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Checagens Preditivas da Posteriori e DIC

{ Eik[i,j] <- (Num[i,j])/(fr[i+1]/N); } } Eik <- Eik[1:(Q-1),1:Q]; Oik <- Oik[1:(Q-1),1:Q]; Schisq <- apply(((Nobs[2:Q])*(Oik-Eik)^2)/(Eik*(1-Eik)),1,sum); DFc <- Q + 1 - (p+1); print(c("s-X2",round(Schisq,3),"df",DFc));


Checagens Preditivas da Posteriori e DIC

CPP <- function(A,B,Th,p)#Argumentos: A=amostra par. a, B=b Th = tra¸cos, p = dim { Rs <- niter(A); Reps <- array(dim=c(N,Q,Rs)); AUX <- array(dim=c(1,1,Rs)); fr <- matrix(nrow=(Q+1),ncol=Rs); X20 <- matrix(nrow=Rs); X2r <- matrix(nrow=Rs); for(r in 1:Rs) { if((r%%100)==0) {print(c("Replica¸c~ao",r));} aux1 <- A[r,]; aux2 <- B[r,]; aux3 <- Th[r,]; am <- matrix(data.frame(aux1)$aux1,nrow=Q,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE); bm <- matrix(data.frame(aux2)$aux2,nrow=Q,ncol=1,byrow=TRUE); tr <- matrix(data.frame(aux3)$aux3,nrow=N,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE); Pm <- matrix(nrow=N,ncol=Q); Xr <- matrix(nrow=N,ncol=Q); for(i in 1:Q) { for(j in 1:N) {

104 Cap´ıtulo C — Algor´ıtmos

#Modelo compensatorio

Pm[j,i] <- exp(am[i,]%*%tr[j,] + bm[i])/(1+exp(am[i,]%*%tr[j,] + bm[i])); #Modelo n~ao-compensatorio

#Pm[j,i] <- exp(am[i,1]%*%tr[j,1] + bm[i,1])/(1+exp(am[i,1]%*%tr[j,1] + bm[i,1]) #exp(am[i,2]%*%tr[j,2] + bm[i,2])/(1+exp(am[i,2]%*%tr[j,2] + bm[i,2]));

Xr[j,i] <- rbinom(1,1,Pm[j,i]); } } Reps[,,r] <- Xr; #Dbar AUX[r] <- -2*sum(log((Pm^X)*((1-Pm)^(1-X)))); #Escores

frm <- matrix(nrow=(Q+1)); #Freq na repeti¸c~ao for(j in 1:(Q+1)) { frm[j] <- length(which(apply(Xr,1,sum)==(j-1))); } fr[,r] <- frm; #p-values #Valores marginais #N´os de quadratura delta <- 1; coords <- seq(-3,3,by=delta); coords <- list(coords); eixos <- rep(coords,p); theta <- expand.grid(eixos); theta <- as.matrix(theta); g <- matrix(nrow=nrow(theta)); g <- apply(dnorm(theta),1,prod); P <- matrix(nrow=nrow(theta),ncol=Q); for(i in 1:nrow(theta)) { for(j in 1:Q) { #Modelo compensatorio

P[j,i] <- exp(am[i,]%*%tr[j,] + bm[i])/(1+exp(am[i,]%*%tr[j,] + bm[i])); #Modelo n~ao-compensatorio

C.8 Checagens Preditivas da Posteriori e DIC 105

#P[j,i] <- exp(am[i,1]%*%tr[j,1] + bm[i,1])/(1+exp(am[i,1]%*%tr[j,1] + bm[i,1] #exp(am[i,2]%*%tr[j,2] + bm[i,2])/(1+exp(am[i,2]%*%tr[j,2] + bm[i,2]));

} } Esp <- matrix(nrow=(Q+1),ncol=nrow(P)); for(j in 1:nrow(P)) { Esp[,j] <- Sk(P[j,]); }

fre <- matrix(nrow=(Q+1)); #Escore marginal para cada padr~ao for(j in 1:(Q+1)) { fre[j] <- N*Esp[j,]%*%g; } Sobs <- apply(X,1,sum); Nobs <- matrix(0,nrow=(Q+1)); for(i in 1:(Q+1)) { Nobs[i] <- length(which(Sobs==(i-1))); } X20[r] <- sum(((Nobs-fre)^2)/fre); X2r[r] <- sum(((frm-fre)^2)/fre); }#Fim das repeti¸c~oes

#Dhat Ph <- matrix(nrow=N,ncol=Q); ah <- matrix(summary(A)$statistics[,1],nrow=Q,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE); bh <- matrix(summary(B)$statistics[,1],nrow=Q,ncol=1,byrow=TRUE); th <- matrix(summary(Th)$statistics[,1],nrow=N,ncol=p,byrow=TRUE); for(i in 1:Q) { for(j in 1:N) { #Modelo compensatorio

Ph[j,i] <- exp(am[i,]%*%tr[j,] + bm[i])/(1+exp(am[i,]%*%tr[j,] + bm[i])); #Modelo n~ao-compensatorio

#Ph[j,i] <- exp(am[i,1]%*%tr[j,1] + bm[i,1])/(1+exp(am[i,1]%*%tr[j,1] + bm[i,1 #exp(am[i,2]%*%tr[j,2] + bm[i,2])/(1+exp(am[i,2]%*%tr[j,2] + bm[i,2]));

106 Cap´ıtulo C — Algor´ıtmos

} }

Dhat <- -2*sum(log((Ph^X)*((1-Ph)^(1-X)))); Dbar <- mean(AUX);

DIC <- 2*Dbar - Dhat;

low <- apply(fr,1,quantile, probs=.05); escs <- apply(fr,1,mean);

up <- apply(fr,1,quantile,probs=.95); pvalue <- length(which(X20<X2r))/Rs; print("Estatistica de Teste: Escores"); print(c("p-value",round(pvalue,2)));

print(data.frame("Observados"=Nobs,"M´edia MCMC"=round(escs), "IC"=cbind("5"=round(low),"95"=round(up))));


invisible(list( "DIC"=DIC,

"Escores"=cbind(Nobs,round(escs),round(low),round(up)),pvalue)); }

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