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[PENDING] Wyższa Szkoła Hotelarstwa i Gastronomii (Познань, Польща) Adamas University (Кольката, Індія)


Academic year: 2024

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Opportunities and threats of the formation of the African continental free trade zone 17 Заглинська Л.В., Заглинський А.О. Politics of the state in the direction of improving the quality of life of the population 237 Танцюра В.Л. A special event of recent times on the world stage was the signing in the capital of Rwanda, Kigali, of an agreement on the establishment of the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA).

This historic event took place during the X Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union (AU). In terms of the agreement on the CFTA, the leaders of 44 of the 55 independent states of the African continent have signed their signatures. In addition to this basic document, the heads of a number of delegations signed an agreement on the regulation of the free movement of persons and the right of residence in the territory of the AU.

The process of colonizing the continent was called the 'race for Africa' because of its scale. For this reason, they are unable to make large-scale investments in infrastructure development for the implementation of the CFTA. The manifestation of these shortcomings under the CFTA is also possible.

With this plan based on lessons learned from the implementation of the previous plan, Côte d'Ivoire hopes to structurally transform its economy and achieve emerging market status in 2020.


Протягом 2009-2011 та 2014-2017 років загалом по банківській системі України спостерігався негативний фінансовий результат, але значення цього показника, як уже зазначалося, суттєво знизилося – у 6,5 рази з 159,388 млн грн. Банківська діяльність була прибутковою лише у 2012-2013 роках, що підтверджується позитивним значенням чистого прибутку – 4,899 млн. Збиток на банківському ринку у 2016 році склав близько 160 млрд грн, що є надзвичайно високим показником збитковості.

Після реалізації всіх пунктів державної стратегії основним завданням є зниження частки її присутності в банківському секторі з 55% у 2017 році до 24% у 2022 році. Доступ до ресурсу: https://dt.ua/finances/kreditna-apatiya-abo-chomu-banki-ne-kredituyut-biznes-262071_.html. Доступ до ресурсу: http://iser.org.ua/analitika/ekonomichnii-analiz/ogliad-rinku-bankivskogo-kredituvannia.

Так, за даними World Gold Counsel, з серпня 2012 року по серпень 2013 року Україна збільшила свої золоті запаси до 38,9 тонни, тобто на 6,1 тонни, що на той момент становило 6,1 відсотка золотовалютних резервів. Відповідно до Методики оцінки фінансово-економічної безпеки, затвердженої рішенням МЕРТ у «Методичних рекомендаціях щодо розрахунку рівня економічної безпеки України» від 29 жовтня 2013 року № 1277, фінансова безпека держави фінансової системи країни, в якій необхідні фінансові умови для стабільного соціально-економічного розвитку країни, забезпечується стійкість до фінансових потрясінь і дисбалансів, а також створюються умови для забезпечення цілісності та єдності фінансової системи країни [1]. ].


Monitoring, as a means of obtaining statistically reliable information and drawing up short-term and long-term forecasts, is necessary for the quality management of the process of sustainable development of the enterprise. This problem allows us to focus on the relevance of considering the use of monitoring, which implements a kind of effective integrated system of operational observation on the state of the field of science, innovations, patents and in general innovative directions in the enterprise. Based on this, monitoring of the commercial potential of intellectual technology must be carried out taking into account certain requirements, the essence of which, in our opinion, is set out in the proposed principles of monitoring the commercial potential of the ITT: the principle of systemicity; .

The application of the developed principles for monitoring the commercial potential of intellectual technologies allows in practice a reasonable revision of the strategic guidelines for the activities of the industrial enterprise for the implementation of innovations and the achievement of an economic effect that is reflected in the sustainable development of the enterprise, strengthens its position in the market, improves the efficiency of its operation. At the end of the article, we propose a number of ways to improve the tax regulation of innovative activities in the country. Property tax is a regional tax, which is why the consideration for introducing this tax discount is expedient to transfer to the country's subjects.

Currently, the formation of an innovative society based on the generation, dissemination and use of knowledge continues to act as the intellectual potential of the organization. To a greater extent, the amount of intellectual resources is determined by the level of personnel qualification, as well as by the choice of an effective management method that allows the discovery of personal and collective creativity. The rational and effective use of intellectual resources today becomes the basis for a successful management of the organization, when the global development of communication brings the process of knowledge exchange to a qualitatively new level.

The intellectual capital management system ensures continuous self-renewal and development, seeking the most effective forms of use of available resources and realizing the social and economic obligations of the company to steadily increase the surplus product and then revenues to be used for the next generation. contribution to the development of the organization's intellectual growth resources. The functioning of the organization is ensured by the continuous interaction of financial, production and labor capital, the degree of involvement of each of which will have a direct effect on the quantity of the product. The principles of their creation and consumption allow us to develop suitable technologies based on the philosophical basis as the most common basis for solving this problem.

From these premises, we provide a scientific and practical use of the system of principles for the formation and use of intellectually innovative technologies, which can be presented in the following form. The principle of systematic nature determines a holistic, cumulative consideration of the existing problem, the solution of which should create technology. At the same time, there are no important or unimportant components; ignoring even secondary factors can ultimately lead to a scientific fiasco for the researcher.

The principle of protection of rights presupposes the independence of possession and consumption of technology, the right to the object (objects) of intellectual property rights, on the basis of which it is created, is reliably protected. The principle presupposes the transfer of the identified basis for the created technologies, which can be used to create other technologies by the necessary expansion of the basis.


This avoids shipping the product from far away as shipping costs will be reduced. Urbanization and the functions of cities in the European Community - Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1992. Sustainable Urban Development in the European Union: A Framework for Action [Електронний ресурс] // Commission of the European Communities: DG Region , Brussels.

Fifth Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion – Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2010. Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion Turning territorial diversity into strength [Електронний ресурс] // Commission of the European Communities. Sixth progress report on economic and social cohesion [Електронний ресурс] // Commission of the European Communities.

Part of the reason for this increase is the large budget deficit, financed by high domestic borrowing. Gambia's main trading partners are China, India, Brazil, Senegal and the Netherlands. Therefore, one of the urgent tasks is to improve the prudential safety management (EESM) in the global environment.

There is a slightly different and more interesting approach, where the scientist [3] proposes to consider the economic category "economic security of the company" in terms of the availability of competitive advantages. Many destructive factors of the external environment led to the emergence of another well-founded approach to EES, which is called protective. Designing effective information systems Development of a strategy to ensure the company's economic security.

Carrying out an analysis of the state of economic security Management of enterprise financial security Planning measures to ensure the economic security of the. Taking into account the study of interpretations of the enterprise's economic security by different scientists, we come to the conclusion that the development of theoretical basis increases the branching of economic security concept. A structural aspect of the retail sector is that it is divided between general merchandise stores and.

The retail sector is robust and is a source of employment for about 12.3% or more of Ontario residents (Wallace 195). Deadly diseases such as HIV/AIDS are spread by travelers to the farthest corners of the globe.

Table 1  Defining Green Code
Table 1 Defining Green Code


Giving Says: An International Comparison of Tax Treatment of Donations / Charities Aid Foundation (май, 2016 г.) [Электронный ресурс] – Доступ: https://www.cafonline.org/docs/default-source/about-us-publications/ fwg4-пожертвования-состояния. 2014) Правила будут предоставлены: Индекс правовой среды глобальной благотворительности. Nexus, McDermott, Will & Emery и Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) [Электронный ресурс] – Как получить доступ:. https://www.cafonline.org/about-us/publications/2014-publications/rules-to-give-by. 2011) К политической теории филантропии Райха, Р.


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