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History and press

A history of the press (and journalism): wondering through research paths

A history of the press (and journalism): wondering through research paths

... of history adopted, with considerable advance in relation to the diagnosis that we produced almost a decade ago (BARBOSA, 2010b) on the historical studies of Communication, in which we observed the supremacy of an ...


Predicting Attitudes toward Press- and Speech Freedom across the U.S.A.: A Test of Climato-Economic, Parasite Stress, and Life History Theories.

Predicting Attitudes toward Press- and Speech Freedom across the U.S.A.: A Test of Climato-Economic, Parasite Stress, and Life History Theories.

... the press and speech. Recent theoretical develop- ments and empirical findings suggest that ecological factors impact censorship attitudes in addition to individual difference variables ...stress, ...


Intercom, Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Comun.  vol.38 número2

Intercom, Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Comun. vol.38 número2

... The History of Press in Brazil, by Nelson Werneck Sodre, published almost 50 years ago, is still the main synthesis text used by scholars studying the history of media in ...Romancini and ...


The hang and art history

The hang and art history

... a history , in Peter Sutton ...art and culture, eds Sylvia Kleinert and Margo Neale, Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2000, 454-461; Howard Morphy, Seeing Aboriginal art in the gallery , ...


Um mosaico de fatos Produção e circulação de literatura sobre a escravidão nos Estados Unidos em meados do XIX - A Cabana do Pai Tomás e os romances anti-tom’s

Um mosaico de fatos Produção e circulação de literatura sobre a escravidão nos Estados Unidos em meados do XIX - A Cabana do Pai Tomás e os romances anti-tom’s

... Os estadunidenses do norte começaram a entrar em conflito com os Seminole. O governador, esta- belecido por Jackson, solicitou que os indígenas se movessem para ceder a região para os colonos. O pedido foi recusado. Em ...


Jihad na África Ocidental durante a "Era das Revoluções": em direção a um diálogo com Eric Hobsbawm e Eugene Genovese.

Jihad na África Ocidental durante a "Era das Revoluções": em direção a um diálogo com Eric Hobsbawm e Eugene Genovese.

... Tennessee Press, 1990; DUBOIS, Laurent; GARRIGUS, John ...brief history with ...University Press, 2002; GEGGUS, David ...Carolina Press, 2001; DUBOIS, ...University Press, 2004; HURBON, ...


An. mus. paul.  vol.2 número1

An. mus. paul. vol.2 número1

... Presenting the past: essays on History and the publiCoPhiladelphia: Temple University Press, 1986. p.137-165[r] ...


What journalists reminder us of: representation of a crucial ınternational event in turkish press – Malta Summit of 1989

What journalists reminder us of: representation of a crucial ınternational event in turkish press – Malta Summit of 1989

... macrostructure), and subsequently the lower macropropositions of the report, with details of content and the less prominent schematic categories ...(e.g., history or comments) towards the ...topics ...


Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum.  vol.15 número5

Rev. bras. cineantropom. desempenho hum. vol.15 número5

... (bench press, incline bench press, and peck deck, respectively), with a 48-h interval, on sessions three, four and ...six and seven) separated by an interval from 48 to 72 h, in which ...


Marsupials: Evolutionary History and Taxonomy

Marsupials: Evolutionary History and Taxonomy

... In conclusion, it seems that the support given by vari- ous authors to each of the alternative hypotheses (fission or fusion) is strongly influenced by their view on how the chromosome data should be interpreted. Thus, ...


History and Perspectives of AOFNMB

History and Perspectives of AOFNMB

... Asia and Oceania Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology (AOFNMB) was inaugu- rated provisionally in October 1969 in Tokyo at a gather- ing of 21 delegations from the nine member countries and ...




... newspapers and magazines, became easier with the rise of the ...of press critics, or using the American term, media ...(www.igutenberg.org) and in 1996 the Observatório da Imprensa ...receiving ...


National history and evolutive stages

National history and evolutive stages

... signs and symptoms similar to myocarditis of other causes: dyspnea, fatigue and other commemorative symptoms of heart ...chambers and/or pericardial ...mobility and insufficiency of mitral ...


J. Pediatr. (Rio J.)  vol.93 número3

J. Pediatr. (Rio J.) vol.93 número3

... follow-up and thus, it was not possible to evaluate their recurrence ...two and five years, and 25 had a follow-up period <2 years at the time of the ...38% and, of these, 80% had the ...


History(ies) and Theory of history: Interview With Reinhart Koselleck

History(ies) and Theory of history: Interview With Reinhart Koselleck

... excitante, mas de curto alcance quanto à diferença entre escrita da história e ciência da história. Com suas categorias, White não pode alcançá- -la. Essa é uma grande desvanta[r] ...


Representation of the Past and Public History: Women’s History on the Internet

Representation of the Past and Public History: Women’s History on the Internet

... the history of Brazil, Maria Gomes de Oliveira – Maria Bonita –, whom he did not ...women’s history in the teaching she received at ...in History,” whose aim is to “rescue the memory and work ...


CPDOC's experience: personal archives and oral history in Brazilian contemporary history

CPDOC's experience: personal archives and oral history in Brazilian contemporary history

... contemporary history? At the beggining, the idea was to know more about the trajectory and the performance of Brazilian elites in the 20 th ...1964, and remained until ...political and ...


Análise e caracterização de ataques a rebanhos por morcegos Desmodus rotundus no município de São Pedro (São Paulo, Brasil)

Análise e caracterização de ataques a rebanhos por morcegos Desmodus rotundus no município de São Pedro (São Paulo, Brasil)

... ITO, F. H. XXXV Semana Capixaba do Médico Veterinário e III Encontro Regional de Saúde Pública em Medicina Veterinária . Guarapari, Espirito Santo: 2008. www.saude.ba.gov.br. In : Padronização da técnica de ...


Ciênc. saúde coletiva  vol.10 suppl.

Ciênc. saúde coletiva vol.10 suppl.

... Open University Press, Buckingham.[r] ...


Artifacts and Artifices among Memory and History

Artifacts and Artifices among Memory and History

... workplace, and well prepared to defend workers' interests) and for this reason it tended toward some degree of accommodation in the ruling social ...companies and a rupture with the official union  ...


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