетрясений

Статистический отчет по вертикальному электрическому полю атмосферы как

Êîððåëÿöèÿ îðòîäðîìè÷åñêîãî ðàññòîÿíèÿ ýïèöåíòðà çåìëåòðÿñåíèÿ äî òî÷êè íàáëþäåíëÿ á-ñò ãÏà èëà 0,71, à ñ ïðîäîëæè òåëüíîñòüþ áóõòû ÂÝÏ êîððåëÿöèÿ î÷åíü íèçêàÿ. Êîððåëÿöèÿ âðåìåííîé ðàçíèöû âàðèàöèè ÂÝÏ è çåìëåòðÿñåíèÿ ñ ãëóáèíîé áóõò ÂÝÏ - ê õîðîøà,ìì ÿöèÿ âðåìåííîé ðàçíèöû âàðèàö èè ÂÝÏ è çåìëåòðÿñåíèÿ ñ ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòüþ áóõò ÂÝèÏ - ñëèê.

Деформационные изменения земной коры в области повышенных тектонических

Анализ особенностей

Применение подземных электрических антенн в системе мониторинга напряженно –

 ðàìêàõ ðåøàåìûõ çàäà÷ ýëåêòðîìàíèòíûå èçìåðåíèÿ èñïîëüçóþòñÿ â íåñêîëüêèõ ïðèëîæåíè,ÿ÷ åíêè èçìåíåíèé óäåëüíîé ýëåêò ðîïðîâîäíîñòè ãîðíûõ ïîðîä, îêðó- æàþùèõ ñêâàæèíó. Ïîëó ÷ Åííûå ðåçóëüòàòû ïîçâîëÿÞò ãîâîðèòü î âûñî oms ÷ Óâñòâèòåëüíîñòè ðàçðàáîòà î ìåòîegn ì ìektr. üíîé ýëåêòð îïðîâîäíîñòè ãîðíûõ ïîðîä è ñîãëàñîâàíîñòè ïîëó ÷ àåìûõ ðåçódieüòàòîâ ñ Äàííûìè äðóãè â è è è èete è èé.

Возможное влияние геомагнитных вариаций Sq на землетрясения

Áûëè ïðîàíàëèçèðîâàíû çàïèñè òîêîâ Sq, ïîëó÷åííûå ñ ìàãíè- òîìåòðîâ ðàçíûõ íàçåìíîîîïê ñòûàÿ âíö â ogì ó- ùåííûõ ïåðèîäî â ñîëíå÷íîãî âåòðà.  äàííîì àíàëèçå ïðåäñòàâëåíû ïàðàìåòðû ñîëíå÷íîãî âåòðà, ïîëó÷åííûå â Öåíòðå Êîñìè÷åñêîèì âîä ÑÀ, ñ ïîìîùüþ Çîíäà ä ëÿ ñáîðà äàííûõ OMNIWeb og Óñòàíîâêè Äàí- íûõ Êîñìè÷åñêîé Ôèçèêè.

Адаптация анализатора собственных векторов и компонент сигнала для данных

Сейсмическая регистрация взрыва в атмосфере суперболида

Среднесрочный прогноз сейсмического события 28 февраля 2013 г., М=6.9,

Об эффективности метода поиска ионосферных предвестников землетрясений

Исследование возмущений геоакустической эмиссии на озере Микижа в период

Аппаратно-программный комплекс для регистрации деформаций

Проект PRE-EARTHQUAKES – мониторинг предвестников землетрясений

8 Институт методологии экологического анализа Национального исследовательского совета Италии ЗЕМЛЕТРЯСЕНИЯ (Обработка российских и европейских наблюдений ЗЕМЛИ для изучения предвестников землетрясений) FP7 — то же самое, что и другое, и то же самое, — ым. В этом случае, в этом случае, в этом случае, в этом случае форматы: 80 столбцов и 29 столбцов, 2 столбца Литва-tsatasièña ñòàíöèèè âòàëèèè; 18 век, 18 век Секции 11 разных форм и 7 разных типов.

Увеличение объемной активности радона и торона на Камчатке перед

25. óáû ñêâàæèíû. Óâåëè÷åíèÿ çíà÷åíèé Rn è Tn â âîçäóõå ïðîèñõîäèëè âî âðåìÿ èçìåíåíèé àòìîñôåðíîãî äà âè÷íåÿ èìåþò ñ ýòèìè èçìåíåíèÿì en âûñîêîçíà÷èìóþ îòðèöàòåëüíóþ êîððåëÿöèþ.

Акусто-электромагнитное излучение литосферы

Àíàliç çåìëå- òðÿñenié ñ ýíåðãeticheñêèì clàññîì Ks >= 10.0, ïðîèçîøåäshiõ íà ðàññtoÿíèi äî 200 êì ot puíktà "Êà ðûìøèíà"Ïîêàçàë, ÷òî âî âðå- ìÿ âîçìóùåíèé Rn è Tn íå áûëî óñèëåíèÿ ëîêàëüíîé ñåéñìè÷íîñòè. Ïîýòîìó áûë ðàçðàáîòàí ìåòîä, îñíîâàííûé íà ïîäñ÷åòå êîëè÷åñòâà ïîÿâëåíèé ýêñòðåìàëüíûkh çíà÷åíèé ýëåêòðî ìàãíèòíîãî ñèãíàëà âî âðåìåíí îé îêðåñòíîñòè ýêñòðåìàëüíîãî çíà÷åíèÿ àêóñòè-.

Характеристики сейсмического процесса в рамках статистической диффузионной

êàðûìøèíà, íà êîòîðîé äîñòàòî`íî íèçêèé óðîâåíü òåõíîãåí- íûõ ïîìåõ è ññîêèé quëðîâåíü îñòè. Âîçäåéñòâèå âðèàöèé êîðîòêîâîëíîâîé ñîëíå `- íîé ì ðdañ åòàì.

Global characteristics between the equatorial electrojet and neutral wind in the

We also performed a frequency analysis to quantify the relationship between the zonal wind and the residual EEJ, and found that both the neutral wind and the residual EEJ have almost the same dominant frequency with a small difference. In addition, we performed a comparative analysis with satellite-observed neutral wind data and found that the neutral wind disturbance has the same dominant frequency around the equatorial region.

Variability of aerosol and electrical characteristics of the atmosphere in areas of

During the analysis of the temporal-electrical and optical characteristics of the atmosphere, signal fluctuations were detected that coincided with vibrations. These data indicate the possibilities of such comprehensive studies of electrical and aerosol characteristics of the atmosphere.

Regular and stochastic variations in dierent components of secondary cosmic rays

Quasiperiodic uctuations of electron concentration in ionospheric F2 layer

Equatorial ionospheric variations caused by dierent large-scale solar wind structures

During the first phase, we distinguished two types of geomagnetic storms, which are defined by large-scale coronal mass ejections and fast solar wind flows from coronal holes. The paper presents the results of a comparison of ionospheric variations caused by these two sources in the solar wind.

Annual Variations of the Critical Frequency foF2 at the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly

The obtained conclusions allow us to suggest that the investigation of geomagnetic and ionospheric variations from the known quasi-stationary and occasional large-scale types of flows in the solar wind and during different phases of solar activity is promising for the method of medium-term forecasting. of ionospheric storms, based on current research on the Sun and the solar wind.

The electromagnetic eld generated by capillary drops oscillations

Complex study of wave processes in the ionosphere over Kamchatka

On the basis of data obtained by a network of tomographic stations, installed in the meridional direction of the Kamchatka Peninsula, as well as data from the Kamchatka regional GPS station network for the considered periods, move ionospheric disturbances with amplitude up to 1.5 TECU, and periods of the order of 60 minutes was determined; they moved mainly in the equatorial direction with speeds up to 1000 m/s. Application of vertical radiosonding methods allowed the determination of charged particle corpuscular precipitation moments, and approx. for this time, electron distribution meridian sections, corresponding to corpuscular layers, were determined by tomography methods.

Inuence of winter cyclones of Kamchatka region on ionosphere electron distribution

The work presents the preliminary results of simultaneous observations of the state of the ionosphere using the methods of radio tomography, GPS radio interferometry and vertical radio sounding. The index of geomagnetic disturbances was determined by magnetic measurements of the Paratunka station (Kamchatka Peninsula).

Possible self-consistent mechanism of formation and disintegration of a ring

The beginning of disintegration of RC is the weakening of Solar Wind (SW) and return of the magnetosphere to the conditions of stationary SW.

Cloud microstructure eect on the polarization state of lidar signal

Physics of potentially geoeective solar phenomena

Lidar backscattering signals from the upper atmosphere at Kamchatka in geomagnetic

Observations of aerosol layers in the upper stratosphere after falling Chebarkulsko

The path analysis carried out showed that the observed layers come from the area of ​​the meteorite fall.

Comparison of whistlers with lightning activity

X-ray source eect on VLF radiation diurnal period amplitude

Features of wave packet generatin by solar terminator according to GPS data from

The value of this advance increases with width, but still coincides with the moment of ST transition in the magnetic conjugate region. The distribution of the number of wave packets in the local time ST system clearly shows the transition from winter to summer conditions.

Investigation of steam mixture eect on geomedium during its free outow into the

The results, obtained from the Brazilian station network data, showed no clear coincidence of the onset of wave packet generation in this region with ST passage in a magnetic conjugate point. Clearly, this can be explained by the assignment of the majority of these stations to the equatorial anomaly region.

The results of experimental studies of the spatial structure of the disturbed region of

An interrelationship between SWM consumption and aerodynamic noise and seismic oscillation intensity was observed.

Decimetre and infrared radiation of the lower ionosphere during solar activity

Eect of variations in short wave solar radiation on atmosphere composition and

This is the opposite in sign of the effect of the 11-year cycle on stratospheric ozone. In addition, we revealed an 11-year modulation of the period and amplitude of quasi-biennial oscillations in wind speed itself.

Magnetosphere formation in the 3D kinetic approach by solar wind plasma ow

Using the measurement data, we found the effect of the 11-year cycle in solar activity on stratospheric nitrogen dioxide in the mid- and polar latitudes. The value G depends only on the shape of the PDF in the incoming SW plasma ow.

On the level of atmospheric electric eld uctuations at the long periods: T=1-100

In the Chapman approach, SW ow is unmagnetized plasma and the formation of the magnetosphere is associated with the excitation of inductive electromagnetic fields (e.m.f) via the Cherenkov broadband resonance of magnetization source fields with ow particles in opacity and absorption state. The relationship between diamagnetic and resistive currents in the magnetosphere is characterized by the introduced G-parameter, which we call "e.m.

Research of the electric eld in Yakutsk in 2009-2012

This paper investigates the background level of electric field fluctuations in the atmosphere over very large periods (T¿1 day), above which one can attempt to detect the cyclic relationships of solar activity with GEC. The spectral density of electrical voltages in periods of 1-100 days can be described by the power law with index -0.5; root-mean-square deviation (in the large frequency band) is 40% of the average E-field value.

To the question of mathematical modeling of electrokinetic phenomena in cloudy

The results of experimental studies of the electric field near the Earth's surface by means of an electrostatic uxmeter for the period 2009-2012 are presented. Characteristics of storms, obtained during the recording of electric fields in Yakutsk for the mentioned four-year period, are analyzed.

On resonance properties of the Earth's magnetosphere

The boundary of the magnetosphere (magnetopause) is quite sharp on the side of the solar wind approaching and becomes indistinct with distance to the tail. The natural oscillations of the resonator appear in the form of various MHD oscillations - Alfven waves and fast (FMS) and slow (SMS) magnetosonic waves.

Method of modeling and forecasting of ionospheric data based on the combination

Investigation of variability of the background aerosol vertical structure above

Analysis of potential capabilities of lidar measurements of air density in the middle

It is shown that for a standard deviation of 10% maximum detection heights of 40-65 km can be achieved during the day, 50-70 km at dusk and 55-80 km at night for the best option: aircraft observations. . For observations from space, the maximum observation altitudes are the lowest: 33-55 km during the day and 45-67 km at night due to the large distances of the space vehicle from the observed object.

Behavior of air temperature and density vertical distribution in the middle

Three sensing possibilities are analyzed: from the ground surface, from an airplane (with 10 km equal height) and from an ISS with an orbital altitude of 414 km.

Lidar investigations of sudden stratospheric warmings over Tomsk in winters of 2010/11

Lidar measurements of air density in the middle atmosphere. Modeling of potential

When working with radiation at 266 nm for 10% measurement error, the sensing range can be extended in the upper mesosphere to 90 km and penetrate deeper into the atmosphere up to 38 km. Thus, the use of two harmonics allows the height range of air density measurements from the ISS to be extended from 90 km to the troposphere.

High Energy Particles and Atmospheric Processes

The results showed that radiation at the wavelength of 353 nm can on average cover the altitude range from 75 km at night and from 55 km during the day to 10 km depending on the parameters of a lidar with 10% measurement error (calculations). was not performed under 10 km).

Two-point monitoring of seismic areas in Kamchatka region by lightning discarge

Assessment of the Status and Dynamics of the Ionospheric D region Using

A method of assessing the state of the ionospheric D region and the base of the E region by space objects is proposed based on the analysis of the differential absorption of radio waves of ordinary and extraordinary polarization in the lower ionosphere. Based on the model analysis of satellite ionospheric sounding data, it was shown that the frequency band above fxF2 is promising for global satellite monitoring of the D ionospheric region.

Variations of meteorological and atmospheric-electrical quantities in the

The presence of a reflective surface (ground) does not require an increase in the transmitter power of the ionosonde panel, and the satellite-mounted equipment allows operational monitoring of the D-region over seismically active regions. Detailed studies of these processes were carried out among long forests in Siberia in the summer of 2012.

Dynamics of highly excited atoms of the upper atmosphere

Analysis of monitoring data of atmospheric electric parameters during maximum smoke-aerosol concentrations in the surface layer of remote forest areas allowed us to detect for the first time the effect of daily reversals of the electric field intensity with the range from 300 and more V/m during daytime to - 300 V/m at night. The observed effect on the diurnal variation of electric ground in the surface layer differs from the well-known facts that it is determined in smog from forest resources, which often cover large areas in many regions for a long time.

Vertical temperature variations in winter atmosphere above Yakutsk by optical

The proposed interpretation of this equation does not contradict the well-known diusion-kinetic model of aerosol ionic charge. Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy SB RAS, Russia The results of simultaneous measurements of atmospheric temperature from 0 to 100 km by lidar, spectrometric and interferometric methods in winter 2008 in Yakutsk are presented.

Atmosphere electric criterion of aerosol and radioactive pollution of the atmosphere

Radom-222 as a factor, determining atmosphere near ground layer electrical

A correlation has been demonstrated between the radon content in the atmospheric air and the temperature conditions in the upper 20-centimeter soil layer, which affects radon exhalation. According to the results of measurements, there is a close correlation between the electrical conductivity of the atmosphere and the radon-222 concentration in the atmospheric air.

Detection of crystalline particles in the atmosphere by the method of polarization

Research of geomagnetically induced currents in Kamchatka powergrid

In practice, the study of GIC in technogenic systems is associated with some difficulties in using expensive equipment and the necessity to interact closely with electrical service companies. In 2010, we developed and approved the way to use current harmonics in the power grid as a GIC indicator.

Nonlinear phenomena in whistlers

Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) are a serious common thread for the normal functioning of technogenic systems with long conductor elements. It is found that for Kamchatka power grid sections with different topology, GIC genesis shows a significantly different pattern.

Relation of geoacoustic emission and natural electromagnetic eld

Measurements of water vapor total content in the solar spectrum of the atmosphere

As a result, data on the total water vapor content were obtained during the processing of the experimental data in the range of cm−1.

Study of collision-induced oxygen complexes

The work is partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grants, RAS Program 3.9. The work is partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grants, RAS Program 3.9.

Study of the dependence of TEC variation intensity on radiosounding geometry by

It was found that for measurements along the near-horizon path there are several strong absorption bands of oxygen dimers centered at and 477 nm, as well as an absorption band of O3 centered at 602 nm which was confirmed by experimental work. It is necessary to take into account the absorption of oxygen dimers to estimate the real atmospheric concentration of O3.


Thin current sheets in the Earth and Venus magnetotails

It turns out that CSs in the Earth and Venus tails have a lot in common. Although the transverse structure of CSs in the Earth and Venus tails is similar, the magnetotail structure in the Sun–Planet direction is nevertheless different.

Pi2-associated electric and magnetic led variations

Interaction of volcanism, seismicity and tectonics as a geodynamic process

Automatic detection of geoacoustic emission pulses on the basis of matching pursuit

New magnetometers GSM-19FD (GEM Systems) and Mag-01H (Bartington

Gamma background increase during precipitation: its origin and energy balance

Measurements of gamma radiation differential spectrum in the range of 0.2-5 MeV are performed continuously by the large scintillation detector and a multichannel pulse height analyzer. The increases correspond to dierential spectrum change of gamma radiation in the range up to 3 MeV.

From hypothesis of undeground discharges towards models of relationship of seismicity

The results of a series of experiments show that in the observed variations of the gamma background, their initial source is muons, which are created in the atmosphere from cosmic rays and have high penetration. In addition to the approach of general physics, the article also analyzes some scenarios of seismoelectric or electromagnetic earthquake effects.

On the signatures of geoefective solar ares and magnetic storms in the varialions of

The obtained results agree with the data on the link between seismicity and magnetic storms. Models of the mechanisms of the possible influence of telluric currents induced during strong magnetic storms on the seismic process are discussed.

Hydrophone monitoring of microseismic activity on the Southern Kuril Islands in

The effects of magnetic storms, which occurred after strong and very strong solar zones in.

Mathematical modeling of regional manifestations of solar activity and their

Identication of lightning with explosive eruption ash clouds of Kamchatka

Comparison of direction finding and meteorological data showed that azimuthal distribution of lightning, obtained by VLF direction nder of IKIR FEB RAS, coincides quite well with the azimuthal distribution calculated on the basis of WWLLN data. Retrospective analysis of data archive of IKIR FEB RAS VLF direction nder over two-year period determined many cases of lightning location generated during Kamchatka volcanic eruptions.

About the regularities of propagation of shift deformations in incompressible

The GVLM volcano data of all the volcanoes of the globe, renewed every minute, forms an alarm signal in case of coincidence of the geographical coordinates of the lightning with the coordinates of the volcano. The application of directional determination methods gives the opportunity to more accurately detect the source by applying anomalous behavior of the radio radiation amplitude.

Investigation of the interrelation of moon-solar tides with electromagnetic layer

About Rikitaki system for geodynamo modeling

Observations of airglow and geomagnetic pulsations at Paratunka and Stecolny

Peculiarities of sedimentary rock geodeformation processes at Karimshina

Reaction of semiconductor materials and water on the inuence of radiation,

The clearest manifestation of influence from the cosmophysical and geophysical factors of the environment is the existence of current diurnal dynamics in water and semiconductor materials. Based on the results of the research carried out, further development of measuring instruments for environmental conditions for crews on space stations and aircraft is expected, using water and semiconductor sensors.

Development of a United

One of the most important elements of the UGDIS ERS infrastructure is the unified geodata bank. During the development of the model for the description of metadata in the United Catalog, as well as for solving the tasks of unique coverage and presentation of metadata, the metadata profile of the United Geodata Bank based on ISO-19115, ISO-19115-2 and Standard ISO-19139 was developed at the Research Institute for precision instruments.

Anthropogenic noise in observations of natural electromagnetic eld

DP2 type electric eld uctuations observed by FM-CW HF radar network

The east-west electric field becomes a possible source of vertical displacement of the ionospheric plasma in the low-latitude ionosphere. According to this feature of the low-latitude ionosphere, the FM-CW HF radar can observe east-west electric field oscillations.

Method of geomagnetic data analysis based on the combination of wavelet transform

Model and algorithms for geomagnetic data analysis in the tasks of detection of

Cosmic ray variation modeling according to neutron monitors data and detection of

Selection of anomalies in ionospheric parameters on the basis of combination of

The authors propose a method for the analysis of critical frequency parameters of the ionospheric layer F2, based on the combination of multiscale analysis and multilayer neural networks, which allows us to distinguish the abnormal features of ionospheric behavior. The proposed method is based on the representation of the recorded time series of foF2 in the form of different scale components and their approximation by adaptive neural networks of variable structure.

Features of geoacoustic signal ow azimuthal distribution in the conditions of

One of the major drawbacks of these methods is the lack of efficient means of adapting to the complex time-dependent data structure. Comparison of the results of the ionospheric parameter processing with the catalog of earthquakes and geomagnetic data showed the effectiveness of the proposed method and allowed us to allocate periods of abnormal behavior of the ionosphere.

Results of investigation of the relation between geoacoustic emission and

Anomalous geomagnetic eld variations in electric conductivity of the Earth

Allegedly, the tipper controls the electrical conductivity of the earth's crust in the southern part of the Baikal basin. Coarse qualitative estimates of a 3D numerical model of the Baikal basin show that short-term conductivity enhancement of a deep fault in the southern part of the lake is required for real tip shift.

Time Variations in Magnetotelluric Transfer Functions in Kamchatka

This shows that annual impedance variations are mainly related to the change of the local geoelectric inhomogeneity of the electrical conductivity and of the media in the near surface zones of the Earth's core. It is suggested that these variations may be caused by the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, resulting in an annual cycle in geodynamic processes, expressed in the change of the media fracture, its degree of saturation by hydrothermal solutions and their degree of mineralization.

Some properties of fractal parametric oscillator

The results of 3-D numerical modeling of the magnetotelluric field indicate a possible connection between the annual variations of the supposed overturning in periods s and the conductivity variations of the deep lateral fault zone.

Investigation of earthquake magnitude eect on generation of wave disturbances in

The evolution equation for the shock deformation problems of nonlinear elastic

Peculiarities of the Earth magnetic moment change according to the observations at

Within the hypothesis of a single central dipole, it is impossible to explain the difference in the observable characteristics of the magnetic field by the Earth's surface shape and relief. Real distances from this surface to the center of the earth are no more than 28 km (the top of Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador and the ice surface of the North Pole).

Methodical aspects of estimation of trigger eect of seasonal prevalence on seismicity

A number of interesting regularities have been defined that make us more attentive to the research of global and regional features in the spatio-temporal morphology of the Earth's magnetic field. But for the same value of the magnetic moment of the central dipole, the difference in the distance to it from the farthest and closest points of the Earth's surface must exceed 2200 km.

Geomagnetic storm eect on quasi-static electric eld and meteorological quantities

The results of investigation of geoacoustic emission daily variation at Mikizha Lake

Potential of Non-Linear Dynamics Methods for Analysis of Geophysical Series and

The Gutenberg-Richter law is traditionally used for the analysis of seismicity in a given region. From the point of view of Tsallis' non-comprehensive statistics, a deviation from the Gutenberg-Richter law for weak events does not necessarily indicate the omission of some events by a seismic network.

Sparse approximation method in the analysis of acoustic emission signal

This generalization includes the limit cases and the Gutenberg-Richter law, as well as Boltzmann's classical statistics for the system of non-interactive elements. This method sequentially extracts features, which minimize signal approximation errors, from the family of characteristic waveforms (dictionary).

Dynamo in a spherical shell, controlled by Poincare operator eigenmodes

Seismic activity eect on turbulence development in E s sporadic layer of the

VLF nighttime amplitude as a precursory signal from earthquakes

A statistical report on atmospheric vertical electric eld as a precursory signature for

Deformation changes of the Earth's crust in the area of high tectonic stress

Analysis of peculiarities of seismic event spatio-temporal distributions in Kamchatka

Analysis of the obtained probability distributions in time showed that since 2007-2008 there has been an increase in the probability value, exceeding the average long-term level, in the southern part of the area under study. The growth of probability, which shows the increase of seismic activity, preceded seismic events with the energy of class K>14, which in the southern area in.

Application of underground electric antennas in the stress-stain state monitoring

The adaptation of the analyzer of eigen vectors and a signal component for the soil

Possible inuence of Geomagnetic Sq variations on Earthquake events

From the results, we observed significant correlations between solar wind input energy, Sq currents and earthquakes, where the greater amount of solar wind input energy corresponds to the enhancements of Sq currents' amplitude and increases the tendency of localized earthquakes to occur.

Seismic detection of superbolide explosion in the atmosphere

On the eciency of the method for selection of ionospheric precursors of

Investigation of geoacoustic emission disturbances at Mikizha lake during

On the basis of observational data for 2002-2012 at Lake Mikizha, investigations of geoacoustic emission disturbances under reasonable weather conditions have been carried out.

Hardware-software system for the registration of surface rock deformation

Project PRE-EARTHQUAKES - monitoring earthquake precursors: strategy

For these areas, different ground (80 radon stations and 29 spring water stations in the Turkish region, 2 magneto-telluric in Italy) and satellite (18 different systems) based observations, 11 data analysis methods for 7 measured parameters were compared and combined . .

Increase of radon and thoron volumetric activity at Kamchatka before the

Analysis of Ks >= 10.0 earthquakes occurred at a distance of 200 km from the Karymshina observation point revealed that local seismicity did not increase under Rn and Tn disturbances. Rn and Tn disturbances in the borehole appeared 44.7 days before the March 11, 2011 Japan earthquake of magnitude 9.0, whose epicenter was 2000 km from the Karymshina observation point.

Characteristics of the seismic process within the statistical diusion model of

These dependencies are mathematically expressed in the correlation of seismic events on a temporal and spatial scale, the choice of which is determined by the characteristics of the environment and the seismic process itself. In the development of the plastic flow model within the diusion approach in the first approximation, the scheme of stochastic wandering through states, which is a special case of Markov chains, was used.

Acoustic-electromagnetic radiation of the lithosphere

The presence of a temporal and spatial relationship between seismic events generally determines that the seismic process is a non-local and non-Markovian stochastic process. The direction and displacement value for each event determine the direction of the plastic flow.


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