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Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет Ministry of education and science of Ukraine


Academic year: 2023

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The semantic spectrum of the image of light and darkness and their functions in the ascetic practice of the Holy Fathers was reviewed. The purpose of the article is to develop the axiological potential of light and darkness in the sacral field of the Patericon of Kiev Pechersk. Погребальные обряды по 151 chapter «Книги мертвых» / Р. The Book of the Dead or The Difference of the Day.

Key words: Book of the Dead, Ancient Egyptian religion, Ancient Egyptian gods, Children of Horus, Egyptian language. Culinary art traditions in Kievan Rus in the context of the national culture of Ukraine. The article is devoted to the culinary tradition of Kievan Rus in the context of the national culture of Ukraine.

Efimenko turned out to have a direct link with the whole general life of the people. Ukrainian icon late XVII – early XX century in the montage of the Dnepropetrovsk Museum of Art: catalog. The use of the biological design systems in the external advertising ensures the realization of an ecological approach in a design.

Key words: biological design-system, external advertising, ecological approach, eco-use tendencies.

Kdyrova Inesh, Associate Professor at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Art, Kyiv Ethnicization in the Context of the Multinational Culture of Ukraine. Actual problems of the current stage of development of Ukrainian society, treated multinationally in solid works of eminent scientists B. Multiculturalism is based on the official legal recognition of the equality of cultures of all ethnic groups living in Ukraine.

The analysis of the modern state and basic cultural progress of national minorities, growth of their payment, trends in the socio-political and spiritual life of Ukrainian society testify to the enrichment of modern culture new artistic forms and violations, formed in the process of interpenetration of ethnic cultures. Processes that occur in ethnic culture at different stages of the ethnic group are the key to understanding ethnic history, and in the latter case the key is communication and stereotypes of ethnic culture that are built. Buchkovska Olena, senior teacher of the Department of Documentary Communication and Library Business of the Rivne State Humanitarian University.

Ukrainian-Polish intercultural relations inherently strategic intensification of the highest, regional and local level, strengthening cultural, educational and humanitarian contacts. Further development of the relations and their legal basis depends on the perception and understanding of the historical experiences of both countries and to develop a common perspective on cooperation models, especially in the fields of culture and education.


The problem of these evolutionary changes in people's consciousness is becoming very important today. There is no doubt that the roots of the crisis must be sought in the sphere of the spiritual priorities of the cultural carrier. This circumstance gives even greater importance to the problems of European culture than to global problems.

Image of the world presented in the Bible was quite natural for medieval époque, but it does not correspond to ideas of ХХ century men. Opinions of both scientists are of great importance as methodological grounds for the research of the reception of sacrals. Key words: reception of sacrals, methodology, dialectics, European culture, spirituality, cultural crisis, European society, Christianity, image of the world.

The beginning of social solidarity is the result of group traumas. Formative solidarity in modern Ukraine is one of the indicators of the functioning of civil society. The media environment becomes the main and, at the same time, necessary condition for the functioning of modern Ukrainian society. Modern aesthetics of the ideal man and ways to achieve it // Non-classical aesthetics in the cultural space of the XX – beginning of the XXI century: monograph / V.

Biography is a particular concept that gives recognition to essential features of a particular historical period. The theater of the absurd became the objectification of these ideas in the second half of the twentieth century. Nietzsche's philosophy as one of the sources of his own art tries to emphasize that the theater is not the mirror of objective reality, but of a new reality: symbolic, irrational, alogical.

Reference to the graphic design of different languages ​​must encounter the evolutionary, metabolic processes of maps. The first part is written on the Gospel text of the prayer "Our Father" ("Pater Noster"). The composer believes that Ševchenko-Kobzar is a "singer of psalms" and from this position comes the understanding of the poet's texts in a musical interpretation.

The infrastructure of the formation of the Institute produkturstva as pop culture music Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century. The talent of the producer and the managerial acuity of the advancement of images and personalities in the art market is dominatyvnym in pop music culture in Ukraine in the second half of the twentieth century.




Presentation of Ukrainian old printed books and musical manuscripts of the Orthodox Church in the digital space / V. Methods of designing garden and park facilities (for example, facilities of the southern coast of Crimea). The evolutionary trends of the organization of the artistic park space in different historical periods are followed.

The sacred groves, in honor of the old gods, heroes and rulers were such natural surroundings in antiquity, and gardens. The art and architectural design of the Versailles park is based on the many terraces that decrease in the process of being far from the royal palace. The article examines peculiarities of the transformation processes in the museum sphere during the period of independence of the Ukrainian state.

У статті проведено аналіз традиційних та інноваційних напрямків у діяльності провідних музеїв регіону. Проблема «свободи і необхідності» у відношенні до дозвіллєвої діяльності, яка пов'язана насамперед з проблемою ідеалу особистості. Зарубіжні клубознавці Тімбс («Клуби і клубне життя в Лондоні», 1873 р.) і Айв («Клуби світу», 1880 р.) вказують на такі особливості англійських клубів, як «відлюдькість» і «замкнутість», підкреслюючи, що в ін. світу, клуби є організованою формою культурно-дозвіллєвої комунікації і за своєю природою є добровільними об’єднаннями, метою яких є не досягнення конкретних політичних чи соціальних цілей, а організація змістовного дозвілля» [17].

Danylenko Olha, aspyrant Kyevskoho nacionalnoho unyversyteta kulturu y yskusstv Aesthetics of food culture in the art of table setting. But food design must be consistent with meals and some common aesthetic rules. Elements of folklore (tales, epics), episodes of paintings, traditional approaches and national customs (Easter, Christmas, weddings, anniversaries) are used in the preparation of sweets.

Naipablaak // Almanac ti Ukrainian National Association para iti tawen 1982. Ebolusion ti pannakaitabon ti «Manong an» Ipapatay idi XX – ti rugi ti XXI a siglo (iti material ti Belarusian Padzvinnya. Ti nailunod iti panagadal kadagiti kapanunotan ti kategoria ti zalozhny iti kultura ti tattao ti Ukranio.

The image of the cursed is analyzed in the article in the context of the study of the category of the dead dead. The article refers to the subjective assessment of the quality of audio material in the digital age.


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