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Academic year: 2024




The conference organizing committee would like to invite you to attend the conference (RCCNT&BL-16). -email: bazhutov@izmiran.ru; bychvl@orc.ru ; samson@mx.rudn.ru http://www.iscmns.org/rccnt16/. Chairman of the Yuri Bazhutov, RCCNT&BL-16 Organizing Committee.

Бычков В.Л

Бычков В.Л., Волков С.А

Bychkov V.L

Bychkov V.L., Volkov S.A



Никитин А. И

Nikitin A.I

Великодный В.Ю., Гришин В.Г

Velikodnyi V.Yu., Grishin V.G

Бушланов В.П

Bushlanov V. P

Сотина Н.Б

Сотина Н.Б

Sotina N.B

Sotina N.B

Канарёв Ф.М

Канарёв Ф.М

Канарёв Ф.М

Kanarev F.M

Kanarev F.M

Kanarev F.M

Шестопалов А.В

Габышев В.Г

Габышев В.Г

Shestopalov A.V

Triburt V.P

Gabyshev V.G

Gabyshev V.G

Тезисы докладов Abstracts

New theoretical results about the mass spectrum of elementary particles

Production of roentgen flash by electrolysis Baranov D.S.*, Baranova O.D

The phenomenological model of low-energy transmutation reactions assumes that in these reactions the fusion of many atomic nuclei into one common formation and the subsequent division of this formation into many other nuclei takes place. It is shown that a stable magnetohydrodynamic configuration can be formed if an induction pulsed gas discharge occurs at a sharp recession of the magnetic field generated by a linear lightning within a vortex ring. On this basis, the vortex magnetohydrodynamic model of ball lightning is proven, with the help of which it is possible to explain the vast majority of ball lightning phenomena in nature.

The fundamental difficulty of the magnetohydrodynamic model of the vortex theory of ball lightning was the problem of the larger energy losses of the electrons from the collision in the plasma stream, limiting the lifetime of the ball lightning. It is shown that in ball lightning this generation is quite possible in the induction discharge in a magnetic field of the collapse of ordinary lightning. The estimated lifetime of ball lightning in this case is of the order of ten seconds which corresponds to the observed data.

In work, the experimental results, regarding electric explosions of the wire spirals coiled in the toroidal shape, are presented. 1Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation Institute (IZMIRAN) of the Russian Academy of Science, Troitsk, Moscow Region, bazhutov@izmiran.ru;. For an explanation of an intensive coverage of the films from a series of solid-state detectors by pits (tracks with special pit shape and small depth) after their exposition in free space on the satellite orbit, the mechanism of nuclear interaction of hypothetical neutral cosmic space Erzions.

Day Distribution of Cosmic Ray Erzions on the « Doch-4M » Telescope


A model has been presented in which ball lightning represents a hollow sphere with a molten electrically charged cover. The heating of the surface of the sphere takes place due to the radiation of internal particles; this leads to the destruction of the sphere. RESEARCH OF HIGH-ENERGY SOLID PROCESSES IN EXPERIMENTS WITH THE REGISTRATION OF KEV X-ray emission spectra FROM.

Experimental investigations of high-energy processes occurring in the solid cathode medium in high-voltage glow discharge from X-ray spectral recording were presented. Possible motion of high-energy processes occurring in the solid cathode was observed by the analysis of the recorded X-ray spectrum. Experimental investigations of the input and output electrical heat powers occurring in the solid cathode medium in the high voltage electrical discharge system (electrolysis cell and glow discharge) were presented.

The input electric power and the output thermal power were recorded in experiments with discharge voltage from 1000 V to 4000 V. The paper presents generalized developments of some ideas in the form of Terletski symmetric vacuum algebra based on Terletski's hypothesis for the appearance of groups of particles with positive mass (positons) and negative mass (negatons) outside the pure vacuum. Using this algebra, the parameters of all types of quarks and related to Z0 - bosons are taken into consideration.

I. Nikitin

  • Время образования шаровой молнии

In the framework hypothesis that Ball-Lightning creates at the stop of the strip lightning conductor, it is possible to estimate the minimum Ball-Lightning creating time. The growth in amplitude of discharge rate (current) from 50A up to 1000A and containment of the discharge up to τ=10 ms is accompanied by changes in quantity, sizes and qualities of plasmoids, incl. One of the non-linear optical phenomena - in which the "self-limiting" ability of an electromagnetic wave is evident - is a phenomenon of self-focusing.

The suggested explanation is also based on the comparison of shell luminescence with one of the nonlinear effects, namely multiphoton luminescence. From the point of view of the aforementioned assumptions, the luminescence of a plasmoid is not a mode, but an indicator of its existence. In the analysis of photographs of crystals taken in an electron microscope, traces of "strange particles" similar to those previously observed by Urutskoev L.I.

Authors created the theoretical model that explains a physical principle of the vortex heat pump based on a cluster model of the water structure. On the basis of this model, it is shown that enough energy is concluded in water in clusters to work with the heat pump with 10. liters of water for a flow of 42 hours with a capacity of 20 kW, which does not contradict previously reported experimental data, when the heat pump worked at a current of 6 hours continuously with a slight decrease in capacity. The operating cycle of the given thermal pump is similar to a cycle of the classic thermal pumps discharged by the industry, but water is used instead of Freon.

The plasma-electrochemical triode for transformation of electric energy into thermal with the raised factor of transformation

In this work, we study the physical properties of the vortex plasmoid generated by a capacitive HF electrical discharge. Chemical analysis of the final chemical species in this reactor is measured by various diagnostic instruments. It is found that additional thermal energy is released in this plasmoid reactor only when water and argon are injected (when aluminum injection is excluded).

To propose a project of a new device for generating plasmoids, with a generator based on the elements of the previously developed, then manufactured and utilized apparatus for hard X-ray "BRIG". We use laser beams to guide plasmoids from the chamber where the plasma is heated (taking into account the working experience of laser control of ball lightning). That is why the series of photos of a glowing object (GO) taken by the author of the report in the city of Dagomys - on the first working day of the 15th Russian Conference on Cold Core Conversion and Ball Lightning - is interesting.

In this report, 18 GO-photographs, description of shooting circumstances and GO flight dynamics are presented. It is shown that the GO cannot be explained as airplane or helicopter flights and with a high probability can be identified as a ball lightning. An interpretation of the apparent contours and evolution of GO is proposed by the positions of the Ball Lightning Chord Model which was published by the author in 2006.

Isomorphism – Structural United Universe


Questions of developing ball lightning theory from quantum positions require developing approaches to the derivation of the Schrödinger equations and its generalization. New charged medium models are required when modeling charged material from Ball Lightning. Chetaev, who showed the analogy between the equation for the stable motion of a material system under the influence of conservative forces, and the Schrödinger equation.

It has been shown that the analogy holds not only for forces that have a potential, but also for gyroscopic stabilization forces. According to the hypothesis presented in the work, during the movement of electrons in an atom, structures are formed in a physical vacuum. The forces induced by the structures can serve as stabilizing forces for the motion of the electrons.

M. Kanarev

It is realized only with the help of the electromechanical generator of such pulses of voltage and current as are necessary for the consumer. The electronic pulse generator does not realize the revealed current effect, since its primary current sources are power station generators or batteries that generate a voltage that does not pulse with the necessary porosity, but is continuous. However, in batch production there are no constant magnets with an intensity of magnetic fields (7-10 Tesla) sufficient to generate the necessary values ​​​​of pulses of a voltage and a current for the power supply of modern kilowatt heating batteries by electromechanical generators of pulses with a power of approximately 50 Watts.

Experimental studies of the transmutation of atomic nuclei are intensively expanding, which requires a deepening of the understanding of these complex processes. It is known that processes of synthesis of nucleus are accompanied by X-ray and scale of radiation, and the subsequent synthesis of atoms - radiation of infrared, light and ultraviolet photons. As a result, nuclear synthesis generates radiation dangerous to health, and atomic synthesis - the thermal photons significantly increase the temperature in a transmutation zone.

Experiments show, however, that the intensity of radiation in the synthesis of new nuclei and in the synthesis of new atoms is repeatedly weaker than what follows from calculations. The answer to this question is possible only in the presence of models of nuclei and atoms of the chemical elements that participate in these processes. Most obviously, it follows from the synthesis process of the nucleus and atoms of calcium, which appear on stars before simpler counterparts, and in rows of living organisms, the basic building material is their protective test.


    • ANOV 1 , I.I.KUZNETSOV 2

Институт проблем комплексного освоения полезных ископаемых РАН, Москва, Россия, sinergo@mail.ru Согласно современным представлениям, холодная ядерная трансмутация (УНТ) включает в себя холодный ядерный синтез (ХЯС), с чем хотелось бы не согласиться. В результате наблюдается образование аномальной зоны, в которой происходит межзонный двухквазичастичный захват нейтронов, основанный на двухквазичастичном возбуждении протонов. Последующие преобразования в сильном магнитном поле в аномальной зоне приводят к гравитационному коллапсу с образованием элементарной белой дыры с магнитными зарядами - максирутения.

In a kind of instability, due to the disturbed conservation laws, a system антиколлапсирует is created, which results in an exit (evaporation) of matter from under the gravitational beam by means of neutrons and cold synthesis of tritium in the medium of deuterium. The physics of a steady state thermodynamic version of the fireball representing fully dissociated gas formation at high temperature is considered [1]. The substantiation of the stable existence of a fireball, such as the thermodynamic system subject to a principle of Le Shateliye, is given.

THE SUBSTANCE FORM OF A FIRE COAL AND ITS INTERACTION WITH ATMOSPHERE BASED ON THE THERMODYNAMIC VERSION. Based on the thermodynamic version of a fireball, its physical underpinnings and interactions with the atmosphere are given. The text of the procedure must not be longer than 20 pages and at the end contain an abstract in English.


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