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Poročilo o izvajanju nalog DPM v letu 2013 - OHCHR


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ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TASKS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TASKS OF THE NATIONAL PREVENTIVE MECHANISM OF THE STATE PREVENTIVE MECHANISM ACCORDING TO THE FACTION PROTOCOL. According to the Act on the Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Punishment or Treatment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. International Treaty, No. 20/06 – Optional Protocol) Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: Ombudsman ) also fulfills the mandate and exercises the powers of the National Preventive Mechanism (hereinafter: NPM). In agreement with the Ombudsman, selected non-governmental organizations (hereinafter: NGOs) registered in the Republic of Slovenia and organizations that have acquired humanitarian organization status in the Republic of Slovenia and are engaged in the protection of human rights or fundamental freedoms take on the same role.

Finančna sredstva Državnega preventivnega mehanizma (DPM)

Financial Resources of the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM)

Izbrane NVO so naloge in pooblastila DPM pri izvajanju obiskov še naprej opravljale s svojimi osebami, ki so usposobljene za posamezna področja nadzora, kot so člani skupine, ki jo za vsak primer obiska določi Varuh za izvajanje izvajajo obiske kraja odvzema prostosti in preverjajo ravnanje z osebami, ki jim je odvzeta prostost. Obiske, ki jih je NPM opravil v letu 2013, je bilo vključenih 12 Varuhovih uradnikov (vključno z Varuhom samim) in 11 različnih predstavnikov nevladnih organizacij po pogodbi, od tega dva predstavnika NP, dva predstavnika PIC, štirje predstavniki Primusa, en predstavnik RKS in dva predstavnika ZDUS. .

  • Obiski socialnovarstvenih zavodov (domov za starejše)

This report also includes suggestions and recommendations for eliminating the identified irregularities and improving conditions, including measures to reduce the possibilities of improper treatment in the future. Moreover, in certain cases (especially in undertaking visits to residential homes for the elderly and mentally ill). hospitals), a preliminary report is drawn up Both the Ombudsman's representatives and the representatives of the selected NGOs participate (some of them diligently, while the cooperation of others is quite modest) in the preparation of the final report on the visits made is. Each person participating in the visit, including NGO representatives, must prepare a short report on his/her own findings on the visit, together with suggestions that form part of the final report on the inspection carried out. An Ombudsman's representative is generally responsible for the preparation of the final report, although a representative of the selected NGO may also be appointed to produce it (in 2013 it was Primus who was responsible for the production of two final reports about visits). basis of the final report, and the response of the competent body to this report and potential additional NPM's views, an additional short report on each visit is prepared and published on the official website.

Bivalne razmere

Visits to social care institutions (residential homes for the elderly)

In 2013, in the capacity of NPM and accompanied by members of selected NGOs, the guardian visited ten homes for the elderly: Home for the elderly Trebnje (HE Trebnje), Center for the Blind, Visually Impaired and Elderly Škofja Loka (Center Škofja Loka), Home for Senior Citizens Radlje ob Drava - Home Hmelina, Ptuj Retirement Home (RH Ptuj), Danijela Halas Home, Olmo Senior Citizen Home (Olmo Home), which is a unit of the Ptuj Retirement Home, Bor Home. of the elderly in Črni Vrh nad Idrijo (Bor HE), the Jesenice Retirement Home (Jesenice RD) and the Trnovo Center for the Elderly (Trnovo CE). in July 2013, in November 2013, a control visit was also made to the Olmo home. All visits to homes for the elderly were unannounced, with the exception of the visit to RH Jesenice, which was announced, as a representative of the Czech NPM also attended. The purpose of the control visits to RH Mengeš and Dom Olmo was to verify the implementation of the NPM recommendations from the previous visit based on the provided response report of the visited institution. The course of the visit was adapted to this.

Living conditions

In most cases, the NPM visits also included monitoring the staff's response time to the doorbell. During NPM's visit, the departments' rooms were clean, tidy and properly ventilated, and no unpleasant odors could be detected anywhere.

Omejitve gibanja

Restriction of movement

It was proposed by the NPM that when nursing homes accommodate residents in a secured ward (regardless of definition or designation) and there is doubt as to whether a particular resident was able to understand the meaning of housing in this ward and express his /. Where a resident is obviously unable to give consent, or the psychiatrist's opinion substantiates such a circumstance, the NPM has proposed that the nursing home in question informs the competent court of the necessity of detention prior to placement in a secure ward.


Provision of information

NPM has actually seen that it is the care home's duty to continuously maintain the notice board and supplement it with important information if the residents were to remove it, or to move it to another suitable place and remove it. the residents' art objects that do not belong to the notice board. A similar proposal was made in Ptuj RH that the schedule of activities should also be displayed on the notice board because the NPM could not notice it under its hanging on the wall and/or on the outer door of the kitchenette. visit The same recommendation regarding the list of activities was given to Olmo Home A display of the list of representatives, including their contact information, on the notice board was also suggested in Hmelina Home, which accepted the recommendation and displayed the suggested information on the notice board by both HLSWs.



Pritožbene poti

Complaint procedures

Ob obiskih smo si ogledali tudi pisne pritožbe stanovalcev in njihovih bližnjih zadnjih nekaj mesecev pred našim obiskom.Kot so nam pojasnili v domovih in kot smo izvedeli iz razpoložljive dokumentacije, so stanovalci oddelkov za osebe z oz. demence se na splošno ne pritožujejo pisno. DPM ugotavlja, da so pritožbene in ugovorne poti praviloma dovolj pojasnjene, v enem od obiskanih domov pa v brošuri o varstvu pravic stanovalcev manjka omemba Varuha, zato smo predlagali dopolnitev brošure.

Stiki z zunanjim svetom

In its response, the home reported that the housekeeper, who spends most of her day with the residents and knows them best, resolves the residents' verbally submitted routine requests as they come, such as those related to the temperature of food, problems with the toilets, other requests, etc. They have not received more serious written complaints from residents of the secure ward, but if they do, they sit down and talk to residents and their special guardians, if the home is of the opinion that it makes little sense to provide a written explanation to a resident with a diagnosis of dementia, because they will not understand the meaning and even less the content. , as the explanation can be repeated as many times as necessary. Although NPM approves of the prompt responses of competent persons to residents' oral complaints, it nevertheless maintains its recommendation on written responses (which, of course, do not preclude verbal clarification) to written complaints and/or or allegations of serious violations. NPM found that complaint and objection procedures were generally sufficiently explained, while in one of the homes we visited we discovered that the Human Rights Ombudsman's statement was missing from the folder on the protection of residents' rights. supplemented.

Contact with the outside world

At the Danijel Halas Home, we were concerned that the Home's complaints procedures stipulate that the person submitting the complaint will first receive an explanation of how to resolve the comment, recommendation or opinion (as recorded in the complaint log or as submitted in the complaint box) of the professional head of the home, while this head only draws up a written explanation at the express request of the applicant. It was not clear from these regulations how the complainant is informed of the findings of the complaints procedure and of the measures taken. The NPM subsequently advised that after a complaints procedure had been settled, the Home should inform the claimant in writing about the results of the procedure, findings and actions in all cases where a written complaint has been received, as well as in cases where a significant violation or error has been alleged. During our visits we also looked at written complaints from residents and their relatives in the last months prior to our visit. submit complaints in writing.

Oskrba stanovalcev

Care for residents

According to the need, the residents can visit the specialists. Outpatient specialist checks are accompanied by the staff or in agreement with the relatives of the residents. Fall incidents are recorded in the incident list or report book (Trnovo) Trnovo Senior Center diligently records incidents (slips and falls of residents), which we commend, as analyzing and determining the reasons for these incidents can contribute to their reduction. .

Dejavnosti na varovanem oddelku

Tërnovo CE clarified that during the activities of the house where residents from the safe ward also participate, the doors of the residents of the safe ward are closed so that these residents do not abandon the activities. MKP thinks that this measure is inappropriate. It is understandable that not all residents will like all events, and they have the right to retreat to their rooms in that case. Locking would be acceptable only if the residents themselves express this desire. At Črni Vrh RH we were not able to determine how often residents are locked in their rooms, as one of the employees explained (if we understood correctly) that all the rooms in the secure ward are locked at night, however, we warned the house that restricting movement within a room is a security measure outlined in the ZDZdr. which also defines continuous supervision. A resident of Črni Vrh RH also informed us that employees raise rails around his bed, preventing him from resting or sleeping much during the day, and therefore suffering from insomnia at night. The MKP expert could not find a professionally based reason to prevent a resident from bed rest, so we recommended that the home remedy this situation, instead motivating the resident to integrate into daily activities.

Activities in the secure ward

RH (Buyer's Unit) we received an explanation that residents of the safe ward do not participate in the home's events. Employees made it clear that the reason for this is that they are not interested in these events, as well as for the fact that their presence bothers the other residents. NPM did not accept this explanation, so he asked for additional clarification. In its response, the home explained that the residents of the secure ward attend other of the home's events. During our visit, the atmosphere at secure wards was often pleasant and lively, and the residents were included in various activities (reading time, mnemonic games, etc.) Some residents sat in the lounge or walked around (Trebnje, Radlje ob Dravi) At Ptuj RH (Buyer Unit), upon our arrival we got the feeling that the residents were left alone, and on our first visit we did not notice a schedule of activities posted anywhere in the ward. In its response, the home explained that the activities schedule is prepared and posted in a visible place.

Uporaba posebnih varovalnih ukrepov

When a resident dies in a two-bedroom room, a divider is erected in the middle of the room, or the roommate is temporarily escorted out of the room. When death is confirmed, the deceased is taken to a farewell room or a chapel. (Ptuj), where she can greet relatives and residents. Family members are also allowed to stay with dying residents Locally, families are allowed to sleep at home and receive basic meals (Ptuj) An obituary is also posted at the residents' request.

Special security measures

Many recommendations were made to supplement the forms with a section on the measures taken prior to the introduction of an SSM (e.g. an interview, de-escalation techniques, adjunctive drug therapy, assistance with feeding, etc.) and on the resident is able to give consent to the use of SSM or not, or whether the resident has a guardian and whether the guardian has given consent, whether the representative's next of kin has given consent, (more) consistent indication of the doctor's full name every time the SSM is implemented, the beginning and completion of implementation, or in general a more systematic data collection process on the preliminary measures taken to prevent the necessity of introducing an SSM (otherwise it is impossible to determine whether the use of the SSM was well justified, considering that other, less severe measures were already exhausted) At the same time, these shortcomings also prevent effective monitoring of the immobilization process, the temporal circumstances of its duration, monitoring of the immobilized person and the necessity of the measure. This often includes immobilization in a wheelchair (with one of the various restraints) and setting up protective railings around beds, preventing the resident from slipping or falling to the ground from a distance, and preventing the related injuries (fractures, injuries, etc.) find, that this is often implemented with different types of straps, where NPM believes that standardized tools designed for this purpose should be used.

Pogovori s stanovalci


Interviews with residents

Other issues

  • Kontrolni obisk Centra za tujce
  • DPM je tudi predlagal, naj v prihodnje zaposleni samoiniciativno ugotavljajo morebitne poškodbe inventarja oziroma opreme ter poskrbijo za njihovo sprotno odpravo Ob kontrolnem obisku je bilo
  • DPM je predlagal, naj se več pozornosti nameni pregledu ustreznosti čiščenja sanitarnih prostorov
    • Control visit to the Aliens Centre
  • It was also proposed by the NPM that in the future employees should use their own initiative to spot potential damage to equipment and take care that this damage is regularly repaired During the control
  • It was proposed by the NPM that more attention should be given to monitoring that the cleaning of toilets is adequate. In connection to this recommendation, the Head of the Centre explained that
  • DPM je predlagal, naj se v vseh prostorih (kjer je hišni red izobešen) namesti veljavni hišni red
  • It was proposed by the NPM that it should be checked with an operator of the telephone apparatus whether there is an option to reduce the beeping of the time counter inside the telephone apparatus
  • Considering the small number of foreigners, it was proposed by the NPM to enable foreign nationals access to a computer room more often. It was established during the control visit that foreigners are
  • It was proposed by the NPM that foreigners should receive a written answer to their written complaints. In addition to an interview with a foreigner carried out by an employee, a written notification
  • It was proposed by the NPM that the valid house rules should be placed in all rooms (where house rules are put on display). It would also be appropriate to have them translated, at least into the English
  • DPM med prejšnjim obiskom tudi predlagal, naj se v CT začnejo dosledno izvajati določila 3. člena Pravilnika o postopkih nastanitve v CT ter obliki in vsebini izkaznice o dovolitvi zadrževanja na območju
    • Obiski zavodov za vzgojo in izobraževanje otrok in mladostnikov s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami

In connection with this recommendation, the center manager explained that toilets are sufficient. It was suggested by NPM that vacant rooms in AC should be ventilated regularly.


Število obiskov in lokacije

Organiziranost zavodov in priporočila DPM

Visits to institutions for the care and education of children and adolescents with emotional and behavioural disorders


Number of visits and locations

Organization of Institutions and recommendations by the NPM

Po mnenju DPM bi bilo v prihodnje smiselno preizkusiti uspešnost izvajanja vzgojnega programa v manjši skupini tudi pri mladostnikih, ki so v zavod vključeni na podlagi vzgojnega ukrepa. Upoštevajoč standarde in normative za delo z mladostniki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami je po mnenju DPM ustrezno število strokovnih delavcev ter njihova vrsta in stopnja izobrazbe, kot jo določa zakon.

Izvajanje dejavnosti – opažanja in priporočila DPM

The NPM believes that working in residential communities is a more suitable organizational model than the traditional model for young people with emotional and behavioral disorders. On the other hand, this type of treatment can be too demanding for people with severe emotional and behavioral problems, because living and working in a residential community is less structured and requires more independence and responsibility.

Staffing and residential conditions and NPM recommendations

The question is being raised about the actual implementation of legislative obligations, on the other hand, the problems clearly show the need to review (at least) once again the provisions of the above-mentioned ZIKS-1 which determine the supervision by the ministry or the inspectorate responsible for education. Therefore, it would be reasonable for the findings of MKPT to be discussed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, as well as by the Ministry of Justice, otherwise it would be necessary to actually ensure supervision by the ministry responsible for education or by the responsible inspectorate for education, as defined by ZIKS-1 (more on this topic in the Annual Report of the Ombudsman 2013, chapter Limitation of personal freedom). In addition, the recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Culture was established to prepare a systematic training of teenagers from institutions on the effects and consequences of the use of illegal drugs, alcohol and tobacco consumption, on the consequences of risky behaviors, prevention of HIV infections, hepatitis. and the treatment of bad habits and addictions, was not taken into consideration by the institutions visited, nor by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports.


Executive Summary

Obiski v zavodih za prestajanje kazni zapora, mladoletniškega zapora in prevzgojnega doma


Visits to prisons, a juvenile prison and a youth detention centre

General section

Ob vsakem obisku smo pridobili tudi statistične podatke o številu obsojencev oziroma obsojenk, pripornikov oziroma pripornic in oseb, zoper katere se je izvajal uklonilni pripor v času našega obiska V seštevku je bilo ob naših obiskih v ZPKZ 1 067 zaprtih oseb, od tega 992 obsojencev oziroma obsojenk (prišteti so tudi obsojenci, ki so prestajali kazen zapora na podlagi 12 člena Zakona o izvrševanju kazenskih sankcij, ter obsojenci, ki so bili v hišnem zaporu, obsojenci, ki so bili v fazi prihoda, obsojenci na begu, obsojenci v bolnišnici, obsojenci na prekinitvi izvrševanja zaporne kazni, obsojenci na forenzični psihiatriji), 99 pripornikov oziroma pripornic in 16 oseb, zoper katere se je izvajal uklonilni pripor Poročila o posameznih obiskih in poglavitne ugotovitve DPM v zvezi z njimi so objavljeni (v angleškem jeziku le nekateri) na uradni spletni strani Varuha, v tem poročilu pa izpostavljamo le poglavitne okoliščine v zvezi s področjem, ki jih je DPM ugotovil v letu 2013.

Ugotovitve z obiskov – primeri dobre prakse in priporočila za izboljšanje stanja

At each visit, statistical data was obtained on the number of detained persons, the number of prisoners and persons in custody during our visit. The reports on individual visits and the main findings made by MKPT in this regard are published on the official website of the Ombudsman (although only some in English), while only the most important circumstances discovered by MKPT in 2013 are highlighted. related to this field. in this report.

Findings from visits - examples of good practice and recommendations to improve conditions

Regarding medical care in Ig prison, MKPT has conducted an inspection in the prison's infirmary and found that the nurse does not have a separate space and is always present during medical examinations in the room. The medical expert also carried out an inspection in Maribor prison and concluded with regard to primary level medical care that three doctors were employed in the prison and that the continuous treatment of the patient could be interrupted if the patient was treated by several generals. practitioners He also concluded that the standards regarding the patient room are not met (the door of the patient room is narrow, the bathroom is too small), but the adaptation for the disabled on the move is foreseen. The prison has a signed agreement. with the Health Center of Maribor and MKPT requested the assessment of the prison administration, whether this agreement is being respected and whether the provided dental and medical services are sufficient. care was correctly understood Furthermore, MKPT recommended that dental services be provided to prisoners outside the prison walls if the dental office cannot be used (due to adaptation) to the same extent and access as provided for the prison dental office . The medical expert also recommended the Prisons Administration to consider introducing programs to reduce the negative effects of legal drug abuse in this prison as in others, providing a space for the safe use of illegal drugs. among prisoners, MKPT also suggested the Prison Administration to actively cooperate in the careful review of the proposed health care act and warn the legislators about the possible negative consequences of the act on the provision of medical care to prisoners. The medical expert also recommended that the Prison Administration prepare additional written instructions for the medical staff, if necessary, in cooperation with the Maribor Health Center regarding the crushing pills. Pills for which pressing does not make sense should be listed, in which pressing may affect the release of actives. compounds from the preparation and which cannot be crushed (regarding findings that inmates hide and sell crushed pills despite the fact that the pills are crushed).

Obisk Prevzgojnega doma Radeče

The visit to Radeče Correctional Facility

Obiski policijskih postaj

V letu 2013 smo obiskali 19 policijskih postaj po Sloveniji (PP Ljubljana Bežigrad, PP Ljubljana Center, PP Brežice, PP Šentjernej, PP Kranjska Gora, PP Radovljica, PP Tržič, PP Laško, PP Celje, PP PP Drava, PP Radlje, PP Ravne in Koroškem, PP Slovenj Gradec, PP za izravnalne ukrepe Maribor, PP Maribor II, PP Slovenske Konjice, PP Maribor I, PP Slovenska Bistrica, PP Šentjur pri Celju) in PP Ljubljana, pri čemer smo opravili 19 rednih obiskov in eno kontrolo. obisk (PP Šentjur pri Celju) Tudi letos smo opazili, da so policisti dobro seznanjeni z nalogami in pooblastili DPM, tako da je naše delo potekalo nemoteno. Poročila so nastala na podlagi pregleda prostorov za pridržanje, pogovora z vodstvom PP, pogovora s pridržanimi osebami in na podlagi pregleda dokumentacije v zvezi s pridržanjem oseb, Ministrstvo za zdravje redno so se odzvali na naša poročila in se v večini primerov strinjali z našimi ugotovitvami ter zagotovili, da so nekatere pomanjkljivosti že odpravljene ali da so v načrtu izboljšave.

Osnovni podatki o prostorih za pridržanje

The visits to police stations

After each visit, the group prepared a report on the findings with recommendations, which it sent to the Ministry of the Interior (MNZ) and the competent police station (PS) or the Police Station for compensatory measures (hereinafter: "PSU") or The Detention Center (DC) where the screening took place. Institutional visits continue to take place according to the established order: first, a group consisting of representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman and representatives of NGOs under the contract (visits to the Precinct of Ljubljana, Precinct of Šentjur pri Celje, Radlje). ob Drava and ​​PU Dravograd, performed only by representatives of the Guardian), inspected all detention facilities, including auxiliary facilities (such as the reception area, the area for foreigners and lawyers, the warehouse and the recreation yard). special attention in PS was devoted to parking spaces for customers, the marking of parking spaces and especially the suitability of access to PS for the disabled. We also looked at the changing rooms for the police officers regarding their possible separation for men and women. with an inspection of police intervention vehicles (if they were present at the police station during our visit) Then it was time for an interview with the management of the police station (most often with the commander, assistant commander or police officer on duty), when the detention documentation of some randomly selected cases (files) was also reviewed At each visit, statistical data was obtained on the number of detained and detained persons at the visited detention center in 2013 (for the period from January 1 to the date of the visit).

Basic data on detention rooms

19 visits were regular visits and one visit was a control visit (Shentjur pri Celju SP) This year we noticed once again that the police officers were well informed about the tasks and powers of the MKPT, so we were able to carry out our work without problems. The recommendations were based on an inspection of detention facilities, a conversation with police station management, a conversation with people in custody and a review of documentation related to police detention. The Ministry of Interior regularly responded to our reports. agreed with our findings in most cases and assured us that some deficiencies have already been addressed or that improvements are planned.

Opremljenost prostorov

Osvetljenost prostorov za pridržanje

Čistost prostorov

Equipment in rooms

Lighting in detention rooms

Cleanliness of rooms


Video- in zvočni nadzor


Video- and audio-surveillance

Prehrana in voda

Zdravstvena oskrba pridržanih oseb

Intervencijska vozila


Prostor za odvetnike

Food and water

Health care of detained persons

Intervention vehicles

Recreation yard

Room for lawyers

Prostor za tujce

Seznanjenost pridržanih oseb z njihovimi pravicami


Accommodation area for foreigners

Information for detained persons on their rights


The NPM also reminded Kranjska Gora PS to be more accurate in entering confiscated items in the form of receipt of confiscated items. The Ministry of Home Affairs informed the NPM that the police officers had been reminded to be more consistent. When investigating the detention of a foreigner in Radovljica PS, it was established that the main part of the form about "the performance of tasks during detention/detention - official note".

Dostop do PP invalidom in parkirni prostori za stranke, tudi invalidne osebe

Policisti imajo različne pritožbene postopke. Skoraj vsi policisti imajo zakonsko in pritožbeno knjigo, ki jo vodi dežurni policist, večina policistov pa ima tudi nabiralnike, v katere lahko aretirane osebe anonimno oddajo pritožbe ali pohvale. in to lahko izkoristijo tudi sicer nevešči tujci s slovenskim pravilnikom o možnosti pritožbe na delo javnih uslužbencev (pod pogojem, da je nabiralnik pravilno označen tudi v tujem jeziku) PP Ljubljana Bežigrad velja pohvaliti, kamor se je obrnila ven, da je na spodnji strani knjige s pripombami in pohvalami vedno zapis starešine PP, kaj se je zgodilo s posamezno revijo (pohvala ali pritožba), npr., da je bil odgovor tistemu, ki ga je dal . vpis oziroma v primeru pritožbe, da se le-ta pošlje v nadaljnjo obravnavo Policijski upravi DPM, to je spremljanje vpisov v knjigo pripomb in pohvale PP starešine pozdravil in predlagal, da se s to prakso nadaljuje tudi v prihodnje. . Iz MNZ so sporočili, da je v predprostoru nameščen nabiralnik za anonimno oddajo pohval in pritožb občanov od dežurnega policista. Na policijski postaji Radlje ob Dravi knjiga komentarjev in pohval ni bila vidna in je bila v času našega obiska v sobi dežurnega policista, poleg tega policijska postaja nima predala za anonimne komentarje in pohvale, zato je DPM ugotovil, da priporočilo prejšnjega obiska ni bilo upoštevano in je zato ponovno predlagal, da se knjiga komentarjev in pohval postavi na vidno mesto ter da se preuči možnosti namestitve poštnega predala za anonimno oddajo pripomb in pohvale, so iz MNZ v zvezi s tem sporočili, da so knjigo s pripombami in pohvalami postavili na vidno mesto (za stekleno steno, ki ločuje dežurnega policista od obiskovalcev) in navedli, da bodo preučili možnost namestitve poštnega nabiralnika, pohvalili DPM PP Dravograd, saj je sledila priporočilu DPM iz prejšnjega obiska in na hodniku pred dežurnim policistom izdelala poštni nabiralnik iz kartonske škatle, kamor lahko ljudje anonimno oddajo morebitne pripombe in pohvale.

Delovne razmere za zaposlene

The complaint procedures of PSs differ Almost all PSs keep a comment and complaint book, which is kept by the duty officer and the majority of PSs also have letter boxes available for detainees to submit a comment/complaint anonymously. When they visited Brežice PS, the NPM found that the anonymous comment and complaint box was still not available in the PS, and suggested that the box be installed in its quarters.

Access to police stations for the disabled and parking space for clients, including the disabled

This can also be used by foreign citizens who are not familiar with the Slovenian regulations on complaints against the work of civil servants (assuming that the mailbox is properly marked in other languages). at the bottom of the page of the book of comments and complaints, there is always a note from the head of the PS about what happened to the individual record (comment or complaint), e.g. that the answer was sent to the person who filed the note, or in the case of a complaint, that the latter be forwarded to the Police Administration. The NPM welcomed such monitoring of entries in the book of comments and complaints by PS chiefs and suggested that such practice be continued in the future. The Ministry of the Interior informed the NPM that a box for citizens' comments and complaints to be submitted anonymously is located in the lobby of the police officer on duty. In PU Radlje ob Drava, the book of comments and complaints was not placed in a visible place and was located in the room of the person on duty during the visit, in addition, there was no box for anonymous comments and complaints in PS, so the NPM concluded that the recommendation of the previous visit in this regard was not was taken into account and again suggested that the book of comments and complaints should be placed in a visible place and that the possibility of installing a box for anonymous comments and complaints should be considered. In this regard, the MNZ informed the NPM that the book of comments and complaints has been placed in a visible place. position (behind the glass wall that separated the duty officer from the visitors) and stated that they would look into the possibility of installing a box. NPM praised ČU Dravograd, as it followed NPM's recommendation from the previous visit and built a box. from the cardboard box for anonymous submission of possible comments and complaints, which was placed in the corridor in front of the duty officer's room.

Working conditions for employees

PU Ljubljana is also to be commended, as there is a paper box with pencils and papers in the hallway, which allows you to submit any complaints. Access to police stations for disabled people and parking space for customers, including disabled people.

Kontrolni obisk PP Šentjur pri Celju

Control visit of the Šentjur pri Celju PS

Obisk Psihiatrične bolnišnice Idrija

Psihiatrično bolnišnico Idrija (v nadaljevanju: bolnišnica) smo obiskali dne 18. 9. 2013. Med obiskom nam je strokovnjakinja DPM dr. Peter Pregelj, dr. med., specialist psihiatrije, je sodeloval v delu nadzora, ki se nanaša na zdravstveno varstvo in zdravstveno oskrbo. Glavni namen obiska je bil preveriti obravnavo oseb, nastanjenih na oddelkih pod posebnim nadzorom, da bi odpravili morebitne pomanjkljivosti, ugotovljene med obiskom. Ob obisku je bila ponovno podrobno pregledana dokumentacija v zvezi z uporabo PVU v posameznih primerih, ugotovitve pa so vključene v končno poročilo.

Splošni podatki o bolnišnici

Visit to the Idrija psychiatric hospital

Due to further verification of findings recorded in the previous NPM report, the representatives of the Office of the Ombudsman visited the hospital again on 23 January 2014. During the visit, the documentation regarding the use of special protection measures in individual cases was reviewed and the results were included in the final report.

General information about the hospital

Idrija psychiatric hospital (hereinafter: hospital) was visited on 18 September 2013. The medical expert from NPM, Peter Pregelj, psychiatrist, MD, also participated during the control part of the visit, which referred to the health care and medical care. The main purpose of the visit was to inspect the treatment of persons who are accommodated in the secured department to correct any deficiencies found during the visit. The consequences of the resource reduction are reflected in the number of staff. It can be perceived that the staff is overburdened due to the reduction. The treatment of patients is proving to be increasingly demanding, especially in wards for the elderly who suffer from associated diseases. , you could already feel a lack of staff in the gero-psychiatric department under special supervision, when a patient with a life-threatening condition was referred for treatment at another hospital.

Povzetek ugotovitev in priporočil DPM ob obisku Psihiatrične bolnišnice Idrija

The hospital has clarified that it employs 24 registered nurses (three more compared to 2010), 65 general care nurses and 10 nurses, otherwise it was established based on the accepted form. The interviewees also explained that they have noticed some shortcomings in the implementation of the Law on Mental Health (ZDZdr), they are especially concerned about the short deadlines, so they are satisfied with the information they managed to get that the modification of the law will apparently happen in 2014. In particular, their complaints about the law refer to the treatment regulation, which in their opinion is not emphasized enough. Therefore, the law focuses specifically on the waiting procedures and not on the treatment itself.

Summary of the findings and recommendations of the NPM to the Idrija psychiatric hospital

Pregled dejavnosti DPM v letu 2013

Varuh človekovih pravic RS RS Ivan Šelih, namestnik varuhinje, Simona Šemen, mag. Jure Markič, Miha Horvat, Robert Gačnik, Andreja Srebotnik, Ingrid Russi-Zagožen, dr. in Petra Tovornik, svetovalki pri Varuhu ter Le Drobnak in Le Drobnak medn. Varuha ČP RS Vsi zaposleni v Varuhi, člani DPM in nekateri predstavniki izbranih nevladnih organizacij.

Review of the Activities of the NPM in 2013

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia 4 Oct. Office of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Slovenia, Mirna na Dolenjské, Maribor, Žalec.

Pregled obiskov DPM v letu 2013

Review of the Visits of the NPM in 2013

Robert Gačnik and Andreja Srebotnik, Ombudsman’s advisers, and Boris Nusdorfer (Legal Information Centre of NGOs-PIC). Robert Gačnik, Andreja Srebotnik, Ombudsman’s advisers, and Boris Nusdorfer (Legal Information Centre of NGOs-PIC).


Konvencija OZN proti mučenju in drugim krutim, nečloveškim ali poniževalnim kaznim ali ravnanju


  • UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
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  • člen 1. Ta konvencija je odprta za podpis vsem državam
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  • 1. This Convention is open for signature by all States
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This Convention is subject to ratification. Instruments of ratification must be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit certified copies of this Convention to all States.


Pododbor za preprečevanje najprej vzpostavi program rednih obiskov v državah pogodbenicah za izpolnjevanje nalog in pooblastil iz 11. člena. Po posvetovanjih bo pododbor za preprečevanje obvestil države pogodbenice o svojem programu, tako da se bo mogoče brez odlašanja dogovoriti o potrebnih praktičnih podrobnostih obiskov, ki jih je treba izvesti.

The Subcommittee on Prevention shall

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  • člen K temu protokolu niso dopustni pridržki

The States Parties to this Protocol undertake to publish and distribute the annual reports of the national preventive mechanisms. The expenses incurred by the Subcommittee on Prevention in the implementation of this Protocol shall be borne by the United Nations.

No reservations shall be made to the present Protocol

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  • člen Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za pravosodje
  • člen Ta zakon začne veljati 1 januarja 2007

Accession shall be effected by depositing an instrument of accession with the Secretary General of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit to all States certified copies of this Protocol.

This Act shall take effect on 1 January 2007

Necessary expenses and remuneration of persons of organizations performing duties or exercising powers under paragraph 1 shall be paid by the Ombudsman for Human Rights from the budget lines of the Ombudsman, in accordance with rules which the Ombudsman shall issue after the prior approval of the Minister responsible for finance. published in the official journal of the Republic of Slovenia. Ombudsman: Vlasta Nussdorfer, Ombudsman; Ivan Šelih – Deputy Ombudsman and Director of the National Preventive Mechanism; Jure Markic, MSc; Dr. Ingrid Russi Zagozen; Miha Horvat; Jasna Turk; Brigita Urh;.


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