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Foi desenvolvido o primeiro banco de dados para marcadores STR do cromossomo X estudados na população brasileira, nomeado “BANCO GENÉTICO BRASILEIRO DO CROMOSSOMO X – BGBX” e disponível gratuitamente no endereço www.bgbx.com.br.

O Banco BGBX apresenta-se nas versões português e inglês, oferecendo diversas informações relevantes de X-STRs para toda comunidade científica, para a Polícia Técnico-Científica e responsáveis de laboratórios de DNA. Além disso, divulga os trabalhos realizados no Brasil e, sobretudo, facilita a busca e acesso destes por internet.


AGUIAR, S. M. et al. Rede Integrada de Bancos de Perfis Genéticos e a implantação do CODIS no Brasil. In: III Congresso Brasileiro de Genética Forense, 2011, Porto Alegre.

ALER, M. et al. Genetic data of 10 X-STRs in a Spanish population sample. Forensic

Sci. Int., v. 173, p. 193-196, 2007.

ASAMURA, H. et al. Japanese population data for eight X-STR loci using two new quadruplex systems. Int. J. Legal Med., v.120, p.303-309, 2006.

BUTLER, J.M. Forensic DNA typing. 2nd ed. London: Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. BUTLER, J.M. Advanced Topics in Forensic DNA typing. London: Elsevier Academic

Press, 2011, 680p.

CAINÉ, L.M. et al. Genetic data of four X-chromosomal STRs in a population sample of Santa Catarina, Brazil. J. Forensic Sci., v. 52, p. 502-503, 2007.

CAINÉ, L.M. et al. Genetic data of a Brazilian population sample (Santa Catarina) using an X-STR decaplex. J. Forensic Leg. Med., v. 17, p. 272-274, 2010.

CHOW, J.C. et al. Silencing of the mammalian X chromosome. Annu. Rev. Genomics

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FERREIRA DA SILVA, I.H. et al. An X-chromosome pentaplex in two linkage groups: haplotype data in Alagoas and Rio de Janeiro populations from Brazil. Forensic

GATTÁS, G.F.; FIGARO-GARCIA, C. Caminho de volta: tecnologia na busca de crianças e adolescentes desaparecidos no Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo: Secretaria Especial de Direitos Humanos, 2007.

GOMES, I. et al. Genetic analysis of three US population groups using a X- chromosomal STR decaplex. Int. J. Legal Med., v.121, p.198-203, 2007a.

GOMES, I. et al. Analysis of 10 X-STRs in three African populations. Forensic Sci. Int.

Genet., v. 1, p. 208-211, 2007b.

GOMES, I. et al. The Karimojong from Uganda: Genetic characterization using an X- STR decaplex system. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet., v. 3, p. e127-128, 2009.

GUSMÃO L. et al. A GEP-ISFG collaborative study on the optimization of an X-STR decaplex: data on 15 Iberian and Latin American populations. Int J Legal Med, v. 123, p. 227-234, 2009.

LANDER, E.S. et al. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. Nature, v. 409, p. 860-921, 2001.

LEITE, F.P. et al. Linkage disequilibrium patterns and genetic structure of Amerindian and non-Amerindian Brazilian populations revealed by long-range X-STR markers. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol., v. 139, p. 404-412, 2009.

LI, W.H.; YI, S.; MAKOVA, K. Male-driven evolution. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev., v. 12, p. 650-656, 2002.

LIU, Q.L. et al. Development of the nine X-STR loci typing system and genetic analysis in three nationality populations from China. Int. J. Legal Med., v. 125, p. 51-58, 2011.

MARTINS, J.A. et al. Genetic profile characterization of 10 X-STRs in four populations of the southeastern region of Brazil. Int. J. Legal Med., v. 124, p. 427-432, 2010a.

MARTINS, J.A. et al. X-chromosome genetic variation in São Paulo State (Brazil) population. Ann. Hum. Biol., v. 37, p. 598-603, 2010b.

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PENNA, L.S. et al. Development of two multiplex PCR systems for the analysis of 14 X-chromosomal STR loci in a southern Brazilian population sample. Int J Legal

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PEREIRA, R. et al. Genetic diversity of 10 X chromosome STRs in northern Portugal.

Int. J. Legal Med., v.121, p.192-197, 2007.

PINTO, N.; GUSMÃO, L.; AMORIM, A. X-chromosome markers in kinship testing: a generalisation of the IBD approach identifying situations where their contribution is crucial. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet., v. 5, p. 27-32, 2011.

PINTO, N.; SILVA, P.V.; AMORIM, A. A general method to assess the utility of the X- chromosomal markers in kinship testing. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. v. 6, p. 198- 207, 2012.

PRIMORAC, D.; SCHANFIELD, M.S. Application of forensic DNA testing in the legal system. Croatian Medical Journal, v. 41-1, p. 32-46, 2000.

RIBEIRO-RODRIGUES, E.M. et al. A multiplex PCR for 11 X chromosome STR markers and population data from a Brazilian Amazon Region. Forensic Sci. Int.

RIBEIRO-RODRIGUES, E.M. et al. Genetic data of twelve X-STRs in a Japanese immigrant population resident in Brazil. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet., v. 4, p. e57-58, 2010.

RIBEIRO-RODRIGUES, E.M. et al. Extensive survey of 12 X-STRs reveals genetic heterogeneity among Brazilian populations. Int. J. Legal Med., v. 125, p. 445-52, 2011.

ROBINO, C. et al. Development of two multiplex PCR systems for the analysis of 12 X-chromosomal STR loci in a northwestern Italian population sample. Int. J.

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ROSS, M.T. et al. The DNA sequence of the human X chromosome. Nature, v. 434, p. 325-327, 2005.

SASSOUNI, V. Deontofacial radiography in forensic dentistry. J. Dent. Res., v. 42-1, p. 274-302, 1963.

SCHAFFNER, S. The X chromosome in population genetics. Nature Rev., v.5, p.43- 51, 2004.

SHIN, S.H. et al. Genetic analysis of 18 X-linked short tandem repeat markers in Korean population. Forensic Sci. Int., v. 147, p. 35-41, 2005.

SILVEIRA, D. et al. Use of X-linked short tandem repeat loci in routine parentage casework. Transfusion, v. 47, p. 1050-1053, 2007.

SKALETSKY, H. et al. The male-specific region of the human Y chromosome is a mosaic of discrete sequence classes. Nature, v. 423, p. 825-837, 2003.

SUBRAMANIAN, S.; MISHRA, R.K.; SINGH, L. Genome-wide analysis of microsatellite repeats in humans: their abundance and density in specific genomic regions. Genome Biology, v. 4, R13, 2003.

SWEET, D. Why a dentist for identification?. Dent. Clin. North Am., v. 45, n. 2, p. 237-251, 2001.

SZIBOR, R. et al. Use of X-linked markers for forensic purposes. Int. J. Legal Med., v. 117, p. 67-74, 2003.

SZIBOR, R.; HERING, S.; EDELMANN, J. A new Web site compiling forensic chromosome X research is now online. Int. J. Legal Med., v. 120, p. 252-254, 2005.

TONI, C.; DOMENICI, R.; PRESCIUTTINI, S.; Genotype probabilities of pairs of individuals for X-chromosome markers. Transfusion, v. 47, p. 1276-1280, 2007. TURRINA, S.; ATZEI, R.; DE LEO, D. Polymorphism of four X-chromosomal STRs:

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<http://www.labdnaforense.org/bd>. Acessado em 09 de agosto de 2013.

UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Projeto Localizar: universidade e

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WOOD, R.E. Forensic aspects of maxillofacial radiology. Forensic Sci. Int., v. 159, p. 47-55, 2006.

ZARRABEITIA, M.T. et al. Study of six X-linked tetranucleotide microsatellites: population data from five Spanish regions. Int. J. Legal Med., v. 120, p. 147-150, 2006.



Pedido de registro do programa de computador BGBX (Página 1 do total de 3 páginas).


Artigo científico submetido ao periódico Molecular Biology Reports, em fase de revisão.

8. ASSINATURAS Araraquara, de de 2013. Aluna: __________________________________ BÁRBARA KAWAMURA De acordo, Orientadora: __________________________________ REGINA MARIA BARRETTO CICARELLI

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