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Published since February 2002


Academic year: 2023

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Peculiarities of the manifestation of the ability to perform. concertmaster-pianist in the process of ensemble playing………..59 Maria Gerega. The purpose of the paper is to present the findings of research on the peculiarities of academic and scientific communication in the context of the education of doctors of philosophy and the principles on which they are based.

Fig. 1. The structure of academic writing [2]
Fig. 1. The structure of academic writing [2]

10- every paragraph of the main part presents one

This process was relevant in the era of the pandemic, which created a new educational reality. Modern Ukrainian historiography of the history of secondary schools' everyday life in the western regions of Ukraine in the first postwar years is analyzed in this article.

16історії дитинства, котра набуває популярності

Володимир Старжець охарактеризував відбудову радянської системи шкільної освіти в західному регіоні України у 1944-1953 роках, зокрема згадав про участь школярів у відбудові шкіл та виробництві шкільного обладнання у школах Дрогобиччини та Волині.

18Окремі аспекти становища шкільництва на

Osvita v zakhidnoukrainskomu rehioni (druha polovyna 40-kh – persha polovyna 50-kh rr. XX st.) [Education in the Western Ukrainian region (second half of the 40s – first half of the 50s of the XX century)]. The development of public education in the Chernivtsi region in the second half of the 40s of the twentieth century].

24УДК 378.147

Найчастіше помилки трапляються в таких відмінках: легкий, близький, осінь, середина, ненависть, чорнозем, чотирнадцять, новий, загадка, старий, звичайний, професійний, звичайний, цегла, палата, низький, близького, друг, друг, знак , навчання, урок , доручення, запитання, доручення, читання, декламація, усмішка, знак, розвідка, літопис, рукопис, інтернат, живопис, машинопис, аркуш, кропива; під впливом місцевого мовлення в дієсловах: nesemó, neseté, vezemó, vezeté, buló, bulú, zhylá, zhylú;.

283. Екологія мови і мовна політика в сучасному

The article presents the results of the theoretical and practical research on the issue of emotional maturity as a personal quality of students in connection with the study of emotional health. The article reveals the results of studies on the issues of emotional maturity of students in connection with the formation of emotional competence.

38Несформована емоційна зрілість може

Svitlana Yatsiv, Ph.D. (pedagogy), associate professor of the Department of English Philology, SHEI "Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University". The requirements of the profession of the future English teacher assume that the specialist has the appropriate skills to effectively provide its communicative and rhetorical aspects.

52важливим критерієм прогресу людства є рівень

Ivan Vasylykiv, Ph.D.(pedagogy), associate professor of mathematics, informatics and teaching methods in the primary school department, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University GENERAL SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES TO THE EDUCATION OF PROFESSIONALS. Therefore, one of the important tasks of educating primary school teachers is to train innovative teachers with research skills. The article considers the prerequisites for a successful implementation of the musician within concertmaster activity.

The psychological competence of the facilitator is therefore no less important than his pedagogical and executive skills.

64програвання кількох тактів є помилкою. Соліст не

Трансформація звукових кодових комплексів в історії музичного мистецтва та їх особливі прояви у творчості композиторів XVII-XXI ст. До цього додаються стилістичні особливості, що зумовлюють трактування структурно-мелодичних засад, тонально-гармонічне мислення, типологічне та особистіс- філіал Вищого музичного інституту імені М. Лисенка) і успішно продовжував цю діяльність в еміграції. Встановлено, що сонатні жанри у творчості композитора є художньо-дидактично цінними зразками національного педагогічного репертуару.

The material of sonatas is an interesting example of the Ukrainian didactic repertoire in view of performance tasks (sound, style, genre, texture), but also serves as an example of bold interpretation of form and tone plan.

70Розробка (вводиться зівставленням тональності

The article reveals the contribution of Galician composers to the founding of the Higher Music Institute in 1903 in Lviv. In the 90s of the XIX century, Galician composers were the founders of Ukrainian musical societies. On the basis of an analysis of the main approaches, a definition of .. pedagogical and methodological support for Ukrainian language for professional purposes is formulated.

It was found that the content of the analyzed textbooks shows a methodical search for ways to balance linguistic and professional communication work in the structure of the Ukrainian language for professional purposes.

УДК 017.4:378.091.3

84і червоною – на білому. Критські майстри вперше

Nauka i zhyttya: suchasni tendentsiyi, intehratsiya u svitovu naukovu dumku [Symbolism of the colors of the icon. Vasyl Humeniuk, Ph.D. (Pedagogy), Chief Officer of Associate Professor of the Department of Catastrophe Medicine and Military Medicine of Lviv Danylo Halytskiy National Medical University POSSIBILITIES OF INTERNET DESIGN AS A TRAINING TOOL. This requires a change in the approach to the organization of the training of future masters of medicine for pedagogical activity and the transformation of the educational process from the level of "passive consumption" to the level of.

The article considers Internet design in the context of training masters of medicine for pedagogical activity as an educational module that enables medical students to master both professional and cultural, supra-professional competences, and for the teacher – to provide pedagogical supervision to bear on the students' activity; has a strong focus on the study, transformation and improvement of the modern social internet environment through the practical application of these competencies by students.

88педагогічної діяльності сприяє актуалізації

Larysa Slyvka, Ph.D. (pedagogy), associate professor of the primary education pedagogy department of SHEI "Vasilja Stefanyka Precarpathian National University". Oleh Yehreshii, Ph.D. (History), Associate Professor of History of Ukraine and History Teaching Methods Department of SHEI “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”. The author of the paper believes that the most valuable information that a young researcher finds in the archive are metric books.

Характеристика роботи вчителя з математично обдарованими учнями.

108пояснюємо тим, що освітня система сьогодення

The article is dedicated to revealing the historical, pedagogical and axiological aspects of the formation and development of vocational education in the USSR in the 1920s. It is found that the positive aspects of the development of vocational education in the USSR are those ИСТОРИКО-ПЕДАГОГІЧНИ ТА АКСІOLOГІЧНИ АСПЕКТИ. Resolution of the Xth Congress of the CP (b) U "On the tasks of cultural construction in Ukraine"].


120та бажань. Саме тому проблеми подальшого

122Більшість респондентів уважають, що тільки

In this article, the author examines the basic principles of foreign language teaching in aviation education from the mid-twentieth century to the present day. The reforms of the 1960s and that time in the field of foreign language learning revealed some shortcomings of the predecessors and insisted on language learning using a direct language learning method. Halyna Kuzan, Ph.D. (Philology), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the "Lviv Polytechnic" National University.

Nina Hordiyenko, Ph.D.(Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Remedial Education Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University PREVENTION OF FAMILY VIOLENCE IN UKRAINE: ISSUES AND PERSPECTIVES.

132Натомість серед відповідаючих вікової групи 40–

Закон України «Про запобігання та захист домашньому населенню» від 7 грудня 2017 року № 2229-VIII [Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 22 серпня Про затвердження типового положення про притулки. для осіб, які постраждали від домашнього та/або ґендерно зумовленого насильства"]. Ірина Кліш, доцент кафедри народної музики та вокального співу Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка ТВОРЧА СПАДЩИНА ЗОЇ ХРИСТИЧ НА СЦЕНІ М. КОНТЕКСТ.

The author provides a description of Zoia Khrystych's concert performances and opera plays; reveals the repertoire of the singer and the importance of her creativity in the development of Ukrainian musical art in the second half of the 20th century.

УДК 782.071.2(477)

Zoia Khrystych's chamber repertoire contained works from different genres and eras by a host of composers, including Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Hдndel, Christoph von Gluck, W. Zoia Khrystych made a number of vinyl recordings of Ukrainian folk songs, composed arias from. Ukrainian and foreign composers. Zoia Khrystych's students at the National Academy of Music named after Pyotr Illich Tchaikovsky included meritorious singing masters: Lidiia Zabiliasta, Volodymyr Hryshko, Liudmyla Makovetska, Olha Kaminska, Olha Fomichova, Mary Grevtsova, Iva Nosyk, etc.

Zoia Khrystych regularly participated in various international competitions that took place in Ukraine and abroad.

138чи камерне виконавство. Якщо відразу правильно

Lit. 5. Ivan Zabolotnyi, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Professor of Choral Conducting, Vocal and Music Education Department of Culture and Art Educational and Scientific Institute Sumy Anton Makarenko State Pedagogical University VOCAL-CHOIR SINGING AS A HEALTH IMPROVING ART IN THE CONTEXT OF. The report on research into the influence of vocal choral singing per person is updated, which is based on the fact that the physiological state has a health-improving effect. Summarizing the above, it can be stated that the vocal choral song aims to transform the intellectual and emotional spheres of the individual, prevention of diseases, correction and rehabilitation of student youth health.

The effective influence of vocal-choral singing as a health-improving art in the context of the theory and practice of music education can be successful only in case of reasonable use of the complex of relevant methods and techniques.

УДК 378.1

Scientific Bulletin of the Institute of Vocational Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine. Halyna Kolesnyk, Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at Lviv National Polytechnic University PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL INVESTIGATION. This emotional problem is one of the main reasons why a significant proportion of students do not participate in a distance learning course.

In summary, we must admit that the psychological comfort of the educational environment is one of the criteria for successful and effective learning.

150навчальної літератури та стратегії викладання, а

Але створення якісної інфографіки вимагає від викладача певних навичок використання онлайн-ресурсів Piktochart.com, Easel.ly, Infogr.am, Creately.com тощо.

152організації роботи. Учасники мають чітко

FORMATION OF ECONOMIC KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF 9TH CLASS IN THE WORKING COURSE WITH THE TEXTBOOK OF. The article presents and reviews geography textbooks for 9th grade for the formation of students' financial knowledge and skills, as well as analyzes the possibilities of textbooks in economic education and upbringing. Ways and methods for effective realization of economic knowledge in the contents of the textbook are revealed.

The study compares two textbooks on geography for the 9th grade, text and illustrative textbooks for the formation of students of economic knowledge and vocational guidance in the students' work with the textbook.


Fig. 1. The structure of academic writing [2]


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