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Indicators of quality in health care

Social support versus chosen health status indicators in primary care patients

Social support versus chosen health status indicators in primary care patients

... future of the primary care is associated with a growing incidence of chronic illness in general population and ageing ...model of the care in frames of general ...


Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde  vol.25 número2

Epidemiol. Serv. Saúde vol.25 número2

... prescription indicators in a primary health care facility with different models of health ...data of prescriptions with regard to quality indicators ...


Quality indicators in nutrition therapy within the intensive care setting of a Brazilian teaching hospital

Quality indicators in nutrition therapy within the intensive care setting of a Brazilian teaching hospital

... Degree in Metabolism and Nutrition by the Post- Graduate Program in Health and Development in the Center-West Region ...Multiprofessional Health Residency Program - Attention to the ...


Quality of care in one Italian nursing home measured by ACOVE process indicators.

Quality of care in one Italian nursing home measured by ACOVE process indicators.

... limitations of the present study must be acknowledged. Processes of care were determined using medical record documentation which might be incomplete; it can be argued that availability and the ...


Key words Prenatal care, Health assessment, Quality indicators in health care, Women's

Key words Prenatal care, Health assessment, Quality indicators in health care, Women's

... study of 2,404 pregnant women assisted in 2011in twelve primary health care units in the South region of São Paulo ...the indicators process of the Programa de ...


J. Soc. Bras. Fonoaudiol.  vol.23 número1 en v23n1a18

J. Soc. Bras. Fonoaudiol. vol.23 número1 en v23n1a18

... panel of indicators improves the management of dysphagia in a hospital ...introduce quality indicators in order to clearly understand and manage the quality ...


Development of quality assurance programs in health care

Development of quality assurance programs in health care

... development of quality assurance programs for the services took place within hospital walls, which seriously limited the countries’ progress and success in the field of ...lack of a ...


Rev. Gaúcha Enferm.  vol.38 número2

Rev. Gaúcha Enferm. vol.38 número2

... with care, a crucial pillar in the normative guidelines for health care, has been identified as one of the best ways to evaluate the contribution of each professional group for ...


Evaluation of prenatal care at basic health units in the city of São Paulo

Evaluation of prenatal care at basic health units in the city of São Paulo

... follow-up of pregnant women registered in the PHNP, which is part of the Single Health System ...Municipalization of health services is part of a process of ...


Ciênc. saúde coletiva  vol.21 número9

Ciênc. saúde coletiva vol.21 número9

... tation of the methodology used by Starfield and Shy (2002) to assess the quality of health care in the municipalities which joined the Mais Médi- cos (More Doctors) ...The ...


Rev. LatinoAm. Enfermagem  vol.20 número4

Rev. LatinoAm. Enfermagem vol.20 número4

... available in international literature demonstrate an inverse relation between the number of nurses and the occurrence of adverse events in patients, correlating the number of ...


Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Mhealth In Maternal Health Care In Nakuru Provincial General Hospital

Factors Affecting The Adoption Of Mhealth In Maternal Health Care In Nakuru Provincial General Hospital

... stated in their constitutions, signed treaties and conventions. Ministries of health oversee the overall development of health systems using their governance function, which includes ...


en 0103 507X rbti 29 02 0121

en 0103 507X rbti 29 02 0121

... participate in their care during the day, they were more likely to have more diagnostic tests and changes in treatment overnight, and they had a lower ...


Rev. Gaúcha Enferm.  vol.33 número4

Rev. Gaúcha Enferm. vol.33 número4

... routine of a caregiver is permeated with different assumed tasks and functions that generate an overload that is both physical and emotional, since the care of a family member often coincides with ...


Paying for Performance in Healthcare Organisations

Paying for Performance in Healthcare Organisations

... popular in healthcare contexts ...way in which people respond to ...number of studies quantifying the impact of incentive schemes, many fail to explore how and why health impacts do or ...


Spatial analysis of the quality of Primary Health Care in Brazil

Spatial analysis of the quality of Primary Health Care in Brazil

... distribution of the Primary Health Care (ABS) teams evaluated by the National Program for Access and Quality Improvement in Primary Health Care (PMAQ-AB) according to the ...


Prenatal care: nurses’ testimonial     /     Assistência ao pré-natal: depoimento de enfermeiras

Prenatal care: nurses’ testimonial / Assistência ao pré-natal: depoimento de enfermeiras

... Ministry of Health for low risk care are: blood count, blood typing and Rh factor, indirect coombs (if Rh negative), fasting blood glucose, rapid screening test for syphilis, anti-HIV, IgM ...


Impacto de um programa de educação continuada na qualidade assistencial oferecida pela fisioterapia em terapia intensiva

Impacto de um programa de educação continuada na qualidade assistencial oferecida pela fisioterapia em terapia intensiva

... phases. In the irst phase, we established 15 indicators of quality related to physiotherapy based on their relevance to patient care under mechanical ventilation (MV) or not and the ...


The quality of castings obtained during lost-wax and Replicast CS processes in aspect of ecology

The quality of castings obtained during lost-wax and Replicast CS processes in aspect of ecology

... Haratym, Dok ł adno ć wymiarowa odlewów wykona- nych w procesie Replicast CS, Archiwum Odlewnictwa rocznik 3, nr 9, Katowice 2003.. Arendarski, Niepewno ć pomiarów, Oficyna Wydaw- nic[r] ...


Rev. esc. enferm. USP  vol.50 número2

Rev. esc. enferm. USP vol.50 número2

... “Organization of health care” to deal with chronic conditions must be available to implement changes in the management process, identify and prevent failures in the coordination, and ...


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