• Nenhum resultado encontrado


C. Atividades Avançadas da vida diária (AAVD)

VII. Dados antropométricos

103. A Sra está satisfeita com o peso corporal?

1[ ] Sim 2[ ] Não Motivo: 1[ ] gostaria de diminuir 2[ ] gostaria de aumentar

Avaliador faça as perguntas abaixo somente após a aferição do peso e estatura real.

104. Massa corporal referida ...kg 105. Massa corporal almejada ...kg 106. Massa corporal real ...kg

107. Estatura referida ...cm 108. Estatura ...cm Circunferências:

108. Quadril ...cm 109. Cintura ...cm 110. Braço ...cm 111. Panturrilha ...cm

VIII – Medidas Hemodinâmicas

112. Pressão arterial sistólica:______mmHg 113.Pressão arterial diastólica:______mmHg

IX – Bateria de Aptidão Funcional Flexibilidade

113. Sentar e alcançar (cm) ...cm Força de membros superiores

115. Flexão de Antebraço ...repetições Força de membros inferiores

116. Levantar e Sentar ...repetições Agilidade e Equilíbrio dinâmico

117. Ir e Vir 2,44m ...segundos Resistência Aeróbica

118. Marcha de 2 min ...passadas


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The identification of the factors that interfere in the decline of functional conditions is useful in the planning of actions addressing the improvement in the conditions of the lives of elderly people. The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the relationship between social demographics and health aspects of the functional condition in elderly women of low income of the Brazilian northeast. This cross- sectional study involved a representative sample of 222 women with an average age of 70 years (± 7.1), belonging to coexisting groups and that were resident in the urban area of the municipal district of Jequié /Bahia. In order to achieve this objective, a battery of physical tests of functional aptitude was carried out previously tested in pilot study, anthropometric measurements collected with a comparison of the measures referred to the reported weight and height as well as the application of an interview with questions containing subjects related to social demographic variables, clinical conditions and health, physical conditions and behaviors. Descriptive statistics Proceedings (frequency, average, standard deviation and percent distribution) were used for statistic analysis, and the calculation of the respective odds ratio by binary logistics regression, for the analysis of factors hierarchically grouped; p<0.05. The prevalence of 56% (n=122) of women considered with moderated or serious type of functional limitations was found, In which from multi-varied hierarchical analysis, significant association was verified with the age group over 80 years (p=0.02), conditions of widowhood (p=0.04), presence of arterial hypertension (p=0.001), and physical inactivity during leisure time (p=0.03). On the other hand for functional incapacities the prevalence was of 46.8% (n=104) being associated to the increase of the age

(p=0.01), hospitalization (p=0.02), absence of physical activities along their lives (p=0.001) and the occurrence of alterations in the cognitive function (p=0.001). The normative table for the parameters of physical fitness generated conducive to health professionals in the diagnosis of health conditions and the prescription of physical exercises. The identified characteristics that are associated with the functional limitations / functional incapacities suggest a complex causal net in the determination of the functional condition in elderly women. However, actions addressed to the incentive of the practice of physical activities in the leisure time and the preservation of the cognitive function can contribute to a life with more quality for these people. This research was multidisciplinary approach to involve elements of psychology, nutrition and Physical Education in the elucidation of the object of study related to the functional condition of elderly women.

Key words: elderly health, socio-economic factors, functional limitations, physical

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