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Academic year: 2023




It reveals the nature and classification of culture, investigates the sources of Ukrainian culture, and presents a brief history of the main periods of Ukrainian cultural development.

Introduction to «History of Ukrainian culture»

  • Subject and tasks of «History of Ukrainian Culture»
  • Culture and society
  • Ukrainian culture in context of world culture
  • Specific character of Ukrainian national culture
  • Culture and civilization. Theories and discussons

Culture of the Ukrainian people in the second half of the 17th - the end of the 18th century. The culture of the Principality of Galicia and Volhynia was therefore an exceptional phenomenon in the spiritual life of the 13th - first half of the 14th century. The second half of the 14th - the first half of the 17th century was a very complex and contradictory period in the development of Ukrainian culture.

Among popular literary genres in Ukraine of the 14th - the first half of the 17th century was the writing of Chronicles. Education realized in the Latin language, and after the inclusion of Galicia (in 1722) in the Austrian state - in German or Polish. Drama was a favored form of literature in the late 17th - first half of the 18th century.

The development of Ukrainian spiritual culture had appeared in the situation of constant harassment. The 19th century was a period of serious social and economic change. Donetsk University was founded in 1964, Simferopol - in 1972, Zaporizhyan - in 1985, and later the Carpathian and Volhynian Universities.

Archaic Cultures at the Territory of Ukraine

Historical preconditions of Ukrainian cultural formation

Early cultural forms in Ukrainian lands

CucuteniOTrypillian culture

Early Slavic culture

In the cultural layers of the village of Mizyn, archaeologists had found the bones of more than 100 mammoths. Typical Trypillian settlement consisted of houses placed on a circle with a special square in the middle. Sarmatians declined in the 4th century with the raids associated with the Migration Period (Huns, Goths).

Archaeologists had found one of the settlements of this culture not far from the village of Zarubyntsi (Pereyaslav region). The main god of the East Slavs was Perun (god of thunder and lightning), Dazhbog - sun god, took care of the harvest, Strybog - god of wind and weather, Svarog - was the god of the blacksmith, Veles god of animals, Yarylo and Kolyada were also respected by Eastern Slavs. Ancient Slavs worshiped female deities. Lado was the mother of the world, LadoOZhyvo was her partner.

Among the sacred birds there were cuckoos as harbingers of the future, the dove was a symbol of love, the swallow represented fate. It means that all realms of human, divine and natural understanding of the world are intimately connected and part of the Universe.

Culture of Kyivan Rus' and GaliсiaVolhynia Principality

  • Kyivan Rus' as a new period of Slavic cultural development
  • Christianization like an impulse of new cultural process
  • Education and verbal arts in Rus'
  • Visual and mixed arts' development

In the Scandinavian crafts there were many features of the old Orus style, and in the centers of the Dnieper area the masters adopted the northern style. There were no sculptural compositions inside churches in Russia, and the divine service was performed in the national mother tongue (for the Catholic Church, Latin was the main language of worship). There were three types of schools in Kyivan Rus': the upper-type palace school (existed for the fee of the princes); the school of "book study" (its main purpose was the training of clergy and monks); secular home training school for the children of craftsmen and tradesmen.

There were a second (1116) and a third (1118) version of this chronicle. Sources of "Stories of past years": 1) oral folk creativity (myths, legends, tales, heroic epic); 2) written books (Bible, Lives of saints, Byzantine and Bulgarian chronographs, texts from ancient Greece and Rome); 3) copyright of chroniclers and written evidence of eyewitnesses. Since the 13th century, there were 50 monasteries on the territory of Kievan Rus (17 of them were in Kiev). Among them were singers of bylina (traditional heroic songs popular in the 10th century).

Since the 11th century, secular scenes began to appear in the fine arts, in religious compositions there were household scenes and ethnographic features. In cult buildings there were multiple vaulted and oval shapes (the echo of folk and pagan traditions). 4) Accelerated emergence of culture, formation of new cultural phenomena.

Ukrainian Culture of Lithuanian and Polish Period

  • Social, political and historical situation
  • Development of education and scientific knowledge
  • Ukraine and WestOEuropean cultural influences
  • Literature and arts. Printing

He was the first Ukrainian to perform an autopsy on a human body in order to understand the causes of disease and find the best way to treat it. Icons were cheaper than frescoes, and during this period Ukrainian decorators used monumental compositions (iconostas) instead of some icons in the sanctuary of the church, combining painting, sculpture and decorative carving in an organic unit. The dominant tendency of this period was an attempt to show the beauty of the surrounding world and to penetrate into the inner world of man.

Book miniature of the second half of the 14th–15th centuries. century it was associated with manuscript books. In the years 1556-1561, the monk of the Peresopnytskyi (Volhin') Orthodox monastery Mihajlo Vasilevich (from Sjanok) made one of the first translations of the Gospel texts from Bulgarian into everyday Ukrainian language for Princess Anastasia of Golshan Ozaslavska. Among the main tasks of these organizations were: raising the moral and intellectual level of the members, education and protection of the Orthodox faith.

The early 17th century was the time when, after the death of Prince Ostroski (1608), support for the Orthodox Church and Ukrainian culture stopped. The first half of the 17th century was the period when Kiev finally became the center of national culture. He was a doctor of theology, one of the authors of the Catechism (a short survey of Christian religious dogmas in questions and answers).

The Polish king Sigismund III ordered the seizure and burning of all copies, in order to close the printing house in Vilnius where the book was published. There were many literary entries, which provided information about the beginning of the written language, the origin of the name of the Russians, the formation of the Cossack state, the preservation of pagan beliefs in the ritual culture of the Ukrainian people. Song of Baida» was the original of popular poetry in the mid-OtoOlate 16th century.

The most famous Ukrainian cultural public figure of the early 17th century was Yelysei Pletenets'ky. By the end of the 16th century there were 7 paper manufacturers in Ukraine and they exported the paper to Russia. In brotherhood schools of Lviv, Luts'k and Kiev (in Kyiv Mohyla collegium) there were musical and theoretical subjects.

Ukraine and WestEuropean Cultural Influences

Education and science

Ivan Mazepa and his activity in cultural sphere

Literature and arts

In the 19th century, the Russian government did everything to prevent the development of Ukrainian culture. She was the author of "History of the Ukrainian People", "Historical Review of the Right Bank of Ukraine", etc. The development of Ukrainian music was associated with the names of prominent composers: Semen Hulak Artemovski was the author of the first Ukrainian opera "Zaporozhets" "for Dunayem".

Ukrainian Free University was the first higher education enterprise and the second scientific enterprise of Ukrainian emigration abroad (together with the Shevchenko Scientific Society).

Culture of Ukraine (19 th – early 20 th c.)

Periods of Ukrainian cultural revival

Social and cultural unities of Ukrainian intellectuals

Tsarist repressions of Ukrainian culture

Ukrainian cultural movement of early 20 th century

Most of the members were Russians and Poles, but they added national points to the programs for the development of Ukrainian national consciousness. Advanced representatives of the educated nobility did their best for the development of culture and the formation of national consciousness of Ukraine. The Tsarist Russian government ended the liquidation of Ukrainian autonomy by the end of the 18th century.

This work was the political statement of that part of the Ukrainian nobility, which wanted to renew Hetman state. High circles of Ukrainian society tried to scientifically prove the noble roots of Cossack foreman families. New type of Ukrainian theater at the beginning of the 19th century is connected with the so-called "serf theater".

The members of the brotherhood analyzed the original features of the Ukrainian character: love of freedom, natural democracy, religious tolerance and romanticism. Among them were 11 volumes of "History of UkraineORus" and 5 volumes of "History of Ukrainian literature". Ukrainian studentsMembers of this hromada edited textbooks and works of Ukrainian writers, organized national concerts and performances, spread education, founded Sunday schools and taught there.

The publication of books by Ukrainian writers was organized with the help of Ukrainian landowners Vasily Tarnovsky (elder) and Grikhori Galagan. Petersburg municipality had a special fund for donations for the publication of Ukrainian textbooks and scientific popular literature. In 1861-1862, the public political and fiction literary magazine "Osnova" began to publish works and articles by Ukrainian authors in the national language.

The development of Ukrainian literature during this period was characterized by the dominance of critical realism. Dubno Blockade» (1884), piano works and arrangement of Ukrainian songs was the major contribution to Ukrainian musical treasury. In this style of Ukrainian modern, the house of Poltava Zemstvo had been built in architect V. Krychevsky), and «House with Chimaeras or Gorodetsky House architect V. Gorodetsky).

Culture of Ukraine (early 20 th century – before 1917)

Ukrainian cultural development after the revolutions of 1917

Culture of independent Ukraine (1991– nowadays)

In March 1917, at the meeting of the Ukrainian Scientific Society, Mykhailo Hrushevsky offered to create the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Even in schools where Russian was taught, there were some compulsory subjects: Ukrainian language, history and geography of Ukraine, and history of Ukrainian literature. This was a dramatic period in the life of Ukraine, which greatly influenced the future development of Ukrainian culture.

The New Economic Policy (NEP) gave the chance for development of Ukrainian language, national Ukrainian literature and culture. But the 1930s showed the change of the cultural course of the Soviet power and Stalin's dictatorship, and the internal politics of the Ukrainian government directed their efforts towards the fight against Ukrainian nationalism and Ukrainian culture. He inspired hunting of artists and composers, battered Institute of Ukrainian history existed in the framework of Ukrainian Academy of.

The main reason for these demands were the threatening symptoms of the cultural life of the Ukrainian Republic. Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopaedia», «History of Ukrainian Literature» and multiO volume dictionary of Ukrainian language were published. By comparison, in Kyiv and the region, only 28% of Ukrainian schools and 78% schools had Russian as the language of instruction.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Honchar was one of the founders of the Ukrainian Language Association and the Ukrainian People's Movement. Archeology of the Ukrainian SSR, "History of Ukrainian Literature", "Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language", "Ukrainian Russian Dictionary" and "Ukrainian Russian Dictionary". More than that "Soviet Encyclopedia of Ukraine" and "Soviet Encyclopedia of Ukrainian History" were published in that period.

Presidential decree «Means for the development of spirituality, moral protection and the formation of healthy lifestyle satisfied main directions for the spiritual development of Ukrainian society. There are some important UNESCO sites here: SaintOSophia Cathedral and related monastic buildings (11th century), KyivOPechersk Lavra (1051), Lviv – Ensemble of the historical center (1256) and tretserkvas (churches) of the Carpathians in Poland and Ukraine.


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