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Geography teaching

Map as a tool for independent learning in geography teaching

Map as a tool for independent learning in geography teaching

... In geography teaching the interpretation of maps is being used to find out more about the phenomena and processes that are constantly occurring around us which is a sufficient incentive for ...


Türkiye ve Almanya’daki Coğrafya Öğretim Programlarının Karşılaştırılması / Comparisons of Geography Teaching Programs in Turkey and Germany

Türkiye ve Almanya’daki Coğrafya Öğretim Programlarının Karşılaştırılması / Comparisons of Geography Teaching Programs in Turkey and Germany

... of geographyteaching depends upon the implementation of the methods of geographyteaching effectively and usage of equipment and materials required in geography technology ...with ...


Recursos tecnológicos aplicados ao ensino de geografia: webquest e cartografia escolar/  Technological resources applied to geography teaching: webquest and school cartography

Recursos tecnológicos aplicados ao ensino de geografia: webquest e cartografia escolar/ Technological resources applied to geography teaching: webquest and school cartography

... O domínio de conteúdo dos alunos na resolução das questões foi satisfatório, onde os alunos que obtiveram rendimento acima da média de 60%, 42 alunos (93%), mostraram que compreenderam[r] ...


A excursão geográfica como recurso didático No ensino de geogragia / Geographical tour as a teaching resource in geography teaching

A excursão geográfica como recurso didático No ensino de geogragia / Geographical tour as a teaching resource in geography teaching

... Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar como a excursão geográfica no ensino de Geografia é um importante recurso didático que pode romper a dicotomia entre a es[r] ...


A aplicabilidade de jogos didáticos no ensino de geografia / The applicability of didactic games in geography teaching

A aplicabilidade de jogos didáticos no ensino de geografia / The applicability of didactic games in geography teaching

... The present work aims to report the positive and negative points of the application of the game "Super Trunfo Geográfico" with elementary school students, in the Meneleu State School of Almeida Torres, with 8th ...


Using Technology for Geography Teacher Education: Web-based Professional Development

Using Technology for Geography Teacher Education: Web-based Professional Development

... As Geography: Teaching with the Stars will soon offer an online forum, further longitudinal research will be needed to determine the extent of its use by participants and discussion topics that ...


Fabiane Puntel BassoI Maria Helena Menna Barreto Abrahão

Fabiane Puntel BassoI Maria Helena Menna Barreto Abrahão

... different teaching approaches, both located in the metropolitan area of Greno- ble, ...for teaching several fundamental subjects (reading, writing, math- ematics ...


The 'hidden geography' in the EU policymaking

The 'hidden geography' in the EU policymaking

... that Geography has the potential to be of vital importance to policymaking, as the cornerstone science of territorial development and ...of Geography and Geographers within the process of EU territorial ...


Barriers to Teaching Introductory Physical Geography Online

Barriers to Teaching Introductory Physical Geography Online

... This comment reflects a common approach to building online courses. For many, the development of an online course has meant trying to replicate their traditional face-to-face lecture-based course online. Free of the ...


Geography & Entrepreneurship: Managing Growth and Change

Geography & Entrepreneurship: Managing Growth and Change

... issue aims to clarify the connection between geography and entrepreneurship. In doing so, growth strategies and change trajectories of countries, regions, and firms are analyzed. The papers use extensive data that ...




... 2 The Manifesto quite correctly highlights the importance of reducing spatial barriers through innovations and investments in transport and communications as critical to the growth and sustenance of bourgeois power. ...




... geography approach focus, at different levels, on relationships between natural and cultural processes (mainly cultural ones). Anyway, the difference between these approaches lies mainly on the perspective on ...


Only connect... : pleading for a neo-holistic geography

Only connect... : pleading for a neo-holistic geography

... do the emerging global, Continental, international and national and local organizations and institutions shape the use of agricultural and mining resources? To answer these and related questions geography will ...


Texto contexto  enferm.  vol.24 número3

Texto contexto enferm. vol.24 número3

... the teaching strategies elected”, additionally to the reasons disclosed in the irst category, students consider it important feeling that the professor carefully plans class- oriented lessons and approaches ...


A SOCIEDADE EM REDE E A  DOS CONTRATOS VIRTUAIS  Francisco Patrick Barbosa Chagas, Leandra Aparecida Zonzini Justino

A SOCIEDADE EM REDE E A DOS CONTRATOS VIRTUAIS Francisco Patrick Barbosa Chagas, Leandra Aparecida Zonzini Justino

... from geography to cyberspace), se transforma o consumidor em um netcytizen, se há uma nova ubiquidade ou falta de localização dos atos que ocorrem simultaneamente no écran do consumidor e do fornecedor, no ...


Russian Socio-Economic Geography: Status, Challenges, Perspectives

Russian Socio-Economic Geography: Status, Challenges, Perspectives

... Socio-economic geography studies pro- cesses, characteristics and patterns of spa- tial ...cio-economic geography along the variety of new lines of ...both geography and eco- ...


Barriers And Profits Of Distan ce Education In Operations Research Based Decision Analysis

Barriers And Profits Of Distan ce Education In Operations Research Based Decision Analysis

... linear teaching program and branched teaching program can be combined and thus a mixed teaching program can be ...mixed teaching program it is assumed that: (1) the teaching process is ...


The geography of knowledge spillovers in Europe

The geography of knowledge spillovers in Europe

... When we calculate the frequency with which the citations match the geographic location of the cited patents, we are estimating the probability of geographic matching for two patents, c[r] ...


A geografia do pão: uma metodologia interdisciplinar entre a arte e a geografia / The geography of bread: an interdisciplinary methodology between art and geography

A geografia do pão: uma metodologia interdisciplinar entre a arte e a geografia / The geography of bread: an interdisciplinary methodology between art and geography

... 2019 ISSN 2525-8761 Ao aliar o conhecimento entre o olhar da Arte e da Geografia dos lugares, buscando os mais diferentes espaços; do global ao espaço local, ind[r] ...


O ENSINO DE CARTOGRAFIA NO CURSO DE LICENCIATURA EM GEOGRAFIA: UMA DISCUSSÃO PARA A FORMAÇÃO DO PROFESSOR / The teaching of cartography in the graduate of geography: A discussion to teacher's formation

O ENSINO DE CARTOGRAFIA NO CURSO DE LICENCIATURA EM GEOGRAFIA: UMA DISCUSSÃO PARA A FORMAÇÃO DO PROFESSOR / The teaching of cartography in the graduate of geography: A discussion to teacher's formation

... 14–22 Página 2 Lidar com mapas é importante para o geógrafo seja durante seu aprendizado, no curso de graduação de Licenciatura em Geografia, seja para transmitir os conhecimentos [r] ...


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