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LSB launches research into vulnerable consumers’ experience of legal services - The Legal Services Board


Academic year: 2023

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Two versions of the semi-structured topic guide were developed: one for carers of people with dementia and one for people with dementia. We carry out research on behalf of the Legal Services Board, which is an independent body set up to ensure that consumers are placed at the heart of legal services. The research we carry out for Legal Advice aims to improve people's experiences of legal advice, and we are particularly interested in the views of people with mental health problems and dementia and their carers.

First, today's short interview to help us identify a cross-section of people with mental health problems and dementia (and their carers, if applicable) who have had experience of legal services. For those who have tried but failed - the legal services they have tried must include one of those listed below in question 10. Q10 What types of legal services have you (or someone you care for) used/tried to use. legal advice provided to you by or on behalf of your local authority).

V11. Let me ask you what type of issue you (or someone you care for) needed legal advice/assistance with. We were created to ensure that (among other things) consumers are at the heart of legal services. The Legal Services Committee has no way of knowing who participated in the survey.

LEAVE WITH RESPONDENT: Sign below to confirm receipt of

EXPLAIN THE FOLLOWING AND THEN ASK THE RESPONDENT TO SIGN BELOW TO SAY THEY HAVE RECEIVED THE INFORMATION. The interview will be an informal discussion about your experiences - there are no right or wrong answers, just asking for your experiences and your opinion. QUESTION: Is there anything else you need/would like to know before agreeing to the interview.

QB EXPLAINS: Where would you like to be interviewed and who else (if anyone) would you like to be present. My name is and I am working on behalf of Research Works Ltd, an independent market research company. The office contact details are as follows: Jill Barnett or Annelise Fagan, Project Coordinator at Research Works Limited.

The research is confidential; no one will know who participated in the survey. We like to audio record our interviews so that we have a recording of the conversation that we can use for later analysis if that's convenient for you. Once the interview is complete, we will thank you for your time in the amount of £35.

If you would like to speak to someone at the Legal Services Board to ensure this is a bona fide research project, Bryony Sheldon or email bryony.sheldon@legalservicesboard.org.uk. To check that Research Works Ltd complies with the Code of Conduct, call the Freephone Market Research Society between 9am and 11pm on Freephone https://www.mrs.org.uk/mrs/aboutmrs). Experiences of vulnerable consumers with different legal service providers – mental health service users and dementia patients (and their carers, where appropriate).

Please note: this topic guide is intended as a guideline for the discussion; the exact flow and question formulation are adapted by the moderator to the individual research participants. It is therefore possible that not all questions are asked in the order or wording below.


What was your role as a caregiver for this person in dealing with the legal issue. How did you and, if applicable, your loved one decide which legal provider to use. What was the process of getting legal advice or support for your loved one?

For those who tried and failed, what was the process and why did it fail. What else could the person you care for or their legal service provider have known, said or done to help. Moderator to request permission to record the interview, again emphasizing the MRS Code of Conduct on Confidentiality as explained.

If the respondent is uncomfortable recording stress, that's ok - ask if you can take notes instead. We appreciate that legal aid may be relevant to your experience of legal services, but we cannot make recommendations about it. Information about legal aid is available from the Legal Aid Agency at or on the website www.gov.uk.



What kinds of legal problems has the person you care for had in the past? Probe: when selecting a legal provider; in understanding the process involved; understand costs; insight into the timing involved. Sources of legal advice – what were they and how did they contribute to decision making and any actions taken.

How the person you care for would normally respond/or try to resolve legal issues. Would you go about it in a different way for yourself than to find someone you like?


Probe: Did you do this together or did you search on behalf of the person you care for. How easy or difficult do you think it was for the person you care for to find this and why. How did (if relevant also ask about carer) the person you care for find the conversation.

Is there anything that could be improved for you and the person you care for? How you were treated as a carer involved in helping the person you care for. Test: whether the legal practitioner treated the person you care for equally, or you, or both, you and the person you care for.

Did it meet the requirements of the person you care for in dealing with the legal issue and the personal needs of the person you care for? Probe: How did the legal advice affect the outcome for the person you care for. Tried and failed scenarios: why did the person you care for stop using services/what could have been done differently, if any.

How likely it is that you or the person you care for will complain, what are the barriers to making a complaint for you. The process was good for the person you are caring for and for you as the carer. What worked less well with this process for the person you are caring for and for you as the carer.

What could the person you care for have done differently that would have improved your experience? How would you rate the provider's approach to dealing with the person you care for, particularly by ensuring that they could/have made decisions?


If they were dissatisfied/dissatisfied with the service: did they or the person they care about consider complaining. If so, what should they take into account in their dealings with you as a relative and the person you care for. Probe: what would have helped you and your loved one and/or your legal provider to have known or done before you started.

What should your legal provider have asked about the person you care for's condition and how it may affect the experience for them. Confirm that Research Works Limited has been commissioned to carry out research on behalf of the Legal Services Board (LSB). Check for knowledge of LSB, referring to the letter and recruitment process that the respondent would have already received.

In summary, the Legal Services Board (LSB) is independent of government and lawyers. They were created to ensure that (among other things) consumers are put at the center of legal services. What you or your legal provider could have known, said or done differently to help you.

Before we discuss your specific legal issue, I would like to ask you about your views and experiences of legal services in general. Those who did have experience of legal services did raise that point while talking about the current/recent problem as a point of comparison. In terms of different services you can use, how do you view using legal services as an option - would you consider it a first choice when a legal issue arises or not.

Time involved in identifying correct provider - how much time was involved and why. Costs: views on the cost of legal services - what do you think about costs.


The next part of the discussion will try to gather as much detail as possible about the. I would like to go through the process with the legal department you dealt with in detail so that I can learn more about your experience. I will jot down points on paper so we can see the details of your experience from the start.

The moderator will probe as the respondent's story unfolds - please note that we do not ask the list exhaustively, but flex to the individual's capacity and ability to remember. Did it meet your requirements in terms of dealing with the legal issue and your personal needs. Discuss respondents' level of satisfaction with the experience using a scale of very satisfied, satisfied, not very satisfied, and not at all satisfied.

Tried and failed scenarios: why did you stop using services/ what could have been done differently, if anything. How likely are you to complain, what are the barriers to making a complaint to you. Probe: clarity of communication (oral and written), easy to understand, confidence in the situation, ease of knowing.

What could you or your legal service provider have done differently that would have improved your experience?


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