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Design and Implementation of AMRP for Multi hop wireless Mobile ad hoc Networks

Design and Implementation of AMRP for Multi hop wireless Mobile ad hoc Networks

... a multi-hop wireless network with multiple source-destination pairs, given routing and traffic ...a multi-hop wireless network with three flows is shown in ...


Implementação de um protocolo mesh multi-hop baseado em algoritmo de roteamento geográfico...

Implementação de um protocolo mesh multi-hop baseado em algoritmo de roteamento geográfico...

... As tecnologias de redes sem fio passaram a atender não só às aplicações corporativas mais sofisticadas como também àquelas envolvendo desde o rastreamento de animais, monitoramento de estruturas e automação industrial ...


Adaptive Zone-based Bandwidth Management in the IEEE 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Network

Adaptive Zone-based Bandwidth Management in the IEEE 802.16j Multi-hop Relay Network

... The IEEE 802.16 Standard [1]-[4], first published in 2001, defines a means for wireless broadband access as a replacement for current cable and DSL “last mile” services to home and business. The adoption of this standard ...


Effect of sectoring on the capacity of CDMA multi-hop  communication network

Effect of sectoring on the capacity of CDMA multi-hop communication network

... In Multi-hopping, relaying mobile terminals are used to send the signal in multiple-hops to the base station and back to the mobile ...Different multi-hop proposals could be found in [1]-[3] and that ...


Alocação de endereços IPv6 em redes sem fio multi-hop de baixa potência

Alocação de endereços IPv6 em redes sem fio multi-hop de baixa potência

... Muitas redes sem fio de baixa potência são baseadas em mecanismos que mantêm topologias acíclicas para suportar aplicações de coleta de dados. A rede é tipicamente otimizada para o tráfego ascendente de dados (dos nós à ...


Aerial Multi-hop Sensor Networks

Aerial Multi-hop Sensor Networks

... The contributions are organized along two categories: conceptual and technical. Un- der the former, this dissertation introduces several new models and algorithms. First, a new model for packet delivery ratio (PDR) as a ...


Energy Efficient Clustering in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks Using Differential Evolutionary MOPSO

Energy Efficient Clustering in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks Using Differential Evolutionary MOPSO

... Kumar [5] suggested and tested two novel clustering-based algorithms for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks that are known as Single-Hop Energy- Efficient Clustering Protocol (S-EECP) as well as ...


An Investigation about Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Routing Protocols in MANET

An Investigation about Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad-Hoc Network Routing Protocols in MANET

... ♦ Jyoti Raju and Garcia-Luna-Aceves [5], in their paper have compared WRP-Lite a revised version of Wireless Routing Protocol with DSR. The performance parameters used are end-end delay, control overhead, percentage of ...


Distributed TDMA-Base Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network

Distributed TDMA-Base Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Network

... In this section the distributed scheduling protocol based on time division multi access in multi step wireless sensor networks is described. The proposed protocols are based on nodes organization according ...


The Convergence Scheme on Network Utility Maximization in Wireless Multicast Networks

The Convergence Scheme on Network Utility Maximization in Wireless Multicast Networks

... via multi-hop links is fragile against background data traffic, ...802.11-based multi-hop wireless networks implement Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) for medium access, an end-to-end ...




... on multi-hop transmissions in its communications, new challenges are derived to determine the multi-hop route over which data packets can be exchanged between source and destination mobile ...


A data collection mechanism for Wi-Fi based Underground sensor Networks

A data collection mechanism for Wi-Fi based Underground sensor Networks

... Previous studies on WUNs are mostly focused on sensor networks and their performance. Con- sequently, there is a lack of studies regarding IEEE 802.11-based WUN; there is only a previous MSc [5] where the performance of ...


A Review of Interference Reduction in Wireless Networks Using Graph Coloring Methods

A Review of Interference Reduction in Wireless Networks Using Graph Coloring Methods

... as, multi-hop wireless mesh network layouts [1], triangular lattice topologies [9], unit disk graphs [3], hexagonal topologies [8], and other more general topologies ...


Unified Analysis of Two-Hop Cooperative Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Relay Networks

Unified Analysis of Two-Hop Cooperative Amplify-and-Forward Multi-Relay Networks

... for multi-relay CAF networks in closed-form ...of multi-hop multi-relay cooperative wireless networks is beyond the scope of this article but will be pursued as part of our future ...


Um barulho na cidade: culturas juvenis e espaço urbano DIS KBGADELHA noPW

Um barulho na cidade: culturas juvenis e espaço urbano DIS KBGADELHA noPW

... O espaço se torna variável, não só porque há uma multiplicidade de práticas (o surfe, o hip hop, as torcidas de futebol etc.), mas também de espaços praticados na cidade por esses[r] ...


Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Programa de Pós Graduação em Comunicação Social

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas Programa de Pós Graduação em Comunicação Social

... hip hop a partir dessas práticas intensas de circulação e ...hip hop no Rio não é composta apenas pelos relatos dos porta-vozes do movimento, mas também pelas reflexões que nascem onde menos se ...


“O punk da integração”, o consenso na cena rock do Alto do José do Pinho

“O punk da integração”, o consenso na cena rock do Alto do José do Pinho

... Pode-se afirmar que, assim como o hip hop reelabora suas estratégias discursivas para ganhar visibilidade, “romper os ‘muros’ e os signos do estigma territorial” (Diógenes, 1997, p:.41), o punk rock do Alto José ...


Education and the hip hop movement: the field of educative possibilities for the youth

Education and the hip hop movement: the field of educative possibilities for the youth

... Os oficineiros possuíam idades entre 19 e 20 anos e estavam concluindo o ensino médio. Eles também ministravam oficinas em outras escolas, e um deles trabalhava, durante a semana, na gráfica de um parente. O professor de ...


Percursos de autoria e subjetivação: entre rodas, rimas e clipes

Percursos de autoria e subjetivação: entre rodas, rimas e clipes

... hip hop that organizes “rodas culturais”, in the complex of favelas of Manguinhos, Rio de ...hip hop movement and of recent emergence in the carioca ...


Corporeidade e sexualidade em dançarinos de rua: axé e hip hop.

Corporeidade e sexualidade em dançarinos de rua: axé e hip hop.

... hip hop and axé dancers (35 men and 49 women) in comparison with non-dancer controls (21 men and 19 women) through anonymous ques- ...hip hop dancers and ...


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