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Artigo: Feasibility of cone-beam computed tomography in detecting lateral canals before and after root canal treatment: an ex vivo study

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Thiago Oliveira Sousa, DDS, MSc1

Bassam Hassan, BDS, MSc, PhD2

Hesam Mirmohammadi, DDS, MSc, PhD3

Hagay Shemesh, DMD, PhD3

Francisco Haiter-Neto, DDS, MSc, PhD1

1Department of Oral Diagnosis, Piracicaba Dental School, University of Campinas,


2Department of Oral Implantology and Prosthetic Dentistry, Academic Center for

Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), University of Amsterdam and VU University, Netherlands

3Department of Endodontology, Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA),

University of Amsterdam and VU University, Netherlands

Corresponding author: Thiago Oliveira Sousa

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Radiologia Odontológica – Avenida Limeira, nº 901, Bairro Areião, CP 52. Piracicaba – SP – Brasil. CEP: 13414-903. Phone number: +55 19 2106-5361.


Introduction: The study objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for detection of lateral canals (LC) in endodontically treated premolars.

Methods: Two evaluators classified eighty extracted premolars into two groups based on the absence (n=40) or presence (n=40) of LC according to micro computed tomography (µCT) analysis. The extracted teeth were fixated in a human mandible and scanned with CBCT. Subsequently, each tooth was endodontically treated and CBCT scans were repeated. Three experienced examiners evaluated all images randomly. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were compared using McNemar test and sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were obtained.

Results: The area under the ROC curves values were 0.58 and 0.49 prior to and following RCT, respectively. These values were statistically significantly different (p<0.001). Prior to RCT sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV were 55%, 52%, 55% and 56% while following RCT the values were 33%, 61%, 46% and 48%, respectively.

Conclusions: LC detection in non-treated teeth presented low accuracy, while among treated teeth CBCT showed no efficacy. The results suggest that CBCT is not an effective diagnostic tool for LC detection.



Failure of root canal treatment (RCT) resulting from incomplete canal debridement and obturation due to aberrant anatomic composition is a clinical reality. Research demonstrates that at least 9% of endodontic failures could be attributed to complex canal morphology including the presence of apical ramifications and other morphologic aberrations (1,2). Lateral canals (LC) are ramifications connecting the main canal to the periodontal ligament that can exhibit different sizes and shapes (3,4). These canals, also dubbed secondary canals when located in the apical third of the root (5), are frequently found to be perpendicular to the main canal and represent a challenge for endodontic diagnosis and treatment since they are extremely difficult to access, clean, disinfect and fill (6). If remained untreated, they could result in lateral lesions (7), which could be misdiagnosed as periodontally induced bone loss or root fractures. Detecting LC prior to treatment or during the investigation of possible endodontic failure is crucial for determining the appropriate treatment protocol and for predicting treatment outcome (8). Additional diagnostic tools are required to detect LC since clinical observation is difficult to achieve, even with the use of operating microscope.

One important imaging method, which is currently accessible in the clinical practice is cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). It allows a volumetric visualization of hard tissues with relatively low radiation dose while eliminating superimposition artefacts of anatomical structures routinely encountered in conventional 2D imaging (9). CBCT was previously shown to reliably demonstrate anatomical variations regarding the main canal configuration (10–14). However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no investigation focusing on detecting LC. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate CBCT reliability in detecting LC prior to and following RCT.

Materials and Methods

Sample Preparation

The study protocol was approved by the institutional review board. Eighty extracted maxillary and mandibular single and multi-rooted premolars were cleaned, disinfected and kept in physiologic solution. Roots with open apex, excessive restorations or resorptive lesions were excluded. All teeth underwent micro computed tomographic (μCT) examination using Skyscan 1174 (Bruker, Kontich, Belgium) with the following settings: 50 kV, 800 µA, voxel dimension of 15.91 µm, 1.0 mm-thick aluminum filter, rotation step 0.4° and 4 frames. Two experienced maxillofacial radiologists analysed the images using CTAn software (v., Bruker, Kontich, Belgium) in order to classify the teeth according to the presence/absence and number of LC. If a consensus could not be reached between the two examiners, a third examiner would assist in making the decision. The included teeth were separated into two groups: LC absent (n=40), and LC present (n=40) (Figure 1). The widest diameter of the lateral canal was also measured in order to assess the possible correlation between LC detection and their size.

CBCT Data Collection

Each tooth was placed in a dry mandible (socket position: 29) and scanned using 3D AccuiTomo 170 (Morita Inc, Tarumi-cho Suita City, Osaka, Japan), with the following protocol: FOV 4x4, voxel size of 0.08 mm, 90 kVp and 5 mA. Water was used to simulate soft tissues as previously described in the literature (15).

Three experienced examiners evaluated the CBCT volumes independently and scored the LC detection on a 5-point rank scale: 1 – LC definitely present; 2 – LC probably

present; 3 – unsure whether present or absent; 4 – LC probably absent; 5 – LC definitely absent (16).

Subsequently, root canals were prepared with the Mtwo rotary system (VDW Silver; VDW GmbH, Munich, Germany) until file size 40. Sodium hypochlorite 2.5% was used for canal irrigation followed by administering 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA ). Teeth were filled with a single-cone technique with Mtwo gutta-percha and AH 26 sealer (Dentsply DeTrey GmbH, Konstanz, Germany) per the manufacturer's instructions. CBCT acquisitions were repeated using identical settings. The images were randomized and analysed 30 days after the first evaluation. For intra-agreement analysis, 25% of the images were randomly reviewed 30 days later. Finally, μCT acquisitions of the treated teeth were repeated, aiming to investigate whether LC were filled, partially filled or not filled.

Statistical Analysis

Data was analysed using SPSS for Windows (v. 22, SPSS Corp., Chicago, IL). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was plotted to evaluate CBCT diagnostic accuracy before and after RCT. The areas under the curves were compared by the McNemar test and the level of significance for rejecting the null hypothesis was set at 5% (α=0.05). To calculate sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), the evaluators’ responses were dichotomized into the presence or absence of LC. Scores of 1 and 2 were considered as LC present while scores 3, 4 and 5 as LC absent (16). Spearman correlation coefficient was performed to verify possible positive correlation between maximum diameter of LC and evaluators’ responses. Kappa test accessed the reliability intra- and inter-evaluators.


Accuracies were obtained from the areas under ROC curves, considering the 5 previously defined scores. The CBCT ROC curves prior to and following RCT are shown in Figure 2. Prior to RCT an area value of 0.58 (p<0.05) was obtained and following RCT an area value of 0.49 (p>0.05) was calculated. The differences between both areas were statistically significantly different (p<0.001) (Figure 3). Sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for CBCT evaluations prior to and following RCT are shown in Table 1. The largest diameter of lateral canal as assessed using micro CT was (0.14±0.04). Spearman coefficient showed no correlation between LC diameter and evaluators’ responses (p>0.05). µCT analysis after RCT showed that out of 40 treated teeth, 13 were fully filled with sealer, nine were partially filled and 18 were totally empty. Intra and inter evaluators agreement ranged from moderate (0.59) to substantial (0.67) and fair (0.26) to moderate (0.56), respectively (17).


This ex-vivo study investigated the detection accuracy of LC with CBCT prior to and following non-surgical root canal treatment. The area under the ROC curve calculated for non-treated teeth was low, while the area for treated teeth was not statistically significant. When evaluating areas under the ROC curve, an ideal diagnostic test should be close to 1.0 (with a curve distancing from the reference line), while values below 0.5 indicate no effectiveness (18). The value of 0.58, obtained in this study, before RCT, indicates that CBCT was more effective than random chance but not strong enough (18) to justify the indication of CBCT for LC detection. The comparison between both areas under the curve, with difference statistically significant (p<0.001),

leads to the assumption that presence of a root canal filling negatively influences the detection of LC. However, it is worth emphasizing that the curve for non-treated teeth demonstrates unacceptable reliability for diagnosis (p>0.05).

All diagnostic values decreased after RCT, except specificity, which increased from 33% to 61%. One of the disadvantages inherent to CBCT is the production of beam hardening artefacts, which masks the visibility of anatomical structures juxtaposed to highly radiopaque materials, such as gutta-percha (19,20). This could explain the low diagnostic values obtained here following obturation. The findings in the present study agree with other studies that investigated the influence of gutta-percha in root fracture detection (21-23). The higher specificity value may be explained by the evaluators’ difficulty in detecting LC, tending to answer “probably absent” or “absent”, which resulted in a high number of “negative” answers, consequently increasing the number of “true negative” cases (24). The relatively low intra and inter evaluators agreement, ranging from fair to substantial, also support the difficulty in detecting LC on CBCT images.

Several clinical studies evaluated and classified endodontic anatomy with CBCT. The evaluations included the main canal configuration (25–27) and even fine structures such as apical foramina (27–29) but with no gold standard. Our results emphasize the importance of a more critical view regarding the limitations of CBCT for the detection of intricate anatomical variations within the root canal system. Prior to radiographic examination, the efficacy of the complementary imaging method should be demonstrated following the ALADA principle (As Low As Diagnostically Acceptable) (30). The radiographic exposure to the patient cannot be ethically justified if the information obtained from complimentary diagnostic instrument does not aid in diagnosis.

The subjective image quality of CBCT-based images and their ability to display various features are influenced by a myriad of variables including the CBCT machine type, the FOV, voxel size, the tube voltage and current among other technical factors (31,32). In the present study, images were acquired using a high-resolution voxel size of 0.08 mm considering that the higher the spatial resolution, the higher the diagnostic accuracy (19). No statistically significant correlation was found between LC diameter and their overall detection. These findings are in agreement with Thönissen et al (33), that investigated thin bony structures by CBCT imaging using different voxel size and concluded that CBCT did not allow exact representation of the actual clinical status when used to evaluate fine anatomical structures. Likewise, we also concluded that contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), which is considered crucial to image quality (34), may have contributed to the poor LC detection. Although voxel sizes smaller than 0.2 mm represent a desirable high spatial resolution, this choice results in increased noise level on the final images and consequently a decrease of CNR (34).

Although we used a filling technique that did not include lateral or vertical compaction, aiming to result in LC as empty as possible (35) (simulating a clinical situation of failure/LC not filled), we were not able to control whether the LC was filled or not. To assess filling quality, post-operative μCT acquisition and analysis was performed. It was found that 67.5% of the LC were either not or only partially filled, while 32.5% were fully obturated. Due to the hyper dense characteristic of the endodontic cement, fully filled LC are expected to be more distinguishable on the images; however this fact did not yield better diagnostic detection with CBCT. LC detection in non-treated teeth presented low accuracy, while among treated teeth CBCT showed no efficacy. The results suggest that CBCT is not an effective tool to detect LC.

Accuracy of LC detection in non-treated teeth was low, while following RCT it was not accurate at all. Although CBCT is a helpful tool in Endodontics, ALADA principles should never be neglected. In vitro/ex vivo results should not be extrapolated to clinical situations, however this study suggests additional caution when prescribing and interpreting CBCT regarding the presence of LC, as they might be often missed, especially in the cases of treated teeth.


The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study.


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Table 1. Diagnostic tests of sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV for CBCT prior to and following RCT.

Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV

CBCT before treatment 0.55 0.52 0.55 0.56

Figure Captions

Figure 1. μCT three-dimensional reconstruction: (A) An example of a tooth with absence of lateral canal; and (B) example of a tooth with a lateral canal.

Figure 2. ROC curves for CBCT accuracies prior to and following RCT.

Figure 3. CBCT sagittal images of the same example tooth with no LC, prior to (1A) and following (1B) RCT. Images (2A) and (2B) illustrate an example tooth with one LC, prior to and following RCT. The arrows indicate the regions where LC is expected and the influence of gutta-percha artifacts on its visibility.

Figure 1


O objetivo no presente estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da TCFC e da radiografia periapical na identificação da configuração de canais radiculares; e da TCFC na detecção de canais laterais, antes e após tratamento endodôntico em pré-molares. Na avaliação da configuração do canal radicular, a TCFC apresentou alta acurácia (89%), não havendo diferença significativa com a microtomografia, enquanto as radiografias periapicais apresentaram uma pobre acurácia de 55%, com diferença estatística tanto em relação à TCFC quanto ao padrão-ouro. Na detecção de canais laterais, a TCFC apresentou baixa acurácia, com área abaixo da curva ROC de 0.58, que decaiu após o tratamento endodôntico (0.49).

A maioria dos canais de Tipo I de Vertucci (Vertucci, 1984) foi corretamente identificada nas radiografias periapicais, enquanto todos os outros tipos foram diagnosticados como Tipo I em praticamente todos os casos. Isto é explicado pela característica bidimensional das radiografias, sobrepondo as variações anatômicas na imagem final, impedindo a sua correta identificação. Nossos resultados estão em consonância com Matherne et al. (2007), que relataram que os observadores falharam em identificar pelo menos um canal radicular em aproximadamente 40% dos dentes avaliados. Entretanto, eles utilizaram duas incidências radiográficas e a TCFC foi utilizada como padrão-ouro. Portanto, outros estudos deveriam ser realizados, usando a microtomografia como padrão-ouro em vez da TCFC, para investigar se a dupla incidência, comparada a uma única incidência ortorradial, melhoraria a acurácia na identificação da configuração dos canais radiculares de pré-molares.

No presente estudo, a detecção de canais acessórios não foi avaliada.

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