• Nenhum resultado encontrado

O tempo e a temperatura não influenciaram significativamente (p > 0,05) o comportamento microbiano tanto na maturação úmida quanto a seco. A condução dos processos de maturação a seco e em special bag a 85% UR resultou em altas contagens de micro-organismos aeróbios mesófilos e psicrotróficos, acarretando em deterioração. O método de descongelamento não influenciou nas contagens microbianas do produto após maturação (p > 0,05). De forma geral, a condução do processo de maturação a seco a 2 ou 7 ºC a 75% UR ou a 2 ºC a 65% UR por até 42 dias resultou em contagens ≤ 5,00 log UFC/g.


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Astrid Caroline Muniz da Silva, Pâmela de Oliveira Pena, Sérgio Bertelli Pflanzer Júnior e Maristela da Silva do Nascimento.


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different dry aging temperatures on the behavior of Listeria innocua used as a surrogate of L. monocytogenes. The process was performed in boneless loin pieces for up to 42 days at 2 and 8°C. The behavior of L. innocua was influenced by the temperature, aging time, and the water activity of the beef surface (P < 0.05). After 42 days, reductions of 2.38 and 3.37 log cfu/g were obtained on the beef surface aged at 2 and 8°C, respectively. According to data predicted by the Weibull model, the samples aged at 2°C would achieve a 4-log reduction with twice the time required for the process at 8°C. After trimming, 66.7% of the samples aged at 2°C were positive for L. innocua, whereas at 8°C the rate was 33.3%. Therefore, the results showed that the increase of process time and temperature as well by decrease of the aw reduces L. innocua counts.

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