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Carta de Submissão e Declaração de Responsabilidade

Conclusão Geral e Referências da Introdução

ANEXO 1 Carta de Submissão e Declaração de Responsabilidade

Aos editores da Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano. Através desta, vimos apresentar o artigo (INSERIR O TÍTULO COMPLETO). Declaramos que: participaramos do trabalho o suficiente para tornar pública sua responsabilidade pelo

71 conteúdo; o conteúdo do trabalho é original e não foi publicado ou está sendo considerado para publicação em outra revista; se necessário forneceremos ou cooperaremos na obtenção e fornecimento de dados sobre os quais o manuscrito está baseado, para exame dos Revisores; contribuimos substancialmente para a concepção, planejamento ou análise e interpretação dos dados, na elaboração ou na revisão crítica

do conteúdo e na versão final do manuscrito.

Local e data, nome por extenso dos autores e respectivas assinaturas. ANEXO 2 – Conflito de Interesse

Os autores abaixo-assinados, do artigo intitulado (informar o título completo do manuscrito), declaram ( ) ter ( ) não ter nenhum potencial de conflito de interesse em relação ao presente, submetido à Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e

Desempenho Humano.

Local e data, nome por extenso dos autores e respectivas assinaturas. ANEXO 3- Termo de Transferência dos Direitos Autorais

Os autores abaixo-assinados transferem todos os direitos autorais do artigo (informar o título completo do manuscrito) para a Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, sendo vedada qualquer reprodução, total ou parcial, em qualquer outra parte ou meio de divulgação, impressa ou eletrônica, sem que a prévia e necessária autorização seja solicitada. Os abaixo-assinados garantem a originalidade e exclusividade do artigo, não infringem qualquer direito autoral ou outro direito de propriedade de terceiros e que não foi submetido à apreciação de outro periódico. Local e data, nome por extenso dos autores e respectivas assinaturas.

72 Normas do European Journal of Pain

Manuscripts must be written in English.

Manuscript text must be saved in Word (.doc) or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Please do not submit text in PDF format (.pdf).

Due to space restrictions in the printed version of the journal, papers generally should not exceed ten typeset pages (including references, figures and tables). EJP can publish additional material online-only. Authors are encouraged to take advantage of the online- only publication option.

Suggestions for the cover inset are invited. The illustration may be from a manuscript accepted for publication in the European Journal of Pain.

Manuscript Structure and Word Count 1)Manuscript

•Title page (see further details below)

•Abstract (should not exceed 250 words, see further details below) •Text

Introduction (no subheadings, should not exceed 500 words) Methods (or Literature Search Methods for Review Articles) Results

Discussion and conclusions (should not exceed 1500 words) Acknowledgements

•Author contributions (see Section 6)

•References (limited to 80 for original manuscripts)

•Legends for illustrations and tables

2)Tables (to be uploaded as separate files)

3)Figures (to be uploaded as separate files)

4)Supporting material (additional material that will be published online-only, to be uploaded separately, see further details below)

Title Page

The title page should give:

1)The title of the article. Titles should be short and should not contain acronyms

2)A running head not exceeding 50 characters

3)The authors' names (initial(s) of first name(s) and last name of each author) 4)The names of the institutions at which the research was conducted, clearly linked to

respective authors

5)The name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the author

responsible for correspondence

6)The category for which the manuscript is being submitted (original article, review, short communication)

73 8)Any conflicts of interest disclosures (see Section 6). 9)Answers to each of the following questions in 2 or 3 bulleted statements (not exceeding 70 words): 'what's already known about this topic?' and 'what does this study add?'. For reviews only: 'database?' and ' what does this review add?'.


The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should describe the background, the aims, the methods, the results and the conclusions reached. It should contain only standard abbreviations and no references. For Original Manuscripts the following subheadings are required:

•Background •Methods •Results • Conclusions

For Reviews the following subheadings are required:

•Background and Objective

•Databases and Data Treatment

•Results • Conclusions Acknowledgements

The acknowledgements section should specify acknowledgement of technical help, but no sources of financial and material support. These should be given in the "Funding Sources" on the Title page.

Author Contributions

Authors are required to include a statement of responsibility in their manuscript that specifies the contribution of every author (see Section 6). Please state that all authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.


If you use, e.g., Reference Manager, please note that EJP has adapted its reference style to the reference style of the journal Eur J Neuroscience.

In the text: references should be cited in parantheses at the appropriate point in the text by author(s) and year in chronological order, e.g., (Mustola, 1996; Baer, 1997; Mustola and Baer, 1998; Mustola et al., 1999). If two or more references with the same first author and year are cited, use lower-case letters a, b, etc., after the year both in the text and in the reference list.

In the reference list: references to cited materials should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Please use Index Medicus abbreviations for journal titles. Include all authors. Do not use “et al.” in the reference list.


Example for an article in a periodical:

De Peuter, S., Van Diest, I., Vansteenwegen, D. (2011). Understanding fear of pain in chronic pain: Interoceptive fear conditioning as a novel approach. Eur J Pain 15,889–894.

Example for a chapter in a book:

Janes, R., Saarto, T. (2010). Oncologic therapy in cancer pain. In Evidence-Based Chronic Pain Management, C. Stannard, E. Kalso, J. Ballantyne, eds. (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell) pp. 311–326.

Example for a book:

Van Zundert, J., Patijn, J., Hartrick, C. (2011). Evidence-based Interventional Pain Practice (Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell).

Citing and listing of Web references:

As a minimum, the full URL should be given. Any further information, if known (DOI, author names, dates, reference to a source publication, etc.), should also be given. Web references should be listed separately (e.g., after the reference list) under the heading "Web references".

Personal communications, manuscripts in preparation and other unpublished data should not be cited in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text in parentheses.


All colour illustrations will be published free of charge.

All figures must be uploaded as separate files. Figure legends should be listed on a separate page in numerical order and should contain brief but comprehensible explanations.

Figures should be referred to in the text in numerical sequence as follows: Fig. 1, Figs 2–4. The place at which a figure is to be inserted in the printed text should be indicated clearly on a manuscript. Where a figure has more than one panel, each panel should be labeled in the top left-hand corner using lower case letters in parentheses i.e. „(a)‟, „(b)‟ etc., and a brief description of each panel given in the figure legend.

Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce previously published figures or tables. When an individual is identifiable in a photograph written consent must be obtained. This permission must include the right to publish in electronic media.

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75 Detailed instructions for electronic artwork preparation may be found at http://authorservices.wiley.com/bauthor/illustration.asp.


Tables should be referred to in the text in numerical sequence as follows: Table 1, Table 2. Each table, with an appropriate brief legend, comprehensible without reference to the text, should be typed on a separate page. For footnotes, use superscripts 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., not asterisks or other symbols.

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